Equivalent of "Invalidate Rect" / "WM_PAINT" in X11 - c++

I'm Porting some code from Windows to XLib. In the windows code, I can force a redraw by calling InvalidateRect and then handling the corresponding WM_PAINT message. However, I am having trouble finding out how to do this in X11/XLib. I see there is an Expose message but not sure if that is the same thing.
If it matters, I need to do this to force the window to render at a certain frame rate for an OpenGL based program.

To expand slightly on the useful answers given by BЈовић,
With raw Xlib you can draw at any time in a single thread, because every Xlib function specifies the full display, window, and context. AFAIK, with multithreading all bets are off.
You also must have an Expose event handler, and select for those events, if you're in a desktop environment. And it won't hurt to have one even if you're writing a full screen program.
Most toolkits are not as flexible and only draw in a designated event handler (but much nicer to use in many other ways) and have some equivalent to the Windows InvalidateRect. In raw Xlib you get the same effect by sending yourself an Expose event. Doing so won't lead to any real performance problems and will make the code more understandable by other programmers, and easier to port, so you might as well.
There are also XClearArea and XClearWindow functions which will generate Expose events for you, but they first erase part/all with the background color, which might lead to flickering.
With OpenGL it gets a bit more complicated because you have to work with GLX as well. I have a very simple OpenGL/Xlib program online at
which might be useful as an example.

You need to handle Expose events. This tutorial explains with an example how to handle Expose events :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
/*Linux users will need to add -ldl to the Makefile to compile
*this example.
Display *dis;
Window win;
XEvent report;
GC green_gc;
XColor green_col;
Colormap colormap;
Try changing the green[] = below to a different color.
The color can also be from /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt, such as RoyalBlue4.
A # (number sign) is only needed when using hexadecimal colors.
char green[] = "#00FF00";
int main() {
dis = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dis, RootWindow(dis, 0), 1, 1, 500, 500, 0, BlackPixel (dis, 0), BlackPixel(dis, 0));
XMapWindow(dis, win);
colormap = DefaultColormap(dis, 0);
green_gc = XCreateGC(dis, win, 0, 0);
XParseColor(dis, colormap, green, &green_col);
XAllocColor(dis, colormap, &green_col);
XSetForeground(dis, green_gc, green_col.pixel);
XSelectInput(dis, win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask);
XDrawRectangle(dis, win, green_gc, 1, 1, 497, 497);
XDrawRectangle(dis, win, green_gc, 50, 50, 398, 398);
while (1) {
XNextEvent(dis, &report);
switch (report.type) {
case Expose:
fprintf(stdout, "I have been exposed.\n");
XDrawRectangle(dis, win, green_gc, 1, 1, 497, 497);
XDrawRectangle(dis, win, green_gc, 50, 50, 398, 398);
case KeyPress:
/*Close the program if q is pressed.*/
if (XLookupKeysym(&report.xkey, 0) == XK_q) {
return 0;
I may have misunderstood the question. If you want to create Expose events in your application, you can create and set expose event, and send it using XSendEvent.


SDL_Texture renders black after resize unless it is redrawn

I've got a bit of a nasty bug for you folks. (Yes, it's probably my bug and not SDL's.) I have been in the process of writing a modern C++ wrapper for SDL and everything appears to be working as intended. However, my Texture class has a strange bug: if it is redrawn after a resize, it looks fine, but if it is not, it becomes entirely black. Here is what that looks like:
Before the resize
After the resize
I can't exactly post just one part of the code here, so here is the entire folder (hosted on GitLab): SDL wrapper
Here is a small program that reproduces the error using this library:
#include "sdl_wrapper/context.hh"
#include "sdl_wrapper/video/context.hh"
#include "sdl_wrapper/render/renderer.hh"
#include "sdl_wrapper/render/texture.hh"
#include "sdl_wrapper/colors.hh"
#include "SDL2/SDL_events.h"
int main()
sdl::Context sdlContext;
sdl::video::Context videoContext = sdlContext.initVideo();
sdl::video::Window window = videoContext.createWindow("test", 0, 0, 800, 600).resizable().build();
int width = 800;
int height = 600;
sdl::render::Renderer renderer = window.createRenderer().targetTexture().build();
sdl::render::Texture example(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, 400, 300);
bool run = true;
while (run)
SDL_Event e;
while (SDL_PollEvent(&e) != 0)
if (e.type == SDL_QUIT)
run = false;
renderer.setDrawColor({0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0xff});
renderer.copy(example, std::nullopt, {{width / 4, height / 4, example.getWidth(), example.getHeight()}});
To reproduce, simply run this program and resize the window. There will be a blue square that becomes black after the resize.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction here. I would really like to avoid redrawing on every resize (feel free to argue with me on that point if I am misguided).
SDL doesn't promise to keep target textures data. There are cases, especially with d3d or mobile, where data is lost due to some big state change. Changing window size may sound not that big, but on some hardware/driver configurations is causes problems, I suppose that's the reason why SDL detects resize and drops all renderer data. You get SDL_RENDER_TARGETS_RESET event when you need to update your render textures.
That shouldn't happen with e.g. opengl renderer implementation (that may sound great but reasons behind it are not so great); on windows, SDL2 defaults to direct3d, which could be modified by issuing SDL_SetHint or setting envvars.

How to make window always on top in SFML?

I am trying to make a program with SFML who's window stays always on top. How can I achieve that with SFML? I've searched all around but to no avail.
"Program" is a small red dot in the middle of a screen that would imitate a crosshair and I need it to be on top of everything because a real game would be in the background (game does not have crosshair, only sighting).
Only other idea I have, is to use SFML's method getSystemHandle() which would give me OS-specific handle of a window. I am using Ubuntu 16.04 with Gnome and X and I am not quite sure how to code that functionality after I obtain the handle.
It's not possible with the current version of SFML, but since you only need it for X so far, you can just implement it yourself using a snippet from this old/rejected pull request.
void WindowImplX11::setTopmost(bool topmost)
static Atom wmStateAbove = XInternAtom(m_display, "_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE", 1);
static Atom wmNetWmState = XInternAtom(m_display, "_NET_WM_STATE", 1);
if (wmStateAbove)
XClientMessageEvent emsg;
memset(&emsg, 0, sizeof(emsg));
emsg.type = ClientMessage;
emsg.window = m_window;
emsg.message_type = wmNetWmState;
emsg.format = 32;
emsg.data.l[0] = topmost;
emsg.data.l[1] = wmStateAbove;
XSendEvent(m_display, RootWindow(m_display, m_screen), false, SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, (XEvent*)&emsg);
You'll have to retrieve m_display, m_window etc. on your own and/or reimplement the pull request into your source version.

How to avoid stdscr overlapping in ncurses?

In my application I have two WINDOW objects, which bisects the terminal window, like a split-screen. But when I'm using wprintw()
I can't see any output on the screen. I'm sure, that stdscr overlaps these two windows. How can I avoid this overlapping?
Maybe I need to use wrefresh() or refresh()? I've tried, but it doesn't help.
Here is the simplified part of my code. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
WINDOW *win1 = newwin(10, width, 0, 0);
WINDOW *win2 = newwin(10, width, width, 0);
wprintw(win1, "First window: ");
wprintw(win2, "Second window: ");
while((ch = getch()) != KEY_F(2)) {}
stdscr by definition covers the screen, so it will always overlap with any other window you create. The solution is to avoid using stdscr if you want to have multiple windows.
But the place where you're referencing stdscr is perhaps not obvious -- it's in the call to getch(), which can also be read as wgetch(stdscr). This does an implicit wrefresh(stdscr). which overwrites the screen with the (blank) contents of stdscr.
You can avoid this problem by changing the getch() call to wgetch(win1) or wgetch(win2). In this example, it doesn't matter which window you choose; if you were displaying the input, you'd want to use the window where the input should appear.
Alternatively, you could call refresh() right at the start of the program, before refreshing win1 or win2. Then, as long as you never wrote anything to stdscr, you could safely use getch() as much as you liked, since the implicit refresh() would find nothing updated in the window to display.
Sorry guys for wasting your time! I found an answer by myself!
Here is the code:
WINDOW *win1, *win2;
int maxx, maxy, halfx;
getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx);
halfx = maxx >> 1;
win1 = newwin(maxy, halfx, 0, 0);
wgetch(win1, "First window");
win2 = newwin(maxy, halfx, 0, halfx);
wgetch(win2, "Second window");

SDL2 does not draw image using texture

I have been attempting to get a simple SDL2 program up to display an image and then exit. I have this code:
/* compile with `gcc -lSDL2 -o main main.c` */
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_video.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_render.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_surface.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_timer.h>
int main(void){
SDL_Window * w = SDL_CreateWindow("Hi", 0, 0, 640, 480, 0);
SDL_Renderer * r = SDL_CreateRenderer(w, -1, 0);
SDL_Surface * s = SDL_LoadBMP("../test.bmp");
SDL_Texture * t = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(r, s);
SDL_RenderCopy(r, t, 0, 0);
I am aware that I have omitted the normal checks that each function succeeds - they all do succeed, they were removed for ease of reading. I am also aware I have used 0 rather than null pointers or the correct enum values, this also is not the cause of the issue (as the same issue occurs when I correctly structure the program, this was a quick test case drawn up to test the simplest case)
The intention is that a window appear and shows the image (which is definitely at that directory), wait for a couple of seconds and exit. The result, however, is that the window appears correctly but the window is filled with black.
An extra note SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox() appears to work correctly. I don't know how this relates to the rest of the framework though.
I'll just clear this, you wanted to make a texture, do it directly to ease control, plus this gives you better control over the image, try using this code, fully tested, and working, all you wanted was for the window to show the image and close within 2 seconds right?. If the image doesn't load then it's your image's location.
/* compile with `gcc -lSDL2 -o main main.c` */
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_image.h>
#include <iostream> //I included it since I used cout
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
bool off = false;
int time;
SDL_Window * w = SDL_CreateWindow("Hi", 0, 0, 640, 480, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);
SDL_Renderer * r = SDL_CreateRenderer(w, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
SDL_Texture * s = NULL;
s = IMG_LoadTexture(r, "../test.bmp"); // LOADS A TEXTURE DIRECTLY FROM THE IMAGE
if (s == NULL)
cout << "FAILED TO FIND THE IMAGE" << endl; //we did this to check if IMG_LoadTexture found the image, if it showed this message in the cmd window (the black system-like one) then it means that the image can't be found
s_rect.x = 100; // just like the window, the x and y values determine it's displacement from the origin which is the top left of your window
s_rect.y = 100;
s_rect.w = 640; //width of the texture
s_rect.h = 480; // height of the texture
time = SDL_GetTicks(); //Gets the current time
while (time + 2000 < SDL_GetTicks()) //adds 2 seconds to the past time you got and waits for the present time to surpass that
return 0; //returns 0, closes the program.
if you wanted to see a close button on the window and want it to take effect then create an event then add it to the while area to check if it's equal to SDL_Quit();, I didn't include it since you wanted it to immediately close within 2 seconds, thus, rendering the close button useless.
When using SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE for the renderer flags this worked. Also it worked on a different machine. Guess there must be something screwed up with my configuration, although I'm not sure what it is because I'm still getting no errors shown. Ah well, mark as solved.
I believe this to be (not 100% sure, but fairly sure), due to this line of code:
SDL_Renderer * r = SDL_CreateRenderer(w, -1, 0);
According to the SDL wiki article SDL_CreateRenderer, the parameters required for the arguments that you are passing in are as follows:
SDL_Window* window
int index
Uint32 flags
You are passing in the pointer to the window correctly, as well as the index correctly, but the lack of a flag signifies to SDL that SDL should use the default renderer.
Most systems have a default setting for applications for which renderer should be used, and this can be modified on a application by application basis. If no default setting is provided for a specific application, the render look up immediately checks the default render settings list. The SDL wiki briefly refers to this list by the following line at the bottom of the remarks section:
"Note that providing no flags gives priority to available SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED renderers."
What's not explained here in the wiki is that the "renderers" the wiki is referring to comes from the default renderer list.
This leads me to believe that you have either changed a setting somewhere in the course of history of your computer, or elsewhere in you visual studio settings that is resulting in no list to be found. Therefore you must explicitly inform SDL which renderer to use because of your machine settings. Otherwise using an argument of 0 should work just fine. In the end this doesn't hurt as it's better to be explicit in your code rather than implicit if at all possible.
(That said, all of my deductions are based off of the fact that I am assuming that everything you said that works, works. If this is not true, then the issue could be because of a vast variety of reasons due to the lack of error checking.)

C++ Allegro: Program Crashes when I move the window

I Have built a C++ Allegro Map Editor. One of the requests was to have a log so I've put it in the console window for every move that is made... Problem now is that the console window is under the main window (Used GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED), But whenever I try to move that window, it simply crashes the program.. I need to be able to move it and to move the console window to and come back to the map editor. Anybody has any ideas???
Here's the main of my code.
#include <allegro.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "Layout.h"
#include "System.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Allegro Functions to stabilize speed
volatile long speed_counter = 0;
void increment_speed_counter() // A function to increment the speed counter
{speed_counter++; }
int main()
System system; // Initialising Allegro
Map map1; // Creating default map
BITMAP *buffer = create_bitmap(24,45); // Double buffering
LOCK_VARIABLE(speed_counter); //Used to set the timer - which regulates the game's
install_int_ex(increment_speed_counter, BPS_TO_TIMER(8));//Set our BP
/*game looop */
while( !key[KEY_ESC] )
clear_bitmap(buffer); // Clear the contents of the buffer bitmap
while(speed_counter > 0)
if(mouse_b &1 ){ // On mouse click
map1.catchMouseEvent(mouse_x, mouse_y);
while(mouse_b & 1){}
speed_counter --;
textprintf_ex(buffer, map1.getLayout().getFont(), 0, 0, makecol(255, 255, 255), -1,"%d", map1.getRowVal());
textprintf_ex(buffer, map1.getLayout().getFont(), 0, 20, makecol(255, 255, 255), -1,"%d", map1.getColVal());
blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 970, 50, 100, 50);
/*Free memory after */
destroy_bitmap( buffer );
return 0;
Also, it does happen that it randomly crashes by itself without moving the window. There is not a specific reason, it just crashes at random times.
Any ideas someone?
Without seeing all of the code, it's impossible to know why or where it's crashing. If you use a debugger it should be obvious what's happening. You should be responding to return codes. e.g., When you load or create a bitmap, make sure it's not NULL.
I'm not really sure what you are trying to do with such a smaller double buffer. Typically you create a single buffer the same size as the window. Note that Allegro 4 will only work properly if the screen width is a multiple of four. Also, you should call set_color_depth(desktop_color_depth()) (before setting the graphics mode) for maximum compatibility.