Polynomial fitting using L1-norm - c++

I have n points (x0,y0),(x1,y1)...(xn,yn). n is small (10-20). I want to fit these points with a low order (3-4) polynomial: P(x)=a0+a1*x+a2*x^2+a3*x^3.
I have accomplished this using least squares as error metric, i.e. minimize f=(p0-y0)^2+(p1-y1)^2+...+(pn-yn)^2. My solution is utilizing singular value decomposition (SVD).
Now I want to use L1 norm (absolute value distance) as error metric, i.e. minimize f=|p0-y0|+|p1-y1|+...+|pn-yn|.
Are there any libraries (preferably open source) which can do this, and that can be called from C++? Is there any source code available which can be quickly modified to suit my needs?

L_1 regression is actually quite simply formulated as a linear program. You want to
minimize error
subject to x_1^4 * a_4 + x_1^3 * a_3 + x_1^2 * a_2 + x_1 * a_1 + a_0 + e_1 >= y_1
x_1^4 * a_4 + x_1^3 * a_3 + x_1^2 * a_2 + x_1 * a_1 + a_0 - e_1 <= y_1
x_n^4 * a_4 + x_n^3 * a_3 + x_n^2 * a_2 + x_n * a_1 + a_0 + e_n >= y_n
x_n^4 * a_4 + x_n^3 * a_3 + x_n^2 * a_2 + x_n * a_1 + a_0 - e_n <= y_n
error - e_1 - e_2 - ... - e_n = 0.
Your variables are a_0, a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4, error, and all of the e variables. x and y are the data of your problem, so it's no problem that x appears to second, third, and fourth powers.
You can solve linear programming problems with GLPK (GPL) or lp_solve (LGPL) or any number of commercial packages. I like GLPK and I recommend using it if its licence is not a problem.

Yes, it should be doable. A standard way of formulating polynomial fitting problems as a multiple linear regression is to define variables x1, x2, etc., where xn is defined as x.^n (element-wise exponentiation in Matlab notation). Then you can concatenate all these vectors, including an intercept, into a design matrix X:
X = [ 1 x1 x2 x3 ]
Then your polynomial fitting problem is a regression problem:
argmin_a ( | y - X * a| )
where the | | notation is your desired cost function (for your case, L1 norm) and a is a vector of weights (sorry, SO doesn't have good math markups as far as I can tell). Regressions of this sort are known as "robust regressions," and Numerical Recipes has a routine to compute them: http://www.aip.de/groups/soe/local/numres/bookfpdf/f15-7.pdf
Hope this helps!

The problem with the L1 norm is that it's not differentiable, so any minimisers which rely on derivatives may fail. When I've tried to minimise those kinds of functions using e.g. conjugate gradient minimisation, I find that the answer gets stuck at the kink, i.e. x=0 in the function y=|x|.
I often solve these mathematical computing problems from first principles. One idea that might work here is that the target function is going to be piecewise linear in the coefficients of your low-order polynomial. So it might be possible to solve by starting from the polynomial that comes out of least squares, and then improving the solution by solving a series of linear problems, but each time only stepping from your current best solution to the nearest kink.


Convert a Sage multivariate polynomial into a univariate one

I am trying to implement Schoof's algorithm in Sage.
I have multivariate polynomials f(x, y) with coefficients in
a finite field F_q, for which the variable y only appears
in even powers (for example f(x, y) = x * y^4 + x^3 * y^2 + x).
Furthermore, using an equation y^2 = x^3 + A * x + B,
I want to replace powers of y^2 in the polynomial with
corresponding powers of x^3 + A * x + B,
so that the polynomial depends only on x.
My idea was this:
J = ideal(f, y ** 2 - (x ** 3 + A * x + B))
f = R(J.elimination_ideal(y).gens()[0])
(R is a univariate polynomial ring).
My problem is, sometimes it works, sometimes it does not
(I don't know why).
Is there a better solution or standard solution?
For counting points on elliptic curves,
the following resources might be useful:
SageMath constructions: algebraic geometry: point couting on curves
SageMath thematic tutorial on Schoof-Elkies-Atkin point counting
Regarding polynomials, consider providing
an example that works and one that fails.
That might help analyse the problem and answer the question.
Note that Ask Sage
has more experts ready to answer SageMath questions.

Numerically calculate combinations of factorials and polynomials

I am trying to write a short C++ routine to calculate the following function F(i,j,z) for given integers j > i (typically they lie between 0 and 100) and complex number z (bounded by |z| < 100), where L are the associated Laguerre Polynomials:
The issue is that I want this function to be callable from within a CUDA kernel (i.e. with a __device__ attribute). Standard library/Boost/etc functions are therefore out of the questions, unless they are simple enough to re-implement on my own - this especially relates to the Laguerre polynomials which exist in Boost and C++17. Regardless if I manage to wrap any standard function for Laguerre polynomials, I still have a similar pre-factor to calculate of the form (z^j/j!).
Question: How can I do a relatively simple implementation of such a function, without introducing significant numerical instability?
My idea so far is to calculate L and its pre-factor independently. The pre-factor I will calculate by first looping from 0 to j-i and calculate (z^1 * z^2/2 * ... * z^(j-1)/(j-i)!). I will then calculate the remaining factor exp(-|z|^2/2) *(j-i)! * sqrt(i!/j!) (either in a similar way, or through the Gamma-function, which is implemented in CUDA math). The idea is then to find a minimal algorithm to calculate the associated Laguerre polynomial, unless I manage to wrap an implementation from e.g. Boost or GNU C++.
Edit/side note: The expression for F actually blows up numerically for some values of i/j. It was derived wrong in the source where I got it, and the indices of the associated Laguerre polynomials should instead be L_i^(j-i). That does not invalidate the approaches suggested in the answers/comments.
I recommend finding a recurrence relation for the coefficients of the Laguerre Polynomial:
C(k+1) = g(k)C(k)
g(k) = C(k+1) / C(k)
g(k) = -z * (j - k) / ((j - i + k + 1) * (k + 1)) //Verify this yourself :)
This allows you to avoid most of factorials in computing the polynomial.
After that I would follow Severin's idea of doing the calculations in logarithms
so as to not overload the double floating point range:
log(F) = log(sqrt(i!/j!)) - |z|^2 + (j-i) * log(-z) + log(L(|z|^2))
log(L) = log((2*j - i)!) + log(sum) // where the summation is computed using the recurrence relation above
and using the fact that:
log(a!) = sum(k=1..a, log(k))
and also:
log(z) = log(|z|) + I * arg(z) for complex z
log(-z) = log(|z|) + I * arg(-z)
log(-z) = log(|z|) - I * arg(z)
for the log(sqrt(i!/j!)) part I would do (assuming that j >= i):
= 0.5 * (log(i!) - log(j!))
= -0.5 * sum(k==i+1..j, log(k))
I haven't tried this out so there could definitely be little mistakes here and there. This answer is more about the technique rather than a copy-paste-ready answer
Well, what you should do is to logarithm it
Assuming natural logarithm,
q = log(z^j/j!) = log(z^j) - log(j!) = j*log(z) - log(Gamma(j+1))
First term is simple, second term is standard C++ function lgamma(x) (or you could use GSL).
compute value of q and return cexp(q)
You could fold exponent in this method as well

Solving for polynomial roots in Stata

I am trying to solve for the roots of a function in Stata. There is the "polyeval" command under Mata, but I am not sure how to apply it here. It seems to me as if under polyeval functions must follow a very clear structure of x^2 + x + c.
I would like to find out more about how to use Stata to solve this type of problem in general. But here is my current one, if that provides some idea of what I am working with.
I am currently trying to solve the Black (1976) American Options pricing model:
C = e^{-rt} [ F N(d1) - E N(d2)]
d1 = [ln(F/E) + 1/2 simga^2 t] / [sigma sqrt{t}]
d2 = d1 - sigma sqrt{t}
where C is the price of call option, t is time to expiration, r is interest rate, F is current futures price of contract, E is strike price, sigma is the annualized standard deviation of the futures contract. N(d1) and N(d2) are cumulative normal probability functions. All variables are known except for sigma.
As an aside, this seems to be really easy to do in R:
fun <- function(sigma) exp(-int.rate* T) * (futures * pnorm((log(futures/Strike)+ sigma^2 * T/2) / sigma * sqrt(T),0,1)- Strike * pnorm((log(futures/Strike)+ sigma^2 * T/2) / sigma * sqrt(T)- sigma * sqrt(T),0,1) ) - Option
uni <- uniroot(fun, c(0, 1), tol = 0.001 )
Does anyone have any ideas/pointers on how to use Stata to solve this type of function?

How to compute sin(2*m*Pi/n) exactly with CGAL and CORE?

Using Chebyshev polynomials, we can compute sin(2*Pi/n) exactly using the CGAL and CORE library, like the following piece of codes:
#include <CGAL/CORE_Expr.h>
#include <CGAL/Polynomial.h>
#include <CGAL/number_utils.h>
//return sin(theta) and cos(theta) for theta = 2pi/n
static std::pair<AA, AA> sin_cos(unsigned short n) {
// We actually use -x instead of x since root_of will give the k-th
// smallest root but we want the second largest one without counting.
Polynomial x(CGAL::shift(Polynomial(-1), 1));
Polynomial twox(2*x);
Polynomial a(1), b(x);
for (unsigned short i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
Polynomial c = twox*b - a;
a = b;
b = c;
a = b - 1;
AA cos = -CGAL::root_of(2, a.begin(), a.end());
AA sin = CGAL::sqrt(AA(1) - cos*cos);
return std::make_pair(sin, cos);
But if I want to compute sin(2*m*Pi/n) exactly, where m and n are integers, what is the formula of the polynomial that I should use? Thanks.
(Partial solution.)
This is essentially computing the real and imaginary part of the roots of unity as algebraic numbers. Let's denote w(m) = exp(2*pi*I*m/n). Then, w(m) itself is a complex root of En(x) = x^n-1.
You need to find a defining polynomial of Re(w(m)). Resultants are a tool to find such a polynomial: 2*Re(w(m)) is a root of Res (En(x-y), En(y); y).
For an explanation why this is the case: Note that 2*Re(w(m)) = w(m) + conj(w(m)), and that the complex roots of En come in conjugate pairs; hence, also conj(w(m)) is a root of En. Now loosely speaking, the En(y) part "constrains" y to be any (complex) root of En, and combining this with the first argument allows x to take any complex value such that x-y is a root of En as well. Hence, a possible assignment is y = conj(w(m)) and x-y = w(m), hence x = w(m)+conj(w(m)) = 2*Re(w(m)).
CGAL can compute resultants of multivariate polynomials, so you can compute this resultant, and you simply have to pick the correct real root. (The largest one will obviously be w(0) = 1, the smallest one is 2*Re(w(floor(n/2))).)
Unfortunately, the resultant has a high complexity (degree n^2), and resultant computation will not be the fastest operation you've ever seen. Also, you'll pay for dense polynomials although your instances are very sparse and structured. YMMV; I have no clue about your use case, and if you need higher degrees.
However, I did a few tests in a computer algebra system, and I found that the resultant splits into factors of more reasonable size, and that all its real roots actually belong to a much simpler polynomial of degree floor(n/2)+1 only. (No proof, just an observation.)
I don't know of a direct formula to write down this factor, and I don't want to speculate about it. But maybe some people at mathoverflow or math.stackexchange can help?
EDIT: Here is a guess for at least a recursive formula.
I write s(n,x) for the significant factor of the resultant polynomial containing all real roots but 0. This means that s(n,x) has all values 2*Re(w(m)) for m != n/4, 3*n/4 as roots.
s(0,x) = 0
s(1,x) = x - 2
s(2,x) = x^2 - 4
s(3,x) = x^2 - x - 2
s(4,x) = x^2 - 4
s(5,x) = x^3 - x^2 - 3*x + 2
s(6,x) = x^4 - 5*x^2 + 4
s(7,x) = x^4 - x^3 - 4*x^2 + 3*x + 2
s(8,x) = x^4 - 6*x^2 + 8
s(n,x) = (x^2-2)*s(n-4,x) - s(n-8,x)
Waiting for a proof...

C++ (and maths) : fast approximation of a trigonometric function

I know this is a recurring question, but I haven't really found a useful answer yet. I'm basically looking for a fast approximation of the function acos in C++, I'd like to know if I can significantly beat the standard one.
But some of you might have insights on my specific problem: I'm writing a scientific program which I need to be very fast. The complexity of the main algorithm boils down to computing the following expression (many times with different parameters):
sin( acos(t_1) + acos(t_2) + ... + acos(t_n) )
where the t_i are known real (double) numbers, and n is very small (like smaller than 6). I need a precision of at least 1e-10. I'm currently using the standard sin and acos C++ functions.
Do you think I can significantly gain speed somehow? For those of you who know some maths, do you think it would be smart to expand that sine in order to get an algebraic expression in terms of the t_i (only involving square roots)?
Thank you your your answers.
The code below provides simple implementations of sin() and acos() that should satisfy your accuracy requirements and that you might want to try. Please note that the math library implementation on your platform is very likely highly tuned for the specific hardware capabilities of that platform and is probably also coded in assembly for maximum efficiency, so simple compiled C code not catering to specifics of the hardware is unlikely to provide higher performance, even when the accuracy requirements are somewhat relaxed from full double precision. As Viktor Latypov points out, it may also be worthwhile to search for algorithmic alternatives that do not require expensive calls to transcendental math functions.
In the code below I have tried to stick to simple, portable constructs. If your compiler supports the rint() function [specified by C99 and C++11] you might want to use that instead of my_rint(). On some platforms, the call to floor() can be expensive since it requires dynamic changing of machine state. The functions my_rint(), sin_core(), cos_core(), and asin_core() would want to be inlined for best performance. Your compiler may do that automatically at high optimization levels (e.g. when compiling with -O3), or you could add an appropriate inlining attribute to these functions, e.g. inline or __inline depending on your toolchain.
Not knowing anything about your platform I opted for simple polynomial approximations, which are evaluated using Estrin's scheme plus Horner's scheme. See Wikipedia for a description of these evaluation schemes:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrin%27s_scheme ,
The approximations themselves are of the minimax type and were custom generated for this answer with the Remez algorithm:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimax_approximation_algorithm ,
The identities used in the argument reduction for acos() are noted in the comments, for sin() I used a Cody/Waite-style argument reduction, as described in the following book:
W. J. Cody, W. Waite, Software Manual for the Elementary Functions. Prentice-Hall, 1980
The error bounds mentioned in the comments are approximate, and have not been rigorously tested or proven.
/* not quite rint(), i.e. results not properly rounded to nearest-or-even */
double my_rint (double x)
double t = floor (fabs(x) + 0.5);
return (x < 0.0) ? -t : t;
/* minimax approximation to cos on [-pi/4, pi/4] with rel. err. ~= 7.5e-13 */
double cos_core (double x)
double x8, x4, x2;
x2 = x * x;
x4 = x2 * x2;
x8 = x4 * x4;
/* evaluate polynomial using Estrin's scheme */
return (-2.7236370439787708e-7 * x2 + 2.4799852696610628e-5) * x8 +
(-1.3888885054799695e-3 * x2 + 4.1666666636943683e-2) * x4 +
(-4.9999999999963024e-1 * x2 + 1.0000000000000000e+0);
/* minimax approximation to sin on [-pi/4, pi/4] with rel. err. ~= 5.5e-12 */
double sin_core (double x)
double x4, x2, t;
x2 = x * x;
x4 = x2 * x2;
/* evaluate polynomial using a mix of Estrin's and Horner's scheme */
return ((2.7181216275479732e-6 * x2 - 1.9839312269456257e-4) * x4 +
(8.3333293048425631e-3 * x2 - 1.6666666640797048e-1)) * x2 * x + x;
/* minimax approximation to arcsin on [0, 0.5625] with rel. err. ~= 1.5e-11 */
double asin_core (double x)
double x8, x4, x2;
x2 = x * x;
x4 = x2 * x2;
x8 = x4 * x4;
/* evaluate polynomial using a mix of Estrin's and Horner's scheme */
return (((4.5334220547132049e-2 * x2 - 1.1226216762576600e-2) * x4 +
(2.6334281471361822e-2 * x2 + 2.0596336163223834e-2)) * x8 +
(3.0582043602875735e-2 * x2 + 4.4630538556294605e-2) * x4 +
(7.5000364034134126e-2 * x2 + 1.6666666300567365e-1)) * x2 * x + x;
/* relative error < 7e-12 on [-50000, 50000] */
double my_sin (double x)
double q, t;
int quadrant;
/* Cody-Waite style argument reduction */
q = my_rint (x * 6.3661977236758138e-1);
quadrant = (int)q;
t = x - q * 1.5707963267923333e+00;
t = t - q * 2.5633441515945189e-12;
if (quadrant & 1) {
t = cos_core(t);
} else {
t = sin_core(t);
return (quadrant & 2) ? -t : t;
/* relative error < 2e-11 on [-1, 1] */
double my_acos (double x)
double xa, t;
xa = fabs (x);
/* arcsin(x) = pi/2 - 2 * arcsin (sqrt ((1-x) / 2))
* arccos(x) = pi/2 - arcsin(x)
* arccos(x) = 2 * arcsin (sqrt ((1-x) / 2))
if (xa > 0.5625) {
t = 2.0 * asin_core (sqrt (0.5 * (1.0 - xa)));
} else {
t = 1.5707963267948966 - asin_core (xa);
/* arccos (-x) = pi - arccos(x) */
return (x < 0.0) ? (3.1415926535897932 - t) : t;
sin( acos(t1) + acos(t2) + ... + acos(tn) )
boils down to the calculation of
sin( acos(x) ) and cos(acos(x))=x
sin(a+b) = cos(a)sin(b)+sin(a)cos(b).
The first thing is
sin( acos(x) ) = sqrt(1-x*x)
Taylor series expansion for the sqrt reduces the problem to polynomial calculations.
To clarify, here's the expansion to n=2, n=3:
sin( acos(t1) + acos(t2) ) = sin(acos(t1))cos(acos(t2)) + sin(acos(t2))cos(acos(t1) = sqrt(1-t1*t1) * t2 + sqrt(1-t2*t2) * t1
cos( acos(t2) + acos(t3) ) = cos(acos(t2)) cos(acos(t3)) - sin(acos(t2))sin(acos(t3)) = t2*t3 - sqrt(1-t2*t2)*sqrt(1-t3*t3)
sin( acos(t1) + acos(t2) + acos(t3)) =
sin(acos(t1))cos(acos(t2) + acos(t3)) + sin(acos(t2)+acos(t3) )cos(acos(t1)=
sqrt(1-t1*t1) * (t2*t3 - sqrt(1-t2*t2)*sqrt(1-t3*t3)) + (sqrt(1-t2*t2) * t3 + sqrt(1-t3*t3) * t2 ) * t1
and so on.
The sqrt() for x in (-1,1) can be computed using
x_0 is some approximation, say, zero
x_(n+1) = 0.5 * (x_n + S/x_n) where S is the argument.
EDIT: I mean the "Babylonian method", see Wikipedia's article for details. You will need not more than 5-6 iterations to achieve 1e-10 with x in (0,1).
As Jonas Wielicki mentions in the comments, there isn't much precision trade-offs you can make.
Your best bet is to try and use the processor intrinsics for the functions (if your compiler doesn't do this already) and using some math to reduce the amount of calculations necessary.
Also very important is to keep everything in a CPU-friendly format, make sure there are few cache misses, etc.
If you are calculating large amounts of functions like acos perhaps moving to the GPU is an option for you?
You can try to create lookup tables, and use them instead of standard c++ functions, and see if you see any performance boost.
Significant gains can be made by aligning memory and streaming in the data to your kernel. Most often this dwarfs the gains that can be made by recreating the math functions. Think of how you can improve memory access to/from your kernel operator.
Memory access can be improved by using buffering techniques. This depends on your hardware platform. If you are running this on a DSP, you could DMA your data onto an L2 cache and schedule the instructions so that multiplier units are fully occupied.
If you are on general purpose CPU, most you can do is to use aligned data, feed the cache lines by prefetching. If you have nested loops, then the inner most loop should go back and forth (i.e. iterate forward and then iterate backward) so that cache lines are utilised, etc.
You could also think of ways to parallelize the computation using multiple cores. If you can use a GPU this could significantly improve performance (albeit with a lesser precision).
In addition to what others have said, here are some techniques at speed optimization:
Find out where in the code most of the time is spent.
Only optimize that area to gain the mose benefit.
Unroll Loops
The processors don't like branches or jumps or changes in the execution path. In general, the processor has to reload the instruction pipeline which uses up time that can be spent on calculations. This includes function calls.
The technique is to place more "sets" of operations in your loop and reduce the number of iterations.
Declare Variables as Register
Variables that are used frequently should be declared as register. Although many members of SO have stated compilers ignore this suggestion, I have found out otherwise. Worst case, you wasted some time typing.
Keep Intense Calculations Short & Simple
Many processors have enough room in their instruction pipelines to hold small for loops. This reduces the amount of time spent reloading the instruction pipeline.
Distribute your big calculation loop into many small ones.
Perform Work on Small Sections of Arrays & Matrices
Many processors have a data cache, which is ultra fast memory very close to the processor. The processor likes to load the data cache once from off-processor memory. More loads require time that can be spent making calculations. Search the web for "Data Oriented Design Cache".
Think in Parallel Processor Terms
Change the design of your calculations so they can be easily adaptable to use with multiple processors. Many CPUs have multiple cores that can execute instructions in parallel. Some processors have enough intelligence to automatically delegate instructions to their multiple cores.
Some compilers can optimize code for parallel processing (look up the compiler options for your compiler). Designing your code for parallel processing will make this optimization easier for the compiler.
Analyze Assembly Listing of Functions
Print out the assembly language listing of your function.
Change the design of your function to match that of the assembly language or to help the compiler generate more optimal assembly language.
If you really need more efficiency, optimize the assembly language and put in as inline assembly code or as a separate module. I generally prefer the latter.
In your situation, take first 10 terms of the Taylor expansion, calculate them separately and place into individual variables:
double term1, term2, term3, term4;
double n, n1, n2, n3, n4;
n = 1.0;
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
n1 = n + 2;
n2 = n + 4;
n3 = n + 6;
n4 = n + 8;
term1 = 4.0/n;
term2 = 4.0/n1;
term3 = 4.0/n2;
term4 = 4.0/n3;
Then sum up all of your terms:
result = term1 - term2 + term3 - term4;
// Or try sorting by operation, if possible:
// result = term1 + term3;
// result -= term2 + term4;
n = n4 + 2;
Lets consider two terms first:
cos(a+b) = cos(a)*cos(b) - sin(a)*sin(b)
or cos(a+b) = cos(a)*cos(b) - sqrt(1-cos(a)*cos(a))*sqrt(1-cos(b)*cos(b))
Taking cos to the RHS
a+b = acos( cos(a)*cos(b) - sqrt(1-cos(a)*cos(a))*sqrt(1-cos(b)*cos(b)) ) ... 1
Here cos(a) = t_1 and cos(b) = t_2
a = acos(t_1) and b = acos(t_2)
By substituting in equation (1), we get
acos(t_1) + acos(t_2) = acos(t_1*t_2 - sqrt(1 - t_1*t_1) * sqrt(1 - t_2*t_2))
Here you can see that you have combined two acos into one. So you can pair up all the acos recursively and form a binary tree. At the end, you'll be left with an expression of the form sin(acos(x)) which equals sqrt(1 - x*x).
This will improve the time complexity.
However, I'm not sure about the complexity of calculating sqrt().