Running a script through Django admin interface button/url - django

I am kinda new to python and Django as well so many things still confuse me!I have my Django admin interface with a database on it!
The thing i want to do now is the following:
I want to be able to run a script from my Djano admin interface either by pushing a "Start" button or clicking on a URL!
Thanks for your time,any small example would be so great!
Have a nice day!

I would personally look at something like
You also need to think about what would happen in the following instances.
Someone else logs into the system and clicks run
Is there any output? How will you handle this?
User clicks refresh whilst waiting for the task to complete.
Will the task complete?

Use Javascript in your template to call the view once a button is clicked, and in your view, call the script. This question's very similar to this one.


Selenium - show notes about what is going on in browser

I'm working on Selenium test which simulates every User action on my website. From registration to modifying forms etc.
There are hundreds of actions so I would like to see what is currently going on. Is there a way to add some notes to Selenium so I can see them in the browser real time? For example some transparent overlay with text?
I think it is possible to create a workaround using AJAX but maybe there is something built in.

How to add logs in django

I am new to django I want to print log information in my console how to do that. and also what is the use of that things in django, why we need that one.
If you want to log stuff to your console, javascript's console.log() would be the way to do that. With Django, print statements will show up in your terminal window where the server is running.

Login and template errors deploying meteor to Digital Ocean /

Apologies if this question is not asked correctly but I actually can't pinpoint the problem. Hence the lack of code in the question itself. I'm struggling with this error so please go easy on me....
I was developing a meteor app locally without too much difficulty. It seems to run well on localhost. But then I decided to deploy it and have been running into some problems as outlined below. I have deployed the app "successfully" using both mup/DO and (with compose hosting the DB in both instances) and whole thing sort of works, but...
You can register fine but when you try to log in the button doesn't it again and you login but the usename and password are in the URL... how does this happen?
When you login you can begin by creating a supplier, then create products for that supplier. Only thing is the suppliers are saved to the DB and they are in the product count but they are nowhere to be seen in the middle section page.
Once you create a new supplier, the add new products for the existing suppliers is no longer accessible.
I am so confounded that I don't know what code to put up so I'm giving access to my codebase - it's on github here and this is the modulus site here. Go ahead and register and you can see for yourself.
You will easily be able to see the errors in the console when you start trying to log into the site so there is no point in posting them here.
Many, many thanks in advance guys.
I have reviewed your code and I don't think that the errors occur due to the deployment.
Here's a list with a few suggestions that should help you to fix your code:
In your /client/helpers/config.js file, you try to configure the behaviour of {{> loginButtons}}. That does not make any sense, since you do not have the accounts-ui package installed.
The /client/templates/includes/header.html file references with pathFor to homepage. This route is currently not available in your /lib/router.js.
Users are able to access the /loggedIn path even if they are not logged in. Furthermore, you always redirect users to this path if the submit form event in the register template occurs. This means, they can easily bypass the registration just by clicking on the submit button.
Watch your console logs. There are a lot of template helper exceptions.
Unfortunately, I could not check the login bug you described, because I received an exception when invoking the submit event. I recommend to use a rather defensive programming approach, you should at least check if the variable's value is not undefined and if it is, then you should handle those situations accordingly.
For example, in your /client/templates/includes/login.js file, you have the following code:
var userId = Meteor.userId();
var supplier = Suppliers.findOne({userId: userId});
var supplierId = supplier._id;
This will raise an exception if supplier is undefined.
All in all, you should rethink your release planning and deployment, since your app is far from working. Furthermore, please try to break your issue into chunks next time and provide a clear problem statement, because your question won't be useful to other readers without it.

How can one use Django Postman to set up a back end messaging system like Facebook?

I've done research on Django Postman and it seems to be the most solid private user to user messaging platform out there. I've looked at the Django Postman documentation but it's very template orientated. For developers who use Django as a back end and only care about the and, the documentation doesn't say much.
I did however find this:
It seems pretty promising so I'm going to give it a try. My only issue is how can one set up the postman views in and the urls in to create a messaging system similar to Facebook's?
(ie. A thread like messaging conversation system, a central inbox where all the messages come together from each user showing the last message from each user, messages in the inbox are sorted by conversation rather than the message, the time of the last message sent, allowing multiple recipients)
Below I've posted a picture of Facebook's messaging platform. This is what I am essentially trying to achieve with Django Postman.
Facebook Example
If you have any pointers, hints and ideas on how I can set up the, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank You
I've run into this issue before.
You need to strictly override some of the views in there by clonning/forking the project and install it from your own location, because as you noted, postman is template-oriented because it's meant to only get the needed templates configured and a few settings. I mean, the backend is meant to work as is.
What you need to do is override stuff like:
Message model's recipient field to be a ManyToManyField
customize the views based on your needs and be careful with Message.replied_at
make sure you allow a user to reply to their own messages (by default, it was not allowed when I ran into this, not sure now)
Depending on your needs, maybe you'll want to override something else, but this is a good start. If you need it facebook-like, you'll need to use some push libraries as Pusher or Juggernaut, maybe you're interested in them also.
Good luck! :)

Tracking changes to Django Model instances

When you create or modify an object instance in Django's admin, a changelog entry is created. This is really nice for fairly obvious reasons.
However my model's instances created by a normal user outside of the admin interface. No changelog is recorded to note its creation (not a huge issue) but I would like to track edits the user makes.
I also want to show the user this full log (user+admin edits) in the frontend so I need a way to pull the changelog out.
My question: how? Is there a one-line switch I can flick to enable full logging or do I have to dig in and do something on my user's edit form logic?
django-reversion is an app designed to help with that.