Writing a custom condition in WSO2 CEP with left and right argument - wso2

I want to extend the Wso2 CEP product in our needs and try to write a custom condition as indicated in this official wso2 cep link.
I am able to write an extension class that extends "org.wso2.siddhi.core.executor.conditon.AbstractGenericConditionExecutor" and implement its abstract method as indicated below:
#SiddhiExtension(namespace = "myext", function = "startswithA")
public class StringUtils extends
org.wso2.siddhi.core.executor.conditon.AbstractGenericConditionExecutor {
static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StringUtils.class);
public boolean execute(AtomicEvent atomicEvent) {
log.error("Entered the execute method");
log.error("Atomic event to string: " + atomicEvent.toString());
return true;
when i use this extensioned method as:
from allEventsStream[myext:startswithA(name)]
insert into selectedEventsStream *;
In this situation, i want that startswithA method returns true if the name field has 'A' at the begining of it. However when i run this query in CEP the whole event drops into my execute function i.e. there is no sign to show that i send "name" field is sent to startswithA method as argument.
How can i understand which field of the stream is sent to my extended method as argument?
Also i want to write conditions like
from allEventsStream[myext:startswith('A', name)]
insert into selectedEventsStream *;
How can i achive this?

In 'AbstractGenericConditionExecutor' there's another method that gives you the set of expression executors that are included in the parameters when executor instantiates:
public void setExpressionExecutors(List<ExpressionExecutor> expressionExecutors)
You don't necessarily have to override this method and store the list, it is already stored there in the 'AbastractGenericConditionExecutor' as a list named expressionExecutors. You can pass the event to these executors to retrieve the relevant values from the event in order.
For an example, if you include a variable (like 'name') in the query (as a parameter at index 0), you'll get a 'VariableExpressionExecutor' in the list at index 0 that will fetch you the value of the variable from the event. Similarly for a constant like 'A', you'll get a different executor that will give you the value 'A' when called.

To add to Rajeev's answer, if you want to filter all the names that starts with 'A', you can override the execute method of your custom Siddhi extension similar to the following segment.
public boolean execute(AtomicEvent atomicEvent) {
if(!this.expressionExecutors.isEmpty()) {
String name = (String)this.expressionExecutors.get(0).execute(atomicEvent);
if(name.startsWith("A")) {
return true;
return false;
When writing the query, it would be similar to
from allEventStream[myext:startsWithA(name)]
insert into filteredStream *;
You can extend this behaviour to achieve an extension that supports
from allEventsStream[myext:startswith('A', name)]
type queries as well.


Google Cloud Data flow : CloudBigtableScanConfiguration.withScan(), how to pass dynamic filter values?

SourceLocation is prefix for my Bigtable, which is fetched from application.properties. Is there a way to fetch it dynamically while running the data flow template?
My Pipeline:
pipeline.apply("ReadTable", Read.from(CloudBigtableIO.read(configSetUp(options))))
private static CloudBigtableScanConfiguration configSetUp(LocationSetupOptions options) {
ValueProvider<Integer> pageFilter = options.getPageFilter();
Scan scan = new Scan(Bytes.toBytes(options.getSourceLocation().get()));
FilterList filterList = new FilterList();
PrefixFilter prefixFilter = new PrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes(options.getSourceLocation().get()));
filterList.addFilter(new PageFilter(Long.valueOf(pageFilter.get())));
return new CloudBigtableScanConfiguration.Builder()
There are two clients for Bigtable CloudBigtableIO and BigtableIO. The CloudBigtableIO parameters are not updated to be modified by templates via a ValueProvider but BigtableIO is compatible with ValueProviders.
In your particular case if you are looking for ValueProvider to be used along with template then I would recommend that you move to using BigtableIO. A sample can be found here AvroToBigtable.
The #Default.InstanceFactory can be used to specify a user-provided factory method to generate default values for a parameter. With this, you could read the default value from a resource file inside of your DefaultValueFactory implementation.
As an example, you can check how WindowedWordCount defines DefaultToCurrentSystemTime to annotate the minTimestampMillis parameter:

Drupal 8 subscribe to an event from inside block

I am currently trying to wrap my head around Drupal 8 module development best practices. All I'm trying to do is to have a simple form Demoform on a page where a user can input an email address. When the form gets submitted I'd like to dispatch an event demo_form.save. Also I need a block that then displays the user's email address within the block (let's say sidebar second). I have already implemented an EventSubscriber before as a test, so the event gets properly dispatched etc. and I also subscribed to the event (but how to get the information inside a block) Now my question: what's the best practice for this workflow:
File DemoForm.php
class DemoForm extends ConfigFormBase {
$event = $dispatcher->dispatch('demo_form.save', $e);
File DemoEventSubscriber.php
class DemoEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {
static function getSubscribedEvents() {
$events['demo_form.save'][] = array('onConfigSave', 0);
return $events;
public function onConfigSave($event) {
This works and I can access the input from the form inside the DemoEventSubscriber class and do whatever I want with it.
But now I'd like to display the email address inside the block markup. How should this best be done ?
File DemoBlock.php
class DemoBlock extends BlockBase {
public function build() {
// here return markup with email address from form
How do I combine the eventsubscriber and the block markup ? Can Blockbase itself implement the EventSubscriberInterface and be independent from DemoEventSubscriber.php ? Or do I need to register a service that transmits the form data and then access the service within the block's build() function ? Or is there another way I am missing ?
Thanks for any input.
I am not sure what you need the event for, but to dispatch the event, use the code you have already displayed in your submitForm() function of the DemoForm class.
Because you are using ConfigFormBase, I assume that you want to store the submitted e-mail address in config, use code like from the config form documentation:
* {#inheritdoc}
public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// Retrieve the configuration
// Set the submitted configuration setting
->set('email', $form_state->getValue('email'))
// Assuming you have injected the dispatcher.
$event = $this->dispatcher->dispatch('demo_form.save', $e);
parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);
Within you block, you can then access the configuration for example with the static wrapper or inject the service Simple Configuration API
$config = \Drupal::config('mymodule.settings');
$message = $config->get('email');
Note that with this you can always set only one e-mail address. I don't know if that was your purpose. If you want to collect multiple e-mails then you should store them in the database and not in config.

spring data neo4j (SDN4) - find by relationship

I'm studying spring data for Neo4J and I've seen some examples where you just define a method in the repository interface following some standards (to find by a specific attribute) and it's automatically handled by spring. Ex: findByName.
It works quite straightforward with basic attributes but it doesn't seems to work when the attribute is actually a relationship.
See this example:
public class AcceptOrganizationTask extends AbstractTask {
#Relationship(type="RELATES_TO", direction = "OUTGOING")
private OrganizationInvite invitation;
In the repository interface I've defined 3 methods (All with the same goal):
List<AcceptOrganizationTask> findAllByInvitation(OrganizationInvite invite);
#Query("MATCH (i:OrganizationInvite)<-[RELATES_TO]-(t:AcceptOrganizationTask) WHERE i={invite} RETURN t")
List<AcceptOrganizationTask> getTaskByInvitation(#Param("invite") OrganizationInvite invite);
AcceptOrganizationTask findByInvitation_Id(Long invitationId);
None of them are able to retrieve the task by its invite property. But if I use use findAll() I can get the object with the property associated to the correct invitation.
Am I missing something ?
Bellow I have the Cypher code generated for this three methods:
MATCH (n:`AcceptOrganizationTask`)
WHERE n.`invitation` = { `invitation_0` }
WITH n MATCH p=(n)-[*0..1]-(m) RETURN p, ID(n)
with params {invitation_0={entityId=15, version=0, createdOn=1484758262374, lastChanged=1484758262374, createUser=null, lastUpdatedBy=null, email=user2#acme.com, randomKey=fc940b14-12c3-4894-b2b4-728e3a6b8036, invitedUser={entityId=11, version=0, createdOn=1484758261450, lastChanged=1484758261450, createUser=null, lastUpdatedBy=null, name=User user2#acme.com, email=user2#acme.com, credentialsNonExpired=true, lastPasswordResetDate=null, authorities=null, authoritiesInDB=[], accountNonExpired=true, accountNonLocked=true, enabled=true, id=11}, id=15}}
MATCH (i:OrganizationInvite)<-[RELATES_TO]-(t:AcceptOrganizationTask)
WHERE i={invite} RETURN t with params {invite=15}
MATCH (n:`AcceptOrganizationTask`)
MATCH (m0:`OrganizationInvite`)
WHERE m0.`id` = { `invitation_id_0` }
MATCH (n)-[:`RELATES_TO`]->(m0)
MATCH p=(n)-[*0..1]-(m) RETURN p, ID(n)
with params {invitation_id_0=15}
All entities inherit from a common AbstractEntity with and Long id field, annotated with #GraphId.
Am I missing something ?
At the moment derived finder queries support only works to one level of nesting.
We are hoping to add this feature soon in the coming weeks though.
For now you can write a custom #Query to get around this.

tt_address: add categorys of address to the template

Is it somehow possible to add the sub-group of a cetrain group the address is assigned to the html output?
In the template I have ###MAINGROUP### and ###GROUPLIST###. I can't use maingroup, cause it's not the case that the group I need is always the maingroup. And with the grouplist I can't say which group is the sub-group of the one group.
Anyone have an idea how I could do it?
And in addition to that I also need the value of a self created field in the tt_address table.
I try it like #lorenz say. What I have so far:
class tx_next_address_sort_addmarkers {
function extraItemMarkerProcessor(&$markerArray, &$address, &$lConf,
&$pObj) {
$lcObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
$lcObj->data = $address;
$markerArray['###SORTBEREICH###'] =
Extentionkey: next_address_sort
All I get is a blank screen, but no errors in apache log
No, there is no possibility to do that.
Yet you can write a custom extension that integrates the extraItemMarkerProcessorhook in tt_address. In ext_localconf.php, add:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['tt_address']['extraItemMarkerHook'][] ='EXT:myextension/class.tx_myextension_filename.php:tx_myextension_classname';
Then add a file class.tx_myextension_filename.php to your extension.:
class tx_myextension_classname {
public function extraItemMarkerProcessor(&$markerArray, &$address, &$lConf, &$pObj) {
$lcObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
$lcObj->data = $address;
$markerArray['###MYFIELD###'] = $lcObj->stdWrap($address['myfieldlikeindatabase'], $lConf['myfieldlikeindatabase.']);
return $markerArray;
This would be an example for getting a field that is in the tt_address table and adding it to the markers so they can be used in a template. It is also stdWrap enabled.
Now, instead of getting a field, you should replace $address['myfieldlikeindatabase'] with a variable that contains the information you need. To receive the data, you can use the TYPO3 database API functions ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']).

Recomputing entity changeset in onFlush listener

Consider the following schema:
tags ManyToMany(targetEntity="Tag", inversedBy="works", cascade={"persist"})
works ManyToMany(targetEntity="Work", mappedBy="tags")
works_count is a counter cache for Tag::works.
I have a onFlush listener on Work that checks if Work::tags has changed, and updates each of the tags' works_count.
public function onFlush(OnFlushEventArgs $args)
foreach ($uow->getScheduledEntityUpdates() as $work) {
$changedTags = /* update relevant tags and return all the changed ones */
$metadata = $em->getClassMetadata('Acme\Entity\Tag');
foreach ($changedTags as $tag) {
$uow->recomputeSingleEntityChangeSet($metadata, $tag);
Now if I read the changesets of the updated tags, the changes of works_count appears correctly, but they don't get updated in the database..
If I replace recomputeSingleEntityChangeSet() with computeChangeSet() then everything works as expected and the DB is updated, but computeChangeSet() has an #internal Don't call from the outside. annotation on it, so I'm not sure what the consequences are..
Every source on the internet says to use recomputeSingleEntityChangeSet so why doesn't it work in this case?
The tags are managed by the EntityManager ($em->contains($tag) returns true)
This problem was related with a bug in UnitOfWork and finally it's fixed with the release of Doctrine ORM 2.4.3 on September 11, 2014. See DDC-2996 for details.
It seems that Doctrine 2.2 can merge change sets or generate new change sets, but it needs to know which. If you get it wrong, it will either replace your existing change sets or do nothing at all. I'd be very interested to know if there is a better option than this, or if this is even right.
if($uow->getEntityChangeSet($entity)) {
/** If the entity has pending changes, we need to recompute/merge. */
$uow->recomputeSingleEntityChangeSet($meta, $contact);
} else {
/** If there are no changes, we compute from scratch? */
$uow->computeChangeSet($meta, $entity);
In doctrine 2.4.1, use recomputeSingleEntityChangeSet only if you are changing tag in the event listener AND UOW contain tag ChangeSet (Change that happen outside of the event listener). Basically recomputeSingleEntityChangeSet is a function to merge ChangeSet for an entity.
Doc from the function
The passed entity must be a managed entity. If the entity already has a change set because this method is invoked during a commit cycle then the change sets are added whereby changes detected in this method prevail.
NOTE: You need to make sure UOW already have ChangeSet for the entity, otherwise it will not merge.
For future readers, at all cost try to avoid the listeners. Those are hardly testable, your domain should not rely on magic. Consider OP's test case how to achieve the same without Doctrine events:
Work class:
public function addTag(Tag $tag): void
if (!$this->tags->contains($tag)) {
Tag class:
public function addWork(Work $work): void
if (!$this->works->contains($work)) {
$this->worksCount = count($this->works);
TagTest class:
public function testItUpdatesWorksCountWhenWorkIsAdded()
$tag = new Tag();
$tag->addWork(new Work());
$tag->addWork(new Work());
$this->assertSame(2, $tag->getWorkCount());
public function testItDoesNotUpdateWorksCountIfWorkIsAlreadyInCollection()
$tag = new Tag();
$work = new Work();
$this->assertSame(1, $tag->getWorkCount());