How to create code emmiter in c++ - c++

I am triying to create a code emmiter in c++ in order to learn how to make an emulator, but im having a hard time making dynamic assembler work:
unsigned char program[] = {0x90, 0x90, 0xC3 }; //nop; nop; ret
void (*p)(void) = (void(*)()) &program;
always return access violation .....
im working with visual studio 2012 C++ win32 console application

After some research I found this:
you have to allocate the memory and change the read/write/execution permissions to: Allow Read, Disallow Write, Allow Execution.
See this question for a "how to do it".
On Windows the function is VirtualProtect, you'll want to pass in PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE to get execute permission.
By default Windows does not allow memory execution. It's called Data Execute Prevention (DEP).
And for linux:
See mprotect(). Once you have filled a (n-)page-sized memory region (allocated with mmap()) with code, change its permissions to disallow writes and allow execution.
another fix for your issue on windows is just add your program to DEP whitelist... (You probbly didn't notice, but your crash is probably of type BEX, BEX crashes are in 99% cases related to DEP)
P.S. When you create a working code emitter.. mind giving me a copy? xD


Accessing Max Input Delay with C++ on Windows

I am having trouble obtaining certain data from Windows Performance Counters with C++. I will preface my question by stating that I am new to both C++ and to developing for Windows, but I have spent some time on this issue already so I feel familiar with the concepts I am discussing here.
How do I use Windows PDH (Performance Data Helper) C++ to obtain Max Input Delay--either per session or per process? Are there certain Performance Counters that are not available outside of perfmon?
Progress so far:
I have used this example to log some Performance Counters successfully, but the ones I want produce the error code 0xC0000BB8: "The specified object is not found on the system." This confuses me because I can access the objects--"User Input Delay per Process" or "User Input Delay per Session"--fine through perfmon. I even went as far as enabling the counter in the registry as outlined in the article I linked in my question, despite being on a build of Windows 10 that should have it enabled by default. I had to make a small change to get the code to compile, but I have changed only the definition of COUNTER_PATH during my testing because, again, the code works as advertised except when it comes to the counter I want to access. Specifically:
Does not compile:
CONST PWSTR COUNTER_PATH = L"\\Processor(0)\\% Processor Time";
Does compile and log:
CONST wchar_t *COUNTER_PATH = L"\\Processor(0)\\% Processor Timee";
CONST PWSTR COUNTER_PATH = const_cast<PWSTR>(TEXT( "\\Processor(0)\\% Processor Time" ));
Compiles, but throws error code 0xC0000BB8 at runtime (This is the Counter I want to access):
CONST PWSTR COUNTER_PATH = const_cast<PWSTR>(TEXT( "\\User Input Delay per Session(1)\\Max Input Delay" ));
The hardcoded session ID of 1 in the string was for troubleshooting purposes, but wildcard (*) and 0 were also used with the same result. The counter path matches that shown in perfmon.
Essentially, all Performance Counters that I have attempted to access with this code--about 5 completely different ones--have successfully logged the data being requested, but the one I want to access continues to be evasive.
I asked this same question on Microsoft Q&A and received the answer:
The Performance Counters in question require administrator privileges to access. All I had to do was run this program in administrator command prompt, and that solved my issue.

Using "rundll32.exe" to access SpeechUX.dll

Good Day,
I have searched the Internet tirelessly trying to find an example of how to start Windows Speech Training from with in my VB.Net Speech Recognition Application.
I have found a couple examples, which I can not get working to save my life.
One such example is on the Visual Studios Fourms:
this particular example users the "Process.Start" call to try and start the Speech Training Session. However this does not work for me. Here is the exmaple from that thread:
Process.Start("rundll32.exe", "C:\Windows\system32\speech\speechux\SpeechUX.dll, RunWizard UserTraining")
What happens is I get and error that says:
There was a problem starting
The specified module could not be found
So I tried creating a shortcut (.lnk) file and thought I could access the DLL this way. My short cut kind of does the same thing. In the short cut I call the "rundll32.exe" with parameters:
C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe "C:\Windows\system32\speech\speechux\SpeechUX.dll" RunWizard UserTraining
Then in my VB.Net application I use the "Process.Start" and try to run the shortcut.
This also gives me the same error. However the shortcut itself will start the SPeech Training session. Weird?!?
So, I then took it one step further, to see if it has something to do with my VB.Net Application and the "Process.Start" Call.
I created a VBScript, and using "Wscript.Shell" I point to the Shortcut.
Running the VBScript calls the Shortcut and low and behold the Speech Training starts!
Great! But...
when I try to run the VBscript from my Application, I get that error again.
What the heck is going on here?
Your problem likely is that your program is compiled as 32-bit and your OS is 64-bit, and thus, when you try to access "C:\Windows\System32\Speech\SpeechUX\SpeechUX.dll" from your program, you're really accessing "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Speech\SpeechUX\SpeechUX.dll" which, as rundll32.exe is reporting doesn't exist.
Compile your program as 64-bit instead or try the pseudo directory %SystemRoot%\sysnative.
Also, instead of rundll32.exe, you may want to just run SpeechUXWiz.exe with an argument.
private Process StartSpeechMicrophoneTraining()
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.FileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, "speech\\speechux\\SpeechUXWiz.exe");
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "MicTraining";
return process;
private Process StartSpeechUserTraining()
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.FileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.SystemDirectory, "speech\\speechux\\SpeechUXWiz.exe");
process.StartInfo.Arguments = "UserTraining";
return process;
Hope that helps.
Read more about Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit at
or your problem specifically at
If you are using a 64bit OS and want to access system32 folder you must use the directory alias name, which is "sysnative".
"C:\windows\sysnative" will allow you access to system32 folder and all it's contents.
Honestly, who decided this at Microsoft is just silly!!

Why would calling MessageBox[etc]() without a return variable cause the program to crash?

So if I write the following code:
MessageBoxA(0, "Yo, wazzup!", "A Greeting From Earth", 0);
the program crashes with an access violation when it exits. When I write the code like this:
int a;
a = MessageBoxA(0, "Yo, wazzup!", "A Greeting From Earth", 0);
it doesn't crash. Now I know why it crashes when it crashes thanks to another question I asked, also regarding argument-mismatching, but I don't know why it crashes.
So why does this cause an APPCRASH? I was always under the impression that calling a function that had a return-type, without actually giving one was safe, example:
int SomeFunction (void) {
std::cout << "Hello ya'll!\n";
return 42;
int main (void) {
int a;
// "Correct" ?
a = SomeFunction();
a = MessageBoxA(0, "Yo, wazzup!", "A Greeting From Earth", 0);
// "Incorrect" ?
MessageBoxA(0, "Yo, wazzup!", "A Greeting From Earth", 0);
When I run this kind of test "clean" (in a new file) I don't get any errors. It only seems to give an error with MessageBox/MessageBoxA when run in my program. Knowing the possible causes would help me pinpoint the error as the project code is too big to post (and I would need my friend's permission to post his code anyway).
Additional Info:Compiler = GCCPlatform = Windows
UpdateThanks everyone for your feedback so far. So I decided to run it through a debugger... Now Code::Blocks doesn't debug a project unless it is loaded from a project file (*.cbp) - AFAIK. So I created an actual project and copy-pasted our project's main file into the projects. Then I ran in debug mode and didn't get so much as a warning. I then compiled in build mode and it ran fine.Next, I decided to open a new file in Dev-C++ and run it through the debugging and later the final build process and again I got no errors for either build or debug. I cannot reproduce this error in Dev-C++, even with our main file (as in the one that causes the error in Code::Blocks).
ConclusionThe fault must lie in Code::Blocks. AFAIK, they both use GCC so I am pretty confused. The only thing I can think of is a version difference or perhaps my compiler settings or something equally obscure. Could optimizer settings or any other compiler settings somehow cause this kind of error?
The version with the return value does not crash because it had one int more on the stack. Your erroneous code reads over the bounds of the stack and then runs into an access violation. But if you have more on the stack you will not hit the guard page, because that is just enough extra stack. If the the erroneous code only reads it is sort of OK, but still broken.
We had one bit of WTF inducing code that was like so:
char dummy[52];
There was thankfully a longish comment explaining that removing dummy, makes some_function crash. It was in a very old application so nobody dared touch it and the some_function was totally different module we had no control over. Oh yea and that application was running smoothly in the field for over 20 years in industrial installations, like refineries or nuclear power plants... ^_^

NtQuerySystemInformation Hook Failure

After successfully building a trampoline and learning more about process memory space, I tested the trampoline on MessageBoxA. It worked perfectly so I decided to finally put the code to the use it was supposed to be for in the first place, hiding a process by hooking NtQuerySystemInformation. The redirect function should work fine, but the code I used to write the jmp instruction now causes the task manager to crash every time.
BYTE tmpJMP[5] = {0xE9,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; //jmp,A,D,D,R
DWORD Addr = ((DWORD)func - ((DWORD)oNtQuerySystemInformation + 0x5));
for (int i=0;i<4;++i)
JMP[i+1] = ((BYTE*)&Addr)[i];
if (VirtualProtect((LPVOID)oNtQuerySystemInformation,5,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,&oldProtect) == FALSE)
MessageBox(NULL,L"Error unprotecting memory",L"",MB_OK);
if (!WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPVOID)oNtQuerySystemInformation,(LPCVOID)JMP,5,NULL))
MessageBox(NULL,L"Unable to write to process memory space",L"",MB_OK);
I'm writing to the memory as such. I can't seem to find a problem with the code. I was thinking that maybe the memory changes from API to API but I was told that's incorrect, making me all out confused. Is there anything wrong that you all see? Please be descriptive. I love to learn o3o

Program crashes with 0xC000000D and no exceptions - how do I debug it?

I have a Visual C++ 9 Win32 application that uses a third-party library. When a function from that library is called with a certain set of parameters the program crashes with "exception code 0xC000000D".
I tried to attach Visual Studio debugger - no exceptions are thrown (neither C++ nor structured like access violations) and terminate() is not called either. Still the program just ends silently.
How does it happen that the program just ends abnormally but without stopping in the debugger? How can I localize the problem?
That's STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, use WinDbg to track down who threw it (i.e. attach WinDbg, sxe eh then g.
Other answers and comments to the question helped a lot. Here's what I did.
I notices that if I run the program under Visual Studio debugger it just ends silently, but if I run it without debugger it crashes with a message box (usual Windows message box saying that I lost my unsaved data and everyone is sooo sorry).
So I started the program wihtout debugger, let it crash and then - while the message box was still there - attached the debugger and hit "Break". Here's the call stack:
ntdll.dll!_ZwWaitForMultipleObjects#20() + 0xc bytes
kernel32.dll!_WaitForMultipleObjectsEx#20() - 0x48 bytes
kernel32.dll!_WaitForMultipleObjects#16() + 0x18 bytes
faultrep.dll!StartDWException() + 0x5df bytes
faultrep.dll!ReportFault() + 0x533 bytes
kernel32.dll!_UnhandledExceptionFilter#4() + 0x55c bytes
so obviously that's some problem inside the trird-party library. According to MSDN, UnhandledExceptionFilter() is called in fatal situations and clearly the call is done because of some problem in the library code. So we'll try to work the problem out with the library vendor first.
If you don't have source and debugging information for your 3rd party library, you will not be able to step into it with the debugger. As I see it, your choices are;
Put together a simple test case illustrating the crash and send it onto the library developer
Wrap that library function in your own code that checks for illegal parameters and throw an exception / return an error code when they are passed by your own application
Rewrite the parts of the library that do not work or use an alternative
Very difficult to fix code that is provided as object only
Edit You might also be able to exit more gracefully using __try __finally around your main message loop, something like
int CMyApp::Run()
int i = CWinApp::Run();
m_Exitok = MAGIC_EXIT_NO;
return i;
if (m_Exitok != MAGIC_EXIT_NO)