Get the oldest file in a directory - c++

my problem is that I want to store the five oldest files from a directory in a list. Since the software should be safe against time changes done by the user I'm looking for a possibility to extract this information without using the file time. Is there any internal counter implemented in windows that can be extracted from the files meta-data? Or is it possible to set such a counter during the file creation (e.g. in a specific field of the meta-information)?
Best regards

Are you saying you don't want to use "the file time" in case users
have modified the files since they were created?
If that is the case, your problem may solved with the information that
Windows stores three distinct
for each file: 1) the file's creation time,
2) the file's last access time, 3) the file's last write time.
You would want the first of these. You can get all of them by calling
the win api
function passing the file name. The
structure that is returned to you contains all three times.


clusters the file is occupying [duplicate]

I need to get any information about where the file is physically located on the NTFS disk. Absolute offset, cluster ID..anything.
I need to scan the disk twice, once to get allocated files and one more time I'll need to open partition directly in RAW mode and try to find the rest of data (from deleted files). I need a way to understand that the data I found is the same as the data I've already handled previously as file. As I'm scanning disk in raw mode, the offset of the data I found can be somehow converted to the offset of the file (having information about disk geometry). Is there any way to do this? Other solutions are accepted as well.
Now I'm playing with FSCTL_GET_NTFS_FILE_RECORD, but can't make it work at the moment and I'm not really sure it will help.
I found the following function
It returns structure that contains nFileIndexHigh and nFileIndexLow variables.
Documentation says
The identifier that is stored in the nFileIndexHigh and nFileIndexLow members is called the file ID. Support for file IDs is file system-specific. File IDs are not guaranteed to be unique over time, because file systems are free to reuse them. In some cases, the file ID for a file can change over time.
I don't really understand what is this. I can't connect it to the physical location of file. Is it possible later to extract this file ID from MFT?
Found this:
This identifier and the volume serial number uniquely identify a file. This number can change when the system is restarted or when the file is opened.
This doesn't satisfy my requirements, because I'm going to open the file and the fact that ID might change doesn't make me happy.
Any ideas?
Use the Defragmentation IOCTLs. For example, FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS will tell you the extents which contain file data.

How to find folder changes without touching the files in that directory (Using Windows and C++)

Well I am stuck with this, and I have a few questions:
How will you check whether the folder has been modified without touching the files?
"Last Modified" changes when a file is created/deleted, when a subfolder is created/deleted, but doesn't change when a file is modified (For example, when its size changes).
If a file size changes then folder size will also vary, but there is no API to find the folder size in Windows without touching the file.
Say I give some values to every folder, now when its size changes will that value change by default? (An expected example may be, its hash value?)
or what will change by default in windows when a folder is modified? (Other than its size.)
Thanks in advance.
If you want to monitor a folder for changes, you can use the api ReadDirectoryChangesW. However, if you want to check it offline then you would need to scan the complete directory & check each file modified date, folder creation date etc. Compare it with the last scan time.
You can stop scanning whenever you find at least one change to save time when scanning.
If your app has administrator's rights then you can find changes in a folder by reading the NTFS change journal.

How to get the list of files created during a specific period of time in a directory?

I need to get the list of files that have been created within a specific period of time in a directory, e.g files created after 19:14 and before 23:11. Each directory contains files belonging to a specific date (24 hours). Should I include the creation time of each file in its name? (like prefix-hh-mm-ss-ms.txt). These files are meant to be copied from another place to the directory, so I am afraid copying may modify the creation time of file and I should not rely on it. Any advice showing me the best way to achieve what I want to do would be appreciated.
Copying should not "modify" the creation time; since the destination file was actually only created at copying time, isn't it only logical that the creation time of the copied file is the time when the copying occured?
The file creation time is however not really available under linux anyway (see the question you linked yourself How to get 'file creation time' in Linux, or
So you'll have to encode that in some other way anyway. Encoding it in the filename as you suggest sounds like a reasonable way!

Read in a directory from a given file point in C++

I have two programs that will be reading / writing files to the same directory at the same time (but not to the same exact files at the same time). I have the writing portion done, but I am struggling to get a half way decent and working implementation of the reading directory portion.
The files within the directory follow the following naming scheme:
[INDEX] increments up from 000000, [KEY/DEL] alternates based on whether the image is a key or a delta frame and [TIMESTAMP] is the Unix / Linux epoch time at file creation.
Right now, the reading program reads in the directory (using the dirent.h library) one file at a time every time it needs to find an image within the directory. When the directory gets extremely large, I would imagine that this operation / method will quickly become extremely resource intensive, and eventually fail. So, I am trying to find an alternative method. I was thinking of reading in the entire directory at initialization, and saving the file information in an array to access / use later in the program. Then, when a file is requested that is not in the array, the program would go and update the array of files by reading in the directory, but this time starting from the point it left off at the end of the initialization.
Is this possible? To start reading in the file names within a directory at a known point (the last file "read in") in the directory? Or do I have to start all the way from the beginning each time?
Or is there a better way of doing this?
As Andrew said, I would confirm that this is actually a problem before trying to solve it.
If you can discount the possibility of files being created out of sequence, that is, no file
you wish to process before another file will ever be created after that file, then you can use this method.
First, read the entire directory listing into an array or vector. Then, when iterating files, just iterate the vector. Finally, if you get a file not found or reach the end of the vector, refresh it just in case more have been created.
You will no doubt want to encapsulate this logic into some sort of context object, which remembers the last file read. You could also optimise by sorting the vector.

How to get the latest file from a directory

This is specific to creating a logfiles. When I am connecting to a server using my application, it writes the details to a log file. When the log file reaches to specific size let's say 1MB then I create another file named LOG2.log.
Now While Writing back to log file , there are two or even more log files and I want to pick up the latest one. I don not want to traverse through all the files in that directory and the pick up the file, as this will take processing time, Is there any other way to get the last created file or log file in the directory.
Your best bet is to rotate log files, which is what gets done in Unix normally (generally via cron.)
One possible implementation is to keep 10 (or however many) old log files around, if your program detects that Log.log is over 1MB then move Log09.log to Log10.log, Log08.log to Log09.log, 7 to 8, 6 to 7, ... 2 to 3, and then Log.log to Log02.log. Finally, create a new Log.log file and continue recording.
This way you'll always write to Log.log and there's no filesystem mystery. In theory, this approach is scalable to ridiculous numbers of log files (more than you would ever reasonably need) and is more standard than writing to Log3023.log. Plus, one would always know where to find the current log.
I believe the answer is "stiff". You have to iterate and find the most recent one yourself, as the OS won't keep indices for each possible sort order around on the off chance someone may want them.
Are you able to modify the server? If so, perhaps introduce a LASTLOG.log file that either contains the name of the latest log file, or the actual contents of it.
Otherwise, Tony's right.. No real way to do it other than iterate through yourself.
How about the elegant :
ls -t | head -n 1
The most efficient way is to use a specialized function to go through all entries (as NTFS or FAT don't index by time), but ignore what you don't need. For that, call FindFirstFileEx with info level FindExInfoBasic. This skips 8.3 name resolution.