Reducing my boost lib folder - c++

Even having already dug through loads of info on the net about this, I am still having some trouble understanding the boost lib files. I have Boost 1.51 installed and the lib folder is 1.7GBs which is just too much. I need to reduce it.
Just to show an example:
That is all the regex lib folders. There are 10 of them! I want to delete most of these, but I struggle to understand, which folders I need.
I assume 'libboost' is the static lib (which doesn't require a DLL) and the others are dynamic which do. Does it mean if I use the dynamic libraries I need boost DLLs in my project?
I can also see some are debug and others aren't. Is it necessary to keep both? or can I just always use the non-debug versions for my projects?
Finally, am I right in thinking, to make Visual Studio choose specific libs I go to the:
C/C++ project settings -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library, and change between /MT, /MD, etc?
If I use Multi-threaded (/MT), does that mean I can remove all the debug libs and dlls because this option only uses the static libs?
Thanks for any advice.

I assume 'libboost' is the static lib (which doesn't require a DLL) and the others are dynamic which do.
Does it mean if I use the dynamic libraries I need boost DLLs in my project?
Finally, am I right in thinking, to make Visual Studio choose specific libs I go to the: C/C++ project settings -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library, and change between /MT, /MD, etc?
Not quite so. Setting /MT or any other similar option will only make your application use the corresponding versions of runtime libraries (e.g. CRT). It does not mean you can only link statically after this, neither does it "select" anything for your own project-specific dependencies.
Whether you link to boost as a static library or DLL depends on which .lib file (libboostXXX or boostXXX) you specify in: Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies. Also, you may need to visit Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories and add a path to your boost/libs folder (and possibly its subfolders) so that you don't have to specify full path for each library you are adding to dependencies.
However, you should always (especially when using static libraries) link to libraries built with the same runtime which you have selected in your main project. If you try to mix different runtimes, you will most likely get pretty cryptic linker errors about double-defined symbols (in system libraries) and such. In the worst case (usually due to a mismatch in some less obvious settings, like preprocessor definitions that change STL options) it will not lead to a linker failure, but to mysterious runtime crashes. Visual Studio 2010 and later, however, does pretty good job of detecting such mismatches (compared to previous VS versions).
Another issue might be that some of the boost headers are using #pragma comment to force linking necessary libraries by a specific name. If you find this a problem and want to specify your dependencies manually (or if it selects something you don't really need to link to), you can add a global preprocessor define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB to C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions.
Also, do you really need all of the boost libraries in your project? There's a lot of them, and most are for very special things. In my experience, people usually only need a small subset of boost for their project-specific goals. To create such a subset, containing headers only for the libraries which you really use, and their dependencies, you can use the BCP utility. This would probably reduce your boost/boost folder dramatically. And, of course, you can also delete binaries for the libraries you are not going to use. Also note that most of the general-purpose libraries in boost are header-only and thus don't require linking to any libraries at all.


What is the proper way to include a source library in a Visual Studio C++ project?

Right now I'm trying to create my first "real" project in C++ using Visual Studio 2019. I need to include a third-party library as a dependency. The instructions on the project homepage simply recommend to include all source/header files directly into the project. My understanding is that it's a bad practice, since the end result would look quite ugly in any VCS.
Thankfully, the library author also provided build scripts that call cl, lib and link with appropriate arguments and produce the coveted foo.lib. I added that file to dependencies in linker options and after some haranguing with compiler/linker options finally got it running.
To my distress, I realised that I've done all those manipulations in Release configuration, which prevented me from using the debugger. I then built the library with /MDd, fixed some compiler options... and got a bizarre compile-time error in vcruntime.h ( fatal error C1189: #error: _HAS_CXX17 and _HAS_CXX20 must both be defined, and _HAS_CXX20 must imply _HAS_CXX17).
At this point, I knew I was doing something terribly wrong, since including a simple library should't require so much manual knob-tweaking. What is the right, canonical way of including third-party dependencies in Visual Studio (and C++ in general)? Assuming the dependency isn't available on Nuget, vcpkg or somesuch.
As I understand from the stuff you did was on Windows. First of all I would recommend you try a linux distro. In windows it is possible to get lib files running, but not easy. It would help if you could send me a link to the library you are using.
The usual approach is to just stick those sources in their own directory and their own Visual Studio project (not solution). This can still build a foo.lib. You won't need many options for this.
Next, you just tell Visual Studio that your own project depends on that other project, and it will then link foo.LIB for you.
Having said that, it sounds like you try to build your two projects with different settings for the C++ version. VS2019 has good support for C++17 and experimental support for C++20, so you can choose. But you need to choose consistently for all your projects.
In larger solutions you can us a .vsprops file for that, which is like an #include for project files. A bit overkill when you have two projects, a lifesaver when you have 150.
It varies a bit how you include 3rd party libraries, sometimes 3rd party libraries have an installation and install themselves like under Common Components sometimes you have to do it manually.
E.g. YourSolution/3rdParty/foo/include
Sometimes the libraries have different names then they may be in the same folder.
Once you have that structure go to your project's properties C/C++ and add the include under Additional Include Directories make sure you have configuration "All Configurations" here. Then go to Project properties/Linker/Input and the dependency for Debug Configuration and for the Release Configuration - since usually they are different libraries per configuration. e.g. release/foo.lib and debug/foo.lib (foo.lib foo-d.lib or whatever they are called).
Use the macros to make sure you get the right locations so that they are relative to your solution and project. It is not good having absolute paths. E.g. $(SolutionDir)3rdparty\foo\include
Disclaimer : I am not sure this is the "optimal" way to do it but that is the way I do it.

Multiple Project Configurations C++

I use Visual Studio 2017 (but applies to any version from 2010+) and I've been trying to come up with a way to organize my Debug/Release libraries in such a way as to avoid all these linking errors we get, when mixing different versions of the Runtime libraries. My goal seems simple, conceptually, but I have not yet figured out a way to achieve all I want.
Here's what I have, and what I'd like to do:
Common Libraries:
So 2 different executable, using a set of common libraries and Exe-specific libraries.
I want to create 4 different build configurations.
This would contain debugging info/non-optimized code for all libraries, including the Common Libraries.
This would contain debugging info/non-optimized code for all Exe-specific libraries, but NOT for the Common Libraries.
This would contain a combination of debugging info/non-optimized code libraries for some libraries, and non-debugging info/optimized libraries for the remaining ones.
You guessed it. This would contain non-debugging info and optimized code for all.
My first attempt was to basically create 2 sets of binaries for each library; one compiled in Debug Mode (with /MTd /Od) and another one compiled in Release Mode with (/MT /O2). Then pick one or the other version in my various configurations. This was fine for Cfg1 & Cfg4 (since all Runtime libraries are consistent throughout), but ran into those those linking errors for Cfg2 & Cfg3.
I understand why I get these errors. I'm just not sure how one goes about resolving these things, in what I would think would be a common scenario. Maybe Cfg3 is uncommon, but I would think Cfg1,2 & 4 are.
Thanks for your inputs.
I didn't really think I needed to add this information because I wanted to keep my question short(er). But if it can help clarify my goal, I'll add this up.
This is for a Realtime simulator. I just can't run every single library in a typical Debug configuration, as I would not be able to maintain Realtime. I seldom need to Debug the Common Libraries because they're mostly related to Server/IO tasks. The Exe libs mostly contain math/thermodynamics and is where I mostly spend my time. However, 1 Exe lib contains reactor neutronics, which involved heavy calculations. We typically treat that one as a black-box (cryptic vendor-provided code) and I almost always want to run it using Optimized code (typical Release settings).
You can not use different runtime libraries in the same process without some special considerations (e.g. using a DLL or so with no CRT object in the interface to make them entirely seperate) without either link errors or risking runtime issues if CRT objects are passed between.
You can mix most of the general optimisation options within a module with the notable exception with link time code generation that must be the same for all objects. The release runtime libraries are also generally usable for debugging as long as your own code is not optimised.
To easily switch you will want a solution configuration for each case you want (so 4). You can make one project configuration be used by multiple solution configurations if you do not want some that are duplicates but it must follow the previously mentioned limitations, and can confuse things like output directory. You can also use property sheets to share settings between multiple projects and configurations.
I've done similar using predefined macros for either the output directory path or the target filename.
For example, I use $(Platform)_$(Configuration) which expands to Win32_Debug or Win32_Release.
You can use environment variables as well. I haven't tried using preprocessor macros yet.
Search the internet for "MSDN Visual Studio predefined macros $(Platform)".
So this is how I ended up getting what I wanted.
Assuming I'm using the static Runtime libraries, I think I'll keep the typical Debug/Release (/MTd and /MT, respectively) libraries for my Common Libraries and create 3 sets of libraries for my Exe's:
Exe1Lib1Release: Typical Release Configuration
Exe1Lib1Debug: Typical Debug Configuration
Exe1Lib1DebugMT: Non-optimized code with debugging info, but using the MT Runtime libraries
Will use the typical Debug libraries all around
Cfg2 & Cfg3:
Will use the typical Release libraries for the Common Libraries, and the Exe1Lib1DebugMT for the Exe's libraries
Will use the typical Release libraries all around.
Actually, Cfg2 & Cfg3 settings are more accurately represented by:
Will use the typical Release libraries for the Common Libraries, and the Exe1Lib1DebugMT for the Exe's libraries
Will use the typical Release libraries for the Common Libraries, and a combination of Release and Exe1Lib1DebugMT for the Exe's libraries

Building library without dependencies

I've got a huge application here called HugeApp, it needs different libraries (which I've coded) and some of these libraries might need dependencies (other libs coming from the internet or ad hoc lib developped here).
I was wondering, if it was feasible and/or a good idea to hide some of these dependencies from HugeApp.
Let's say that you make a library in charge of doing the encrypted communication on a system, does the top application care and/or needs to know that there is some encryption libraries that are needed for this part (comms) of the system? It might be implementation specific... or not...
Thank you
There's no need for it to know, if you build those libraries as external DLL's then the external libraries are the only thing that care about the dependency. If you add a reference to the pre-built DLL then HugeApp doesn't need to know about the dependencies of the library (as long as they are either present in the library or the appropriate DLL or lib file is present so that your dll can make use of it). If anything your library can be another project altogether and you can include a reference to that in which case the project of your HugeApp only cares about that main reference and the other project will handle everything else.
If you enable /OPT:REF in linker optimizations it you will list which (if any) libraries that have no functions or data used by the project during link time. You can then remove them from the dependency list and link line in project settings. This will reduce the chance of removing a static library that is a dependency of another static library if any are present/used in your VS solution.

How do I remove dependency on mfc80.dll and msvcr80.dll?

My code does not use MFC. However, when I built my static lib the party that is trying to use it is stating that they are having a hard time because my code lib has the following dependencies in it:
mfc80.dll and msvcr80.dll
Is there a way to remove those and rebuild? I am using vs2008.
A static library by default links to the dynamic runtime, which is why your code has a dependency on msvcr80.dll. Visual C++ programs must link to a runtime. You can change your static library to use a static runtime to remove the dependency. This is done in the Configuration Properties | C/C++ | Code Generation | Runtime Library setting. However, the chosen runtime library must match what is used in the project that links your static library.
Your code probably depends on mfc80.dll because you have Configuration Properties | General | Use of MFC set to one of the MFC options.
In my opinion, Visual C++ (and Windows in general) was made for dynamic libraries and dynamic runtimes. Static libraries seem like more of a hack, in that they have a surprising number of limitations, pitfalls and idiosyncratic behavior. Better become familiar with producing and consuming dynamic libraries -- it's better in the long run.
mscvr80.dll is the release CRT. You can remove this dependency by setting the compiler to statically link. Most likely, you're trying to load MFC because the project is set to use MFC, even though you're not using it. You can remove this in the project settings.
Although, gotta question why VS2008 would produce mfc80.dll and mscvr80.dll dependencies, instead of mfc90.dll and mscvr90.dll.

MSVC - boost::python static linking to .dll (.pyd)

I got a VS10 project. I want to build some C++ code so I can use it in python. I followed the boost tutorial and got it working. However VS keeps to link boost-python-vc100-mt-gd-1_44.lib but it's just a wrapper which calls boost-python-vc100-mt-gd-1_44.dll. That's why I need to copy the .dll with my .dll(.pyd) file. So I want to link boost:python statically to that .dll(.pyd) file. But I just can't find any configuration option in VS or in the compiler and linker manual. The weirdest thing is I've got one older project using boost::filesystem with the very same config but that project links against libboost-filesystem-*.lib which is static lib so it's ok. I've been googling for couple of hours without any success and it drivers me crazy.
Thanks for any help or suggestion.
You probably don't want to do that. Statically linked Boost python has a number of problems and quirks when there are more then one boost python based library imported. "But I only have one" you say. Can you guarantee that your users won't have another? That you might want to use another in the future? Stick with the DLL. Distributing another DLL is really not that big a deal. Just put it side-by-side in the same directory.
What libraries are linked depends on the settings of your project. There are two possibilities: You can build against
linked versions of the c-runtime libs. Depending on which option is selected, the boost sends a proper #pragma to the linker. These options need to be set consistently in all projects which constitute your program. So go to "properties -> c++ -> code generation" (or similar, I am just guessing, don't have VS up and running right now) and be sure that the right option is set (consistently). Of course, you must have compiled boost libraries in required format before...