CF10 Twitter4j lookupUsers method was not found or method is overloaded - coldfusion

I am using CFML and Twitter4j to return timelines and lists.
I want to return the data from a call to lookupUsers(java.lang.String[] screenNames)
via Twitter4j.
I have tried the :-
strList = createObject("java", "java.util.ArrayList");
originUser = t4j.lookupUsers(strList);
And :-
strUserString = JavaCast("String", strOriginUser);
originUser = t4j.lookupUsers(strUserString);
I know the t4j Object is working as I already use it to get timelines etc but here it is for completeness :-
public function init_twitter() {
//CONFIGURE twitter4j
configBuilder = createObject("java", "twitter4j.conf.ConfigurationBuilder");
config =;
twitterFactory = createObject("java", "twitter4j.TwitterFactory").init(config);
variables.t4j = twitterFactory.getInstance();
return this;
The twitter4j documentations is:-
ResponseList<User> lookupUsers(java.lang.String[] screenNames) throws TwitterException
Return up to 100 users worth of extended information, specified by either ID, screen name, or combination of the two. The author's most recent status (if the authenticating user has permission) will be returned inline.
This method calls
screenNames - Specifies the screen names of the users to return.

It looks like you are trying to pass an ArrayList object into lookupUsers but that method only accepts String[] (an array of Strings) as an argument. So unless CFML does the conversion, I don't think it's going to work.
From a cursory glance at the ColdFusion docs, it looks like CFML can implicitly convert a CFML Array to a Java array, so perhaps the following would work:
screenNames = arrayNew(1);
screenNames[1] = 'Fry';
originUser = t4j.lookupUsers(screenNames);
Alternatively, if you want to keep on using a list there is an ArrayList#toArray(T[]) which could be useful, although I can't say how useful that would be in the CFML.
N.B. Please excuse my CFML code snippet.


Java code migration error using com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath

I am using Java code and converting the code in ColdFusion. There are some challenges where I am stuck. This is one function I have in Java:
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import net.minidev.json.JSONArray;
import net.minidev.json.JSONStyle;
private static String getDetails(String instaDetailsElement) {
String jsonResponse = instaDetailsElement.split(" = ")[1];
JSONArray mediaArray =, "$.entry_data.PostPage[:1].graphql.shortcode_media");
String returnJsonString = mediaArray.toJSONString(new JSONStyle(JSONStyle.FLAG_IGNORE_NULL));
return returnJsonString;
These two lines are giving me some trouble:
var mediaArray =, "$.entry_data.PostPage[:1].graphql.shortcode_media");
var returnJsonString = mediaArray.toJSONString(new JSONStyle(JSONStyle.FLAG_IGNORE_NULL));
Here is what I attempted so far. I loaded the jar library for JSON path and tried using it like this:
Application.cfc settings
<cfset this.javaSettings = {LoadPaths = ["cfc/jar"], loadColdFusionClassPath = true, reloadOnChange = false}>
CF Code:
public any function getDetails(String instaDetailsElement) {
var jsonResponse = instaDetailsElement.split(" = ")[1];
var JsonPath = Createobject("java","com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath");
var mediaArray =, "$.entry_data.PostPage[:1].graphql.shortcode_media");
writedump(mediaArray); abort;
var returnJsonString = mediaArray.toJSONString(new JSONStyle(JSONStyle.FLAG_IGNORE_NULL));
return returnJsonString;
I'm able to view the class methods when I dump the JsonPath object (screen shot), but when I try to call I get this error:
No matching Method for read(string, string) found for
No matching method for read(string, string) found for com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath
Technically the error message is correct: there is no read() method that accepts two strings (even though that's how it's used in the java code). The method actually expects three arguments:
Pass in an empty array for the 3rd argument:, "$.entry_data.PostPage[:1].graphql.shortcode_media", []);
String jsonResponse = instaDetailsElement.split(" = ")[1];, "$.entry_data.PostPage[:1].graphql.shortcode_media")
If there really is no read(String, String) method, you might wonder why the java code works at all, since that's exactly what it uses. It works due to a special feature of java.
The documentation shows the overloaded read(..) method actually has three parameters, but one of them is special:
read(String json,
String jsonPath,
Predicate... filters)
Notice the ... after the class name (Predicate)? It's a construct called "varargs" (or variable number of arguments):
You can use a construct called varargs to pass an arbitrary number of values to a method. You use varargs when you don't know how many of a
particular type of argument will be passed to the method. It's a
shortcut to creating an array manually ...
To use varargs, you follow the type of the last parameter by an ellipsis (three dots, ...), then a space, and the parameter name. The
method can then be called with any number of that parameter,
including none.
So in java you're allowed to omit the third argument entirely and call read(String, String) with two strings. ColdFusion doesn't support that syntax, because it creates too much ambiguity. So in lieu of omitting the argument, you can pass in an empty array instead:, "$.entry_data.PostPage[:1].graphql.shortcode_media", []);
(Since this has turned into two questions in one thread, I'm separating the second answer out for clarity ...)
var returnJsonString = mediaArray.toJSONString(new JSONStyle(JSONStyle.FLAG_IGNORE_NULL));
As for translating the JSONStyle code, it helps to unpack nested code from the inside out. Then tackle each piece separately:
mediaArray.toJSONString(new JSONStyle( JSONStyle.FLAG_IGNORE_NULL ));
mediaArray.toJSONString( new JSONStyle( JSONStyle.FLAG_IGNORE_NULL ) )
mediaArray.toJSONString( new JSONStyle( JSONStyle.FLAG_IGNORE_NULL ) )
Piece #1
Uses a static field of the JSONStyle class named FLAG_IGNORE_NULL. To access the field, create a reference to that class:
JsonStyle = createObject("java", "net.minidev.json.JSONStyle");
Piece #2
Creates a brand new instance of the JSONStyle class, using the static field from above. Use createObject() to create the new instance, passing the static field into the psuedo constructor init():
newJsonStyle = createObject("java", "net.minidev.json.JSONStyle").init(JSONStyle.FLAG_IGNORE_NULL);
writeDump( newJsonStyle );
Piece #3
All that's left is calling the JSONArray.toJSONString() method with the JSONStyle object you just created:
result = mediaArray.toJSONString( newJsonStyle );

PowerBI Query WebMethod.Post returns Expression.Error: We cannot convert the value "POST" to type Function

I'm using a website that requires that their API key AND query data be submitted using Webform.Post method. I'm able to get this to work in Python, C# and I'm even able to construct and execute a cURL command which returns a usable JSON file that Excel can parse. I am also using Postman to validate my parameters and everything looks good using all these methods. However, my goal is to build a query form that I can use within Excel but I can't get past this query syntax in PowerBi Query.
For now I am doing a simple query. That query looks like this:
url_1 = "https://api.[SomeWebSite].com/api/v1.0/search/keyword?apiKey=blah-blah-blah",
Body_1 = {
""keyword"": ""Hex Nuts"",
""records"": 0,
""startingRecord"": 0,
""searchOptions"": Null.Type,
""searchWithYourSignUpLanguage"": Null.Type
Source = WebMethod.Post(url_1,Body_1)
ScreenSnip showing valid syntax
It generates the following error:
Expression.Error: We cannot convert the value "POST" to type Function.
ScreenSnip of Error as it appears in PowerQuery Advanced Editor
I've spend the better part of the last two days trying to find either some example using this method or documentation. The Microsoft documentation simple states the follow:
2 minutes to read
Specifies the POST method for HTTP.
This is of no help and the only posts I have found so far criticize the poster for not using GET versus POST. I would do this but it is NOT supported by the website I'm using. If someone could just please either point me to a document which explains what I am doing wrong or suggest a solution, I would be grateful.
WebMethod.Post is not a function. It is a constant text value "POST". You can send POST request with either Web.Contents or WebAction.Request function.
A simple example that posts JSON and receives JSON:
url = "",
headers = [#"Content-Type" = "application/json"],
body = Json.FromValue([Foo = 123]),
source = Json.Document(Web.Contents(url, [Headers = headers, Content = body])),
Added Nov 14, 19
Request body needs to be a binary type, and included as Content field of the second parameter of Web.Contents function.
You can construct a binary JSON value using Json.FromValue function. Conversely, you can convert a binary JSON value to a corresponding M type using Json.Document function.
Note {} is list type in M language, which is similar to JSON array. [] is record type, which is similar to JSON object.
With that said, your query should be something like this,
url_1 = "https://api.[SomeWebSite].com/api/v1.0/search/keyword?apiKey=blah-blah-blah",
Body_1 = Json.FromValue([
SearchByKeywordRequest = [
keyword = "Hex Nuts",
records = 0,
startingRecord = 0,
searchOptions = null,
searchWithYourSignUpLanguage = null
headers = [#"Content-Type" = "application/json"],
source = Json.Document(Web.Contents(url_1, [Headers = headers, Content = Body_1])),
Web.Contents (
Json.FromValue (
Json.Document (

Error while creating large dropdown in excel using ColdFusion

This code I have written for creating large dropdown in ColdFusion, but it is not working on my end. Could any one please help me rectify my problem. The new code is
<cfquery name="getPOP" datasource="l_webalc">
select distinct center_code from alc_pop
<cfset countryName= ArrayNew(1)>
<cfloop query="getPOP">
<cfset arrayappend(countryName, getPOP.center_code)>
workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
realSheet = workbook.createSheet("Sheet xls");
hidden = workbook.createSheet("hidden");
for (int i = 0, length= countryName.length; i < length; i++) {
String name = countryName[i];
HSSFRow row = hidden.createRow(i);
HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
namedCell = workbook.createName();
namedCell.setRefersToFormula("hidden!A1:A" + countryName.length);
constraint = DVConstraint.createFormulaListConstraint("hidden");
addressList = new CellRangeAddressList(0, 0, 0, 0);
validation = new HSSFDataValidation(addressList, constraint);
workbook.setSheetHidden(1, true);
stream = new FileOutputStream("c:\\range.xls");
Update 1:
(From other thread) I am getting this error message:
function keyword is missing in FUNCTION declaration. The CFML compiler
was processing: A script statement beginning with HSSFWorkbook on line
32, column 1. A script statement beginning with function on line 31,
column 9. A cfscript tag beginning on line 30, column 2.
Update 2:
Again I have modified this code and now the new error is
"The value hidden not A1:A cannot be converted to a number."
I edited the objects as mentioned in the comments and also changed the script to cfscript. Please help me to rectify this error.
workbook = createObject("java", "org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook");
realSheet = workbook.createSheet("Sheet xls");
hidden = workbook.createSheet("hidden");
for (i = 1; i <= arrayLen(countryName); i++){
name = countryName[i];
row = hidden.createRow(i);
cell = row.createCell(0);
namedCell = workbook.createName();
dv = createObject("java", "org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.DVConstraint");
constraint = dv.createFormulaListConstraint("hidden");
addressList = cellRangeList.init(0, 0, 0, 0);
validation = dataValidation.init(addressList, constraint);
workbook.setSheetHidden(1, true);
stream = new FileOutputStream("c:\\range.xls");
Update 3:
I have updated the code to fix the mentioned issues and and am now getting this error
"The setSheetHidden method was not found ..."
on the following line:
workbook.setSheetHidden(1, true);
There are several problems with your code. Though java syntax is similar, you cannot just copy and paste a java example and expect it to run in cfscript. You need to make some adjustments first. (Note: I am assuming script was just a typo for cfscript).
In java, you can instantiate an object using the keyword "new" ie new SomeClassName(). In CF, the new keyword can only be used with cfc's. To create a java object, you must use createObject instead. To instantiate it, call the init(...) method. It is a special method in CF that invoke's the constructor of a java class with whatever parameters you supply, ie
createObject("java", "").init();
To use static methods such as DVConstraint.createFormulaListConstraint(), you must also use createObject. While the java code does not create an new instance of that class, you must still use createObject to get a reference to the DVConstraint class, in CF, before you can invoke any of its methods. Note: Because it is static, no need to call init() first. ie
dv = createObject("java", "org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.DVConstraint");
Java classes are organized into packages. In java classes, the full path to any referenced classes are imported at the top of the java code (not visible in the example you are using). In CF you need to use the full path in your createObject call. (Important: Paths are cAsE sEnsItIvE).
For example, instead of new HSSFWorkbook() use:
createObject("java", "org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook");
If you are not sure of the path, just do a search on "POI TheClassName". Odds are the first result will be the POI JavaDocs, which show the full path at the top of each page like this:
Unlike CF, java is strongly typed, which means you must declare a variable's type as well as it's name. For example, this line declares a variable row as type HSSFRow
HSSFRow row = hidden.createRow(i);
Since CF is typeless, it does not require a type. So running that same code in cfscript will cause the cryptic error "function keyword is missing...". The solution is to drop the variable type and just do a straight variable assignment:
row = hidden.createRow(i);
Java array indexes start at zero (0), while CF starts at one (1), so you need to fix the indexes in your for loop:
for (i = 1; i <= arrayLen(countryName); i++)
Java uses + to concatenate strings, whereas CF uses &. So you need to change the operator here "hidden!A1:A" + countryName.length. Otherwise CF will think you are trying to add two numbers, which will obviously throw an error because the first part is a string.
Assuming no version conflicts, the java example should work after you make those those adjustments.
"The setSheetHidden method was not found ..."
Just use Javacast function for boolean arguments:
workbook.setSheetHidden(1, javacast("boolean",true));

ColdFusion 9 Dynamic Method Call

I am trying to work out the correct <cfscript> syntax for calling a dynamic method within ColdFusion 9. I have tried a number of variations and had a good search around.
<cfinvoke> is clearly the tag I want, sadly however I cannot use this within my pure cfscript component as it was implemented in ColdFusion 10.
i.e coldfusion 9 dynamically call method
I have tried the following within my CFC:
/** Validate the method name **/
var resources = getResources();
if (structKeyExists(variables.resources, name)) {
variables.resourceActive[name] = true;
var reflectionMethod = resources[name];
var result = "#reflectionMethod.getMethodName()#"(argumentCollection = params);
Where the return value of reflectionMethod.getMethodName() is the method name I want to call. It is 100% returning the correct value (the name of the method) where that method is correctly defined and accessible,
My error is a syntax error on that line.
You don't want to get the method name, you want to get the actual method, eg something like:
function getMethod(string method){
return variables[method];
The call that, thus:
theMethod = getMethod(variableHoldingMethodName);
result = theMethod();
Unfortunately one cannot simply do this:
result = getMethod(variableFoldingMethodName)();
result = myObject[variableFoldingMethodName]();
As the CF parser doesn't like the double-up of the parentheses or brackets.
The caveat with the method I suggested is that it pulls the method out of the CFC, so it will be running in the context of the calling code, not the CFC instance. Depending on the code in the method, this might or might not matter.
Another alternative is to inject a statically-named method INTO the object, eg:
dynamicName = "foo"; // for example
myObject.staticName = myObject[dynamicName];
result = myObject.staticName(); // is actually calling foo();
Assuming the method is in your current (variables) scope, you could try:
var result = variables[reflectionMethod.getMethodName()](argumentCollection = params);

Using Apache HttpComponents for http requests with NTLM authentication

Quick background.
CFHTTP doesn't support Windows NTLM/Authenticate authentication, only basic authentication. I need to make http requests that will have to authenticate against NTLM, so I've ended up rolling my own version of CFHTTP.
I found Terry Ryan's article that uses the apache httpclient version 3.1 to perform digest authentication and have built upon that using version 4.1.2 instead which includes NTLM functionality.
I have a function that will perform a get request and then other functions to handle returning a structure that looks like the cfhttp result set. The changes I made are based on the authentication tutorial example.
public any function httpRequest(url,username,password,domain) {
var httpClient = createObject("java","org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient");
var authScope = createObject("java","org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope");
var httpCredentials = createObject("java","org.apache.http.auth.NTCredentials");
var httpGet = createObject("java","org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet");
var jURL = createObject("java", "").init(arguments.url);
var host = jURL.getHost();
var path = jURL.getPath();
var httpHostTarget = createObject("java","org.apache.http.HttpHost").init(host,80,"http");
var localContext = createObject("java","org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext");
var httpContent = {};
var response = '';
if (len(arguments.username) and len(arguments.password) gt 0){
httpCredentials.init(arguments.Username, arguments.password, cgi.remote_host,arguments.domain);
httpClient.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(authScope.ANY, httpCredentials);
if (!Len(path)) path = "/";
response = httpClient.execute(httpHostTarget, httpget, localContext);
httpContent = convertHttpClientResponseToCFHTTPFormat(response);
return httpContent;
This was working fine until I altered the function to perform the authentication.
Unfortunately I'm now getting :
The execute method was not found.
Either there are no methods with the specified method name and argument types or the execute method is overloaded with argument types that ColdFusion cannot decipher reliably. ColdFusion found 2 methods that match the provided arguments. If this is a Java object and you verified that the method exists, use the javacast function to reduce ambiguity.
As far as I can tell there is only one matching execute() function in HttpClient for the object classes passed to it, so I'm a little confused. JavaCast doesn't allow you to cast to complex objects or super types, so that didn't work.
Can anyone suggest how I can get this to work? How can I reduce the ambiguity?
Looking at the error, it's getting confused between two execute methods that have the same number of parameters. Although I don't know why it is...
Anyway, I found a way around the error. It involves pulling the method you're after out of the class and invoking it directly. If ColdFusion was happier with casting Java objects life might be easier.
//response = httpClient.execute(httpHostTarget, httpget, localContext);
classes = [httpHostTarget.getClass(), CreateObject('java', 'org.apache.http.HttpRequest').getClass(), CreateObject('java', 'org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext').getClass()];
method = httpClient.getClass().getMethod('execute', classes);
params = [httpHostTarget, httpget, localContext];
response = method.invoke(httpClient, params);
There may be another way of doing this (casting instead) but it's all I've got ;)
As a guess, could you be loading the wrong version of the .jars ? You don't seem to be using JavaLoader like Ryan did...