Access Alternate Data Stream data from Thumbnail Image Handler code? - c++

I'm trying to write a Thumbnail Image Handler for a custom file type based on Microsoft's example code here: Building Thumbnail Handlers.
As a proof of concept, I'm storing the base64 of a jpeg file into an ADS on my custom file.
My problem is that I'm not sure how to access this data from the DLL code. Microsoft's example uses base64 stored in an XML tag within the custom file type. I don't have the option to modify the internal components of my file type, leading me to using ADS as an example.
Is there a way to access an ADS from DLL handler code?


REST framework's FileField: How can I force using TemporaryUploadedFile

I want to extract and process text from a text document uploaded by the user without actually saving the document. I use Django's REST framework and I want this to happen in the serializer.
I get the document from a FileField. Because the text document is likely to be small, it will be wrapped into InMemoryUploadedFile automatically. However, text-extraction modules (e.g. docx2python) need to open files from paths, not from memory.
How can I turn an InMemoryUploadedFile into a TemporaryUploadedFile, so I can get a path to use? Or how do I force a particular field (without changing the app settings) to always wrap a file in TemporaryUploadedFile?

WSO2 CEP - Custom Receiver Adapter: Event Formats

I am trying to build a custom receiver adaptor. Which will read from CSV file and push events to a stream.
As far a I understand, we have to follow any of the WSO2 standard format(TEXT, XML or JSON) to push data to a stream.
Problem is, CSV files doesn't match with any of the standard format stated above. We have to convert csv values to any of the supported format within the custom adapter.
As per my observation, WSO2 TEXT format doesn't support comma(,) within a string value. So, I have decided to convert CSV JSON.
My questions are below:
How to generate WSO2 TEXT events if values ave comma ?
(if point 1 is not possible) In my custom adapter MessageType, if I add either only TEXT or all 3 (TEXT, XML, JSON) it works fine. But if I add only JSON I get below error. My target is to add only JSON and convert all the CSV to JSON to avoid confusion.
[2016-09-19 15:38:02,406] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.event.receiver.core.EventReceiverDeployer} - Error, Event Receiver not deployed and in inactive state, Text Mapping is not supported by event adapter type file
To read from CSV file and push events to a stream, you could use the file-tail adapter. Refer the sample 'Receiving Custom RegEx Text Events via File Tail'. This sample contains the regex patterns which you could use to map your CSV input.
In addition to this, as Charini has suggested in a comment, you could also check out the event simulator. However, the event simulator is not an event receiver - meaning, it will not receive events in realtime, rather it will "play" a previously defined set of events (in the CSV file, in this case) to simulate a flow of events. It will not continuously monitor the file for new events. If you want to monitor the file for new events, then consider using the file-tail adapter.
I have just made it. Not an elegant way. However it worked fine for me.
As I have mentioned, JSON format is the most flexible one to me. I am reading from file and converting each line/event to WSO2 JSON format.
Issue with this option was, I want to limit message format only to JSON from management console ("Message Format" menu while creating new receiver). If I add only JSON [supportInputMessageTypes.add(MessageType.JSON)] it shows error as I mentioned in question#2 above.
The solution is, instead of putting static variable from MessageType class, use corresponding string directly. So now, my method "getSupportedMessageFormats()" in EventAdapterFactory class is as below:
public List<String> getSupportedMessageFormats() {
List<String> supportInputMessageTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
// just converting the type to string value
// to avoid error "Text Mapping is not supported by event adapter type file"
String jsonType = MessageType.JSON;
return supportInputMessageTypes;
My request to WSO2 team, please allow JSON format event adapter type file.
Thanks, Obaid

Adding custom metadata to jpeg files

I'm working on an Image processing project(C++) and I need to write custom metadata to jpeg file after the processing is complete. How can I accomplish this? Is there any library available to do it ?
If you're talking about EXIF Metadata you may want to look at exiv2 which is a C++ library for processing EXIF metadata. There is a second lib which is called libexif and is written in C.
Exiv2 has a view examples on their website and a the API is well documented.
UPDATE: If you want to add custom metadata you could either use the MakerNote or the Comment tag.
Exif Standard: PDF see Section 4.6.5 EXIF IFD Attribute Information Table 7, Tags Relating to User Information.
MakerNote Type Undefined Count Any
Comment Type Undefined Count Any
which means you're allowed to use those 2 tags for any data you want.

How to provide image data for embedded web control in C++

In my C++ app I'm embedding (via COM) a web browser (Internet Explorer) control (CLSID_WebBrowser).
I can display my own html in that control by using IHTMLDocument2::write() method but if the html has <img src="foo.png"> element, it's not displayed.
I assume there is a way for me to provide the data for foo.png somehow to the web control, but I can't find the right place to hook this functionality?
I need to be in full control of providing the content of foo.png, so work-arounds like using res:// protocol or saving to disk and using file:// protocol are not good enough. I just want to plug my code somehow so that when embedded CLSID_WebBrowser control sees <img src="foo.png"> in html data given with IHTMLDocument2::write() it will ask me to provide this data.
To answer my own question, the solution that finally worked for me is:
register custom IInternetProtocol/IInternetProtocolInfo/ via custom IClassFactory given to IInternetSession::RegisterNameSpace(). For reasons that seem like a bug to me, it has to be a protocol already known to IE (I've chosen "its") even though it would be much better if it was my own, unique namespace.
feed html data via custom IMoniker through IPersistentMoniker::Load() and make sure that IMoniker::GetDisplayName() (which is a base url according to which relative links in provided html will be resolved) starts with that protocol scheme (in my case "its://"). That way relative link "foo.png" in the html data will be its://foo.png to IE which will make urlmon call IInternetProtocol::Start() and IInternetProtocol::Read() to ask for the data for that url.
This is all rather complicated, you can look at the actual (BSD-licensed) code here:
You can embed a small webserver such as mongoose and reference those impage from there.
In mongoose, you can attach callback to specific path, thus returning images from C++ code.
We use this for our debugging tools, where each images is accessible from a web interface
The easiest solution would be a Data URI. You'd inline out the image directly with IHTMLDocument2::write().

Plot a graph in the html file using Django

I am doing a monitoring system using Django. In my views file, I have defined one class called showImage which collects the information necessary to plot a graph using matplotlib.
At the beginning, I just stored the image in a string buffer to represent it with HttpResponse:
buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
canvas = pylab.get_current_fig_manager().canvas
pilImage = PIL.Image.fromstring("RGB", canvas.get_width_height(), canvas.tostring_rgb()), "PNG")
# Send buffer in a http response the the browser with the mime type image/png set
return HttpResponse(buffer.getvalue(), mimetype="image/png")
However, I need to implement some javaScript in the html file to add more applications. For that reason, I have decided to save the image in a variable and plot it in the html file:
# serialize to HTTP response
response = HttpResponse(buffer.getvalue(), mimetype="image/png")
return render_to_response('eQL/dev/showImage.html', {'response':response})
My question is that I don't really know how to represent it in the html file because I didn't find any example doing it. Any one knows the answer?
Thanks in advance!
Do you mean that in your first implementation, your response was a PNG file, but now you wish to make the response an HTML file instead, containing the image?
Well firstly, you need to change the response MIME type from image/png to text/html or similar.
Secondly, I'm not sure why you are passing a HttpResponse object (containing the PNG data) into the template. Can the template even read that? Surely you just want to be passing the raw PNG data, not a HttpResponse object.
Finally, how to do it. Well as you may know, HTML isn't so great at embedding images. As with normal websites, you can include text in the page, but if you want an image, you need a separate file and link to it using the <img src="..." /> element. This is tricky to do dynamically: it means you need to setup two separate URLs (one for the PNG and one for the HTML), which run independently of one another (you can't just have one piece of code; you need one handler for generating the PNG and the other for generating the HTML), and have the HTML link to the PNG URL.
If that is too hard, there is another way out, but it is a bit hacky: data URLs. They let you include image data in the HTML page itself, so you only need to produce one response. Unfortunately it is not well supported in Internet Explorer pre-9. IE8 supports images less than 32K, IE7 and below don't work. See the example on Wikipedia -- you are aiming to generate something like this:
<img src="
9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==" alt="Red dot" />
Basically, take the PNG data, and Base64-encode it (use Python's base64 library). Then just put "data:image/png;base64," in front of it, and set that as the URL for the img src. In other words, pass the Base64-encoded string to Django's template engine, and construct the URL as part of the img tag in the template.