Wrapping simple c++ example with ctypes; segmentation fault - c++

I extended the example provided in this answer by adding a private member variable, and printing it in the bar() function:
#include <iostream>
class Foo{
double m;
Foo() { m = 2.344; };
void bar(){
std::cout << "Hello, number is " << m << std::endl;
extern "C" {
Foo* Foo_new(){ return new Foo(); }
void Foo_bar(Foo* foo){ foo->bar(); }
The ctypes wrapper was unchanged and is:
from ctypes import *
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary('./libfoo.so')
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self):
self.obj = lib.Foo_new()
def bar(self):
f = Foo()
When I run the python code (after having already compiled the C++ code earlier), I am getting a segmentation fault that I have narrowed down to the printing of m in bar().
The seg fault does not happen
in the original code
if i remove printing of m but keep it as a variable
if i substitute m with any fixed number in bar().
I am really puzzled why this should be happening. As this is an experiment to learn ctypes, any help would be appreciated.

If you're using 64-bit Python, you need to define the restype and argtypes. Otherwise ctypes defaults to casting the values to a 32-bit C int.
from ctypes import *
lib = CDLL('./libfoo.so')
lib.Foo_new.argtypes = []
lib.Foo_new.restype = c_void_p
lib.Foo_bar.argtypes = [c_void_p]
lib.Foo_bar.restype = None
Here are source links for 2.7.5, Modules/_ctypes/callproc.c:
ConvParam (Lines 645-663)
GetResult (Lines 914-915)
For 64-bit Windows a C long is 32-bit, but it's 64-bit on most other 64-bit platforms. By forcing int the result is at least consistent.


C Segmentation fault in struct. Code translated from Matlab->C with Matlab Coder

I am translating some Matlab functions to C with Matlab Coder. Everything works to the point, where i want to return an array(transposed vector) from my function.
In Matlab I have a function:
function returnedArray = myFun(input arguments)
<function code>
This call to the function in C gets translatet to:
void myFun(input arguments, emxArray_realT *returnedArray)
<function code>
emxArray_real_T is a struct, that was generated by Matlab Coder:
struct emxArray_real_T
real_T *data;
int32_T *size;
int32_T allocatedSize;
int32_T numDimensions;
boolean_T canFreeData;
And real_T, int32_T... are created generic type definitions:
typedef double real_T;
I call this myFun from main:
struct emxArray_real_T *result = malloc(sizeof(struct emxArray_real_T));
myFun(input arguments, result);
When i run this, i get an error saying: Segmentation fault.
gdb gave me this:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault at:
99643: i0=retArray->size[0];
p retArray
$1 = (emxArray_real_T *) 0xc1d010
p retArray.size
$2 = (int32_T *) 0x0
p retArray.size[0]
Cannot access memora ar adress 0x0
Am i doing something wrong in my main function? I hope so, because translated code from Matlab in C is a mess, or maybe just for me as a novice.
The code works fine, if I translate and compile it in C without the return value.
You call this from main:
struct emxArray_real_T *result = malloc(sizeof(struct emxArray_real_T));
// result->size == 0;
// You would need to initialize this too.
// Somewhere in myFun it is accessed like this:
// *retArray->size = x;
// or
// x = *retArray->size;
// which causes the fault.
myFun(input arguments, result);
Since I don't know anything about Matlab, I can't tell you if this is something you have to do, or if this should be done by the generated code somewhere.
You can try to fix it like this:
result->size = malloc(sizeof(int32_T));

G++: Can __attribute__((__may_alias__)) be used for pointer to class instance rather than to class definition itself?

I'm looking to the answer to the following question: is may_alias suitable as attribute for pointer to an object of some class Foo? Or must it be used at class level only?
Consider the following code(it is based on a real-world example which is more complex):
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define alias_hack __attribute__((__may_alias__))
template <typename T>
class Foo
/*alias_hack*/ char Data[sizeof (T)];
/*alias_hack*/ T& GetT()
return *((/*alias_hack*/ T*)Data);
struct Bar
int Baz;
Bar(int baz)
: Baz(baz)
} /*alias_hack*/; // <- uncommeting this line apparently solves the problem, but does so on class-level(rather than pointer-level)
// uncommenting previous alias_hack's doesn't help
int main()
Foo<Bar> foo;
foo.GetT().Baz = 42;
cout << foo.GetT().Baz << endl;
Is there any way to tell gcc that single pointer may_alias some another?
BTW, please note that gcc detection mechanism of such problem is imperfect, so it is very easy to just make this warning go away without actually solving the problem.
Consider the following snippet of code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
long i = 42;
long* iptr = &i;
//(*(short*)&i) = 3; // with warning
//(*(short*)iptr) = 3; // without warning
cout << i << endl;
Uncomment one of the lines to see the difference in compiler output.
Simple answer - sorry, no.
__attrbite__ gives instructions to the compiler. Objects exist in the memory of the executed program. Hence nothing in __attribute__ list can relate to the run-time execution.
Dimitar is correct. may_alias is a type attribute. It can only apply to a type, not an instance of the type. What you'd like is what gcc calls a "variable attribute". It would not be easy to disable optimizations for one specific pointer. What would the compiler do if you call a function with this pointer? The function is potentially already compiled and will behave based on the type passed to the function, not based on the address store in the pointer (you should see now why this is a type attribute)
Now depending on your code something like that might work:
#define define_may_alias_type(X) class X ## _may alias : public X { } attribute ((may_alias));
You'd just pass your pointer as Foo_may_alias * (instead of Foo *) when it might alias. That's hacky though
Wrt your question about the warning, it's because -Wall defaults to -Wstrict-aliasing=3 which is not 100% accurate. Actually, -Wstrict-aliasing is never 100% accurate but depending on the level you'll get more or less false negatives (and false positives). If you pass -Wstrict-aliasing=1 to gcc, you'll see a warning for both

Python ctypes: how to free memory? Getting invalid pointer error

I want to get some string from a C/C++ library with ctypes into python. My code looks like this:
Code in lib:
const char* get(struct something *x)
// buf is a stringstream
return strdup(buf.str().c_str());
void freeme(char *ptr)
Python code:
fillprototype(lib.get, c_char_p, POINTER(some_model)])
fillprototype(lib.freeme, None, [c_char_p])
// what i want to do here: get a string into python so that i can work
// with it and release the memory in the lib.
c_str = lib.get(some_model)
y = ''.join(c_str)
If i print() c_str, everything is there. Problem is (or seems to be) in the last Python line. I cannot free the memory - the library is getting a wrong pointer. What I am doing wrong here? (And please don't suggest boost::python or so).
*** glibc detected *** python2: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0x00000000026443fc ***
As David Schwartz pointed out, if you set restype to c_char_p, ctypes returns a regular Python string object. A simple way to get around this is to use a void * and cast the result:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char *get(void)
char *buf = "Hello World";
char *new_buf = strdup(buf);
printf("allocated address: %p\n", new_buf);
return new_buf;
void freeme(char *ptr)
printf("freeing address: %p\n", ptr);
Python usage:
from ctypes import *
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary('./string.so')
lib.freeme.argtypes = c_void_p,
lib.freeme.restype = None
lib.get.argtypes = []
lib.get.restype = c_void_p
>>> ptr = lib.get()
allocated address: 0x9facad8
>>> hex(ptr)
>>> cast(ptr, c_char_p).value
'Hello World'
>>> lib.freeme(ptr)
freeing address: 0x9facad8
You can also use a subclass of c_char_p. It turns out that ctypes doesn't call the getfunc for a subclass of a simple type.
class c_char_p_sub(c_char_p):
lib.get.restype = c_char_p_sub
The value attribute returns the string. You can leave the parameter for freeme as the more generic c_void_p. That accepts any pointer type or integer address.
a cheap hack around freeing the memory is to allocate it statically in C and never free it. only works if you know the maximum amount you need, of course, and if you know that you're done with it before a second call to your routine.
static char _externalStringBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
char *get() {
// put characters in _externalStringBuffer
return _externalStringBuffer;

exposing method with unsigned char & argument using Boost.Python

I've closed-source C++ library, which provides header files with code equivalent to:
class CSomething
void getParams( unsigned char & u8OutParamOne,
unsigned char & u8OutParamTwo ) const;
unsigned char u8OutParamOne_,
unsigned char u8OutParamTwo_,
I'm trying to expose that to Python, my wrapper code is something like this:
class_<CSomething>("CSomething", init<>())
.def("getParams", &CSomething::getParams,(args("one", "two")))
Now I'm trying to use that in Python, which fails horribly:
one, two = 0, 0
CSomething.getParams(one, two)
Which results in:
ArgumentError: Python argument types in
CSomething.getParams(CSomething, int, int)
did not match C++ signature:
getParams(CSomething {lvalue}, unsigned char {lvalue} one, unsigned char {lvalue} two)
What do I need to change either in the Boost.Python wrapper code or Python code to make it work? How do I add some Boost.Python magic to automatically cast PyInt to unsigned char and vice-versa?
Boost.Python is complaining about a missing lvalue parameter, a concept which does not exist in Python:
def f(x):
x = 1
y = 2
print(y) # Prints 2
The x paramter of the f function is not a C++-like reference. In C++ the output is different:
void f(int &x) {
x = 1;
void main() {
int y = 2;
cout << y << endl; // Prints 1.
You have a few choices here:
a) Wrap the CSomething.getParams function to return a tuple of the new parameters values:
one, two = 0, 0
one, two = CSomething.getParams(one, two)
print(one, two)
b) Wrap the CSomething.getParams function to accept a class instance as parameter:
class GPParameter:
def __init__(self, one, two):
self.one = one
self.two = two
p = GPParameter(0, 0)
print(p.one, p.two)

How to switch between 2 function sets in C++?

Is there a way, I can switch between 2 similar function sets (C/C++) in an effective way?
To explain better what I mean, lets say I have 2 sets of global functions like:
void a_someCoolFunction();
void a_anotherCoolFunction(int withParameters);
void b_someCoolFunction();
void b_anotherCoolFunction(int withParameters);
And I want to able to "switch" in my program at runtime which one is used. BUT: I dont want to have one if condition at every function, like:
void inline someCoolFunction(){
if(someState = A_STATE){
Because, I expect that every function is called a lot in my mainloop - so It would be preferable if I could do something like this (at start of my mainloop or when someState is changed):
if(someState = A_STATE){
useFunctionsOfType = a;
useFunctionsOfType = b;
and then simply call
useFunctionsOfType _someCoolFunction();
I hope its understandable what I mean… My Background: Im writing an App, that should be able to handle OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0 both properly - but I dont want to write every render Method 2 times (like: renderOpenGL1() and renderOpenGL2() I would rather to write only render()). I already have similiar Methods like: glLoadIdentity(); myLoadIdentity(); … But need a way to switch between these two somehow.
Is there any way to accomplish this in an efficent way?
Several options, including (but not limited to):
Use function pointers.
Wrap them in classes, and use polymorphism.
Have two separate copies of the loop.
But please profile to ensure this is actually a problem, before you make any large changes to your code.
As the question seems to be interested in a C++ solution and no-one has spelt out the polymorphic solution (too obvious?), here goes.
Define an abstract base class with the API you require, and then implement a derived class for each supported implementation:
class OpenGLAbstract
virtual ~OpenGLAbstract() {}
virtual void loadIdentity() = 0;
virtual void someFunction() = 0;
class OpenGLEs11 : public OpenGLAbstract
virtual void loadIdentity()
// Call 1.1 API
virtual void someFunction()
// Call 1.1 API
class OpenGLEs20 : public OpenGLAbstract
virtual void loadIdentity()
// Call 2.0 API
virtual void someFunction()
// Call 2.0 API
int main()
// Select the API to use:
bool want11 = true;
OpenGLAbstract* gl = 0;
if (want11)
gl = new OpenGLEs11;
gl = new OpenGLEs20;
// In the main loop.
delete gl;
Note that this is exactly the sort of thing that C++ was intended for, so if can use C++ here, this is the simplest way to go.
Now a more subtle issue you might face is if your 2.0 version requires the process to load a dynamic linked library at run time with the 2.0 platform implementation. In that case just supporting the API switch is not enough (whatever the solution). Instead put each OpenGL concrete class in its own linked library and in each provide a factory function to create that class:
OpenGlAbstract* create();
Then load the desired library at run time and call the create() method to access the API.
In C (since it seems you want both C and C++) this is done with pointer to functions.
// Globals. Default to the a_ functions
void(*theCoolFunction)() = a_someCoolFunction;
void(*theOtherCoolFunction)(int) = a_anotherCoolFunction;
// In the code ...
// use the other functions
theCoolFunction = b_someCoolFunction;
theOtherCoolFunction = b_anotherCoolFunction;
You might probably want to switch those functions in groups, so you better set a array of pointers to functions and pass that array around. If you decide to do so, you might probably want to also define some macro to ease the reading:
void (*functions_a[2])();
void (*functions_b[2])();
void (**functions)() = functions_a;
#define theCoolFunction() functions[0]()
#define theOtherCoolFunction(x) functions[1](x)
// switch grooup:
functions = functions_b;
but in this case you'll lose the static check on argument types (and you have to initialize the array, of course).
I guess in C++ you will have instatiate two different objects with the same parent class and different implementation for their methods (but I'm no C++ prograammer!)
You could use functions pointers. You can read a lot about them if you google it, but briefly a function pointer stores a pointer to a function's memory address.
Function pointers can be used the same way as a funcion, but can be assigned the address of different functions, making it a somehow "dynamic" function. As an example:
typedef int (*func_t)(int);
int divide(int x) {
return x / 2;
int multiply(int x) {
return x * 2;
int main() {
func_t f = ÷
f(2); //returns 1
f = &multiply;
f(2); //returns 4
Something like boost::function (std::function) would fit the bill. Using your example:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/function.hpp> //requires boost installation
#include <functional> //c++0x header
void a_coolFunction() {
std::cout << "Calling a_coolFunction()" << std::endl;
void a_coolFunction(int param) {
std::cout << "Calling a_coolFunction(" << param << ")" << std::endl;
void b_coolFunction() {
std::cout << "Calling b_coolFunction()" << std::endl;
void b_coolFunction(int param) {
std::cout << "Calling b_coolFunction(" << param << ")" << std::endl;
float mul_ints(int x, int y) {return ((float)x)*y;}
int main() {
std::function<void()> f1; //included in c++0x
boost::function<void(int)> f2; //boost, works with current c++
boost::function<float(int,int)> f3;
//casts are necessary to resolve overloaded functions
//otherwise you don't need them
f1 = static_cast<void(*)()>(a_coolFunction);
f2 = static_cast<void(*)(int)>(a_coolFunction);
f1 = static_cast<void(*)()>(b_coolFunction);
f2 = static_cast<void(*)(int)>(b_coolFunction);
//example from boost::function documentation. No cast required.
f3 = mul_ints;
std::cout << f3(5,3) << std::endl;
Compiled with g++-4.4.4, this outputs:
Calling a_coolFunction()
Calling a_coolFunction(5)
Calling b_coolFunction()
Calling b_coolFunction(7)
The biggest limitation is that the types of f1,f2, etc cannot change, so any function you assign to them must have the same signature (i.e. void(int) in the case of f2).
The simple way could be storing pointers to functions, and change them od demand.
But the better way is to use something similar to abstract factory design pattern. The nice generic implementation can be found in Loki library.
In C you would typically do this with a struct containing function pointers:
struct functiontable {
void (*someCoolFunction)(void);
void (*anotherCoolFunction)(int);
const struct functiontable table_a = { &a_someCoolFunction, &a_anotherCoolFunction };
const struct functiontable table_b = { &b_someCoolFunction, &b_anotherCoolFunction };
const struct functiontable *ftable = NULL;
To switch the active function table, you'd use:
ftable = &table_a;
To call the functions, you'd use: