django social auth error after completing pipeline - django

I am using django social auth to power facebook connect in my app (admittedly with a little complicated user model and legacy database).
I was redirected to error page and seem to be running into an error AFTER completion of pipeline( redirect as last step of pipeline still redirects me).
Can someone tell me where to look to debug this?

A good place to start would be to look in social-auth's, at the few places where the redirect to LOGIN_ERROR_URL happens (the variable url is set to LOGIN_ERROR_URL and then HttpResponseRedirect(url) is called). Add some print statements, or better, set breakpoints using the python debugger. If you run your app in the Django development server, the print statements will show up in the terminal in which you ran the server. Otherwise, they may show up in your server logs, depending on your configuration. You may also find django-debug-toolbar helpful.
Using print statements or the debugger, my workflow would be:
Figure out what line in the redirect is triggered from
Figure out what condition causes that line to be reached
Inspect the variables leading to that condition
Sorry this is so general. Happy to help more if you can provide some more specific information.


How do I get a Django Server Error 500 report

I recently ran my tests on django for my project, one of them turned out as a server error 500. Thi confused me as I thought everything was passing. I currently have DEBUG=True. When I checked the documentation it said to set debug to true and add some admins to email for the full output. Is there an easier way to get the output or should I work on setting that up.
For more info my project is still being developed. I dont really want to post my test code as I really need more debugging experience but if you people ask I will!
Thanks for any help!
Errors are mailed throught Django logging framework. You must configure logging apropiatly to use other Handler than Email (email is by default for errors on django). Change it to Console or File Handler instead....
Here is the source doc:

Login and template errors deploying meteor to Digital Ocean /

Apologies if this question is not asked correctly but I actually can't pinpoint the problem. Hence the lack of code in the question itself. I'm struggling with this error so please go easy on me....
I was developing a meteor app locally without too much difficulty. It seems to run well on localhost. But then I decided to deploy it and have been running into some problems as outlined below. I have deployed the app "successfully" using both mup/DO and (with compose hosting the DB in both instances) and whole thing sort of works, but...
You can register fine but when you try to log in the button doesn't it again and you login but the usename and password are in the URL... how does this happen?
When you login you can begin by creating a supplier, then create products for that supplier. Only thing is the suppliers are saved to the DB and they are in the product count but they are nowhere to be seen in the middle section page.
Once you create a new supplier, the add new products for the existing suppliers is no longer accessible.
I am so confounded that I don't know what code to put up so I'm giving access to my codebase - it's on github here and this is the modulus site here. Go ahead and register and you can see for yourself.
You will easily be able to see the errors in the console when you start trying to log into the site so there is no point in posting them here.
Many, many thanks in advance guys.
I have reviewed your code and I don't think that the errors occur due to the deployment.
Here's a list with a few suggestions that should help you to fix your code:
In your /client/helpers/config.js file, you try to configure the behaviour of {{> loginButtons}}. That does not make any sense, since you do not have the accounts-ui package installed.
The /client/templates/includes/header.html file references with pathFor to homepage. This route is currently not available in your /lib/router.js.
Users are able to access the /loggedIn path even if they are not logged in. Furthermore, you always redirect users to this path if the submit form event in the register template occurs. This means, they can easily bypass the registration just by clicking on the submit button.
Watch your console logs. There are a lot of template helper exceptions.
Unfortunately, I could not check the login bug you described, because I received an exception when invoking the submit event. I recommend to use a rather defensive programming approach, you should at least check if the variable's value is not undefined and if it is, then you should handle those situations accordingly.
For example, in your /client/templates/includes/login.js file, you have the following code:
var userId = Meteor.userId();
var supplier = Suppliers.findOne({userId: userId});
var supplierId = supplier._id;
This will raise an exception if supplier is undefined.
All in all, you should rethink your release planning and deployment, since your app is far from working. Furthermore, please try to break your issue into chunks next time and provide a clear problem statement, because your question won't be useful to other readers without it.

Django authentication works on Chrome, but not on Firefox

I'm having a problem where Django's login is working okay on Chrome but not on Firefox: when trying to login to a restricted portion of the site on Firefox, it simply loops back again and again to the login page; furthermore, no error message appears on the log regarding that.
Interestingly, the error doesn't happen when the server is on the local machine.
Does someone have a general idea of what could be causing that strange behavior?
I'm using Django 1.6 on Python 2.7
this isn't much of an answer, but a linking to other similar problems. Because I don't have rep, all I can do is leave an answer.
A issue like this was encountered in 2012 but was never conclusively answered:
Django session doesn't work in Firefox
A similar question where the user could login via local server but not remote firefox was encoutered:
Unable log in to the django admin page with a valid username and password
The second was very well documented and had an accepted answer that was well liked.
If you are not using https make sure you have this setting SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = False.
If you are using a database backed, Check if the session is actually being created in the django_sessions table .
If you are using a cached backed, check that SESSION_ENGINE is django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache and that CACHE_BACKEND is properly configured.

django social-auth redirecting to error url

I integrate django social-auth in my app.In settings i have given
when i click on facebook login it is redirecting to facebook app login when logged in it is redirected back to my app but redirecting to LOGIN_ERROR_URL and the user is not authenticated.
LOGOUT_URL= '/logout/'
LOGIN_ERROR_URL = '/login-error/'
How can i solve this and get my app authenticated? Same is happening with google login also.Please help.
This question is very similar to a recent one I just answered: django social auth error after completing pipeline . Over there, I said:
A good place to start would be to look in social-auth's, at the few places where the redirect to LOGIN_ERROR_URL happens (the variable url is set to LOGIN_ERROR_URL and then HttpResponseRedirect(url) is called). Add some print statements, or better, set breakpoints using the python debugger. If you run your app in the Django development server, the print statements will show up in the terminal in which you ran the server. Otherwise, they may show up in your server logs, depending on your configuration. You may also find django-debug-toolbar helpful.
Using print statements or the debugger, my workflow would be:
Figure out what line in the redirect is triggered from
Figure out what condition causes that line to be reached
Inspect the variables leading to that condition
Sorry this is so general. Happy to help more if you can provide some more specific information.
encountered same mysterious redirect to error url.
For me problem was with a typo in an argument of custom pipeline method.
Fixing the typo fixed the problem.

Logging Django Errors instead of returning them to inspect API callback

I'm working on a project that gets callbacks from some other sites' API. I expect my code to have a few errors, because I'm new to Python & Django. My site in development is using mod_wsgi and Apache with Debug = True ;)
The API I get the calls from adds a parameter to the querystring to my callback that is built using their own private key. So I have no way of accurately simulating that. If my code fails once I activate my probably faulty key validation code, I have no way of knowing except for apache server logs (which don't show the actual stacktrace or anything).
How can I log a more detailed python exception, like the one I usually see in my browser every 2 minutes ;) to a file? Especially the local variables around the faulty line are interesting obviously :)
Thanks! :)
If you set ADMINS in your (and set DEBUG=False) you will be emailed all 500 server errors (just like the DEBUG error page).
However, if you want your app to continue without responding with a 500, you can import logging and write your own debug log. There's a good tutorial here: