Caching images in a tableViewCell - rubymotion

wish someone can help me with this:
I have an app displaying remote data. The data consists of a json response containing a list of artitsts performing at some event.
Each artist has a picture I want to display in a tableView.
I'm looking for a optimized way to do this caching the images and creating the cells asynchronously
Here is what I have done so far:
My tableView
class LineupTableViewController < UITableViewController
attr_accessor :artists
#attr_accessor :table
def init
self.title = 'Line-up'
self.initWithNibName(nil, bundle:nil)
self.view.styleId = 'lineUpView'
self.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem.alloc.initWithTitle("LineUp", image: UIImage.imageNamed("112-group.png"), tag:2)
def viewWillAppear(animated)
view.dataSource = view.delegate = self
#artists = []
App::Persistence['event']['artists'].each do |artist|
#artists.push( unless artist["dj"]
def viewDidLoad
view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight
def tableView(tableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath: indexPath)
artist = #artists[indexPath.row]
ArtistCell.cellForArtist(artist, indexPath:indexPath, inTableView:tableView)
def tableView(tableView, numberOfRowsInSection: section)
def tableView(tableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath)
detailViewController = ArtistsdetailViewController.alloc.initWithArtist(#artists[indexPath.row])
self.navigationController.pushViewController(detailViewController, animated:true)
def tableView(tableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath)
#def reloadRowForIndexPath(indexPath)
# puts "indexPath.section #{indexPath.section}"
# self.view.reloadRowsAtIndexPaths([NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(indexPath.row, inSection:indexPath.section)], withRowAnimation:false)
My custom cell
class ArtistCell < UITableViewCell
attr_accessor :index_path
CellId = "ArtistCellIdentifier"
def setSelected(selected, animated:animated)
# Configure the view for the selected state
def self.cellForArtist(artist, indexPath:indexPath, inTableView:tableView)
cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(ArtistCell::CellId) || ArtistCell.alloc.initWithStyle(UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle, reuseIdentifier:CellId)
#puts "indexPath #{}"
cell.index_path = indexPath
cell.fillArtist(artist, inTableView:tableView)
def fillArtist(artist, inTableView:tableView)
#Dispatch::Queue.concurrent.async do
# Dispatch::Queue.main.sync do
self.textLabel.text =
self.detailTextLabel.text =
JMImageCache.sharedCache.imageForURL(NSURL.URLWithString(artist.picture), completionBlock:proc {
self.imageView.image = downloaded_image
# end
What I get now is:
there is no image in displayed cells unless I tap them
when I scroll down the view, the hidden cells' images are displayed, so when I scroll back to the top, all the images are displayed.
Any help solving this would be much appreciated

Try this:
def fillArtist(artist, inTableView:tableView)
self.textLabel.text =
self.detailTextLabel.text =
JMImageCache.sharedCache.imageForURL(NSURL.URLWithString(artist.picture), completionBlock:proc { |downloaded_image|
self.imageView.image = downloaded_image
Explanation: setting NIL in the cell makes sure the new image is loaded. setNeedsLayout forces relayout thus displaying the image without the need to tap.


django htmx change hx-get url after user input from radio buttons

This is
class OrderForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.helper = FormHelper()
self.helper.attrs = {
"hx_get": reverse("planner:detail", kwargs={"slug": self.instance.venue}),
"hx_target": "#services",
class Meta:
model = Order
fields = ["venue"]
widgets = {"venue": forms.RadioSelect()}
<div id="venue-options" class="p-3">
{% crispy form %}
This is the error when you click one of the radio buttons: The current path, planner/detail/None/, matched the last one. It says None/ because when you join the page none of the radio buttons are clicked so there is no slug to replace it. I need a way to replace None with the slug / id of the object chosen by the user. I need the url to be changed everytime the choise is changed.
I am open to using apline.js but i would like a way of doing it in htmx/django.
Thank you so much.
Basically you are changing a single attribute (hx_get) based on a click. HTMX would make this a roundtrip to the server which seems inefficient as all the data is there on the page (assuming the value of the radiobuttons is the slug you are after). You can do this with pure javascript which would make the process much faster
//get the form
const venueForm = document.getElementById('venue-options')
//when implementing, replace [name='radio'] with name of radio input fields
const venueRadioButtons = document.querySelectorAll("input[name='radio']")
//get the default venue URL for later alteration
const venueURL = venueForm.getAttribute('hx_get')
// create a clickhandler to change the URL to selected radiobutton
const clickHandler = () => {
//get the slug value
let radioButtonSlug=document.querySelector("input[name='radio']:checked").value
//use reguylar expression to replace last '/word/' value with slug value
let newVenueUrl = venueURL.replace(/\/\w+\/$/, "/" + radioButtonSlug + "/")
//reset the the hx_get value
venueForm.setAttribute('hx_get', newVenueUrl)
// Assign the handler to the radiobuttons
venueRadioButtons.forEach(i => i.onchange = () => clickHandler());

Django asyncio for saving (big amount of) objects - Nothing saved

I want to fetch categories from a Magento API and display them in a template. In the same time, I want to save them in DB for an ulterior use.
Categories are too many and the render of the template takes more than 30 sec.
I start to learn using asyncio but couldn't get my way with it. I surely missed something.
First, my URL leads to the function that retrieves the categories
def get_categories(request):
cats = fetch_categories()
tree = cats['children_data']
print('erreur : impossible de récupérer les catégories (fetch_categories)')
return render(request, 'categories/categories_list.html', {'tree': tree})
When I get the "categories tree", I send it to
async def parse_categories(tree):
for lvl1 in tree:
all_tasks = []
# main products categories (turbo, injectors ...)
for lvl2 in lvl1['children_data']:
# sub categories like RENAULT, DACIA
for lvl3 in lvl2['children_data']:
for lvl4 in lvl3['children_data']:
for lvl5 in lvl4['children_data']:
My save() function is async. I'm not sure it should be. Before I started using async, it was working.
async def save_cat(cat):
cat_id = cat['id']
new_cat = Category() = cat_id = cat.get('name', None)
new_cat.parent = cat.get('parent_id', None)
new_cat.url = cat.get('path', None)
new_cat.is_active = cat.get('is_active', None)
new_cat.position = cat.get('position', None)
new_cat.level = cat.get('level', None)
When I run, no error. The context is well sent to the template and displays well. But no category is saved.
I also tried to make a task list with asyncio.create_task in each level and execute the loop at the end of parse_categories() like said in this thread, without success.
responses = asyncio.gather(*all_tasks, return_exceptions=True)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Any clue to solve my case will be welcome

Django session loses complex object in production, but not in dev

So I am successfully storing a complex object (non-model) in my session in development. I've tried every session engine and cache type and they are all working in development (Pycharm). However, when I move the code to production, while no error are thrown, the session losses the object.
Here is the method I use to set the session object:
def instantiate_command_object(request):
ssc = request.session['specimen_search_criteria']
logger.debug('found ssc session variable')
except KeyError:
logger.debug('failed to find ssc session variable')
ssc = SpecimenSearchCommand()
return ssc
Then in a method that runs asynchronously via an ajax call I start making changes to the object in the session:
def ajax_add_collection_to_search(request):
ssc = instantiate_command_object(request)
collection_id = request.GET.get('collection')
collection = Collection.objects.get(pk=collection_id)
if collection and collection not in ssc.collections:
# save change to session
request.session['specimen_search_criteria'] = ssc
# refresh search results
return render(request, '_search.html')
All this works as far as it goes. However, if I then refresh the browser, the session is lost. Here is a snippet from the template:
{% with criteria=request.session.specimen_search_criteria %}
<div class="search-criteria" id="search-criteria">
<div class="row">
{{ request.session }}<br/>
{{ request.session.specimen_search_criteria }}<br/>
{{ request.session.specimen_search_criteria.key }}<br/>
{{ request.session.specimen_search_criteria.collections }}<br/>
Again, in development I can refresh all day and the same object will be returned. In production, it will either create a new object or occasionally will return a previously created copy.
A few relevant items:
The production server is running Apache httpd with mod_wsgi.
I've tried memcached, databasecache, etc. the behavior remains the same. Always works in development, never in production.
I've tried it with
SESSION_SERIALIZER = 'django.contrib.sessions.serializers.PickleSerializer'
and without. I can see the session info in the database and when I unpickle it it just seems to be pointing to a location in memory for the complex object.
I'm guessing this might have something to do with running in a multi-user environment, but again, I'm not using locmem and I've tried all of the caching approaches to no effect.
To be clear, the session itself seems to be fine, I can store a string or other simple item in it and it will stick. It's the complex object within the session that seems to be getting lost.
Edit: I might also point out that if I refresh the browser immediately following the return of the search criteria it will actually return successfully. Anything more than about a second and it will disappear.
Edit (adding code of SpecimenSearchCommand):
class SpecimenSearchCommand:
def __init__(self):
created =
key = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(6))
jurisdictions = []
taxa = []
strata = []
collections = []
chrons = []
has_images = False
query = None # The active SQL query, not the actual result records
page_size = 50
current_page = 1
sort_order = 'number'
results = [] # Page of results from paginator
def is_empty(self):
if len(self.jurisdictions) == 0 and len(self.taxa) == 0 and len(self.strata) == 0 and \
len(self.collections) == 0 and len(self.chrons) == 0 and self.has_images is False:
return True
return False
def get_results(self):
paginator = Paginator(self.query, self.page_size)
self.results =
except PageNotAnInteger:
self.results =
except TypeError:
return []
except EmptyPage:
self.results =
return self.results
def get_results_json(self):
points = []
for s in self.results:
if s.locality.latitude and s.locality.longitude:
points.append({"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [s.locality.longitude, s.locality.latitude]},
"properties": {"specimen_id":,
"sci_name": s.taxon.scientific_name(),
"cat_num": s.specimen_number(),
"jurisdiction": s.locality.jurisdiction.full_name()}
return json.dumps({"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": points})
def search(self):
if self.is_empty():
self.query = None
query = Specimen.objects.filter().distinct().order_by(self.sort_order)
if len(self.taxa) > 0:
query = query.filter(taxon__in=get_hierarchical_search_elements(self.taxa))
if len(self.jurisdictions) > 0:
query = query.filter(locality__jurisdiction__in=get_hierarchical_search_elements(self.jurisdictions))
if len(self.strata) > 0:
query = query.filter(stratum__in=get_hierarchical_search_elements(self.strata))
if len(self.chrons) > 0:
query = query.filter(chron__in=get_hierarchical_search_elements(self.chrons))
if len(self.collections) > 0:
query = query.filter(collection__in=get_hierarchical_search_elements(self.collections))
if self.has_images:
query = query.filter(images__isnull=False)
self.query = query
def get_hierarchical_search_elements(elements):
search_elements = []
for element in elements:
search_elements = set().union(search_elements, element.get_descendants(True))
return search_elements
OK, so as Daniel pointed out, the attributes of the SSC class were class-level instead of instance level. The correct version looks like this now:
self.created =
self.key = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(6))
self.jurisdictions = []
self.taxa = []
self.strata = []
self.collections = []
self.chrons = []
self.has_images = False
self.query = None # The active SQL query, not the actual result records
self.page_size = 50
self.current_page = 1
self.sort_order = 'number'
self.results = [] # Page of results from paginator

How to manage absolute coordinate window in gtk3 python

I translated TreeView gtk2 tooltip in Gtk3
It's almost running but I have problem to manage coordinate of tooltip window.
I Would like the tooltip window locate near the mouse et follow it near. Instead of my project where the tooltip window is located in the corner of screen
my code is
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
warning data not update !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Provides TreeViewTooltips, a class which presents tooltips for cells,
columns and rows in a Gtk.TreeView.
This file includes a demo. Just execute the file:
To use, first subclass TreeViewTooltips and implement the get_tooltip()
method; see below. Then add any number of Gtk.TreeVew widgets to a
TreeViewTooltips instance by calling the add_view() method. Overview
of the steps:
# 1. subclass TreeViewTooltips
class MyTooltips(TreeViewTooltips):
# 2. overriding get_tooltip()
def get_tooltip(...):
# 3. create an instance
mytips = MyTooltips()
# 4. Build up your Gtk.TreeView.
myview = Gtk.TreeView()
...# create columns, set the model, etc.
# 5. Add the view to the tooltips
How it works: the add_view() method connects the TreeView to the
"motion-notify" event with the callback set to a private method.
Whenever the mouse moves across the TreeView the callback will call
get_tooltip() with the following arguments:
get_tooltip(view, column, path)
view: the Gtk.TreeView instance.
column: the Gtk.TreeViewColumn instance that the mouse is
currently over.
path: the path to the row that the mouse is currently over.
Based on whether or not column and path are checked for specific
values, get_tooltip can return tooltips for a cell, column, row or the
whole view:
Column Checked Path Checked Tooltip For...
Y Y cell
Y N column
N Y row
N N view
get_tooltip() should return None if no tooltip should be displayed.
Otherwise the return value will be coerced to a string (with the str()
builtin) and stripped; if non-empty, the result will be displayed as
the tooltip. By default, the tooltip popup window will be displayed
centered and just below the pointer and will remain shown until the
pointer leaves the cell (or column, or row, or view, depending on how
get_tooltip() is implemented).
from gi.repository import Gtk
class TreeViewTooltips_gtk3:
"""tooltip atttach to Treeview in Gtk3
this window is moving to follow row of Treeview"""
def __init__(self): = Gtk.Window(), -1)
self.label = Gtk.Label()
# by default, the tooltip is enabled
self.__enabled = True
def __show(self, tooltip, x, y):
"""in order to move the tooltip near row of Treeview"""
w,h =
# move the window*self.location(x,y,w,h))
# show it
def __leave_handler(self, view, event):
"""when the pointer leaves the view, hide the tooltip"""
def enable(self):
'Enable the tooltip'
self.__enabled = True
def disable(self):
'Disable the tooltip'
self.__enabled = False
def location(self, x, y, w, h):
'''Given the x,y coordinates of the pointer and the width and
height (w,h) demensions of the tooltip window, return the x, y
coordinates of the tooltip window.
The default location is to center the window on the pointer
and 4 pixels below it.
# en clair c'est un décalage de position de la fenetre qui s'ouvre qui donne l'info
return x - w/2, y + 4
def tooltip_callback(self,treeview, x, y, keyboard_mode, tooltip):
""" in order to collect miscellaneous elemnt to build data with row of treeview"""
"""3eme règle implementer ça pour afficher un tooltip customisé en fonction des data du tree view"""
x, y = treeview.convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords(x, y)
if not self.__enabled :
"""if you don't want tooltip display just return False !!!!"""
return False
path, column, cell_x, cell_y = treeview.get_path_at_pos(x, y)
iter = model.get_iter(path)
#print 'tooltip=',self.get_tooltip(column, self.cust_col,path)
treeview.set_tooltip_window(self.__show(self.get_tooltip(column, self.cust_col,path),x,y))
# necessary to return True in order to display window tooltip
print "path is valid :-)"
return True
# to prevent case when path it's not valid
print "perhaps path it's not valid ????"
# not possible to display something
return False
def add_view(self, view):
"""add a Gtk.TreeView to the tooltip
check if view is instance of Gtk.TreeView
and build connector and tooltip enable"""
assert isinstance(view, Gtk.TreeView), \
('This handler should only be connected to '
'instances of Gtk.TreeView')
# first condition in gtk3
# set True the property "has-tooltip"
view.set_property("has-tooltip", True)
# second condition in gtk3
# hide tooltip when mouse out of widget
view.connect("leave-notify-event", self.__leave_handler)
def get_tooltip(self, view, column, path):
"""in order to secure customized implementation in your projet"""
'See the module doc string for a description of this method'
raise NotImplemented, 'Subclass must implement get_tooltip()'
if __name__ == '__main__':
class DemoTips_Gtk3(TreeViewTooltips_gtk3):
"""demo play how to """
def __init__(self, customer_column):
init class
customer_column is an instance of Gtk.TreeViewColumn and
is being used in the Gtk.TreeView to show customer names."""
self.cust_col = customer_column
# call base class init
def get_tooltip(self, column,cust_col,path):
"""By checking both column and path we have a cell-based tooltip"""
model = view.get_model()
customer = model[path][2]
if column is cust_col:
"""here there is lot of information on row"""
return '<big>%s %s</big>\n<i>%s</i>' % (customer.fname,
"""here basic data only !!!!"""
return ('<big><u>Generic Column Tooltip</u></big>\n'
'Unless otherwise noted, all\n phone number is %s ') %
# Here's our customer
class Customer:
def __init__(self, fname, lname, phone, notes):
self.fname = fname
self.lname = lname = phone
self.notes = notes
# create a bunch of customers
customers = []
for fname, lname, phone, notes in [
('Joe', 'Schmoe', '555-1212', 'Likes to Morris dance.'),
('Jane', 'Doe', '555-2323',
'Wonders what the hell\nMorris dancing is.'),
('Phred', 'Phantastic', '900-555-1212', 'Dreams of Betty.'),
('Betty', 'Boop', '555-3434', 'Dreams in b&w.'),
('Red Sox', 'Fan', '555-4545',
"Still livin' 2004!\nEspecially after 2006.")]:
customers.append(Customer(fname, lname, phone, notes))
# Build our model and view
model = Gtk.ListStore(str, str, object)
for c in customers:
model.append(['%s %s' % (c.fname, c.lname),, c])
view = Gtk.TreeView(model)
# two columns, name and phone
cell = Gtk.CellRendererText()
cell.set_property('xpad', 20)
namecol = Gtk.TreeViewColumn('Customer Name', cell, text=0)
cell = Gtk.CellRendererText()
phonecol = Gtk.TreeViewColumn('Phone', cell, text=1)
# finally, connect the tooltip, specifying the name column as the
# column we want the tooltip to popup over.
tips = DemoTips_Gtk3(namecol)
# We're going to demonstrate enable/disable. First we need a
# callback function to connect to the toggled signal.
def toggle(button):
if button.get_active():
# create a checkbutton and connect our handler
check = Gtk.CheckButton('Check to disable view tooltips')
check.connect('toggled', toggle)
check.set_tooltip_markup('This is a standard Gtk tooltip.\n'
'Compare me to the tooltips above.')
# create a VBox to pack the view and checkbutton
vbox = Gtk.VBox()
# pack the vbox into a simple dialog and run it
dialog = Gtk.Dialog('TreeViewTooltips Demo')
close = dialog.add_button(Gtk.STOCK_CLOSE,Gtk.ResponseType.NONE)
# add a tooltip for the close button
close.set_tooltip_markup('Click to end the demo.')
Who could give me elemnt in order to put tooltip with relative coordinate with TreeView ?
thank by advance
I'am sorry for my bad english
You are working with local coordinates, so you need to refer to the dialog position to get the root coordinates. Another issue with your script is that the main window is a dialog, therefore in the foreground, the tooltips appear below it (I have fixed that but then deleted the code (oops). It works, just change your dialog for a normal window). As a general note, it is good for all widget to know its parent to refer to it when the root coordinates are required.
Please see modified (but not cleaned up) code below:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from gi.repository import Gtk
class TreeViewTooltips_gtk3:
"""tooltip atttach to Treeview in Gtk3
this window is moving to follow row of Treeview"""
def __init__(self): = Gtk.Window(), -1)
self.label = Gtk.Label()
# by default, the tooltip is enabled
self.__enabled = True
def __show(self, tooltip, x, y):
"""in order to move the tooltip near row of Treeview"""
w,h =
# move the window*self.location(x,y,w,h))
# show it
def __leave_handler(self, view, event):
"""when the pointer leaves the view, hide the tooltip"""
def enable(self):
'Enable the tooltip'
self.__enabled = True
def disable(self):
'Disable the tooltip'
self.__enabled = False
def location(self, x, y, w, h):
'''Given the x,y coordinates of the pointer and the width and
height (w,h) demensions of the tooltip window, return the x, y
coordinates of the tooltip window.
The default location is to center the window on the pointer
and 4 pixels below it.
# en clair c'est un décalage de position de la fenetre qui s'ouvre qui donne l'info
return x - w/2, y + 4
def tooltip_callback(self,treeview, x, y, keyboard_mode, tooltip):
""" in order to collect miscellaneous elemnt to build data with row of treeview"""
"""3eme règle implementer ça pour afficher un tooltip customisé en fonction des data du tree view"""
root_x, root_y = self.dialog.get_position() #get the root coordinates
x, y = treeview.convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords(x, y)
if not self.__enabled :
"""if you don't want tooltip display just return False !!!!"""
return False
path, column, cell_x, cell_y = treeview.get_path_at_pos(x, y)
iter = model.get_iter(path)
#print 'tooltip=',self.get_tooltip(column, self.cust_col,path)
#add the root coordinates to local coordinates
treeview.set_tooltip_window(self.__show(self.get_tooltip(column, self.cust_col,path),root_x+x,root_y+y))
# necessary to return True in order to display window tooltip
print("path is valid :-)")
return True
# to prevent case when path it's not valid
print("perhaps path it's not valid ????")
# not possible to display something
return False
def add_view(self, view):
"""add a Gtk.TreeView to the tooltip
check if view is instance of Gtk.TreeView
and build connector and tooltip enable"""
assert isinstance(view, Gtk.TreeView), \
('This handler should only be connected to '
'instances of Gtk.TreeView')
# first condition in gtk3
# set True the property "has-tooltip"
view.set_property("has-tooltip", True)
# second condition in gtk3
# hide tooltip when mouse out of widget
view.connect("leave-notify-event", self.__leave_handler)
def get_tooltip(self, view, column, path):
"""in order to secure customized implementation in your projet"""
'See the module doc string for a description of this method'
raise NotImplemented('Subclass must implement get_tooltip()')
if __name__ == '__main__':
class DemoTips_Gtk3(TreeViewTooltips_gtk3):
"""demo play how to """
def __init__(self, customer_column):
init class
customer_column is an instance of Gtk.TreeViewColumn and
is being used in the Gtk.TreeView to show customer names."""
self.cust_col = customer_column
# call base class init
def get_tooltip(self, column,cust_col,path):
"""By checking both column and path we have a cell-based tooltip"""
model = view.get_model()
customer = model[path][2]
if column is cust_col:
"""here there is lot of information on row"""
return '<big>%s %s</big>\n<i>%s</i>' % (customer.fname,
"""here basic data only !!!!"""
return ('<big><u>Generic Column Tooltip</u></big>\n'
'Unless otherwise noted, all\n phone number is %s ') %
# Here's our customer
class Customer:
def __init__(self, fname, lname, phone, notes):
self.fname = fname
self.lname = lname = phone
self.notes = notes
# create a bunch of customers
customers = []
for fname, lname, phone, notes in [
('Joe', 'Schmoe', '555-1212', 'Likes to Morris dance.'),
('Jane', 'Doe', '555-2323',
'Wonders what the hell\nMorris dancing is.'),
('Phred', 'Phantastic', '900-555-1212', 'Dreams of Betty.'),
('Betty', 'Boop', '555-3434', 'Dreams in b&w.'),
('Red Sox', 'Fan', '555-4545',
"Still livin' 2004!\nEspecially after 2006.")]:
customers.append(Customer(fname, lname, phone, notes))
# Build our model and view
model = Gtk.ListStore(str, str, object)
for c in customers:
model.append(['%s %s' % (c.fname, c.lname),, c])
view = Gtk.TreeView(model)
# two columns, name and phone
cell = Gtk.CellRendererText()
cell.set_property('xpad', 20)
namecol = Gtk.TreeViewColumn('Customer Name', cell, text=0)
cell = Gtk.CellRendererText()
phonecol = Gtk.TreeViewColumn('Phone', cell, text=1)
# finally, connect the tooltip, specifying the name column as the
# column we want the tooltip to popup over.
tips = DemoTips_Gtk3(namecol)
# We're going to demonstrate enable/disable. First we need a
# callback function to connect to the toggled signal.
def toggle(button):
if button.get_active():
# create a checkbutton and connect our handler
check = Gtk.CheckButton('Check to disable view tooltips')
check.connect('toggled', toggle)
check.set_tooltip_markup('This is a standard Gtk tooltip.\n'
'Compare me to the tooltips above.')
# create a VBox to pack the view and checkbutton
vbox = Gtk.VBox()
# pack the vbox into a simple dialog and run it
dialog = Gtk.Dialog('TreeViewTooltips Demo')
tips.dialog = dialog #give tips the main window reference
close = dialog.add_button(Gtk.STOCK_CLOSE,Gtk.ResponseType.NONE)
# add a tooltip for the close button
close.set_tooltip_markup('Click to end the demo.')

Generating dynamic charts with Matplotlib in Django

So I have 2 views: the first one generates the html on request, the second view generates the chart to display for the first view.
def activation_signupcount(request):
if 'datestart' not in request.GET:
return render_to_response('activation/activation_signupcount.html', {'datestart':''})
datestart = request.GET['datestart']
dateend = request.GET['dateend']
return render_to_response('activation/activation_signupcount.html', {'datestart':datestart, 'dateend':dateend})#
def activation_signupcount_graph(request):
datestart = request.GET['datestart'] #this doesnt work
dateend = request.GET['dateend'] #this doesnt work
print datestart,dateend
# open sql connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
# execute query
cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(1), JoinDate FROM users WHERE JoinDate BETWEEN '"+ datestart +"' AND '"+ dateend +"' GROUP BY JoinDate;")
# close connection
data = cursor.fetchall()
fig = Figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
x = []
y = []
x = [k[1] for k in data]
y = [k[0] for k in data]
ax.plot_date(x, y, '-')
canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
response = HttpResponse(content_type='image/png')
return response
So on the page activation/activation_signupcount.html, I have 2 date fields, start and end, which submits a GET request. So my question is, how can I parse these 2 date variables to my function activation_signupcount_graph to get the start/end dates to generate the chart?
I hope that was clear!
You can access your chart view in your template using the url-templatetag with the appropiate parameters.
So it should look like:
<img src="{% url yourapp.chart_view start_date end_date %}" />
Or, as you are using get-parameters:
<img src="{% url yourapp.chart_view %}?datestart={{ datestart }}" />
have been doing this for years (works with pySVG generated SVG graphs as well btw) , however recently I encountered many problems with installing matplotlib in virtualenvs.
I resorted to adding the system wide matplotlib libraries (from the ubuntu repositories) to the virtualenvs instead of the usual pip install .... anthem