I am rewriting a code I had developed in python into c++ mainly for an improvement in speed; while also hoping to gain more experience in this language. I also plan on using openMP to parallelize this code onto 48 cores which share 204GB of memory.
The program I am writing is simple, I import an hdf5 file which is 3D :
A[T][X][E], where T is associated to each timestep from a simulation, X represents where the field is measured, and E(0:2) represents the electric field in x,y,z.
Each element in A is a double, and the bin sizes span: A[15000][80][3].
The first hiccup I have run into is inputting this 'large' h5 file into an array and would like a professional opinion before I continue. My first attempt:
#define RANK 3
#define DIM1 15001
#define DIM2 80
#define DIM3 3
using namespace std;
int main (void)
// Define HDF5 variables for opening file.
hid_t file1, dataset1;
double bufnew[DIM1][DIM2][DIM3];
herr_t ret;
uint i, j, k;
file1 = H5Fopen (FILE1, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);
dataset1 = H5Dopen (file1, "EFieldOnLine", H5P_DEFAULT);
ret = H5Dread (dataset1, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
H5P_DEFAULT, bufnew);
cout << "Let's try dumping 0->100 elements" << endl;
for(i=1; i < 100; i++) cout << bufnew[i][20][2] << endl;
which leads to a segmentation fault from array declaration. My next move was to use either a 3D array (new), or a 3D vector. However, I have seen much debate against these methods, and more importantly, I only need ONE component of the E, i.e. I would like to reshape A[T][X][E] -> B[T][X] for say, the x-component of E.
Sorry for the lengthy post, but I wanted to be as clear as possible and would like to emphasize again that I am interested in learning how to write the fastest, and most efficient code.
I appreciate all of your suggestions, time and wisdom.
Defining an array as a local variable means allocating it on stack. The stack is usually limited with several megabytes, and stack overflow surely leads to a segfault. Large data structures should be allocated at heap dynamically (using new operator) or statically (when defined as global variables).
I wouldn't advise to make a vector of vectors of vectors for such dimensions.
Instead, creating a one-dimensional array to store all values
double *bufnew = new double[DIM1*DIM2*DIM3];
and accessing it with the following formula to calculate linear position of a given 3D item
bufnew[(T*DIM2+X)*DIM3+E] = ... ; // bufnew[T][X][E]
should work ok.
Suppose I have an stl::array<float, 24> foo which is the linearized STL pendant to a Column-Major format arrayfire array, e.g. af::array bar = af::array(4,3,2, 1, f32);. So I have an af::dim4 object dims with the dimensions of bar, I have up to 4 af::seq-objects and I have the linearized array foo.
How is it possible to get explicitly the indices of foo (i.e. linearized version of bar) representing e.g. the 2.nd and 3.rd row, i.e. bar(af::seq(1,2), af::span, af::span, af::span)? I have a small code example given below, which shows what I want. In the end I also explain why I want this.
af::dim4 bigDims = af::dim4(4,3,2);
stl::array<float, 24> foo; // Resides in RAM and is big
float* selBuffer_ptr; // Necessary for AF correct type autodetection
stl::vector<float> selBuffer;
// Load some data into foo
af::array selection; // Resides in VRAM and is small
af::seq selRows = af::seq(1,2);
af::seq selCols = af::seq(bigDims[1]); // Emulates af::span
af::seq selSlices = af::seq(bigDims[2]); // Emulates af::span
af::dim4 selDims = af::dim4(selRows.size, selCols.size, selSlices.size);
dim_t* linIndices;
// Magic functionality getting linear indices of the selection
// selRows x selCols x selSlices
// Assign all indexed elements to a consecutive memory region in selBuffer
// I know their positions within the full dataset, b/c I know the selection ranges.
selBuffer_ptr = static_cast<float> &(selBuffer[0]);
selection = af::array(selDims, selBuffer_ptr); // Copies just the selection to the device (e.g. GPU)
// Do sth. with selection and be happy
// I don't need to write back into the foo array.
Arrayfire must have such a logic implemented in order to access elements and I found several related classes/functions such as af::index, af::seqToDims, af::gen_indexing, af::array::operator() - however I couldn't figure an easy way out yet.
I thought about basically reimplementing the operator(), so that it would work similarly but not require a reference to an array-object. But this might be wasted effort if there is an easy way in the arrayfire-framework.
The reason I want to do so is because arrayfire does not allow to store data only in main memory (CPU-context) while being linked against a GPU backend. Since I have a big chunk of data that needs to be processed only piece by piece and the VRAM is quite limited, I'd like to instantiate af::array-objects ad-hoc from an stl-container which always resided in main memory.
Of course I know that I could program some index magic to work around my problem but I'd like to use quite complicated af::seq objects which could make an efficient implementation of the index logic complicated.
After a discussion with Pavan Yalamanchili on Gitter I managed to get a working piece of code that I want to share in case anybody else needs to hold his variables only in RAM and copy-on-use parts of it to VRAM, i.e. the Arrayfire universe (if linked against OpenCL on GPU or Nvidia).
This solution will also help anybody who is using AF somewhere else in his project anyways and who wants to have a convenient way of accessing a big linearized N-dim array with (N<=4).
// Compile as: g++ -lafopencl malloc2.cpp && ./a.out
#include <stdio.h>
#include <arrayfire.h>
#include <af/util.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#define M 3
#define N 12
#define O 2
#define SIZE M*N*O
int main() {
int _foo; // Dummy variable for pausing program
double* a = new double[SIZE]; // Allocate double array on CPU (Big Dataset!)
for(long i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) // Fill with entry numbers for easy debugging
a[i] = 1. * i + 1;
std::cin >> _foo; // Pause
std::cout << "Full array: ";
// Display full array, out of convenience from GPU
// Don't use this if "a" is really big, otherwise you'll still copy all the data to the VRAM.
af::array ar = af::array(M, N, O, a); // Copy a RAM -> VRAM
std::cin >> _foo; // Pause
// Select a subset of the full array in terms of af::seq
af::seq seq0 = af::seq(1,2,1); // Row 2-3
af::seq seq1 = af::seq(2,6,2); // Col 3:5:7
af::seq seq2 = af::seq(1,1,1); // Slice 2
// BEGIN -- Getting linear indices
af::array aidx0 = af::array(seq0);
af::array aidx1 = af::array(seq1).T() * M;
af::array aidx2 = af::reorder(af::array(seq2), 1, 2, 0) * M * N;
af::array aglobal_idx = aidx0 + aidx1 + aidx2;
aglobal_idx = af::flat(aglobal_idx).as(u64);
// END -- Getting linear indices
// Copy index list VRAM -> RAM (for easier/faster access)
uintl* global_idx = new uintl[aglobal_idx.dims(0)];
// Copy all indices into a new RAM array
double* a_sub = new double[aglobal_idx.dims(0)];
for(long i = 0; i < aglobal_idx.dims(0); i++)
a_sub[i] = a[global_idx[i]];
// Generate the "subset" array on GPU & diplay nicely formatted
af::array ar_sub = af::array(seq0.size, seq1.size, seq2.size, a_sub);
std::cout << "Subset array: "; // living on seq0 x seq1 x seq2
return 0;
g++ -lafopencl malloc2.cpp && ./a.out
Full array: ar
[3 12 2 1]
1.0000 4.0000 7.0000 10.0000 13.0000 16.0000 19.0000 22.0000 25.0000 28.0000 31.0000 34.0000
2.0000 5.0000 8.0000 11.0000 14.0000 17.0000 20.0000 23.0000 26.0000 29.0000 32.0000 35.0000
3.0000 6.0000 9.0000 12.0000 15.0000 18.0000 21.0000 24.0000 27.0000 30.0000 33.0000 36.0000
37.0000 40.0000 43.0000 46.0000 49.0000 52.0000 55.0000 58.0000 61.0000 64.0000 67.0000 70.0000
38.0000 41.0000 44.0000 47.0000 50.0000 53.0000 56.0000 59.0000 62.0000 65.0000 68.0000 71.0000
39.0000 42.0000 45.0000 48.0000 51.0000 54.0000 57.0000 60.0000 63.0000 66.0000 69.0000 72.0000
[2 3 1 1]
44.0000 50.0000 56.0000
45.0000 51.0000 57.0000
The solution uses some undocumented AF functions and is supposedly slow due to the for loop running over global_idx, but so far its really the best one can do if on wants to hold data in the CPU context exclusively and share only parts with the GPU context of AF for processing.
If anybody knows a way to speed this code up, I'm still open for suggestions.
I am trying to code a multicode Markov Chain in C++ and while I am trying to take advantage of the many CPUs (up to 24) to run a different chain in each one, I have a problem in picking a right container to gather the result the numerical evaluations on each CPU. What I am trying to measure is basically the average value of an array of boolean variables. I have tried coding a wrapper around a `std::vector`` object looking like that:
struct densityStack {
vector<int> density; //will store the sum of boolean varaibles
int card; //will store the amount of elements we summed over for normalizing at the end
densityStack(int size){ //constructor taking as only parameter the size of the array, usually size = 30
density = vector<int> (size, 0);
card = 0;
void push_back(vector<int> & toBeAdded){ //method summing a new array (of measurements) to our stack
for(auto valStack = density.begin(), newVal = toBeAdded.begin(); valStack != density.end(); ++valStack, ++ newVal)
*valStack += *newVal;
void savef(const char * fname){ //method outputting into a file
ofstream out(fname);
out << card << "\n"; //saving the cardinal in first line
for(auto val = density.begin(); val != density.end(); ++val)
out << << (double) *val/card << "\n";
Then, in my code I use a single densityStack object and every time a CPU core has data (can be 100 times per second) it will call push_back to send the data back to densityStack.
My issue is that this seems to be slower that the first raw approach where each core stored each array of measurement in file and then I was using some Python script to average and clean (I was unhappy with it because storing too much information and inducing too much useless stress on the hard drives).
Do you see where I can be losing a lot of performance? I mean is there a source of obvious overheading? Because for me, copying back the vector even at frequencies of 1000Hz should not be too much.
How are you synchronizing your shared densityStack instance?
From the limited info here my guess is that the CPUs are blocked waiting to write data every time they have a tiny chunk of data. If that is the issue, a simple technique to improve performance would be to reduce the number of writes. Keep a buffer of data for each CPU and write to the densityStack less frequently.
So I'm taking an assembly course and have been tasked with making a benchmark program for my computer - needless to say, I'm a bit stuck on this particular piece.
As the title says, we're supposed to create a function to read from 5x108 different array elements, 4 bytes each time. My only problem is, I don't even think it's possible for me to create an array of 500 million elements? So what exactly should I be doing? (For the record, I'm trying to code this in C++)
//Benchmark Program in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
clock_t t1,t2;
int readTemp;
int* arr = new int[5*100000000];
cout << "Memory Test"
<< endl;
for(long long int j=0; j <= 500000000; j+=1)
readTemp = arr[j];
float diff ((float)t2-(float)t1);
float seconds = diff / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
cout << "Time Taken: " << seconds << " seconds" <<endl;
Your system tries to allocate 2 billion bytes (1907 MiB), while the maximum available memory for Windows is 2 gigabytes (2048 MiB). These numbers are very close. It's likely your system has allocated the remaining 141 MiB for other stuff. Even though your code is very small, OS is pretty liberal in allocation of the 2048 MiB address space, wasting large chunks for e.g. the following:
C++ runtime (standard library and other libraries)
Stack: OS allocates a lot of memory to support recursive functions; it doesn't matter that you don't have any
Paddings between virtual memory pages
Paddings used just to make specific sections of data appear at specific addresses (e.g. 0x00400000 for lowest code address, or something like that, is used in Windows)
Padding used to randomize the values of pointers
There's a Windows application that shows a memory map of a running process. You can use it by adding a delay (e.g. getchar()) before the allocation and looking at the largest contiguous free block of memory at that point, and which allocations prevent it from being large enough.
The size is possible :
5 * 10^8 * 4 = ~1.9 GB.
First you will need to allocate your array (dynamically only ! There's no such stack memory).
For your task the 4 bytes is the size of an interger, so you can do it
int* arr = new int[5*100000000];
Alternatively, if you want to be more precise, you can allocate it as bytes
int* arr = new char[5*4*100000000];
Next, you need to make the memory dirty (meaning write something into it) :
Now, you can benchmark cache misses (I'm guessing that's what it's intended in such a huge array) :
int randomIndex= GetRandomNumberBetween(0,5*100000000-1); // make your own random implementation
int bytes = arr[randomIndex]; // access 4 bytes through integer
If you want 5* 10 ^8 accesses randomly you can make a knuth shuffle inside your getRandomNumber instead of using pure random.
I'd like to improve performance of my Dynamic Linked Library (DLL).
For that I want to use lookup tables of cos() and sin() as I use a lot of them.
As I want maximum performance, I want to create a table from 0 to 2PI that contains the resulting cos and sin computations.
For a good result in term of precision, I think tables of 1 mb for each function is a good trade between size and precision.
I would like to know how to create and uses these tables without using an external file (as it is a DLL) : I want to keep everything within one file.
Also I don't want to compute the sin and cos function when the plugin starts : they have to be computed once and put in a standard vector.
But how do I do that in C++?
EDIT1: code from jons34yp is very good to create the vector files.
I did a small benchmark and found that if you need good precision and good speed you can do a 250000 units vector and linear interpolate between them you will have a 7.89E-11 max error (!) and it is the fastest between all the approximations I tried (and it is more than 12x faster than sin() (13,296 x faster exactly)
Easiest solution is to write a separate program that creates a .cc file with definition of your vector.
For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
int main()
std::ofstream out("values.cc");
out << "#include \"static_values.h\"\n";
out << "#include <vector>\n";
out << "std::vector<float> pi_values = {\n";
out << std::precision(10);
// We only need to compute the range from 0 to PI/2, and use trigonometric
// transformations for values outside this range.
double range = 3.141529 / 2;
unsigned num_results = 250000;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_results; i++) {
double value = (range / num_results) * i;
double res = std::sin(value);
out << " " << res << ",\n";
out << "};\n"
Note that this is unlikely to improve performance, since a table of this size probably won't fit in your L2 cache. This means a large percentage of trigonometric computations will need to access RAM; each such access costs roughly several hundreds of CPU cycles.
By the way, have you looked at approximate SSE SIMD trigonometric libraries. This looks like a good use case for them.
You can use precomputation instead of storing them already precomputed in the executable:
double precomputed_sin[65536];
struct table_filler {
table_filler() {
for (int i=0; i<65536; i++) {
precomputed_sin[i] = sin(i*2*3.141592654/65536);
} table_filler_instance;
This way the table is computed just once at program startup and it's still at a fixed memory address. After that tsin and tcos can be implemented inline as
inline double tsin(int x) { return precomputed_sin[x & 65535]; }
inline double tcos(int x) { return precomputed_sin[(x + 16384) & 65535]; }
The usual answer to this sort of question is to write a small
program which generates a C++ source file with the values in
a table, and compile it into your DLL. If you're thinking of
tables with 128000 entries (128000 doubles are 1MB), however,
you might run up against some internal limits in your compiler.
In that case, you might consider writing the values out to
a file as a memory dump, and mmaping this file when you load
the DLL. (Under windows, I think you could even put this second
file into a second stream of your DLL file, so you wouldn't have
to distribute a second file.)
This bit of code is from a program I am writing to take in x col and x rows to run a matrix multiplication on CUDA, parallel processing. The larger the sample size, the better.
I have a function that auto generates x amount of random numbers.
I know the answer is simple but I just wanted to know exactly why. But when I run it with say 625000000 elements in the array, it seg faults. I think it is because I have gone over the size allowed in memory for an int.
What data type should I use in place of int for a larger number?
This is how the data is being allocated, then passed into the function.
a.elements = (float*) malloc(mem_size_A);
int mem_size_A = sizeof(float) * size_A; //for the example let size_A be 625,000,000
randomInit(a.elements, a.rowSize,a.colSize, oRowA, oColA);
What the randomInit is doing is say I enter a 2x2 but I am padding it up to a multiple of 16. So it takes the 2x2 and pads the matrix to a 16x16 of zeros and the 2x2 is still there.
void randomInit(float* data, int newRowSize,int newColSize, int oldRowSize, int oldColSize)
printf("Initializing random function. The new sized row is %d\n", newRowSize);
for (int i = 0; i < newRowSize; i++)//go per row of new sized row.
for(int j=0;j<newColSize;j++)
printf("This loop\n");
data[newRowSize*i+j]=rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;//brandom();
I've even ran it with the printf in the loop. This is the result I get:
Creating the random numbers now
Initializing random function. The new sized row is 25000
This loop
Segmentation fault
Your memory allocation for data is probably failing.
Fortunately, you almost certainly don't need to store a large collection of random numbers.
Instead of storing:
data[n]=rand() / (float)RAND_MAX
for some huge collection of n, you can run:
value = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
when you need a particular number and you'll get the same value every time, as if they were all calculated in advance.
I think you're going past the value you allocated for data. when you're newrowsize is too large, you're accessing unallocated memory.
remember, data isn't infinitely big.
Well the real problem is that, if the problem is really the integer size used for your array access, you will be not able to fix it. I think you probably just have not enough space in your memory so as to store that huge number of data.
If you want to extends that, just define a custom structure or class if you are in C++. But you will loose the O(1) time access complexity involves with array.