I am trying to encode image using JBIG2 encoder that I have installed using Macports.
I have also installed leptonica from Macports:
The system seems to have installed it:
% jbig2 -V --version
jbig2enc 0.28
Also, from jbig2 --help I am getting this
% jbig2 --help
Usage: jbig2 [options] <input filenames...>
-b <basename>: output file root name when using symbol coding
-d --duplicate-line-removal: use TPGD in generic region coder
-p --pdf: produce PDF ready data
-s --symbol-mode: use text region, not generic coder
-t <threshold>: set classification threshold for symbol coder (def: 0.85)
-T <bw threshold>: set 1 bpp threshold (def: 188)
-r --refine: use refinement (requires -s: lossless)
-O <outfile>: dump thresholded image as PNG
-2: upsample 2x before thresholding
-4: upsample 4x before thresholding
-S: remove images from mixed input and save separately
-j --jpeg-output: write images from mixed input as JPEG
-a --auto-thresh: use automatic thresholding in symbol encoder
--no-hash: disables use of hash function for automatic thresholding
-V --version: version info
-v: be verbose
As the encoder refers to https://github.com/agl/jbig2enc for encoding the images I tried the command they have mentioned for encoding:
$ jbig2 -s feyn.tif >feyn.jb2
I ran it for an image original.jpg, This is what I am getting:
> jbig2 -s original.jpg >original.jb2
[1] 43894
zsh: command not found: gt
zsh: command not found: original.jb2
sahilsharma#Sahils-Air ~ % JBIG2 compression complete. pages:1 symbols:5 log2:3
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[1] + done jbig2 -s original.jpg
According to '--help', '-s' will do the lossless encoding.
The execution shows JBIG2 compression completed but no jb2 files have been formed.
Please help me in getting to know if the compression has taken place? Then where can I get the encoded image?
I am running this encoder to get to know the compression ratio. So I just want to know the encoded image size.
Use >, not >. The result will then be in feyn.jb2.
I have a c++ script that coneverts a series of jpg into a .mp4 video, the command i use is the folllowing:
std::system("ffmpeg -threads auto -y -framerate 1.74659 -i /mnt/ev_ramdsk/1/%05d-capture.jpg -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast /mnt/ev_ramdsk/1/video.mp4");
which produces a .mp4 video file like its supposed to except it cant be played from anywhere (tested in 2 computers and html5 video)
But, if from the same computer where the program runs, i do:
ffmpeg -threads auto -y -framerate 2 -i %05d-capture.jpg -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast video.mp4
from the command line, the output video plays wonderfully (except in vlc, for vlc i have to use -vcodec mpeg4)
What can possibly cause this behaviour?
could cp command corrupt the file? (ran after the mpeg to move it out of the ramfs)
As requested, i ran the whole set of commands one by one in the console exactly as the program do (the program logs every single command it runs, i just repeated them).
The commands are:
cp -r /var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/16/05/18/23/30/00/ /mnt/ev_ramdsk/1/
ffmpeg -threads auto -y -framerate 1.76729 -i /mnt/ev_ramdsk/1/%5d-capture.jpg -preset ultrafast /mnt/ev_ramdsk/1/video.mp4
cp /mnt/ev_ramdsk/1/video.mp4 /var/cache/evmanager/videos/1/2016_05_18_23_30_00_.mp4
The resulting .mp4 file can be played without any trouble. Also, is the only one with a preview image in the file explorer.
Thank you very much!
Solved it!
this was the winning answer. finally got it to work using:
std::system("ffmpeg -threads auto -y -r 1.74659 -i /mnt/ev_ramdsk/1/%05d-capture.jpg -px_fmt yuv420p -preset ultrafast -r 10 /mnt/ev_ramdsk/1/video.mp4");
Thank you very much!
I am using this
passthru("youtube-dl -o '../temp/%(title)s.%(ext)s' --restrict-
filenames --no-part --no-progress --newline --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -w --audio-quality 0 http://www.youtube.com$vid");
as a part of my code where I download song from youtube-dl, but after downloading it takes 14-15 seconds to convert that to mp3. Is there any way to improve that and make the conversion faster ? Like make avconv use all cores. If so, then how ?
Thank you.
try this:
avconv -i File.webm -threads 2 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 128k -vn -f mp3 file.mp3
You can use 2 or more threads and change bitrate to improve speed of Your script.
I am currently using freearc, precomp042 and srep 3.2
I use 4 regular compressions styles as noted below depending on data type and have no problem. I recently tried using srep 3.9, 3.91 and 3.92. All compress OK but fail immediately on decompression with an srep l256 error
What can I change to allow the new version to work and is it possible to improve compression. I have 8gb RAM and compression time is not a problem for me
Many thanks
arc a -ep1 -ed -r -w Archive(A1).bin -mx -mc-delta -mc:lzma/lzma:192mb:normal:bt4:192:mc10000:lc8 -ld192m -mc:rep/srep:l256 -mc$default,$obj:+precomp042:c-:t-j:intense -s -x Archive\*.*
arc a -ep1 -ed -r -w Archive(A2).bin -mx -mc:lzma/lzma:max:512mb -mc:exe/exe2 -mc:rep/maxsrep -mc$default,$obj:+maxprecompj -x Archive\*.*
arc a -ep1 -ed -r -w Archive(A3).arc -msrep+lzma:a1:mfbt4:d256m:fb128:mc1000:lc8 -x Archive\*.*
arc a -ep1 -ed -r -w Archive(A4).bin -mprecomp:zl69:d0:t-jnf+srep+lzma:a1:mfbt4:d256m:fb128:mc1000:lc8 -x Archive\*.*
Here mate, try this. Its the most powerful compression without messing around many external compressors.
Original Question
I want to be able to generate a new (fully valid) MP3 file from an existing MP3 file to be used as a preview -- try-before-you-buy style. The new file should only contain the first n seconds of the track.
Now, I know I could just "chop the stream" at n seconds (calculating from the bitrate and header size) when delivering the file, but this is a bit dirty and a real PITA on a VBR track. I'd like to be able to generate a proper MP3 file.
Anyone any ideas?
Both mp3split and ffmpeg are both good solutions. I chose ffmpeg as it is commonly installed on linux servers and is also easily available for windows. Here's some more good command line parameters for generating previews with ffmpeg
-t <seconds> chop after specified number of seconds
-y force file overwrite
-ab <bitrate> set bitrate e.g. -ab 96k
-ar <rate Hz> set sampling rate e.g. -ar 22050 for 22.05kHz
-map_meta_data <outfile>:<infile> copy track metadata from infile to outfile
instead of setting -ab and -ar, you can copy the original track settings, as Tim Farley suggests, with:
-acodec copy
I also recommend ffmpeg, but the command line suggested by John Boker has an unintended side effect: it re-encodes the file to the default bitrate (which is 64 kb/s in the version I have here at least). This might give your customers a false impression of the quality of your sound files, and it also takes longer to do.
Here's a command line that will slice to 30 seconds without transcoding:
ffmpeg -t 30 -i inputfile.mp3 -acodec copy outputfile.mp3
The -acodec switch tells ffmpeg to use the special "copy" codec which does not transcode. It is lightning fast.
NOTE: the command was updated based on comment from Oben Sonne
If you wish to REMOVE the first 30 seconds (and keep the remainder) then use this:
ffmpeg -ss 30 -i inputfile.mp3 -acodec copy outputfile.mp3
ffmpeg -t 30 -i inputfile.mp3 outputfile.mp3
This command also works perfectly.
I cropped my music files from 20 to 40 seconds.
-y : force output file to overwrite.
ffmpeg -i test.mp3 -ss 00:00:20 -to 00:00:40 -c copy -y temp.mp3
you can use mp3cut:
cutmp3 -i foo.mp3 -O 30s.mp3 -a 0:00.0 -b 0:30.0
It's in ubuntu repo, so just: sudo apt-get install cutmp3.
You might want to try Mp3Splt.
I've used it before in a C# service that simply wrapped the mp3splt.exe win32 process. I assume something similar could be done in your Linux/PHP scenario.
I have got an error while doing the same
Invalid audio stream. Exactly one MP3 audio stream is required.
Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argumentStream mapping:
Fix for me was:
ffmpeg -ss 00:02:43.00 -t 00:00:10 -i input.mp3 -codec:a libmp3lame out.mp3
My package medipack is a very simple command-line app as a wrapper over ffmpeg.
you can achieve trimming your video using these commands:
medipack trim input.mp3 -s 00:00 -e 00:30 -o output.mp3
medipack trim input.mp3 -s 00:00 -t 00:30 -o output.mp3
you can view options of trim subcommand as:
srb#srb-pc:$ medipack trim -h
usage: medipack trim [-h] [-s START] [-e END | -t TIME] [-o OUTPUT] [inp]
positional arguments:
inp input video file ex: input.mp4
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s START, --start START
start time for cuting in format hh:mm:ss or mm:ss
-e END, --end END end time for cuting in format hh:mm:ss or mm:ss
-t TIME, --time TIME clip duration in format hh:mm:ss or mm:ss
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
you could also explore other options using medipack -h
srb#srb-pc:$ medipack --help
usage: medipack.py [-h] [-v] {trim,crop,resize,extract} ...
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Display version number
you may visit my repo https://github.com/srbcheema1/medipack and checkout examples in README.