does wso2 carbon 4.1 support felix OSGi container? - wso2

This link suggests version 4.0.1 supports felix, but I can't find any information for 4.1.
Does wso2 carbon 4.1 support felix as an OSGi container?
If so:
which version of felix?
how is felix configured instead of equinox?

WSO2 Carbon 4.1.0 is tested and documented only against Eclipse Equinox and that is the recommended OSGi container. Felix has not been tested for Carbon since version 2.0. Though theoretically it should be possible to use Felix instead of Equinox it is not documented and tested for Carbon so you want be able to find any documentation on how it can be configured in WSO2 Carbon docs. would recommend you to use Equinox if possible. hope this will help you.


WSO2 Greg Weblogic Deployment

Can WSO2 GREG 4.6 be deployed on Weblogic Server?
I found old documentation about using ant to createWAR but that is no longer valid.
Can anyone point me to updated documentation?
It is not supported later versions of carbon 4.0.0. GREG 4.6.0 using carbon 4.x.x version, so it can not be deployed in weblogic.

Why custom Axis2 version in WSO2?

Well, when developing custom transports for WSO2 ESB I was recommended to use Axis2 version specific to WSO2 (1.6.1-wso2v5). Does anybody know if this version somehow differs from the "standard" 1.6.1 version? And what was the motivation for this "branching"?
AFAIK this was because some changes were done that was needed for wso2 specific details. Hence a separate wso2 version was created to cater this need.

WSO2ESB Version upgrade from 4.0.0 to 4.6.0

Currently we are using WSO2ESB Version 4.0.0 in a clustered , load balanced enviorment with
WSO2 Governance Registry Version 4.0.0. We are hoping to upgrade it to the new WSO2ESB Version 4.6.0.
Could you please guide us on followings,
What are the upgrading steps.
Do we need to upgrade the WSO2 Governance Registry Version as well.
Please have a look at this thread.
How to upgrade WSO2 ESB (4.5.0 steps are usually valid for 4.6.0 as well.)
It is advisable that you upgrade Governance Registry to 4.5.3 which has new improvements and also lots of stability issues has been addressed since 4.0.0.

Combine WSO2 ESB with WSO2 IS

I'm considering using the functions of WSO2 IS. However, I already have WSO2 ESB deployed in a production environment, so I'd prefer to add IS features to the already existent ESB environment.
I was able to start with the IS 4.1.0 bundle, add the Carbon 4.0.5 P2 repository (ESB 4.6.0 is built upon that version of Carbon) and install ESB 4.6.0 features, but I cannot seem to be able to do the opposite, since as far as I can tell WSO2 IS is based on Carbon 4.0.6, but there's no P2 repo for it.
What's the proper way to install IS features into ESB, if any?
I haven't tried installing 4.0.7 Identity Server features to ESB 4.0.6. But I can advice you to not to do it. Reason is: Identity Server 4.1.0 has some changes done to the user management core bundles which are not compatible with the older releases. Therefore, you can try to install an older version of identity server features on top of ESB 4.6.0. Identity Server 4.0.0 was released with Carbon 4.0.3. So, I think you should try with Carbon 4.0.3 p2 repository to install identity features on ESB 4.6.0.
Please use 4.0.7 P2 repository for new IS features which IS 4.1.0 based on.

How do you install multiple WSO2 products?

The installation instructions are clear how to download a .zip for an individual product (e.g. ESB, Application Server, Mashup Server). But based on the OSGi component architecture, I thought it would be possible to, for example, add Mashup Server functionality to an existing install of the ESB. I've looked at the Feature Manager, and tried adding a repository (, but have not had success.
Any guidance appreciated.
It's possible to install different features via the feature manager, but you have to determine the correct version of the feature compliant with the target server. For example, to install BPEL features to WSO2 ESB 4.0.2, first find the related WSO2 Carbon platform version. This can be determined by the version of $ESB-HOME/repository/components/plugins/org.wso2.carbon.core-x.x.x.jar. So if WSO2 ESB 4.0.2 is the target server, then the version of org.wso2.carbon.core jar would be 3.2.2. So the relevant BPEL feature version is 3.2.2.
You can read more about Installing+Features and How install the BPEL features via Feature Manager.
Please refer to WSO2 release matrix [1] in order to match the correct version
By looking at it, you can easily find the Carbon version of any product version.
For example ESB 4.0.2 has the carbon version 3.2.2