Avoid creating multiple copies of code in memory - c++

I'm new to developing on embedded systems and am not used to having very little program memory (16kB in this case) to play with. I would like to be able to create global variables, arrays, and functions that I can access from anywhere in the program while only existing in one place in memory. My current approach is to use static class members and methods that I can use by simply including the header file (e.g. #include "spi.h").
What is the best approach for what I'm trying to do?
Here is an example class. From what I understand, variables such as _callback and function definitions like call() in the .cpp will only appear in spi.o so they will appear only once in memory, but I may be mixed up.
#ifndef SPI_H_
#define SPI_H_
#include "msp430g2553.h"
class SPI {
typedef void (*voidCallback)(void);
static voidCallback _callback;
static char largeArray[1000];
static __interrupt void USCIA0TX_ISR();
static void call();
static void configure();
static void transmitByte(unsigned char byte, voidCallback callback);
#endif /* SPI_H_ */
#include "spi.h"
SPI::voidCallback SPI::_callback = 0;
char SPI::largeArray[] = /* data */ ;
void SPI::configure() {
void SPI::transmitByte(unsigned char byte, voidCallback callback) {
_callback = callback;
UCA0TXBUF = byte;
void SPI::call() {
#pragma vector=USCIAB0TX_VECTOR
__interrupt void SPI::USCIA0TX_ISR()
volatile unsigned int i;
while (UCA0STAT & UCBUSY);

The data members and the member functions of the class you wrote will only be defined once in memory. And if they're not marked static, the member functions will still only be defined once in memory. Non-static data members will be created in memory once for each object that you create, so if you only create one SPI object you only get one copy of its non-static data members. Short version: you're solving a non-problem.

As per Pete, static won't affect code doubling up, only member vars. In your example, there is 0 difference between static non static memory usage except perhaps for the _callback var (which you call out as an error.) And that one variable would only double up if the class were created more than once.
If you want code to not exist in memory when not in use, look into overlays or some sort of dynamic linking process. DLL type code will probably be major overkill for 16K, but overlays with compressed code might help you out.
Also, beware of extra linked in code from libraries. Closely examine your .map files for code bloat from innocuous function calls. For instance, a single printf() call will link in all sorts of vargs stuff if it is the only thing using it. Same for software floating point (if you don't have a FP unit by default.)


How to statically allocate memory based upon type information from another translation unit

I have a bunch of complex classes in one translation unit which involves a bunch of header dependencies. In addition, the translation unit provides a factory function.
// MyClass.h
#include "Interface.h"
// lots of other includes
class MyClass : public Interface {
// lots of members
// Creates an instance of MyClass using placement new
Interface* createMyClassAt(uint8_t* location);
In another translation unit I want to use multiple instances of different classes deriving from Interface and I want to allocate them in static memory. It's a small embedded system without heap. I want to avoid the inclusion of MyClass.h because some its dependencies are internal.
// somefile.cpp
#include "Interface.h"
extern Interface* createMyClassAt(uint8_t* location);
uint8_t myClassContainer[sizeofMyClass];
int main() {
// more stoff
My understanding is, that it is impossible to determine sizeofMyClass without having the actual type information of MyClass. No matter what I do. I cannot get this information across translation units.
How to achieve my goal then? Do I need to go via the build system and extract the sizes somehow from the object files and generate a header from that? That might be OK after all.
Edit 1: Some clarification:
All those classes derived from Interface.h are defined in a prelinked, self-contained static library at the end.
By "internal dependencies" I mean other header files and types that I don't want to leak to consumers of the library
The consumers of the library may create multiple instances of various classes.
Make a second function which returns the size of your class:
extern size_t sizeofMyClass();
size_t sizeofMyClass() { return sizeof(MyClass); }
If you want it at compile time, than constexpr it.
You can declare myClassContainer in the "someFile" translation unit but actually define it in the "myClass" translation unit. This can be made easier with a common header file:
// globaldefs.h
#include <cstdint>
extern std::uint8_t myClassContainer[];
alignas(MyClass) std::uint8_t myClassContainer[sizeof(MyClass)];
// MyClass.h
class MyClass : public Interface {
// lots of members
#include "globaldefs.h"
// somefile.cpp
#include "globaldefs.h"
extern Interface* createMyClassAt(uint8_t* location);
int main() {
// more stuff
That way, the translation unit with somefile.cpp only sees std::uint8_t myClassContainer[];, and no size is needed.
How to achieve my goal then?
Approuch 1: static assert and "gueess" sizes. There is no dependency between interface.h and the class, but you have to manually update the header on each change (or, better, generate the header from the build system).
// interface.h
using Interface_storage = std::aligned_storage<20, 16>;
// ^^^^^^ - size and alignment
// They are _hard-coded_ here and _need_ to be _manually_ updated each time
// MyClass changes.
Interface* createMyClassAt(Interface_storage& location);
// interface.c
Interface* createMyClassAt(Interface_storage& location) {
// static assertion check
static_assert(sizeof(MyClass) == sizeof(Interface_storage) &&
alignof(MyClass) == alignof(Interface_storage),
" Go and fix the header file");
// use placement new on location
// main.c
int main() {
Interface_storage storage; // nice&clean
Interface *i = createMyClassAt(storage);
destroyMyClassAt(i, storage);
Approuch 2: Unix systems since the ages used file descriptors. A file descriptor is simple - it's just an index in an array of... somethings. It's trivial to implement, and you can hide everything behind a single integer value. That basically means, that you have to use dynamic memory, or you have to know in advance how many objects you need and allocate memory for all of them.
The below pseudocode implementation just returns the pointer to the interface, but it's very similar to returning an index in the array just like file descriptors.
// interface.h
Interface *new_MyClass();
destroy_MyClass(Interface *);
// interface.c
#define MAX 5
std::array<std::aligned_storage<sizeof(MyClass), alignof(MyClass)>, MAX> arr;
std::array<bool, MAX> used;
Interface *new_MyClass() {
// find the fist not used and return it.
for (size_t i = 0; i < used.size(); ++i) {
if (!used[i]) {
used[i] = true;
return new(arr[i]) MyClass();
return nullptr;
void destroy_MyClass(Interface *i) {
// update used array and destroy
This is a second attempt to answer the question.
You cannot do what you want. The only reason to hide the implementation (PIMPL) is to allow you to compile the module completely independently.
You cannot do this, whilst at the same time as injecting a dependency. What you ask for is self-contradictory.
Either declare the class in the header, so that the dependency is declared, or put the array in the module that contains the class. If its a static array, why does it matter which module it is declared in.
In other words, use a singleton, accessible via a free-function

C++ classes vs. C different files

Currently in a project there is a clear set of functions that pertain to a clear responsibility. Because the responsibility is a periodic process that requires buffers and counters for each iteration, I have to reset the variables used by those functions after each cycle. The variables are mostly static because per cycle the functions are called thousands of times. (It is a set of digital FIR filters that process the 5 second data that is coming in every 2 minutes or so). The variables have to be declared in the file scope, because the functions share them. E.g. the reset / initialize function and the actual filter functions.
As of now, the whole project is in C (but C++ is easily supported, as the possibly breaking parts already contain 'extern C {}'). To make the code cleaner, I thought to group the functions and variables in a separate implementation file. But of course, I could also use C++ classes, which I would like to work with more.
What are the essential differences between these options?
Simplified example of what I mean:
In this example, I just kept the structure of the program. The Filter() function is called for example 1000 times in 5 seconds for the first iteration. Then for the next iterations, the Reset() function is called prior to the actual Filter() function calls, to reset all the buffers that are used.
// File-scope variables
static float buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
static uint8_t bufferOffset = 0;
// Filter
static float Filter (const float sample)
buffer[bufferOffset] = sample;
// Removed actual filter code here
return result;
// Reset functions
static void Reset (void)
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
bufferOffset = 0;
The usual approach in C to avoid those shared states is to define a structure encapsulating all the relevant state, pass it to every function and operate solely on it.
// buffer.h
#pragma once
// opaque data structure whose content
// isn't available to the outside
struct buffer;
// but you may allocate and free such a data structure
struct buffer *alloc_buffer();
void free_buffer(struct buffer *b);
// and you may operate on it with the following functions
float filter_buffer(struct buffer *b);
void reset_buffer(struct buffer *b);
void add_to_buffer(struct buffer *b, const float *data, size_t size);
And the source looks like this:
// buffer.c
#include "buffer.h"
struct buffer {
float content[BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t offset;
struct buffer *alloc_buffer() {
return malloc(sizeof(struct buffer));
void free_buffer(struct buffer *b) {
float filter_buffer(struct buffer *b) {
// work with b->content and b->offset instead
// on global buffer and bufferOffset
return result;
void reset_buffer(struct buffer *b) {
memset(b->content, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
b->offset = 0;
void add_to_buffer(struct buffer *b, const float *data, size_t num) {
memcpy(b->content + b->offset, data, sizeof(float) * num);
b->offset += num;
Thus you avoid a global state which for example dramatically simplifies multi-threaded applications of your code. And since you return an opaque data structure, you avoid leaking information about the internal structure of your buffer.
Now you may use this data structure in a different source file:
#include "buffer.h"
int main() {
struct buffer *const b = alloc_buffer();
// b->content[0] = 1; // <-- error, buffer is an opaque data type and
// you may only use the functions declared in
// buffer.h to access and modify it
const float data[2] = { 3.1415926, 2.71828 }
add_to_buffer(b, data, sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]));
const float result = filter_buffer(b);
return 0;
To answer you question: Even though you could separate your functions and global state even further into several compilation units, in the end you still have a shared global state. Except in some special cases I consider this a code smell.
The above described solution more or less corresponds to a C++ solution. You define a class encapsulating some state and methods operating on it. All instantiated objects are independent from each other.
To declare static file scope variables is the simplest form of private encapsulation. Such design is particularly common in embedded systems and hardware-related code. It's perfectly OK practice in a single-threaded program where there is just one single instance of the module/ADT that uses the variables ("singleton pattern").
Given your simple example, this should be just fine for your specific case. The art of program design is to know when to add extra layers of abstraction and when to avoid them. It isn't easy to teach, this mostly comes with experience.
A rule of thumb for the inexperienced programmer: if you are uncertain how to make the code more abstract, then don't add that extra abstraction. It is very likely to cause more far harm than it does good.
In case the code turns more complex, the next level of abstraction is simply to split it into several related files. Or rather into several .h + .c file pairs.
The point where this turns burdensome is where you need multiple instances of the module doing the same thing. Suppose you need multiple filters using the same code, but getting called by unrelated caller code. Having one set of static variables won't work then.
The sloppy but old school way of taking such abstraction further in C is to make a struct definition visible to the caller, then provide an interface such as void fir_init (fir_t* obj); where obj is allocated on the caller-side. This solves the multiple instances problem, but breaks private encapsulation.
The professional design would rather be to use the concept of opaque types (which is explained in multiple posts elsewhere on this site), where you only expose an incomplete struct type to the caller and let your module handle the allocation. This gives true OO design - you can declare multiple instances of the object while maintaining private encapsulation.
The C++ equivalent of opaque type is class and abstract base classes behave in exactly the same manner as opaque types in C - the caller can declare a pointer/reference to one, but not declare an object. C++ also provides constructors/destructors, which is more convenient than calling some "init" function manually. But this also leads to execution overhead when static storage duration objects have their default constructors called at start-up.
Also, C++ member functions come with their this pointer, so you don't need to pass a pointer to the object along manually. You can also have static members in a class and they behave just like C file scope static, with a single instance shared between all instances.

SystemC/TLM (C++) sharing memory pool; static members, static methods, Singleton or?

I am writing a specific communication protocol to be used between TLM models (HW blocks described with SystemC and thus C++).
TLM notion is not important, just note that this communication is mimicked by allocating objects, the generic payloads (gps), that are passed between these C++ models of HW blocks.
Together with the protocol, I want to provide a memory manager that should be able to efficiently handle the gps; this is quite important since in one simulation lots of gps are constructed, used and destroyed and this can slow down things a lot.
My goal is also to create something simple that could be used by others without efforts.
The first issue I had was in creating a single shared pool for all the blocks communicating with that protocol. I thought about creating a static member in the mm class, but then I realized that:
Static members require a definition in the cpp. This makes the mm class less intuitive to use (with different people using this, some will forget to do so) and I would prefer to avoid that.
Depending on where (and in which?) in the cpp file the static variable definition is done, the pool might not have wet the parameters needed to be initialized (i.e., the number of mm instances created).
The second issue is similar to the first one. I want to count the number of instances and thus instead of a pool I need to create a shared counter to be used then by the pool to initialize itself. Again, I wanted to avoid static variable definitions in a cpp file and to guarantee the order of initialization.
I have considered mainly:
static members (discarded for the reasons above)
Singletons (discarded because I don't need to create a whole class for the pool to make it visible by others and single-instanced)
static methods (the approaches I finally picked and that is not far from a complete Singleton)
This is the code I produced (only relevant part included):
* Helper class to count another class' number of instances.
class counter {
// Constructor
counter() : count(0) {}
virtual ~counter() {}
unsigned int count;
unsigned int get_count() {return count;}
void incr_count() {count++;}
void decr_count() {count--;}
template <unsigned int MAX = 1>
class mm: public tlm::tlm_mm_interface {
//////////////////////////////TYPEDEFS AND ENUMS/////////////////////////////
typedef tlm::tlm_generic_payload gp_t;
///////////////////////////CLASS (CON/DE)STRUCTOR////////////////////////////
// Constructor
mm() {inst_count().incr_count();}
// Copy constructor
mm(const mm&) {inst_count().incr_count();}
// Destructor
virtual ~mm() {} // no need to decrease instance count in our case
////////////////////////////////CLASS METHODS////////////////////////////////
// Counter for number of isntances.
static counter& inst_count() {
static counter cnt;
return cnt;
/* This pattern makes sure that:
-- 1. The pool is created only when the first alloc appears
-- 2. All instances of mm have been already created (known instance sequence)
-- 3. Only one pool exists */
static boost::object_pool<gp_t>& get_pool() {
static boost::object_pool<gp_t> p(
mm<MAX>::inst_count().get_count() * MAX / 2, // creation size
mm<MAX>::inst_count().get_count() * MAX // max size used
return p;
// Allocate
virtual gp_t* allocate() {
return gp;
// Free the generic payload and data_ptr
virtual void free(gp_t* gp) {
Now, the initiator block class header should have a member:
mm m_mm;
And the initiator block class cpp should use this like:
tlm_generic_payload* gp;
gp = m_mm.allocate();
m_mm.free(gp); // In truth this is called by gp->release()...
// ...not important here
Having an electronic HW background, I am mainly trying to improve coding style, learn new approaches and optimize speed/memory allocation.
Is there a better way to achieve this? In particular considering my doubts:
It seems to me a not optimal workaround to encapsulate the counter in a class, put it locally (but static) in a static method and then do the same for the pool.
even though SystemC "simulation kernel" is single-threaded, I need to consider a multithread case...I am not sure that the relationship between those two static methods is safe even thou independently they should be safe...with C++03 g++ adds code to guarantee it and with C++11:
ยง6.7 [stmt.dcl] p4 If control enters the declaration concurrently while the variable is being initialized, the concurrent execution shall wait for completion of the initialization.
Thanks in advance.

Static member initialization using CRTP in separate library

After digging the web, I found some reference to a powerful pattern which exploits CRTP to allow instantiation at run-time of static members:
C++: Compiling unused classes
Initialization class for other classes - C++
And so on.
The proposed approach works well, unless such class hierarchy is placed into an external library.
Doing so, run-time initialization no more works, unless I manually #include somewhere the header file of derived classes. However, this defeats my main purpose - having the change to add new commands to my application without the need of changing other source files.
Some code, hoping it helps:
class CAction
// some non relevant stuff
// some other public API
CAction(void) {}
virtual ~CAction(void) {}
virtual std::wstring Name() const = 0;
template <class TAction>
class CCRTPAction : public CAction
static bool m_bForceRegistration;
CCRTPAction(void) { m_bForceRegistration; }
~CCRTPAction(void) { }
static bool init() {
CActionManager::Instance()->Add(std::shared_ptr<CAction>(new TAction));
return true;
template<class TAction> bool CCRTPAction<TAction>::m_bForceRegistration = CCRTPAction<TAction>::init();
Implementations being done this way:
class CDummyAction : public CCRTPAction<CDummyAction>
CDummyAction() { }
~CDummyAction() { }
std::wstring Name() const { return L"Dummy"; }
Finally, here is the container class API:
class CActionManager
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CAction>> m_vActions;
static CActionManager* instance;
void Add(std::shared_ptr<CAction>& Action);
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CAction>>& AvailableActions() const;
static CActionManager* Instance() {
if (nullptr == instance) {
instance = new CActionManager();
return instance;
Everything works fine in a single project solution. However, if I place the above code in a separate .lib, the magic somehow breaks and the implementation classes (DummyAction and so on) are no longer instantiated.
I see that #include "DummyAction.h" somewhere, either in my library or in the main project makes things work, but
For our project, it is mandatory that adding Actions does not require changes in other files.
I don't really understand what's happening behind the scene, and this makes me uncomfortable. I really hate depending on solutions I don't fully master, since a bug could get out anywhere, anytime, possibly one day before shipping our software to the customer :)
Even stranger, putting the #include directive but not defining constructor/destructor in the header file still breaks the magic.
Thanks all for attention. I really hope someone is able to shed some light...
I can describe the cause of the problem; unfortunately I can't offer a solution.
The problem is that initialisation of a variable with static storage duration may be deferred until any time before the first use of something defined in the same translation unit. If your program never uses anything in the same translation unit as CCRTPAction<CDummyAction>::m_bForceRegistration, then that variable may never be initialised.
As you found, including the header in the translation unit that defines main will force it to be initialised at some point before the start of main; but of course that solution won't meet your first requirement. My usual solution to the problems of initialising static data across multiple translation units is to avoid static data altogether (and the Singleton anti-pattern doubly so, although that's the least of your problems here).
As explained in Mike's answer, the compiler determines that the static member CCRTPAction<CDummyAction>::m_bForceRegistration is never used, and therefore does not need to be initialised.
The problem you're trying to solve is to initialise a set of 'plugin' modules without having to #include their code in a central location. CTRP and templates will not help you here. I'm not aware of a (portable) way in C++ to generate code to initialise a set of plugin modules that are not referenced from main().
If you're willing to make the (reasonable) concession of having to list the plugin modules in a central location (without including their headers), there's a simple solution. I believe this is one of those extremely rare cases where a function-scope extern declaration is useful. You may consider this a dirty hack, but when there's no other way, a dirty hack becomes an elegant solution ;).
This code compiles to the main executable:
template<void (*init)()>
struct Module
// generates: extern void initDummy(); Module<initDummy> DummyInstance
#define MODULE_INSTANCE(name) \
extern void init ## name(); \
Module<init ## name> name ## Instance
struct Action // an abstract action
void addAction(Action& action); // adds the abstract action to a list
#include "core/module.h"
int main()
This code implements the Dummy module and compiles to a separate library:
#include "core/action.h"
struct DummyAction : Action // a concrete action
#include "action.h"
void initDummy()
addAction(*new DummyAction());
If you wanted to go further (this part is not portable) you could write a separate program to generate a list of MODULE_INSTANCE calls, one for each module in your application, and output a generated header file:
#include "core/module.h"
Add this as a pre-build step, and core/main.cpp becomes:
#include "generated/init.h"
int main()
If you later decide to load some or all of these modules dynamically, you can use exactly the same pattern to dynamically load, initialise and unload a dll. Please note that the following example is windows-specific, untested and does not handle errors:
struct DynamicModule
DynamicModule(const char* filename, const char* init)
dll = LoadLibrary(filename);
FARPROC function = GetProcAddress(dll, init);
DynamicModule name ## Instance = DynamicModule(#name ".dll", "init" #name)
As Mike Seymour stated the static template stuff will not give you the dynamic loading facilities you want. You could load your modules dynamically as plug ins. Put dlls containing an action each into the working directory of the application and load these dlls dynamically at run-time. This way you will not have to change your source code in order to use different or new implementations of CAction.
Some frameworks make it easy to load custom plug ins, for example Qt.

Is it ok to use a static variable to initialize/register variables?

Language: C++
Toolkit: Qt4
The toolkit I'm using has a static method called int QEvent::registerEventType() to register my own event types. When I subclass this QEvent I need to supply the base class this value. QEvent::QEvent(int type).
Is it ok to use a static variable to call this before application starts? Consider the following:
//This is all in my .cpp file
static int myEventType; //This will contain my registered type
/*If I create a static instance of this class the constructor
gets called before the main() function starts.
class DoRegisterMyEventType {
DoRegisterMyEventType() {
myEventType = QEvent::registerEventType();
static DoRegisterMyEventType doRegisterMyEventType;
//Here is the constructor for MyEvent class which inherits QEvent.
: QEvent(myEventType)
How 'evil' is this? I could wrap the whole thing in a namespace to prevent polluting the global namespace.
Since C++'s initialization across TUs is a big grey area with much implementation leeway, I prefer to scrap it completely and be explicit about what gets done when. (This rejection of initialization order due to lack of guarantees is similar to how singleton classes reject global objects.) Specifically, this means any global state (global variables, static data members, and function-local statics) that cannot be initialized with constant-expressions must be initialized in exactly one TU, and that TU is the one that implements main.
In the manual case, this means inserting and updating code in the translation unit that contains main and in main itself. The most common example of such code is calling srand(time(0)) to seed the std::rand PRNG.
You can refactor that manual code management using the preprocessor:
// the implementation file for main, could be named main.cpp
#include "whatever_declares_the_real_main.hpp"
#include "global_objects.inc"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) try {
#include "main_init.inc"
return the_real_main(argc, argv);
// main.cpp has well-defined responsibility:
// initialize global state before passing control to another function, and
// handle return-code or exceptions
// you can modify this, depending on your preference and desired API
// for example:
return the_real_main(std::vector<std::string>(argv+1, argv+argc));
return the_real_main(parse_args(argv+1, argv+argc));
// just make sure to keep main.cpp's responsibility well-defined and
// relatively simple
// example handling; depending on your specifics, you might do something
// different, or know how to provide more information:
catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "abnormal termination: " << e.what() << '\n';
return 1;
catch (...) {
std::cerr << "abnormal termination.\n";
return 1;
These .inc files are neither headers nor implementation files. The exact file extension doesn't matter as long as you don't use something which is commonly used for headers or implementation files, such as .h, .hpp, .cc, .cpp, and so forth. You can generate global_objects.inc and main_init.inc based off file-naming conventions, using include guards so that dependencies may be included (just as include guards work for headers).
For example, both of these files correspond with myevent.hpp and would be placed alongside that header:
// file "myevent.global_inc"
#ifndef INCLUDE_GUARD_37E6F5857F8F47918A7C83F29A9DA868
#define INCLUDE_GUARD_37E6F5857F8F47918A7C83F29A9DA868
#include <QEvent.hpp> // or whatever headers you need
#include "myevent.hpp" // declares the variable defined just below
// (remember you use 'extern' to declare objects without defining them)
int your_namespace::myEventType = QEvent::registerEventType();
// file "myevent.main_inc"
#ifndef INCLUDE_GUARD_4F1B93D0F4D3402B802CBA433241AA81
#define INCLUDE_GUARD_4F1B93D0F4D3402B802CBA433241AA81
// nothing needed in this case, from what you've shown so far
// this is where you place expressions that would otherwise require a dummy
// global variable to make sure they are executed, but this also allows use
// of temporary variables while includes handle dependency order:
#include "something_else.main_inc" // fake example dependency, which must
{ // be executed first
int temp;
other_func(temp); // not easy to transform this into a global's init
// expression, yet defining it this way is natural, because it's exactly
// how you would do it inside a function
Note that if you only require static data initialization with constant-expressions, then that is preferred over all other techniques. The primary restriction for that initialization is not being able to make a function call (but it's actually more complex), so it doesn't apply in your case; this is the only kind of global variable initialization that C can do, if you want to find out more.
Static level initialization is a huge compiler-dependent grey area, as others have mentioned. However, function level initialization is not a grey area and can be used to your advantage.
static inline int GetMyEventType()
static int sEventType = QEvent::registerEventType();
return sEventType;
: QEvent(GetMyEventType())
This solution has the property that registerEventType is guaranteed to be called before you need your event type even if you construct MyEvent during static initialization, which is good, but it does open you up to thread-safety issues if it's possible for MyEvent to be constructed on multiple threads.
Here's a thread-safe version, based on boost::call_once:
#include "boost/thread/once.hpp"
static boost::once_flag sHaveRegistered = BOOST_ONCE_INIT; //This is initialized statically, effectively at compile time.
static int sEventType = -1; //-1 is not a valid event
static void DoRegister()
sEventType = QEvent::registerEventType();
static inline int GetMyEventType()
boost::call_once(sHaveRegistered, &DoRegister);
return sEventType;
I use the "static register object" pattern quite a bit, but you must be aware of one big problem - you must ensure that the thing you are registering with, which itself is likely to be static, is created before the thing you are registering. As C++ does not guarantee the order of static construction between translation units, this can be problematic. One solution is to use the so called Meyer Singleton:
class Registry {
static Registry & Instance() {
static Registry r;
return r;
Registry() {
As all references to the Registry must go through the Instance() method, you are guaranteed the required construction order.