WSO2 Identity Server SAML SSO return url - wso2

Is it possible somehow to pass a return url to the Identity Server when performing a SAML SSO and have that url posted back to my assertion url when the user authenticates successfully?

The RelayState (described here) parameter that is sent to the IdP can be used to post the return URL to the IdP and have it back when the Authentication Response is send back from the IdP. Of course as this is an HTTP POST parameter, if you store a URL there it has to be propertly encoded/decoded.
However keep in mind that this might be used by an attacker to trick the use to open a trusted URL (this of the identity server) and redirect it to a malicious site. To prevent this the redirect URL should be validated.


Google Cloud Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) Register redirect URL

I see IAP supports a 403 redirect but how about supporting the registration of a redirect URL that IAP would use to redirect on its own handler redirect successful authentication?
Enable IAP for and registe redirect URL:
Travel (no authentication session is detected)
IAP redirects to IDP
Authentication completes with success on IDP side
IDP redirects to IAP redirect URL[clientId]:handleRedirect
IAP redirects application redirect URL:****
Application routes to redirect URL handler to exchange code for IAP JWT token
This approach would support a generally encountered development pattern in the case of web applications when on a successful authentication there is a single redirect route that will encapsulate the logic of exchanging an authentication token (IAP provided) for an authorization token (own application provided).
The ask is also about supporting a redirect with a JWT sent as a query parameter instead of a response header and while there are known complexities to sending data on the front channel there seems to be sufficient support from the industry standards and best practices to support a safe implementation of this use case.

Enable Single Logout in WSO2 Identity server and redirect to custom login page

I am using WSO2-IS 5.3.0. I have configured many service provider and SAML SSO is working as expected. But when it comes to Logout, One functionality is working fine. It means it redirects me to a common logout page after an invaliding session.
Here, I have one case, I have one service provider for it, I need to perform single logout but it should redirect to my custom login page. Though IS providing the option to configure return URL(SLO Response URL) you can see in the below screenshot. I have done that but still its redirects to the common logout page.
Do I need any other configuration too?
You are performing an IdP initiated SLO as per the given request URL. In that case, you can use the returnTo parameter in that request to redirect the response.
So set the SLO response URL to return to URL of the Enable IdP initiated SLO config. Sample request would be as follow.
But, you might have to define the SP specific parameters in the request.
Reference :

WSO2IS-5.7.0 OIDC SSO logout without id_token_hint

I am working with OIDC and WSo2IS-5.7.0. I Want to implement rp initiated global logout (I want to terminate the session from RP and as well as OP or WSO2 in my case.) When user clicks on logout button, I am redirecting the user to this URL :
It is working fine and user is redirected to login page of wso2. My client consider it not secure and want to do the same without being send id_token to front end. Is it possible with wso2is-5.7.0?
If yes, how?
If no, isn't it insecure that we send id token to FE? anyone can use it to make API call?
It is not possible. In WSO2 implementation we use the id_token_hint to extract the client_id from the id_token (sent as the id_token_hint). This is necessary to retrieve the service provider information for which the id_token was issued to.
Otherwise we don't have a way to validate whether the value sent in post_logout_redirect_uri is a registered callback for the service provider.
So if we omit the id_token_hint, we cannot validate the post_logout_redirect_uri sent which will open up another security hole allowing redirection to untrusted uris.

Authenticate against WSO2 Identity Server with no browser and get SAML2 assertion message

I am trying to setup a service provider that uses WSO2 IS for authentication via SAML2. Now, wehave a use-case in which the user is a machine (i.e. an external program) that needs to access the service provider. Since the user is a machine, there is no browser and cannot use the WSO2 login form to complete the authentication steps, though it has been given a username and password since it is still a user.
My question is how can this non-GUI user participate in the SAML2 workflow (specifically pass credentials to WSO2 to obtain a SAMLV2 Assertion message) and access the service provider?
I tried to do the following as a simulation but I failed
1) curl -v -k http://localhost:8000/service_provider/login
2) Extracting the SAML message from the response:
curl --user username:password -v -k https://localhost:9443/samlsso?SAMLRequest=<ENCODED_REQUEST>
Basically, I was expecting to get a redirect response from WSO2 back to the service provider with SAML assertion message, but instead I got the following:
https://localhost:9443/authenticationendpoint/;jsessionid=7QON18982323HWIH?commonAuthCallerPath=%2Fsamlsso&forceAuth=false&passiveAuth=false&tenantDomain=carbon.super&sessionDataKey=122JhQ-JQOJ-H8123&relyingParty=test-saml2&type=samlsso&sp=test&isSaaSApp=false&authenticators=BasicAuthenticator:LOCAL, which is the same url that is used when a human user authenticates using a browser.
I also tried using HTTP-POST Binding with "sectoken" form param as suggested in this article: . But it didn't work either.
I also tried making SOAP requests to WSO2's AuthenticationAdminHttpsSoap12Endpoint service, specifically the "login" method. I used the JSESSIONID I got from the SOAP response to the above steps but the effect was the same. This is not a surprise to me since WSO2 does not use JSESSIONID to check if you are authenticated already (at least not for trying to grab SAML responses).
1.Get login form
curl -v http://localhost:8000/service_provider/login
Extract SAMLRequest and SSOAuthSessionID (if RelayState presents extract it too)
2.Send saml request to IDP using extracted valuses in step1(In browser this will happen through redirection)
Endpoint : https://<is_host>:9443/samlsso
Verb :post
SAMLRequest:<value from previous step>,
SSOAuthSessionID:<value from previous step>,
RelayState :<value from previous step>]
This will give IS login page.Extract sessionDataKey from that.
3. Login by providing user name password
Verb :post
Parameters: [tocommonauth:true,username:xxxx,password:xxx,sessionDataKey:<extracted from previous step>]
Extract SAML response
5.Post the saml resposne to ACS url of service provider

Custom Query Param in WSO2 SAML 2.0 Request

Can add custom query param with wso2 SAML 2.0 request rather than SAMLRequest,RelayState?
I want to make SAML request with target URL query param to make redirection to target URL after authentication success.
Example :9443/samlsso?SAMLRequest=jZPRb9owE.........&targetURL=home.jsp
You can add custom query parameters in to SAML Request... But only the "RelayState" would be redirected back to the service provider by WSO2IS. If you want to redirect to a target URL after authentication success, You must configure it as ACS in the service provider configurations of the WSO2IS.
You can use any parameter. But only Relaystate will be redirected back to SP.