LevelDB: IO error: XXX.sst: Too many open files - c++

I'm using LevelDB in my application with 5 databases. Each database is opened with the option max_open_files = 64.
ulimit -Sn shows the operating system has a limit of 1024 files. Setting the limit to 2048 fixes the problem. Because I'm distributing this application to people, it should have defaults that work out of the box without requiring people to configure their operating system.
leveldb::Status status = db_spends_->Get(
leveldb::ReadOptions(), spent_slice, &raw_spend);
if (!status.ok())
std::cerr << "fetch_spend: " << status.ToString() << std::endl;
return false;
I get lots of these errors and cannot read at all.
"fetch_spend: IO error: XXXX.sst: Too many open files"
There are 5 databases in one subdirectory called database:
$ ls
addr block block_hash spend tx
$ du -sh .
16G .
$ du -sh *
2.6G addr
653M block
7.2M block_hash
2.6G spend
9.4G tx
$ for i in `ls`; do echo $i; ls $i | wc -l; done
I would like to change the 2 MB limit inside LevelDB for each .sst file, but it doesn't seem adjustable and I only saw this patch on Google: https://github.com/basho/leveldb/pull/7
I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 64bit.
Here is the code I use for opening the databases. If I display the open_options.max_open_files before the call to leveldb::DB::Open(), it displays 64 (as expected).
bool open_db(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& db_name,
std::unique_ptr<leveldb::DB>& db, leveldb::Options open_options)
using boost::filesystem::path;
path db_path = path(prefix) / db_name;
leveldb::DB* db_base_ptr = nullptr;
leveldb::Status status =
leveldb::DB::Open(open_options, db_path.native(), &db_base_ptr);
if (!status.ok())
log_fatal(LOG_BLOCKCHAIN) << "Internal error opening '"
<< db_name << "' database: " << status.ToString();
return false;
// The cointainer ensures db_base_ptr is now managed.
return true;
// Create comparator for blocks database.
depth_comparator_.reset(new depth_comparator);
// Open LevelDB databases
const size_t cache_size = 1 << 20;
// block_cache, filter_policy and comparator must be deleted after use!
open_options_.block_cache = leveldb::NewLRUCache(cache_size / 2);
open_options_.write_buffer_size = cache_size / 4;
open_options_.filter_policy = leveldb::NewBloomFilterPolicy(10);
open_options_.compression = leveldb::kNoCompression;
open_options_.max_open_files = 64;
open_options_.create_if_missing = true;
// The blocks database options needs its depth comparator too.
leveldb::Options blocks_open_options = open_options_;
blocks_open_options.comparator = depth_comparator_.get();
if (!open_db(prefix, "block", db_blocks_, blocks_open_options))
return false;
if (!open_db(prefix, "block_hash", db_blocks_hash_, open_options_))
return false;
if (!open_db(prefix, "tx", db_txs_, open_options_))
return false;
if (!open_db(prefix, "spend", db_spends_, open_options_))
return false;
if (!open_db(prefix, "addr", db_address_, open_options_))
return false;
Even if I set max_open_files = 20 I still get the same problem.

Until recently there could be some pathological behavior when max_option_files was set to < 74, where hundreds of file descriptors were used instead of what the option said. (The latest version of leveldb clamps gives the limit a floor of 74.) Does setting it to ~80 have any effect? If not, and you still get the problem, could you run the appropriate incantation of lsof when you see the bad behavior? That will tell us where the file descriptors are going.


tar command in execl using busybox. Error: no such file or directory

I have a linux based device that runs c++ code using QT framework. Using QProcess is not an option, since we don't have the QT compiled to support it.
I can't create a tar.gz archive using execl().
It returns -1(fail) and error is "No such file or directory"
Code sample:
std::string applicationPathWithName = "/bin/busybox";
QString dataDirectory("/opt/appl/data/");
QString archiveName = QString("AswLogs.tar.gz");
char* applName;
applName = new char [applicationPathWithName.size() + 1];
strcpy(applName, applicationPathWithName.c_str());
itsFlmFileManagerPtr->writeInFile(eFlmFileTypes_LogFile, data); //This creates logs.txt successfully
pid_t pid = fork();
QString command = QString("tar -czvf %1%2 %3logs.txt").arg(dataDirectory).arg(archiveName).arg(dataDirectory);
if(0 == pid)
INFO("Pid is 0");
int execStatus = 0;
execStatus = execl(applName, applName, command.toStdString().c_str(), (char*)NULL);
INFO("Execl is done, execStatus= " << execStatus);
std::string errorStr = strerror(errno);
INFO("Error: " << errorStr);
else if (pid < 0)
INFO("Failed to fork");
INFO("pid=" << pid);
int status;
if(wait(&status) == -1)
INFO("Wait child error");
INFO("Resume from fork");
Pid is 0
Execl is done, execStatus= -1
Error: No such file or directory
Resume from fork
logs.txt 666 |
busybox 755
How can I get more error details or what is wrong here?
So, after a while, I tried to do just the .tar archive and it worked.
Then I tried just to do the .gz compression and it also worked.
So, at least in my case, the solution was to do the tar.gz in two steps(Two processes required):
execl("/bin/busybox", "/bin/busybox", "tar", "-cvf", "/opt/appl/data/logs.tar", "/opt/appl/data/logs.txt", (char*) NULL);
execl("/bin/busybox", "/bin/busybox", "gzip", "/opt/appl/data/logs.tar", (char*) NULL);
I don't know what platform or compiler this is, but it generally isn't possible to pass whole command lines to execl(). If I understanding correctly, you are running something like this:
execl ("/bin/busybox", "/bin/busybox", "tar -czvf blah blah", null);
but in general you need
execl ("/bin/busybox", "/bin/busybox", "tar", "-czvf", "blah", "blah", null);
That is, you need to parse the command line down to its individual arguments. That should be easy enough in the case you described, since you already know what the individual arguments are.
I think the problem is that /bin/busybox starts, but chokes when it tries to interpret "tar -czvf blah blah" as the name of an applet to run.
Incidentally -- and probably not related -- busybox "tar" won't handle gzip compression internally by default, unless you have enabled this feature at build time.

FFMPEG RTSP stream to MPEG4/H264 file using libx264

Heyo folks,
I'm attempting to transcode/remux an RTSP stream in H264 format into a MPEG4 container, containing just the H264 video stream. Basically, webcam output into a MP4 container.
I can get a poorly coded MP4 produced, using this code:
// Variables here for demo
AVFormatContext * video_file_output_format = nullptr;
AVFormatContext * rtsp_format_context = nullptr;
AVCodecContext * video_file_codec_context = nullptr;
AVCodecContext * rtsp_vidstream_codec_context = nullptr;
AVPacket packet = {0};
AVStream * video_file_stream = nullptr;
AVCodec * rtsp_decoder_codec = nullptr;
int errorNum = 0, video_stream_index = 0;
std::string outputMP4file = "D:\\somemp4file.mp4";
// begin
AVDictionary * opts = nullptr;
av_dict_set(&opts, "rtsp_transport", "tcp", 0);
if ((errorNum = avformat_open_input(&rtsp_format_context, uriANSI.c_str(), NULL, &opts)) < 0) {
errOut << "Connection failed: avformat_open_input failed with error " << errorNum << ":\r\n" << ErrorRead(errorNum);
rtsp_format_context->max_analyze_duration = 50000;
if ((errorNum = avformat_find_stream_info(rtsp_format_context, NULL)) < 0) {
errOut << "Connection failed: avformat_find_stream_info failed with error " << errorNum << ":\r\n" << ErrorRead(errorNum);
video_stream_index = errorNum = av_find_best_stream(rtsp_format_context, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, NULL, 0);
if (video_stream_index < 0) {
errOut << "Connection in unexpected state; made a connection, but there was no video stream.\r\n"
"Attempts to find a video stream resulted in error " << errorNum << ": " << ErrorRead(errorNum);
rtsp_vidstream_codec_context = rtsp_format_context->streams[video_stream_index]->codec;
if (!(video_file_output_format = av_guess_format(NULL, outputMP4file.c_str(), NULL))) {
throw std::exception("av_guess_format");
if (!(rtsp_decoder_codec = avcodec_find_decoder(rtsp_vidstream_codec_context->codec_id))) {
errOut << "Connection failed: connected, but avcodec_find_decoder returned null.\r\n"
"Couldn't find codec with an AV_CODEC_ID value of " << rtsp_vidstream_codec_context->codec_id << ".";
video_file_format_context = avformat_alloc_context();
video_file_format_context->oformat = video_file_output_format;
if (strcpy_s(video_file_format_context->filename, sizeof(video_file_format_context->filename), outputMP4file.c_str())) {
errOut << "Couldn't open video file: strcpy_s failed with error " << errno << ".";
std::string log = errOut.str();
throw std::exception("strcpy_s");
if (!(video_file_encoder_codec = avcodec_find_encoder(video_file_output_format->video_codec))) {
throw std::exception("avcodec_find_encoder");
if (!outputMP4file.empty() &&
!(video_file_output_format->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE) &&
(errorNum = avio_open2(&video_file_format_context->pb, outputMP4file.c_str(), AVIO_FLAG_WRITE, nullptr, &opts)) < 0) {
errOut << "Couldn't open video file \"" << outputMP4file << "\" for writing : avio_open2 failed with error " << errorNum << ": " << ErrorRead(errorNum);
// Create stream in MP4 file
if (!(video_file_stream = avformat_new_stream(video_file_format_context, video_file_encoder_codec))) {
AVCodecContext * video_file_codec_context = video_file_stream->codec;
// error -22/-21 in avio_open2 if this is skipped
if ((errorNum = avcodec_copy_context(video_file_codec_context, rtsp_vidstream_codec_context)) != 0) {
throw std::exception("avcodec_copy_context");
//video_file_codec_context->codec_tag = 0;
// MARKER 3 - is this not needed? Examples suggest not.
if ((errorNum = avcodec_open2(video_file_codec_context, video_file_encoder_codec, &opts)) < 0)
errOut << "Couldn't open video file codec context: avcodec_open2 failed with error " << errorNum << ": " << ErrorRead(errorNum);
std::string log = errOut.str();
throw std::exception("avcodec_open2, video file");
//video_file_format_context->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_GENPTS;
if (video_file_format_context->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER)
video_file_codec_context->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
if ((errorNum = avformat_write_header(video_file_format_context, &opts)) < 0) {
errOut << "Couldn't open video file: avformat_write_header failed with error " << errorNum << ":\r\n" << ErrorRead(errorNum);
std::string log = errOut.str();
However, there are several issues:
I can't pass any x264 options to the output file. The output H264 matches the input H264's profile/level - switching cameras to a different model switches H264 level.
The timing of the output file is off, noticeably.
The duration of the output file is off, massively. A few seconds of footage becomes hours, although playtime doesn't match. (FWIW, I'm using VLC to play them.)
Passing x264 options
If I manually increment PTS per packet, and set DTS equal to PTS, it plays too fast, ~2-3 seconds' worth of footage in one second playtime, and duration is hours long. The footage also blurs past several seconds, about 10 seconds' footage in a second.
If I let FFMPEG decide (with or without GENPTS flag), the file has a variable frame rate (probably as expected), but it plays the whole file in an instant and has a long duration too (over forty hours for a few seconds). The duration isn't "real", as the file plays in an instant.
At Marker One, I try to set the profile by passing options to avio_open2. The options are simply ignored by libx264. I've tried:
av_dict_set(&opts, "vprofile", "main", 0);
av_dict_set(&opts, "profile", "main", 0); // error, missing '('
// FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN equals 77, so I also tried
av_dict_set(&opts, "vprofile", "77", 0);
av_dict_set(&opts, "profile", "77", 0);
It does seem to read the profile setting, but it doesn't use them. At Marker Two, I tried to set it after the avio_open2, before avformat_write_header .
// I tried all 4 av_dict_set from earlier, passing it to avformat_write_header.
// None had any effect, they weren't consumed.
av_opt_set(video_file_codec_context, "profile", "77", 0);
av_opt_set(video_file_codec_context, "profile", "main", 0);
video_file_codec_context->profile = FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN;
av_opt_set(video_file_codec_context->priv_data, "profile", "77", 0);
av_opt_set(video_file_codec_context->priv_data, "profile", "main", 0);
Messing with privdata made the program unstable, but I was trying anything at that point.
I'd like to solve issue 1 with passing settings, since I imagine it'd bottleneck any attempt to solve issues 2 or 3.
I've been fiddling with this for the better part of a month now. I've been through dozens of documentation, Q&As, examples. It doesn't help that quite a few are outdated.
Any help would be appreciated.
Okay, firstly, I wasn't using ffmpeg, but a fork of ffmpeg called libav. Not to be confused, ffmpeg is more recent, and libav was used in some distributions of Linux.
Compiling for Visual Studio
Once I upgraded to the main branch, I had to compile it manually again, since I was using it in Visual Studio and the only static libraries are G++, so linking doesn't work nicely.
The official guide is https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/MSVC.
First, compiling as such works fine:
Ensure VS is in PATH. Your PATH should read in this order:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio XX.0\VC\bin
Then run Visual Studio x86 Native Tools prompt. Should be in your Start Menu.
In the CMD, run
(your path to MinGW)\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -full-path
In the created MinGW window, run:
$ cd /your dev path/
$ git clone https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpeg
After about five minutes you'll have the FFMPEG source in the subfolder ffmpeg.
Access the source via:
$ cd ffmpeg
Then run:
$ which link
if it doesn't provide the VS path from PATH, but usr/link or usr/bin/link, rename similarly:
$ mv /usr/bin/link.exe /usr/bin/msys-link.exe
If it does skip the $ mv step.
Finally, run this command:
$ ./configure --toolchain=msvc and whatever other cmdlines you want
(you can see commandlines via ./configure --help)
It may appear inactive for a long time. Once it's done you'll get a couple pages of output.
Then run:
$ make
$ make install
Note for static builds (configure with --enable-static), although you get Windows static lib files, it'll produce them with extension *.a files. Just rename to .lib.
(you can use cmd: ren *.a *.lib)
To just copy from FFMPEG RTSP to a file, using source profile, level etc, just use:
read network frame av_read_frame(rtsp_format_context)
pass to MP4 av_write_frame(video_file_format_context)
You don't need to open a AVCodecContext, a decoder or encoder; just avformat_open_input, and the video file AVFormatContext and AVIOContext.
If you want to re-encode, you have to:
read network frame
pass packet to decoder
read frames from decoder (in loop)
send each decoded frame to encoder
read packets from encoder (in loop)
send each encoded packet to output video av_write_frame(video_file_format_context)
Some gotchas
Copy out the width, height, and pixel format manually. For H264 it's YUV420P.
As example, for level 3.1, profile high:
AVCodecParameters * video_file_codec_params = video_file_stream->codecpar;
video_file_codec_params->profile = FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH;
video_file_codec_params->format = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
video_file_codec_params->level = 31;
video_file_codec_params->width = rtsp_vidstream->codecpar->width;
video_file_codec_params->height = rtsp_vidstream->codecpar->height;
libx264 accepts a H264 preset via the opts parameter in avcodec_open2. Example for "veryfast" preset:
AVDictionary * mydict;
av_dict_set(&mydict, "preset", "veryfast", 0);
avcodec_open2(video_file_encoder_context, video_file_encoder_codec, &opts)
// avcodec_open2 returns < 0 for errors.
// Recognised options will be removed from the mydict variable.
// If all are recognised, mydict will be NULL.
Output timing is a volatile thing. Use this before ``.
video_file_stream->avg_frame_rate = rtsp_vidstream->avg_frame_rate;
video_file_stream->r_frame_rate = rtsp_vidstream->r_frame_rate;
video_file_stream->time_base = rtsp_vidstream->time_base;
video_file_encoder_context->time_base = rtsp_vidstream_codec_context->time_base;
// Decreasing GOP size for more seek positions doesn't end well.
// libx264 forces the new GOP size.
video_file_encoder_context->gop_size = rtsp_vidstream_codec_context->gop_size;
if ((errorNum = avcodec_open2(video_file_encoder_context,...)) < 0) {
// an error...
H264 may write at double-speed to the file, so playback is doubly fast. To change this, go manual with encoded packets' timing:
packet->pts = packet->dts = frameNum++;
av_packet_rescale_ts(packet, video_file_encoder_context->time_base, video_file_stream->time_base);
packet->pts *= 2;
packet->dts *= 2;
av_interleaved_write_frame(video_file_format_context, packet)
// av_interleaved_write_frame returns < 0 for errors.
Note we switch av_write_frame to av_interleaved_write_frame, and set both PTS and DTS. frameNum should be a int64_t, and should start from 0 (although that's not required).
Also note the av_rescale_ts call's parameters are the video file encoder context, and the video file stream - RTSP isn't involved.
VLC media player won't play H.264 streams encoded with an FPS of 4 or lower.
So if your RTSP streams are showing the first decoded frame and never progressing, or showing pure green until the video ends, make sure your FPS is high enough. (that's VLC v2.2.4)

Trouble opening DB environment in Oracle Berkeley DB

I'm new to databases and I wrote this practice program to test Berkeley BDB. I'm getting trouble opening the environment - the error appears in my console and says:
testEnv\_db.001: No such file or directory
Error opening database environment
DbEnv::open: No such file or directory
The code of the console program is based strongly off the examples in the Berkeley DB Transactions guide, and here's the text of the program up to the error, under int main().
String^ key_allkeys = "_ALLKEYS";
String^ key_valcount = "_COUNT";
// 1. Print some information to the screen, prompt user to enter path for key-value pair location:
Console::WriteLine("Oracle Berkeley DB Example Database Creator");
Console::WriteLine("Enter the path to the text file of key-value pairs:");
String^ kv_path = Console::ReadLine();
// 2. Declare initial variables:
String^ totalkeys;
int totalval;
// 3. Open the database:
std::string envHome("testEnv");
u_int32_t db_flags = DB_CREATE | DB_AUTO_COMMIT;
Db *dbp = NULL;
const char *file_name = "mydb.db";
DbEnv myEnv(0);
myEnv.open(envHome.c_str(), env_flags, 0);
dbp = new Db(&myEnv, 0);
dbp->open(NULL, file_name, NULL, DB_BTREE, db_flags, 0);
catch(DbException &e)
std::cerr << "Error opening database environment: " << std::endl;
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
exc_block(); // Block
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
It should be fairly obvious that the program is failing right around the try/catch blocks. I've read the manual (literally RTFM) and I couldn't figure it out - the DB_CREATE flag is specified for both the environment and database, so there shouldn't be an issue here.
Any ideas?
It may simply be that the testEnv directory doesn't exist in the directory where you are running the program? You have to create the environment home directory yourself.
Also, you may wish to specify DB_RECOVER when opening the environment.

Libcurl returns timeout error when used from multiple threads, but not from a single thread

I'm using libcurl with C++. I have made a thread-safe class for downloading webpages. Each call to static download method creates "easy" handle, performs the job and frees the handle. When I use it from the single thread - everything's fine. But when I spawn several threads to download several pages in parallel I sometimes (not fro every download, but quite often) get error saying "timeout". I have a reasonably high timeout configured (5 sec connection timeout and 25 sec global timeout).
Any ideas as to what might be the cause and how to fix it?
P. S. It happens on both Windows and Linux.
Here's the code of the method in question:
void CHttpDownloaderLibcurl::downloaderThread( const CUrl& url, CThreadSafeQueue<CHtmlPage>& q)
CHtmlPage page (url);
CURL* handle = curl_easy_init();
if (!handle)
int curlErr = setCurlOptions(handle, url, (void*)onCurlDownloadCallback, (void*)&page.byteArray());
if (CURLE_OK != curlErr)
assert("Error setting options" == (char*)curlErr);
curlErr = curl_easy_perform(handle);
page._info = getInfo(handle);
if (CURLE_OK != curlErr)
CLogger() << "Curl timeout!";
CLogger() << url.urlString() << ": Error performing download = " << curlErr;

C++ Serial Port Question

I have a hand held device that scans those graphic color barcodes on all packaging. There is a track device that I can use that will slide the device automatically. This track device functions by taking ascii code through a serial port. I need to get this thing to work in FileMaker on a Mac. So no terminal programs, etc...
What I've got so far:
I bought a Keyspan USB/Serial adapter. Using a program called ZTerm I was successful in sending commands to the device.
I was also able to do the same thing in Terminal using this command: screen /dev/tty.KeySerial1 57600
and then type in the same command above(but when I typed in I just hit Control-M and Control-J for the carriage return and line feed)
Now I'm writing a plug-in for FileMaker(in C++ of course). I want to get what I did above happen in C++ so when I install that plug-in in FileMaker I can just call one of those functions and have the whole process take place right there.
I'm able to connect to the device, but I can't talk to it. It is not responding to anything.
I've tried connecting to the device(successfully) using these:
FILE *comport;
if ((comport = fopen("/dev/tty.KeySerial1", "w")) == NULL){...}
int fd;
fd = open("/dev/tty.KeySerial1", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
This is what I've tried so far in way of talking to the device:
fputs ("C,7^M^J",comport);
char buffer[] = { 'C' , ',' , '7' , '^' , 'M' , '^' , 'J' };
fwrite (buffer , 1 , sizeof(buffer) , comport );
fwrite('C,7^M^J', 1, 1, comport);
When I connected to the device from Terminal and using ZTerm, I was able to set my baud rate of 57600. I think that may be why it isn't responding here. But I don't know how to do it here.... Does any one know how to do that? I tried this, but it didn't work:
comport->BaudRate = 57600;
There are a lot of class solutions out there but they all call these include files like termios.h and stdio.h. I don't have these and, for whatever reason, I can't find them to download. I've downloaded a few examples but there are like 20 files in them and they're all calling other files I can't find(like the ones listed above). Do I need to find these and if so where? I just don't know enough about C++ Is there a website where I can download libraries??
Another solution might be to put those terminal commands in C++. Is there a way to do that?
So this has been driving me crazy. I'm not a C++ guy, I only know basic programming concepts. Is anyone out there a C++ expert? I ideally I'd like this to just work using functions I already have, like those fwrite, fputs stuff.
Sending a ^ and then a M doesn't send control-M, thats just the way you write it,
to send a control character the easiest way is to just use the ascii control code.
ps. ^M is carriage return ie "\r" and ^J is linefeed "\n"
edit: Probably more than you will (hopefully) ever need to know - but read The Serial Port Howto before going any further.
This isn't a C++ question. You're asking how to interact with the TTY driver to set teh baud rate. The fact that you're opening the file under /dev tells me that you're on a unix derivative, so the relevant man page to read on a linux system is "man 3 termios".
Basically, you use the open() variant above, and pass the file descriptor to tcsetattr/tcgetattr.
Are you sure you've installed all the compiler tools properly? On my OS X 10.5.8 Mac,
termios.h and stdio.h are right there under /usr/include, just as I'd expect. The
code you've already found for serial port programming on other Unix variants should
only require minor changes (if any) to work on a Mac. Can you tell us a bit more about
what you've tried, and what went wrong?
mgb also has a good point about how the control characters need to be represented.
You can set the baud rate with ioctl. Here's a link to an example.
You don't specify which Unix you are using, so below I'm posting some Linux production code I use.
Pleae note below code is a class method so ignore any external (ie undeclared) references.
Steps are as follows -
Configure your termio structure, this is where you set any needed flags etc (ie the step you accomplished using zterm. The termio settings below configure the port to 8 databits, 1 stopbit and no parity (8-n-1). Also the port will be in "raw" (as opposed to cooked) mode so its a character stream, text isn't framed into lines etc The baud constants match the actual value, ie for 56700 baud you use "57600".
The timing parameters mean that characters are returned from the device as soon as they are available.
Once you have your termainal parameters set, you open the device (using POSIX open()), and then can use tcgetattr/tcsetattr to configure the device via the fd.
At this point you can read/write to the device using the read()/write() system calls.
Note that in the below example read() will block if no data is available so you may want to use select()/poll() if blocking is undesirable.
Hope that helps.
termios termio
tcflag_t baud_specifier;
//reset device state...
memset (&termio, 0, sizeof (termios));
//get our boad rate...
if (!(baud_specifier = baud_constant (baud))) {
ostringstream txt;
txt << "invalid baud - " << baud;
device_status_msg = txt.str();
status = false;
return (true);
//configure device state...
termio.c_cflag = baud_specifier | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
//do we want handshaking?
if (rtscts) {
termio.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS;
termio.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
termio.c_oflag = 0;
termio.c_lflag = 0;
//com port timing, no wait between characters and read unblocks as soon as there is a character
termio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
termio.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
//open device...
if ((fd = open (device.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY)) == -1) {
ostringstream txt;
txt << "open(\"" << device << "\") failed with " << errno << " - "
<< std_error_msg (errno);
device_status_msg = txt.str();
status = false;
return (true);
//keep a copy of curret device state...
if (tcgetattr (fd, &old_termio) == -1) {
ostringstream txt;
txt << "tcgetattr() failed with " << errno << " - " << std_error_msg (errno);
device_status_msg = txt.str();
status = false;
return (true);
//flush any unwanted bytes
if (tcflush (fd, TCIOFLUSH) == -1) {
ostringstream txt;
txt << "tcflush() failed with " << errno << " - " << std_error_msg (errno);
device_status_msg = txt.str();
status = false;
return (true);
//apply our device config...
if (tcsetattr (fd, TCSANOW, &termio) == -1) {
ostringstream txt;
txt << "tcsetattr() failed with " << errno << " - " << std_error_msg (errno);
device_status_msg = txt.str();
status = false;
return (true);
node_log_f ("successfully initialised device %s at %i baud", "open_device()",
device.c_str(), baud);
status = true;
return (true);