C++ - Makefile issues - c++

I'm writing a small program known as "Alert Center", and the main classes/objects I'm using are: Point, Line, and Building. The contents of my Makefile are:
building.o: building.h line.h point.h building.cpp
g++ -c building.cpp
line.o: line.h point.h line.cpp
g++ -c line.cpp
point.o: point.h point.cpp
g++ -c point.cpp
alert_center: point.o line.o building.o
g++ point.o line.o building.o runner.cpp -o alert_center
The problem is that it only considers the first file listed. For example, if I change line.cpp, and then run make, nothing will happen and it will say that building.o has not changed. The change will only be compiled if I make the rule for line.o the first one. Does anybody know why this is happening?

Make alert_center the default target. You can do that explicitly with .default (see this), or simply list it as the first target to make it the default.
In the case of multiple targets, it is common to have a pseudo target named all and have it be the default. See the make recommended targets here.


Understanding makefiles

I was looking at this flow diagram to understand how makefiles really operate but I'm still struggling to 100% understand what's going on.
I have a main.cpp file that calls upon some function that is defined in function.h and function.cpp. Then, I'm given the makefile:
main: main.cpp function.o
g++ main.cpp function.o -o main
mainAssembly: main.cpp
g++ -S main.cpp
function.o: function.cpp
g++ -c function.cpp
rm -f *.o *.S main
linkerError: main.cpp function.o
g++ main.cpp function.o -o main
What's going on? From what I understand so far is that we are compiling function.cpp, which turns into an object file? Why is this necessary?
I don't know what the mainAssembly part is really doing. I tried reading the g++ flags but I still have trouble understand what this is. Is this just compiling main.cpp with the headers? Shouldn't we also convert main into an object file as well?
I guess main is simply linking everything together into an exe called main? And I'm completely lost on what clean and linkerError are trying to do. Can someone help me understand what is going on?
That flowchart confuses more than it explains as it seems needlessly complicated. Each step is actually quite simple in isolation, and there's no point in jamming them all into one chart.
Remember a Makefile simply establishes a dependency chain, an order of operations which it tries to follow, where the file on the left is dependent on the files on the right.
Here's your first part where function.o is the product of function.cpp:
function.o: function.cpp
g++ -c function.cpp
If function.cpp changes, then the .o file must be rebuilt. This is perhaps incomplete if function.h exists, as function.cpp might #include it, so the correct definition is probably:
function.o: function.cpp function.h
g++ -c function.cpp
Now if you're wondering why you'd build a single .cpp into a single .o file, consider programs at a much larger scale. You don't want to recompile every source file every time you change anything, you only want to compile the things that are directly impacted by your changes. Editing function.cpp should only impact function.o, and not main.o as that's unrelated. However, changing function.h might impact main.o because of a reference in main.cpp. It depends on how things are referenced with #include.
This part is a little odd:
mainAssembly: main.cpp
g++ -S main.cpp
That just dumps out the compiled assembly code for main.cpp. This is an optional step and isn't necessary for building the final executable.
This part ham-fistedly assembles the two parts:
main: main.cpp function.o
g++ main.cpp function.o -o main
I say that because normally you'd compile all .cpp files to .o and then link the .o files together with your libstdc++ library and any other shared libraries you're using with a tool like ld, the linker. The final step in any typical compilation is linking to produce a binary executable or library, though g++ will silently do this for you when directed to, like here.
I think there's much better examples to work from than what you have here. This file is just full of confusion.

Makefile target errors

I have been reading a book on SFML game development and they use unique_ptr's. And to use them I know that I must use the -std=c++11 flag when compiling, however I have been having issues doing this with a Makefile. Below is a copy of my Makefile:
flags = -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
main: main.cpp texture_holder.o
g++ main.cpp texture_holder.o -o Run $(flags) -std=c++11
texture_holder: texture_holder.cpp texture_holder.h
g++ texture_holder.cpp -c -std=c++11
.PHONY: clean
rm *.o Run
When just typing make I get errors about unique_ptr not being a member of std. But what I can't figure out, is that when I type make texture_holder texture_holder.cpp does compile just fine then running make builds the application. Do I have something ordered wrong or am I missing anything? If it helps, I can attach the code that I am using, but like I said, it builds just fine when I build the texture_holder target first.
You have wrong rule for texture_holder.o, it should be this:
texture_holder.o: texture_holder.cpp texture_holder.h
g++ texture_holder.cpp -c -std=c++11
Ie. including the .o extension.
What happens with your question's version is, when you do make texture_holder, you execute that particular rule, which does not actually create corresponding file texture_holder, it creates texture_holder.o, because well, that's what the commend produces. The texture_holder rule is effectively a phony rule, similar to main and clean (and btw, you should add main to .PHONY too).
If you make main, then to create texture_holder.o, make uses implicit rule (because there is no explicit one), which uses different compile command.
You have a rule for making texture_holder, not texture_holder.o. The rule for main will attempt to make texture_holder.o using the default compilation rule, not your special one. The default rule won't specify -std=c++11, hence the error.

Trouble making a header file

I am trying to make my own header file which will contain a class Vector.
To create a header file, as advised by some websites, I have created two different files :-
1) collections.h (contains declarations)
2) collections.cpp (contains definition)
Another file is main.cpp, which contains the main function, and in which I will be using collections.h
All these files are in the same directory
The trouble I am having is that compiler is showing the error
Undefined reference to Vector::Vector(int, int)
and so on for all the functions in my class.
I have made sure that there is a #include "collections.h" line in both collections.cpp as well as main.cpp
How can I solve the above problem?
I am using gcc compiler under ubuntu 12.04
First build the object files:
gcc -c main.cpp -o main.o
gcc -c collections.cpp -o collections.o
then link them together:
gcc collections.o main.o -o main
You need to build both source files and link them together.
On a Linux command line, you can do it simplest by providing both source files to gcc:
$ g++ -Wall main.cpp collections.cpp -o my_program
Note: I added the -Wall option to enable more warnings by default. It's always a very good habit to enable more warnings, as they can often point out logical errors or possible places where you have undefined behavior.

Compiling a C++ Project with Cygwin

I've made a little project to get experience with OOP in C++, i'm on Windows (with Cygwin).
The classes are point.h (the base class), point.cpp (implementation of point.h), coloredPoint.h (the derivated class), coloredPoint.cpp (implementation of the derivated class) and main.cpp (whic creates a point object and a coloredPoint object).
To run the main I type
g++ point.cpp coloredPoint.cpp main.cpp -o main
and all goes well! I know that this may could sound stupid...but is this the right way to do it?
For C++ you will want to replace gcc with g++ or add -lstdc++ (if you want to use the std c++ library) to your gcc command line:
gcc point.cpp coloredPoint.cpp main.cpp -o main -lstdc++
g++ point.cpp coloredPoint.cpp main.cpp -o main
which links the std c++ library with your compiled code. With g++ you do not have to add this step.

Linking files in g++

Recently I have tried to compile a program in g++ (on Ubuntu). Usually i use Dev-C++ (on Windows) and it works fine there as long as I make a project and put all the necessary files in there.
The error that occurs when compiling the program is:
$filename.cpp: undefined reference to '[Class]::[Class Member Function]'
The files used are as following:
The source code (.cpp) file with the main function.
The header file with the function prototypes.
The .cpp file with the definitions for each function.
Any help will be appreciated.
You probably tried to either compile and link instead of just compiling source files or somehow forgot something.
Variation one (everything in one line; recompiles everything all the time):
g++ -o myexecutable first.cpp second.cpp third.cpp [other dependencies, e.g. -Lboost, -LGL, -LSDL, etc.]
Variation two (step by step; if no -o is provided, gcc will reuse the input file name and just change the extension when not linking; this variation is best used for makefiles; allows you to skip unchanged parts):
g++ -c first.cpp
g++ -c second.cpp
g++ -c third.cpp
g++ -o myexecutable first.o second.o third.o [other dependencies]
Variation three (some placeholders):
Won't list it but the parameters mentioned above might as well take placeholders, e.g. g++ -c *.cpp will compile all cpp files in current directory to o(bject) files of the same name.
Overall you shouldn't worry too much about it unless you really have to work without any IDE. If you're not that proficient with the command line syntax, stick to IDEs first.
The command line of gcc should look like:
g++ -o myprogram class1.cpp class2.cpp class3.cpp main.cpp
Check in which cpp file the missing class member function is defined. You may have not given it to gcc.
You can also check for correct #include tags within filename.cpp. Assume that filename.cpp uses code contained in myclass.h present in the same directory as filename.cpp. Assume that the class that g++ says is undefined is contained in myclass.h and defined in myclass.cpp. So, to correctly include myclass.h within filename.cpp, do the following:
In filename.cpp:
#include <iostream>
#include <myclass.h>
//..source code.
In the makefile:
filename.o: myclass.C myclass.h filename.cpp
g++ -I./ -c filename.cpp -o filename.o
myclass.o: myclass.C myclass.h
g++ -c myclass.C -o myclass.o
In the above, note the use of -I. option when compiling filename.cpp. The -I<directory> asks g++ to include the path following the -I part into the search path. That way myclass.h is correctly included.
In the absence of more information (the source maybe), it is difficult to say with any accuracy where the problem lies. All attempts will be but stabs in the dark.
I assume that you have declared a member function (usually in a .h or .hpp file) but have ommited the respective definition of the member function (usually in a .cpp file).
In c++, it is possible to declare a class like so:
class foo {
void x();
void y();
with a cpp file that goes like so
void foo::x() {
Note, there is no foo::y().
This poses no problem to the compiling/linking process as long as the member function foo::y() is referenced nowhere throughout the compiled code.