docx4j create unnumbered / bullet list - list

I would like to create an unnumbered list with bullets using docx4j in my Word document. I have found the following code that is supposed to do the work. But whatever I try, the generated list is a numbered list! I use Word 2010, German version and docx4j-2.8.1.
wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage();
ObjectFactory factory = new org.docx4j.wml.ObjectFactory();
P p = factory.createP();
org.docx4j.wml.Text t = factory.createText();
org.docx4j.wml.R run = factory.createR();
org.docx4j.wml.PPr ppr = factory.createPPr();
// Create and add <w:numPr>
NumPr numPr = factory.createPPrBaseNumPr();
// The <w:ilvl> element
Ilvl ilvlElement = factory.createPPrBaseNumPrIlvl();
// The <w:numId> element
NumId numIdElement = factory.createPPrBaseNumPrNumId();
Can someone help me to generate a real unordered, buletted list?!

Hope this helps you.
import org.docx4j.XmlUtils;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage;
import org.docx4j.wml.*;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class GenerateBulletedList {
private static final String BULLET_TEMPLATE ="<w:numbering xmlns:w=\"\">" +
"<w:abstractNum w:abstractNumId=\"0\">" +
"<w:nsid w:val=\"12D402B7\"/>" +
"<w:multiLevelType w:val=\"hybridMultilevel\"/>" +
"<w:tmpl w:val=\"AECAFC2E\"/>" +
"<w:lvl w:ilvl=\"0\" w:tplc=\"04090001\">" +
"<w:start w:val=\"1\"/>" +
"<w:numFmt w:val=\"bullet\"/>" +
"<w:lvlText w:val=\"\uF0B7\"/>" +
"<w:lvlJc w:val=\"left\"/>" +
"<w:pPr>" +
"<w:ind w:left=\"360\" w:hanging=\"360\"/>" +
"</w:pPr>" +
"<w:rPr>" +
"<w:rFonts w:ascii=\"Symbol\" w:hAnsi=\"Symbol\" w:hint=\"default\"/>" +
"</w:rPr>" +
"</w:lvl>" +
"<w:num w:numId=\"1\">" +
"<w:abstractNumId w:val=\"0\"/>" +
"</w:num>" +
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage();
createBulletedList(wordMLPackage); File("Output.docx"));
private static void createBulletedList(WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage)throws Exception{
NumberingDefinitionsPart ndp = new NumberingDefinitionsPart();
ndp.setJaxbElement((Numbering) XmlUtils.unmarshalString(BULLET_TEMPLATE));
wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(createParagraph("United Kingdom"));
private static P createParagraph(String country) throws JAXBException {
ObjectFactory factory = new org.docx4j.wml.ObjectFactory();
P p = factory.createP();
String text =
"<w:r xmlns:w=\"\">" +
" <w:rPr>" +
"<w:b/>" +
" <w:rFonts w:ascii=\"Arial\" w:cs=\"Arial\"/><w:sz w:val=\"16\"/>" +
" </w:rPr>" +
"<w:t>" + country + "</w:t>" +
R r = (R) XmlUtils.unmarshalString(text);
org.docx4j.wml.R run = factory.createR();
org.docx4j.wml.PPr ppr = factory.createPPr();
// Create and add <w:numPr>
PPrBase.NumPr numPr = factory.createPPrBaseNumPr();
// The <w:numId> element
PPrBase.NumPr.NumId numIdElement = factory.createPPrBaseNumPrNumId();
return p;

The code you have posted says "use list number 1, level 0".
Evidently that list is a numbered list.
Have a look in your numbering definitions part for a bulleted list, and use that one.
If you don't have a bulleted list there, you'll need to add it. You can upload a sample docx to the docx4j online demo, to have it generate appropriate content for you. Or see ListHelper for an example of how it can be done.

private static P getBulletedParagraph(Text text, int i) {
ObjectFactory objCreator = Context.getWmlObjectFactory(); // Object used to
create other Docx4j Objects
P paragraph = objCreator.createP(); // create Paragraph object
PPr ppr = objCreator.createPPr(); // create ppr
NumPr numpr = objCreator.createPPrBaseNumPr();
PStyle style = objCreator.createPPrBasePStyle();// create Pstyle
NumId numId = objCreator.createPPrBaseNumPrNumId();
R run = objCreator.createR();
Br br = objCreator.createBr();
Ilvl iLevel = objCreator.createPPrBaseNumPrIlvl(); // create Ilvl Object
iLevel.setVal(BigInteger.valueOf(i)); // Set ilvl value
style.setVal("ListParagraph"); // set value to ListParagraph
// paragraph.getContent().add(br); Adds line breaks
return paragraph;
I believe this is what you're looking for. This method will return you a paragraph object that has bullets. If you uncomment out the last line before returning paragraph, your paragraph object will also contain line breaks. If you didn't know, "Ilvl", or "eye-level" means indentation. Its the same as clicking the tab button when typing to a document the conventional way. Setting the ilvl element to 1 is the same as clicking tab 1 time. Setting it to 2 is the same as clicking the tab button 2 times, and so on. So it doesn't matter what number you give it. Although it will change the type of bullet you get. What really matters is the numid. Setting the numid to 6 will give you bullets instead of numbers. You will also need to set the PPr style to "ListParagraph". I hope this helps.


scalaFX - Titledpane: how do I get the heigth of the content?

I created a TiteldPane in scalafx
val titled: TitledPane = new TitledPane()
and put some nodes in it for my GUI.
Later I want to read out the heigth of the content of titled.
In javaFX this would be done with:
((Region) titled.getContent()).getHeight()
But if I try to read the height of the content in scala with:
the height is marked as deprecated and does not compile. I've got a hint to github (scalafx/issue69) that explains why it is deprecated but does not explain how it can be done instead.
Just to clarify: I want to read out the height of the content of the titledpane, not just titled.heigth.
When titled is closed, then titled.height is 0, but I want to know what it would be when it is expanded (to detect when it has finished expanding actually).
So, how can I do this in scalafx?
Here is a example that shows the described error
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue
import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
import scalafx.event.ActionEvent
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.control.cell.TextFieldListCell
import scalafx.scene.control.{Button, ListView, TitledPane}
import scalafx.scene.layout.BorderPane
object TitledPaneEndOfExpansion extends JFXApp {
val expandedHeight = new DoubleProperty()
val data: ObservableBuffer[String] = new ObservableBuffer[String]() ++= List("some", "content", "for", "testing")
stage = new JFXApp.PrimaryStage {
title = "JavaFX: edit after rendering test"
val list: ListView[String] = new ListView[String](data) {
editable = true
cellFactory = TextFieldListCell.forListView()
height.onChange { (source: ObservableValue[Double, Number], oldValue: Number, newValue: Number) =>
expandedHeight.value = titled.content.height
println("old height is: " + oldValue.doubleValue() + " new height is: " + newValue.doubleValue())
if (newValue.doubleValue() == expandedHeight.value) {
val titled: TitledPane = new TitledPane {
text = "titled"
content = list
scene = new Scene {
root = new BorderPane {
center = titled
bottom = new Button() {
text = "edit cell 1"
onAction = { _: ActionEvent => list.edit(1) }
expandedHeight.value = titled.content.height //set to 400
And here is the buid.sbt file:
name := "JavaFXrenderingProblem"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.13.3"
libraryDependencies += "org.scalafx" %% "scalafx" % "15.0.1-R21"
libraryDependencies += "org.controlsfx" % "controlsfx" % "8.40.18"
// Prevent startup bug in JavaFX
fork := true
// Tell Javac and scalac to build for jvm 1.8
javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", "1.8", "-target", "1.8")
scalacOptions += "-target:jvm-1.8"
scalacOptions += "-feature"
When I just compile with plain sbt i get the compile error-message:
[info] compiling 1 Scala source to ... JavaFXrenderingProblem\target\scala-2.13\classes ...
[error] ... JavaFXrenderingProblem\src\main\scala\TitledPaneEndOfExpansion.scala:38:47: value height is not a member of[javafx.scene.Node]
[error] expandedHeight.value = titled.content.height
[error] ^
[error] one error found
[error] (Compile / compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 3 s, completed 03.05.2021 11:09:02
I actually get two errors when I execute sbt run on your code, and I do not get a deprecation error:
[info] compiling 1 Scala source to C:\Users\SomeUser\src\SFC\target\scala-2.13\classes ...
[error] C:\Users\SomeUser\src\SFX\src\main\scala\TitledPaneEndOfExpansion.scala:23:41: value height is not a member of[javafx.scene.Node]
[error] expandedHeight.value = titled.content.height
[error] ^
[error] C:\Users\MichaelAllen\src\SOSFX\src\main\scala\TitledPaneEndOfExpansion.scala:45:40: value height is not a member of[javafx.scene.Node]
[error] expandedHeight.value = titled.content.height //set to 400
[error] ^
[error] two errors found
[error] (Compile / compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 3 s, completed May 3, 2021 9:58:00 AM
From your code, the list value returns the contents of the TitledPane instance, titled, as a ListView[String]. It is this object whose height method you're trying to call. Correct?
The primary problem is that the content method of titled doesn't know enough about the type of the object that titled is storing. All it knows is that it is derived from javafx.scene.Node. Such Node instances do not have a height property, and hence your errors. (It's actually a little more complicated than that, but that's the simplest way to explain the issue.)
However, you already have a reference to the object that is the content of titled: list. So you can replace the second reference to titled.content.height with list.height. The first reference, in list's height's onChanged method, is accessible through the source parameter (it identifies the property that changed value, namely list.height in this case). So you can replace title.content.height with source in this case.
I notice that you're using a DoubleProperty type for expandedHeight in your example, but you need to keep looking at the value of the associated types. That's not very idiomatic. If you don't need this value to be reactive, a simple Double would suffice (but this would require that expandedHeight be declared as a var).
Combined, this produces the following code:
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue
import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
import scalafx.event.ActionEvent
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.control.cell.TextFieldListCell
import scalafx.scene.control.{Button, ListView, TitledPane}
import scalafx.scene.layout.BorderPane
object TitledPaneEndOfExpansion extends JFXApp {
var expandedHeight: Double = _
val data: ObservableBuffer[String] = new ObservableBuffer[String]() ++= List("some", "content", "for", "testing")
stage = new JFXApp.PrimaryStage {
title = "JavaFX: edit after rendering test"
val list: ListView[String] = new ListView[String](data) {
editable = true
cellFactory = TextFieldListCell.forListView()
height.onChange { (source: ObservableValue[Double, Number], oldValue: Number, newValue: Number) =>
expandedHeight = source.value
println("old height is: " + oldValue.doubleValue() + " new height is: " + newValue.doubleValue())
if (newValue.doubleValue() == expandedHeight) {
val titled: TitledPane = new TitledPane {
text = "titled"
content = list
scene = new Scene {
root = new BorderPane {
center = titled
bottom = new Button() {
text = "edit cell 1"
onAction = { _: ActionEvent => list.edit(1) }
expandedHeight = list.height.value //set to 400
Your code then compiles and runs.
ScalaFX is simply a wrapper for JavaFX: each JavaFX type has a corresponding ScalaFX type. ScalaFX provides implicit conversion functions to seamlessly convert, say, a JavaFX TitledPane to a ScalaFX TitledPane, and vice versa. However, there's no inheritance relationship between the two sets of objects. That is, a JavaFX TitledPane has no type relationship to a ScalaFX TitledPane. Casting between the two sets of objects is therefore a complicated process.
If you wanted to be able to cast titled.content correctly in order to access the height property of the contents more directly, you would need to get the property's value and explicitly pattern match on the result with the JavaFX version of the object, as follows:
import javafx.scene.control.{ListView => JFXListView}
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue
import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
import scalafx.event.ActionEvent
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.control.cell.TextFieldListCell
import scalafx.scene.control.{Button, ListView, TitledPane}
import scalafx.scene.layout.BorderPane
object TitledPaneEndOfExpansion extends JFXApp {
var expandedHeight: Double = _
val data: ObservableBuffer[String] = new ObservableBuffer[String]() ++= List("some", "content", "for", "testing")
stage = new JFXApp.PrimaryStage {
title = "JavaFX: edit after rendering test"
val list: ListView[String] = new ListView[String](data) {
editable = true
cellFactory = TextFieldListCell.forListView()
height.onChange { (source: ObservableValue[Double, Number], oldValue: Number, newValue: Number) =>
expandedHeight = titled.content.value match {
case lv: JFXListView[_] => lv.height.value
case _ => {
throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected content type: ${titled.content.getClass.getCanonicalName}")
println("old height is: " + oldValue.doubleValue() + " new height is: " + newValue.doubleValue())
if (newValue.doubleValue() == expandedHeight) {
val titled: TitledPane = new TitledPane {
text = "titled"
content = list
scene = new Scene {
root = new BorderPane {
center = titled
bottom = new Button() {
text = "edit cell 1"
onAction = { _: ActionEvent => list.edit(1) }
expandedHeight = titled.content.value match { //set to 400
case lv: JFXListView[_] => lv.height.value
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected content type: ${titled.content.getClass.getCanonicalName}")
If you didn't have any other means of referencing the list object, that would be your only option.

How to use Isolationforest in weka?

I am trying to use isolationforest in weka ,but I cannot find a easy example which shows how to use it ,who can help me ?thanks in advance
import weka.classifiers.misc.IsolationForest;
public class Test2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
IsolationForest isolationForest = new IsolationForest();
I strongly suggest you to study a little bit the implementation for IslationForest.
The following code work loading a CSV file with first column with Class (note: a single class value will produce only (1-anomaly score) if it's binary you will get the anomaly score too. Otherwise it just return an error). Note I skip the second column (that in my case is the uuid that is not needed for anomaly detection)
private static void findOutlier(File in, File out) throws Exception {
CSVLoader loader = new CSVLoader();
loader.setSource(new File(in.getAbsolutePath()));
Instances data = loader.getDataSet();
// setting class attribute if the data format does not provide this information
// For example, the XRFF format saves the class attribute information as well
if (data.classIndex() == -1)
String[] options = new String[2];
options[0] = "-R"; // "range"
options[1] = "2"; // first attribute
Remove remove = new Remove(); // new instance of filter
remove.setOptions(options); // set options
remove.setInputFormat(data); // inform filter about dataset **AFTER** setting options
Instances newData = Filter.useFilter(data, remove); // apply filter
IsolationForest randomForest = new IsolationForest();
// System.out.println(randomForest);
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(out);
final Enumeration<Attribute> attributeEnumeration = data.enumerateAttributes();
for (Attribute e = attributeEnumeration.nextElement(); attributeEnumeration.hasMoreElements(); e = attributeEnumeration.nextElement()) {
fw.write("(1 - anomaly score),anomaly score\n");
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
Instance inst = data.get(i);
final double[] distributionForInstance = randomForest.distributionForInstance(inst);
fw.write(inst + ", " + distributionForInstance[0] + "," + (1 - distributionForInstance[0]));
The previous function will add at the CSV at last column the anomaly values. Please note I'm using a single class so for getting the corresponding anomaly I do 1 - distributionForInstance[0] otherwise you ca do simply distributionForInstance[1] .
A sample input.csv for getting (1-anomaly score):
Class,ignore, feature_0, feature_1, feature_2
A sample input.csv for getting (1-anomaly score) and anomaly score:
Class,ignore, feature_0, feature_1, feature_2

How to Set Height of PdfPTable in iTextSharp

i downloaded the last version of iTextSharp dll. I generated a PdfPTable object and i have to set it's height. Despite to set width of PdfPTable, im not able to set height of it. Some authors suggest to use 'setFixedHeight' method. But the last version of iTextSharp.dll has not method as 'setFixedHeight'. It's version is 5.5.2. How can i do it?
Setting a table's height doesn't make sense once you start thinking about it. Or, it makes sense but leaves many questions unanswered or unanswerable. For instance, if you set a two row table to a height of 500, does that mean that each cell get's 250 for a height? What if a large image gets put in the first row, should the table automatically respond by splitting 400/100? Then what about large content in both rows, should it squish those? Each of these scenarios produces different results that make knowing what a table will actually do unreliable. If you look at the HTML spec you'll see that they don't even allow setting a fixed height for tables.
However, there's a simple solution and that's just setting the fixed height of the cells themselves. As long as you aren't using new PdfPCell() you can just set DefaultCell.FixedHeight to whatever you want.
var t = new PdfPTable(2);
t.DefaultCell.FixedHeight = 100f;
If you are manually creating cells then you need to set the FixedHeight on each:
var t = new PdfPTable(2);
for(var i=0;i<4;i++){
var c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Hello"));
c.FixedHeight = 75f;
However, if you want normal table-ness and must set a fixed height that chops things that don't fit you can also use a ColumnText. I wouldn't recommend this but you might have a case for it. The code below will only show six rows.
var ct = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent);
ct.SetSimpleColumn(100, 100, 200, 200);
var t = new PdfPTable(2);
for(var i=0;i<100;i++){
you can use any one of following
cell.MinimumHeight = 20f;
cell.FixedHeight = 30f;
The premise is that you have downloaded the jar iText jar,you can try this code,you can achive this function,In a A4 paper out a row of three columns of dataeg:
import com.lowagie.text.Document;
import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
public class ceshi {
public static final String DEST = "D:\\fixed_height_cell.pdf";
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException,
DocumentException {
File file = new File(DEST);
new ceshi().createPdf(DEST);
public void createPdf(String dest) throws IOException, DocumentException {
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(dest));;
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3);// Set a row and the three column of
// A4 paper
PdfPCell cell;
for (int r = 1; r <= 2; r++) {// Set display two lines
for (int c = 1; c <= 3; c++) {// Set to display a row of three columns
cell = new PdfPCell();
cell.addElement(new Paragraph("test"));
cell.setFixedHeight(285);// Control the fixed height of each cell

Restrict TextField to act like a numeric stepper

I am making a numeric stepper from scratch, so I want my text field to only accept numbers in this format: xx.x, x.x, x, or xx where x is a number. For example:
Acceptable numbers:
None Acceptable numbers:
Maybe this will help some how:
This is what I got so far:
var tx:TextField = new TextField();
tx.restrict="0-9."; //Maybe there is a regular expression string for this?
You can copy past this in flash and it should work.
Thank you very much for your help good sirs.
Very similar to TheDarklins answer, but a little more elegant. And actually renders _tf.restrict obsolete, but I would still recommend using it.
_tf.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, _onTextInput_validate);
Both of these event listeners here do the EXACT same function identically. One is written in a one line for those who like smaller code. The other is for those who like to see what's going on line by line.
private function _onTextInput_validate(__e:TextEvent):void
if ( !/^\d{1,2}(?:\.(?:\d)?)?$/.test(TextField(__e.currentTarget).text.substring(0, TextField(__e.currentTarget).selectionBeginIndex) + __e.text + TextField(__e.currentTarget).text.substring(TextField(__e.currentTarget).selectionEndIndex)) ) __e.preventDefault();
for a more broken down version of the event listener
private function _onTextInput_validate(__e:TextEvent):void
var __reg:RegExp;
var __tf:TextField;
var __text:String;
// set the textfield thats causing the event.
__tf = TextField(__e.currentTarget);
// Set the regular expression.
__reg = new RegExp("\\d{1,2}(?:\\.(?:\\d)?)?$");
// or depending on how you like to write it.
__reg = /^\d{1,2}(?:\.(?:\d)?)?$/;
// Set all text before the selection.
__text = __tf.text.substring(0, __tf.selectionBeginIndex);
// Set the text entered.
__text += __e.text;
// Set the text After the selection, since the entered text will replace any selected text that may be entered
__text += __tf.text.substring(__tf.selectionEndIndex);
// If test fails, prevent default
if ( !__reg.test(__text) )
I have had to allow xx. as a valid response otherwise you would need to type 123 then go back a space and type . for 12.3. That is JUST NOT NICE. So 12. is now technically valid.
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldType;
public class DecimalPlaces extends Sprite
public function DecimalPlaces()
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
tf.border = true;
tf.width = 200;
tf.height = 16;
tf.x = tf.y = 20;
tf.restrict = ".0-9"
tf.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, restrictDecimalPlaces);
function restrictDecimalPlaces(evt:TextEvent):void
var matches:Array = evt.currentTarget.text.match(/\./g);
var allowedDecimalPlaces:uint = 1;
if ((evt.text == "." && matches.length >= 1) ||
(matches.length == 1 && (evt.currentTarget.text.lastIndexOf(".") + allowedDecimalPlaces < evt.currentTarget.text.length)))

Subsonic 3 Save() then Update()?

I need to get the primary key for a row and then insert it into one of the other columns in a string.
So I've tried to do it something like this:
newsObj = new news(); = "test"
newsObj.url = String.Format("blah.aspx?p={0}",newsObj.col_id);
But it doesn't treat it as the same data object so newsObj.col_id always comes back as a zero. Is there another way of doing this? I tried this on another page and to get it to work I had to set newsObj.SetIsLoaded(true);
This is the actual block of code:
page p;
if (pageId > 0)
p = new page(ps => ps.page_id == pageId);
p = new page();
if (publish)
p.page_published = 1;
if (User.IsInRole("administrator"))
p.page_approved = 1;
p.page_section = staticParent.page_section;
p.page_name = PageName.Text;
p.page_parent = parentPageId;
p.page_last_modified_date = DateTime.Now;
p.page_last_modified_by = (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey;
string urlString = String.Empty;
if (parentPageId > 0)
urlString = Regex.Replace(staticParent.page_url, "(.aspx).*$", "$1"); // We just want the static page URL (blah.aspx)
p.page_url = String.Format("{0}?p={1}", urlString, p.page_id);
If I hover the p.Save(); I can see the correct values in the object but the DB is never updated and there is no exception.
I faced the same problem with that :
po oPo = new po(); ="test";; //till now it works. = "test2";; //not really working, it's not saving the data since isLoaded is set to false
and the columns are not considered dirty.
it's a bug in the for version
In the method public void Add(IDataProvider provider)
immediately after SetIsNew(false);
there should be : SetIsLoaded(true);
the reason why the save is not working the second time is because the object can't get dirty if it is not loaded. By adding the SetIsLoaded(true) in the, when you are going to do run custom tool, it's gonna regenerate the .cs perfectly.