getting compile-time date and time without macros - c++

using c++
I compile my code on an automated schedule and need to use the time at which the code was compiled in the code itself. Currently I'm just using the __DATE__, __TIME__ macros to get the compile- time date and time. However, this causes the binaries to change even if no changes have been made to the source (macros will inflate at compile time) which is not good (i don't want the setup to think that the binary changed if there have been no changes to the source).
Is it possible to get the compile-time without using any means that would cause the source to change?

The standard __DATE__ and __TIME__ macros do what you observe, return a time dependent string.
It depends upon the system (and perhaps the compiler) and notably the build system (like GNU make for example).
A possible idea could be to link in a seperate timestamp file, something like (in make syntax)
date +'const char timestamp[]="%c";' > $#
program: $(OBJECTS) timestamp.c
$( $^ -o $# $(LIBES)
rm -f timestamp.c
The timestamp.owould then be regenerated and your programwould be relinked at every make (so the generated program will indeed change, but most of the code -thru $(OBJECTS) make variable- will stay unchanged).
Alternatively, you could e.g. log inside some database or textual log file the time of linking, e.g.
program: $(OBJECTS)
$( $^ -o $# $(LIBES)
date +'$# built at %c' >> /var/log/build.log
(you might use logger instead of date to get that logged in the syslog)
Then the generated program won't change, but you'll have logged somewhere a build timestamp. BTW you could log also some checksum (e.g. $(shell md5sum program) in make syntax) of your binary program.

If you use the compile-time IN YOUR binaries, then you will have the binary change.
There are several solutions, but I think the main point is that if you rebuild the binaries on a regular basis, it should really only be done if there are actually some changes (either to the build system or to the source code). So make it part of your build system to check if there are changes, and don't build anything if there isn't any changes. A simple way to do this is to check what the "latest version" in the version control system for the source code is. If the latest version is the same as the one used in the previous build, then nothing needs to be built. This will save you generating builds that are identical (apart from build time-stamp), and will resolve the issue of storgin __DATE__ and __TIME__ in the binary.

It's not clear to me what you want. If it's the last modified
time of the file, getting it will depend on your system and
build system: something like -D $(shell ls -l
--time-style=long-iso $< | awk '{ print $7, $8 }') could be used
in the compiler invocation with GNU make under Linux, for
example. But of course, it means that if an include file was
changed, but not the source, the time and date wouldn't reflect


Can GCC compile and run a source code without generating object or executable files?

Can GCC compile and run a source code without generating any output file (neither object nor executable), in a manner that is supported cross-platform? Especially, a solution supported by GCC directly.
I want to avoid generation of any trace file since that is a minor code in a big project. It just messes up the bin directory.
An existing question, here, provides a solution for compiling source code without generating any output file, such as:
gcc somefile.c -o /dev/null
However, this only compiles, and doesn't run.
Another similar question here provides a solution that is specific to Windows OS, not cross-platform.
A simple bash script might help:
echo 'compile... ' $1
gcc $1 && ./a.out && rm a.out
supposed it's named once, then you can do
$ sh once any.c
to compile any.c and just run it once.
You can also make once executable with chmod +x once so you can just type
$ once any.c
Hope it helps ;)
In order to compile and run the C / C++ program and then remove the compiled file, you should add a function to delete the program after it is executed.
Here is a link to an example of a program that deletes itself.
Click Here
In your case (you want to avoid cluttering the build tree), a practically useful solution might be to have some convention about temporary executables.
For example, you could decide that every intermediate executable or file is named *.tmp or _* or *.tmpbin (for temporary binaries) and have some Makefile rules which removes them. Or you could use mktemp(1) in your Makefile to get a temporary file name. Don't forget to remove it later.
Also, most big projects have a compilation step and an installing step (often make install); and if you don't have that you probably should. You want your installing step to avoid installing the temporary binaries or files; with some naming convention this is quite simple: the first command for install phony target in your Makefile would remove these temporary binaries or files.
Also, you generally build in a file tree different of the final bin/ directory, so you could leave the temporary executables in the build tree.
As several people noticed, removing its own executable is easy on Linux (do a readlink(2) on "/proc/self/exe" (see proc(5) for details) then unlink(2) the result of readlink....) but difficult on Windows.
So practically your question is not a very important issue.... (if you use suitable build conventions). And GCC work on files (because it will run ld internally to build that executable file); however GCCJIT is hiding them. AFAIK, you won't even be able to use /dev/stdout as the executable output of gcc (but you can run gcc -x c /dev/stdin to compile C code from stdin). So GCC cannot avoid making an executable file (but you could have it temporary, or in a tmpfs file system or a FUSE one). So you need something external to your gcc command (perhaps simple an rm in some following line of your Makefile) to remove the produced executable.
You could also decide to have (dynamically loaded) plugins (e.g. use dlopen(3) on Linux). Your main program could load a plugin (with  dlopen on Linux) - perhaps even after having generated dynamically its C++ code and having compiled that generated code into e.g. some shared object .so on Linux (or some DLL on Windows), as I do in MELT -, run functions in it obtained with dlsym, and unload the plugin (with dlclose on Linux) and finally remove it. You might use cross-platform frameworks like Qt or POCO to avoid dealing with OS specific plugin code.
For c gcc/g++ filname.c && ./a.out && rm a.out
For c++ g++ filename.cpp && ./a.out && rm a.out

How do I define a dependency graph with unknown intermediate node names?

I'm using a tool chain where I do not know the names of all of the intermediate files.
E.g. I know that I start out with a foo.s, and go through several steps to get a foo.XXXX.sym and a foo.XXXX.hex, buried way down deep. And then running other tools on foo.XXXX.hex and foo.XXXX.sym, I eventually end up with something like final.results.
But, the trouble is that I don't know what the XXXX is. It is derived from some other parameters, but may be significantly transformed away from them.
Now, after running the tool/steps that generate foo.XXXX.{sym,hex}, I now typically scan the overall result directory looking for foo.*.{sym,hex}. I.e. I have code that can recognize the intermediate outputs, I just don't know exactly what the names will be.
I typically use make or scons - actually, I prefer scons, but my team highly prefers make. I'm open to other build tools.
What I want to do is be able to say (1) "make final.results", or "scons final.results", (2) and have it scan over the partial tree; (3) figure out that, while it does not know the full path, it definitely knows that it has to run the first step, (4) after that first step, look for and find the foo.XXX.* files; (5) and plug those into the dependency tree.
I.e. I want to finish building the dependency tree after the build has already started.
A friend got frustrated enough with scons' limitations in this area that he wrote his own build tool. Unfortunately it is proprietary.
I guess that I can create a first build graph, say in make with many .PHONY targets, and then after I get through the first step, generate a new makefile with the new names, and have the first make invoke the newly generated second makefile. Seems clumsy. Is there any more elegant way?
GNU make has an "auto-rexec" feature that you might be able to make use of. See How Makefiles Are Remade
After make finishes reading all the makefiles (both the ones found automatically and/or on the command line, as well as all included makefiles), it will try to rebuild all its makefiles (using the rules it knows about). If any of those makefiles are automatically rebuilt, then make will re-exec itself so it can re-read the newest versions of the makefiles/included files, and starts over (including re-trying to build all the makefiles).
It seems to me that you should be able to do something with this. You can write in your main makefile and "-include" for example, and then have a rule that builds "" by invoking the tool on foo.s, then running your "recognized the next step" code and generate a "" file which defines a rule for the intermediate output that got created. Something like (due to lack of specificity in your question I can't give true examples you understand):
SRCS = foo.s bar.s baz.s
-include $(patsubst %.s,,$(SRCS)) %.s
<compile> '$<'
<recognize output and generate makefile> > '$#'
Now when make runs it will see that is out of date (if it is) using normal algorithms and it will rebuild, which as a "side effect" causes the foo.s file to be compiled.
And of course, the "" file can include ANOTHER file, which can recognize the next step, if necessary.
I'm not saying this will be trivial but it seems do-able based on your description.
Make constructs the graph before running any rule, so there won't be a perfect answer. Here are some reasonably clean solutions.
1) use PHONY intermediates and wildcards in the commands. (You can't use Make wildcards because make expands them before running rules.)
final.results: middle
# build $# using $(shell ls foo.*.sym) and $(shell ls foo.*.hex)
.PHONY: middle
middle: foo.s
# build foo.XXXX.sym and foo.XXXX.hex from $<
2) Use recursive Make (which is not as bad as people say, and sometimes very useful.)
SYM = $(wildcard foo.*.sym)
HEX = $(wildcard foo.*.hex)
# Note that this is is the one you should "Make".
# I've put it first so it'll be the default.
.PHONY: first-step
first-step: foo.s
# build foo.XXXX.sym and foo.XXXX.hex from $<
#$(MAKE) -s final.results
# build $# using $(SYM) and $(HEX)
3) Similar to 2, but have a rule for the makefile which will cause Make to run a second time.
SYM = $(wildcard foo.*.sym)
HEX = $(wildcard foo.*.hex)
# build $# using $(SYM) and $(HEX)
Makefile: foo.s
# build foo.XXXX.sym and foo.XXXX.hex from $<
#touch $#

CXXSources-- what are they?

I'm new to compiling C/C++ with the aid of make. I downloaded an open source project and noticed that there is in the make file CXXSources and CXXObjects. I think I understand roughly what the make file is doing with them but...
I don't have any of the source files listed under CXXSources. Are these like dependences I'm supposed to know how to find? Is there any custom as to what CXXSource is versus just Source?
Added link to project:
More specifically, the GML parser, eg.
It seems to be getting stuck on the line:
gml_to_graph : $(CXXOBJECTS) gml_scanner.o gml_parser.o
$(CXX) -o gml_to_graph_demo $(CXXOBJECTS) gml_parser.o gml_scanner.o -L$(LEDADIR)/lib -lG -lL -lm
The $CXXObjects is defined by
So I need, it seems. Or maybe I'm wrong?
Usually, the variables are set before the point where you see them. This could be
(a) via the environment
(b) before including the quoted makefile
(c) in the quoted makefile, but preceding the location quoted
To see (verbosely) what GNU make takes into account, do:
make -Bn
(it will show everything that _would get executed)
Even more verbose:
make -p all
It will show you all the internal variable expansions.
If you post a link or more information, we will be able to come up with less generic (and hence possibly less confusing) answers

Best practice for dependencies on #defines?

Is there a best practice for supporting dependencies on C/C++ preprocessor flags like -DCOMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO? Here's my problem:
> make <Make system reads environment, sets -DCOMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO>
<Compiles nothing, since no source file has changed>
What I would like to do is have all files that rely on #ifdef statements get recompiled:
> make
g++ FileWithIfdefFoo.cpp
What I do not want to is have to recompile everything if the value of COMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO has not changed.
I have a primitive Python script working (see below) that basically writes a header file FooDefines.h and then diffs it to see if anything is different. If it is, it replaces FooDefines.h and then the conventional source file dependency takes over. The define is not passed on the command line with -D. The disadvantage is that I now have to include FooDefines.h in any source file that uses the #ifdef, and also I have a new, dynamically generated header file for every #ifdef. If there's a tool to do this, or a way to avoid using the preprocessor, I'm all ears.
import os, sys
def makeDefineFile(filename, text):
tmpDefineFile = "/tmp/%s%s"%(os.getenv("USER"),filename) #Use os.tempnam?
existingDefineFile = filename
output = open(tmpDefineFile,'w')
status = os.system("diff -q %s %s"%(tmpDefineFile, existingDefineFile))
def checkStatus(status):
failed = False
if os.WIFEXITED(status):
#Check return code
returnCode = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
failed = returnCode != 0
#Caught a signal, coredump, etc.
failed = True
return failed,status
#If we failed for any reason (file didn't exist, different, etc.)
if checkStatus(status)[0]:
#Copy our tmp into the new file
status = os.system("cp %s %s"%(tmpDefineFile, existingDefineFile))
failed,status = checkStatus(status)
print failed, status
if failed:
print "ERROR: Could not update define in"
This is certainly not the nicest approach, but it would work:
find . -name '*cpp' -o -name '*h' -exec grep -l COMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO {} \; | xargs touch
That will look through your source code for the macro COMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO, and "touch" each file, which will update the timestamp. Then when you run make, those files will recompile.
If you have ack installed, you can simplify this command:
ack -l --cpp COMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO | xargs touch
I don't believe that it is possible to determine automagically. Preprocessor directives don't get compiled into anything. Generally speaking, I expect to do a full recompile if I depend on a define. DEBUG being a familiar example.
I don't think there is a right way to do it. If you can't do it the right way, then the dumbest way possible is probably the your best option. A text search for COMPILE_WITH_FOO and create dependencies that way. I would classify this as a shenanigan and if you are writing shared code I would recommend seeking pretty significant buy in from your coworkers.
CMake has some facilities that can make this easier. You would create a custom target to do this. You may trade problems here though, maintaining a list of files that depend on your symbol. Your text search could generate that file if it changed though. I've used similar techniques checking whether I needed to rebuild static data repositories based on wget timestamps.
Cheetah is another tool which may be useful.
If it were me, I think I'd do full rebuilds.
Your problem seems tailor-made to treat it with autoconf and autoheader, writing the values of the variables into a config.h file. If that's not possible, consider reading the "-D" directives from a file and writing the flags into that file.
Under all circumstances, you have to avoid builds that depend on environment variables only. You have no way of telling when the environment changed. There is a definitive need to store the variables in a file, the cleanest way would be by autoconf, autoheader and a source and multiple build trees; the second-cleanest way by re-configure-ing for each switch of compile context; and the third-cleanest way a file containing all mutable compiler switches on which all objects dependant on these switches depend themselves.
When you choose to implement the third way, remember not to update this file unnecessarily, e.g. by constructing it in a temporary location and copying it conditionally on diff, and then make rules will be capable of conditionally rebuilding your files depending on flags.
One way to do this is to store each #define's previous value in a file, and use conditionals in your makefile to force update that file whenever the current value doesn't match the previous. Any files which depend on that macro would include the file as a dependency.
Here is an example. It will update file.o if either file.c changed or the variable COMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO is different from last time. It uses $(shell ) to compare the current value with the value stored in the file envvars/COMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO. If they are different, then it creates a command for that file which depends on force, which is always updated.
file.o: file.c envvars/COMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO
ifneq ($(strip $(shell cat envvars/COMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO 2> /dev/null)), $(strip $(COMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO)))
force: ;
envvars/COMPILE_WITHOUT_FOO: force
If you want to support having macros undefined, you will need to use the ifdef or ifndef conditionals, and have some indication in the file that the value was undefined the last time it was run.
Jay pointed out that "make triggers on date time stamps on files".
Theoretically, you could have your main makefile, call it m1, include variables from a second makefile called m2. m2 would contain a list of all the preprocessor flags.
You could have a make rule for your program depend on m2 being up-to-date.
the rule for making m2 would be to import all the environment variables ( and thus the #include directives ).
the trick would be, the rule for making m2 would detect if there was a diff from the previous version. If so, it would enable a variable that would force a "make all" and/or make clean for the main target. otherwise, it would just update the timestamp on m2 and not trigger a full remake.
finally, the rule for the normal target (make all ) would source in the preprocessor directives from m2 and apply them as required.
this sounds easy/possible in theory, but in practice GNU Make is much harder to get this type of stuff to work. I'm sure it can be done though.
make triggers on date time stamps on files. A dependent file being newer than what depends on it triggers it to recompile. You'll have to put your definition for each option in a separate .h file and ensure that those dependencies are represented in the makefile. Then if you change an option the files dependent on it would be recompiled automatically.
If it takes into account include files that include files you won't have to change the structure of the source. You could include a "BuildSettings.h" file that included all the individual settings files.
The only tough problem would be if you made it smart enough to parse the include guards. I've seen problems with compilation because of include file name collisions and order of include directory searches.
Now that you mention it I should check and see if my IDE is smart enough to automatically create those dependencies for me. Sounds like an excellent thing to add to an IDE.

How can you force recompilation of a single file in a Makefile?

The idea is that a project has a single file with __DATE__ and __TIME__ in it. It might be cool to have it recompiled without explicitly changing its modification date.
edit: $(shell touch -c ..) might be a good solution if only clumsy.
The standard idiom is to have the object file (not the source file!) depend on a target which doesn't exist and has no rules or dependencies (this target is conventionally called FORCE), like this
always-recompile.o: FORCE
This will break if a file named "FORCE" gets created somehow, though. With GNU make you can instead use the special target .PHONY, which doesn't have this limitation, but does require you to have an explicit rule to rebuild that file:
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o always-recompile.o always-recompile.c
.PHONY: always-recompile.o
See for more details.
One way to do this is to delete the corresponding object file (.o or .obj) before running make. This will trigger a recompile (and relink) without changing the source file modification date.