Joomla 2.5 registering different kinds of users - joomla2.5

Maybe this isn't the correct place to ask, but I asked this question on Joomla forums and did not get any answers. If someone can help me or at least point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate.
My question is: In a Joomla 2.5 website, I want to create two different kinds of forms for registering users. Maybe "registering" isn't the correct term. I want to create something like a very simple database which will hold records for two kinds of users:
- one which will be interested in working in projects, so in this case the form will have more fields and specific details to fill
- one which will be interested only in receiving newsletters from the site, and in this case only basic contact information will be required.
I did some research and found an extension named AcyMailing which can handle the newsletters for example, but I need to have all my potential users registered as Joomla users. I would like to avoid that if possible. If not, how can I differentiate the two kinds of users on registration, so the visitor can choose which option he wants and in this case, add more information to the registering process, if possible.
I'm not very experienced with Joomla, but since the site in question is already implemented using it, I don't have much choice.
Thanks in advance!

Chronoforms. Most definitely here would be a great use for their AWESOME free component. Your forms can work as registration forms (should you desire that); or can also just be free standing forms that log the information filled out on them to your database which you can later use however you would like (i.e. compiling a mailing list or something of that sort).
The form wizard makes it almost bullet proof, then you can have a form for 1 type of user to fill out, and a form for a different user build different ways.
That will get you the data - in order to mass mail those people you'll need a way to extract their emails out of the database (or find an email component that will let you email based on certain fields in the database or what have you); but it's totally possible and would be easily done I think with 1 simple mySQL query on your database table created by chronoforms.
In terms of something that will solve your issue quickly and get you the info you're looking for in two separate ways - chronoforms will do that exactly.


Django Master/Detail

I am designing a master/detail solution for my app. I have searched for ever in the django docs, also here and elsewhere I could, so I guess the answer is not that obvious, despite being an answer many people look for - not only in django, but in every language, I think.
Generally, in most cases, the master already exists: for example, the Django Docs illustrate the Book example, where we already have an Author and we want to add several Books for that Author.
In my case, the parent is not yet present on the database think of a purchase order, for instance.
I have thought to divide the process in two steps: the user would start to fill in the info for the master model (regular form) and then proceed to another view to add the lines (inline formset). But I don't think this is the best process at all - there are a lot of possible flaws in it.
I also thought about creating a temporary parent object in a different table and only having a definitive master when the children are finally created. But it still doesn't look clean.
Because of that, for my app it would be ideal to create the master object at the same time as the detail objects (lines) - again, like an order.
Is there a way where I can have the same view to manage both master and detail? Like this I would receive both in the same POST request and it would make a lot more sense, not to say it would be much cleaner.
Sorry if it's too long, and thank you in advance!
So I found out that in my case the process could actually be split in two phases.
For this I simply use the traditional model form and inline formset.
But! I also found out that there could be several answers to this:
We could get crazy and build some spaceship in AJAX that would get the job done, simply by sending a JSON object (in which the lines could be an array of objects)
Django also has its ways and it's possible to send multiple forms in the same request! (thank you #mousetail for the tip).
Of course, be there as it may, there are many ways to build a house, these are just the ones I found out.

How could I allow copy editors for my Django site to create internal links in a DRY manner? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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My Django site is an ecommerce store. Relatively nontechnical copy editors will be logging into the Django admin interface and writing the copy for each of the product pages. They have told me that they want to be able to create links in this copy to other pages on the site. For example, if a product references another product in its description, they want to link between the pages.
I see a couple of possible options:
They simply hardcode the urls in <a> tags in the copy. I've set up ckeditor for the admin textareas so this would be the simplest solution, but if the url structure of the site ever changed, (say we changed them for SEO purposes) all the links would break.
Introduce some sort of wiki syntax where they surround the text that they want the links to be in square brackets. Something like:
Widget A works really well with [[Widget B]]. It is good.
would produce:
Widget A works really well with Widget B. It is good.
Then you have the problem of what happens if the product's name changes?
Has anyone dealt with this problem before and come up with a solution that is flexible enough to allow changing links/names/etc?
I deal with this issue frequently. Ultimately, you have to be very persuasive to convince me to allow embedding links directly into the copy--especially with an e-commerce website.
What if the product name changes or is re-branded?
What if the product is discontinued... you don't want 404 errors from your internal links.
Do you really want to lead people away from your "add to cart" call to action that high up on the page?
Do they know your SEO strategy? Are they going to dilute your links? What verbiage will they use? Will they ensure the link is valid?
When I am asked to give copy/product development team the ability to add links I always start with a No. Ask them what they need them for, explain the problems that can arise (eg. extra cost in maintaining valid links, conversion rate considerations, SEO considerations), and offer alternative solutions.
For example, I usually offer the ability to allow them to associate products with products as "Associated Products", "Related Products", "Accessories", "More Information" etc. You can have these in tabs or lists at the bottom of the product page. These would be in models and thus you have control over not displaying discontinued products, the link names are the product names (which you have SEO control over), etc. Determine if they are going for cross-selling, up-selling, or providing the end user with more information.
As a last resort I have also used a custom code parser which is again based on the target object and not a hard-coded link. For example, let's say you give them the ability to do:
Widget A works really well with [product=123].
A custom template tag, parser in your model/view can replace that with a link to the the Product with id=123 (or use slug) based on get_absolute_url(). If the product is discontinued, the name can still show but no link. This only works if you have a policy of never deleting records. Even then, you may have to have some error handling for when they enter an invalid product ID or somebody does delete that product. That will happen.

Single model for storing django application-wide options

I have a set of top-level configuration data fields that I want to be able to set within django admin for each deployment of my django app. I only want one set of these.
Example fields: site_logo, contact_person, address, facebook_url, twitter_url
The problem is that Django Admin is geared towards tables (lists) of models, so its not a good fit for this type of singular configuration model. I really only want one of these models to exist for the whole site, and to be able to click into it from admin and edit the various fields.
It seems i've come across a 3rd party app in the past to accomplish this but can't find it anywhere. Part of the problem is I'm finding it difficult to find the right words to google. Any ideas?
It looks like django-values will do what you're looking for.
Other possible contenders: (doesn't look maintained)
Have a look at django-livesettings it sounds like it might fit.
Not that i have used it, but i have heard good things about django-constance.
And there are even some more options listed in the Configuration-Grid on Django Packages.

Data structure for changing form using Django Models and Admin app

I am writing a Django application and using the built-in ORM. I would like to create functionality to provide a form but the template for that form needs to be built on admin side of the application and can change over time.
For instance, initially they have a form that asks for first name, last name but later if they decide to add birthday field admin should be able to go to this template page add birthrate as new field and on client side, users start seeing it. Is there anything already in place that can be used? I was thinking of using something like this but decided to check here and see if there is something better available.
Is it this what your are looking for?
I have never heard about any library for that, because you have pretty much different approaches to handle that!, but check the link, he is explaining better those approaches.

How can I prevent automatic form submission by bots?

I am running ColdFusion MX, so I don't have the possibility of using the built-in cfimage Captcha functionality in my application, before form submitting.
But the problem is without captcha the bots submit the forms.
What will be best way to prevent automatic submitting?
Captchas don't have to be images!
Try one of the following solutions:
Most bots don't understand CSS. Create two submit buttons, the first with a value that will be rejected by the server, the second with a value that will be accepted by the server. Hide the first one using CSS.
Ask the user to answer a simple math problem. This will require you to create the math problem and store the expected solution somewhere (like the user's session), then compare the user's submitted answer with the stored answer. For extra protection, you can create simple addition, subtraction and multiplication questions. Avoid division, remainders are a pain for some users.
Bots read the names of form elements, and tend to ignore text labels. Try creating a checkbox named "optout" (like a newsletter), checked by default. Next to the checkbox, ask the user to uncheck the checkbox if they are a human. The opposite technique also works (unchecked checkbox that you ask the user to check).
All of these solutions can be done without third party code or API calls.
That being said, reCAPTCHA is pretty good and easy to integrate into almost any environment.
Take a look at cfformprotect - it will work with CFMX 6 and all later engines.
It aims to be fully accessible - and invisible to most users - with an assortment of methods to stop bots and spammers.
Also you might want to look at a CF wrapper for reCaptcha, which is compatible with CFMX 7.
A technique I used with a different technology was to use image buttons. Your POST handler gets the x,y co-ordinates where the images were clicked. I found the bots (which are just generating post requests) were passing 0,0 and by dropping those requests on the floor I brought the spam posts down to less than the real ones. Sorry that I don't know how to do that in CF but I hope the technique is useful to you.
Its always a good idea to do data validation on the server side before processing no matter which solution you use.
This post may help:
How about using calculation method? Just like 8 + 5 = ?
how about using ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm?