Where to place helping functions in Django 1.5 - django

I have a function "GenerateUsername" which returns a random username. I use it in a manager in managers.py, but where would be the best place to have this function? In a separate file called helpers.py?
def GenerateUsername():
username = str(random.randint(0,1000000))
return GenerateUsername()
except User.DoesNotExist:
return username;

I think a more comprehensive answer is deserved here. There are several ways to go about it.
utils.py for the whole django site: This has the flaw that all django apps in that site will dump their generic functions in here and this file would become a blob
utils.py for each django app inside the site: So if you have two apps, app1 and app2, then you have app1/utils.py and app2/utils.py. This is slightly better than (1)
Library outside of Django (maybe on the same level as Django): I often make libraries for generic Django APIs in case they may be used by more than 1 site. This has the additional advantage that if you launch a new Django site tomorrow, you could use this generic function in that site as well just by importing this library after having it on your path. Inside the library, you could have separate modules such as userutils.py, mailutils.py which will address the 'blob' issue and also organize your code better. I recommend this approach.


Good practice for helper functions in Django views

I am working on a project in Django. On my views.py I need to make use of multiple helper functions. In order to keep my code clean, I am going to create another file to wrap all these functions. I was planning to call the file just functions.py or helpers.py.
Which is the good practice to add helper functions for Django views? Is there any kind of convention, rule or anything?
UPDATE: These functions are closely related to the app itself. They have no sense out of their app.
The cleanest way would be to create multiple files with only functions related to each other. Ideally, if they are app-agnostic, put them in a python package outside of the django app you are using.
All functions related to users go to view_helpers/users.py,
All function related to json go to view_helpers/json.py
The directory structure would be like that

How to make a reusable Django apps if there are some modules which have a dependencies in another apps?

Should a component be its own application?. So we have separate our apps for that reason.
Now reusability does matter in Django. It is trivial to make our apps reusable when each module in the apps does not depends on another apps.
However, It is common to refer a model in another apps by adding ForeignKey('appname.MyModel'). It creates a hard dependency of the Django apps with another apps.
The same thing happened with import of another apps (i.e. from appname import MyModel). It creates a dependencies of the apps to another apps.
If the app contains such dependency of another apps, then it does not seems to be viable to share our apps (i.e. Not reusable).
What do I have to do to make the dependencies loose. And allow me to share my apps without having to hardcode another apps in the app.
So, it's worth noting that we don't really need to depend on your specific apps. We depend instead on having something that satisfies the same interfaces your apps expose.
This is the 'Pythonic' way to do things (sometimes referred to as duck typing as 'if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... it must be a duck').
You've had in comments how to solve the ForeignKey problem
To summarise, you can just add the value in settings.py:
MY_FK_MODEL = 'someapp.SomeModel'
and then use it in your models.py like so:
from django.conf import settings
class ReusableAppModel(models.Model):
some_model = models.ForeignKey(settings.MY_FK_MODEL)
So far, so easy; now to solve the import.
We actually already have an example of this from Django itself. Which is the get_user_model() method.
We could make something like that by adding the following in settings.py:
MY_APP_DEPENDENCY = 'myapp.my_module.MyClass'
along with a helper function similar to get_user_model() somewhere in your reusable app. Let's say reusable_app/helpers.py for the sake of argument:
from django.conf import settings
from pydoc import locate
def get_my_app_dependency():
dependency = locate(settings.MY_APP_DEPENDENCY)
# locate() returns None if the class is not found,
# so you could return a default class instead if you wished.
return dependency
Then you can get that class wherever you need it by calling the method:
from reusable_app.helpers import get_my_app_dependency
MyAppDependency = get_my_app_dependency()
app_dep_instance = MyAppDependency()
The summary here is that you can allow users to specify a class/method/whatever as a string in settings.py and then use that to refer to your dependency.
This lets users 'inject' a dependency into your app.
One final note:
Whenever you have an app/module that has lots of dependencies on others, it's worth double checking to see if they really should be separate. You want to avoid creating one giant module satisfying lots of disparate responsibilities, but likewise you want to avoid artificially breaking code up when it doesn't make sense. It's a careful balance.

Running multiple sites on the same python process

In our company we make news portals for a pretty big number of local newspapers (currently 13, going to 30 next month and more in the future), each with 2k to 100k page views/day. Since we are evolving from a situation where each site was heavily customized to one where each difference is a matter of configuration or custom template, our software is already pretty much the same for all sites. Right now our deployment strategy is one gunicorn instance for each site (with 1-17 workers each, depending on the site traffic), on a 16-core server and 12GB RAM. The problem with this setup is that each worker (regular pre-forked gunicorn) takes 110MB, whether its being used or not. Now with the new sites we would need to add more RAM to serve not that much many requests, so basically it doesn't scale. Also, since we are moving from this model where each site is independent, each site has its own database and I quite like it that way, especially since we are using relational databases (mysql, but migrating to pgsql), so its much easier to shard this way.
I'm doing some research and experimenting with running all sites on one gunicorn instance, so I could use the servers fully and add more servers behind a load balancer when it came to it. The problem is that django assumes in a lot of places that only one site is running per process, so for what I've thought of so far I'd have to implement:
A middleware that takes the HTTP_HOST from the request and places an identifier on a threadlocal variable.
A template loader that uses that variable to load custom templates accordingly.
Monkey patch django.db.model.Model, probably adding a metaclass (not even sure that's possible, but I think I would need it because of the custom managers we sometimes need to use) that would overwrite the managers for one that would first call db_manager(identifier) on the original manager and then call the intended method. I would also need to overwrite the save and delete methods to always include the using=identifier parameter.
I guess I would need to stop using inclusion_tag decorators, not a big problem, but I need to think of other cases like this.
Heavy and ugly patching of urlresolvers if I need custom or extra urls for each site. I don't need them now, but probably will at some point.
And this is just is what I came up with without even implementing it and seeing where it breaks, I'm sure I'd need many more changes for it to work. So I really don't want to do it, especially with the extra maintenance effort I'll need, but I don't see any alternatives and would love to learn that someone already solved this in a better way. Of course I could also stop using django altogether (I already have many reasons to do so) but that would mean a major rewrite and having two maintain two incompatible branches of the software until the new one reached feature parity with the django version, so to me it seems even worse than all the ugly hacks.
I've recently developed an e-commerce system with similar requirements -- many instances running from the same project sharing almost everything. The previous version of the system was a bunch of independent installations (~30) so it was pretty unmaintainable. I'm sure the requirements still differ from yours (for example, all instances shared the same models in my case), but it still might be useful to share my experience.
You are right that Django doesn't help with scenarios like this out of the box, but it's actually surprisingly easy to work it around. Here is a brief description of what I did.
I could see a synergy between what I wanted to achieve and django.contrib.sites. Also because many third-party Django apps out there know how to work with it and use it, for example, to generate absolute URLs to the current site. The major problem with sites is that it wants you to specify the current site id in settings.SITE_ID, which a very naive approach to the multi host problem. What one naturally wants, and what you also mention, is to determine the current site from the Host request header. To fix this problem, I borrowed the hook idea from django-multisite: https://github.com/shestera/django-multisite/blob/master/multisite/threadlocals.py#L19
Next I created an app encapsulating all the functionality related to the multi host aspect of my project. In my case the app was called stores and among other things it featured two important classes: stores.middleware.StoreMiddleware and stores.models.Store.
The model class is a subclass of django.contrib.sites.models.Site. The good thing about subclassing Site is that you can pass a Store to any function where a Site is expected. So you are effectively still just using the old, well documented and tested sites framework. To the Store class I added all the fields needed to configure all the different stores. So it's got fields like urlconf, theme, robots_txt and whatnot.
The middleware class' function was to match the Host header with the corresponding Store instance in the database. Once the matching Store was retrieved, It would patch the SITE_ID in a way similar to https://github.com/shestera/django-multisite/blob/master/multisite/middleware.py. Also, it looked at the store's urlconf and if it was not None, it would set request.urlconf to apply its special URL requirements. After that, the current Store instance was stored in request.store. This has proven to be incredibly useful, because I was able to do things like this in my views:
def homepage(request):
featured = Product.objects.filter(featured=True, store=request.store)
request.store became a natural additional dimension of the request object throughout the project for me.
Another thing that was defined on the Store class was a function get_absolute_url whose implementation looked roughly like this:
def get_absolute_url(self, to='/'):
Return an absolute url to this `Store` or to `to` on this store.
The URL includes http:// and the domain name of the store.
`to` can be an object with `get_absolute_url()` or an absolute path as string.
if isinstance(to, basestring):
path = to
elif hasattr(to, 'get_absolute_url'):
path = to.get_absolute_url()
raise ValueError(
'Invalid argument (need a string or an object with get_absolute_url): %s' % to
url = 'http://%s%s%s' % (
# This setting allowed for a sane development environment
# where I just set it to ".dev:8000" and configured `dnsmasq`.
# The same value was also removed from the `Host` value in the middleware
# before looking up the `Store` in database.
return url
So I could easily generate URLs to objects on other than the current store, e.g.:
# Redirect to `product` on `store`.
This was basically all I needed to be able to implement a system allowing users to create a new e-shop living on its own domain via the Django admin.

django - reusing functions in many views

I have a bunch of functions that I created in some views that must be reused in many other views. Do I need to create a class and put those functions in a class? If yes how exactly has to be done in Django and then how do I call and initiate them in the new views?
Django views are just Python functions. You can call other Python functions from them just as you can from any other Python code. Put your functions into a .py file, import it, and invoke the functions.
Of course, it may make sense for other reasons to create a class to hold the functions, but you certainly don't need to in order to call them from views.
The solution would be to create the myfunctions.py file in your app folder and import it in your views. Your views file would look like:
import myfunctions
def my_view(request):
foo = myfunctions.bar()
You look to complicated to Django. Django is just another Python application and lives in the Python world. For example you can create file library.py and import this file where is needed (in modules where the function from library is needed). If you need you library's functions to get data from database, just import models in the library.py and use them.
Django doesn't have such a big think as "module". You creating the architecture, you can define what in your case is module. In general this is just simple directory with init.py file inside to be able to import files from there.
Hope that helped.
From my point of view, if you have a lot of functions that are widely used in your project it make sense put all this in some separate application. I create some module named 'contrib' for this purposes. It can avoid some time for maintaining this code in future

Django code organization

I am working on a Django app and I have a class which reads the contents of a file and returns a Django model. My question is where do I store this class in the file system? All this does is reads the file, populates a Django model and returns it.
There is nothing special about a Django application: it's just a Python package. Technically you can put the class anywhere you can import.
With that being said, it's best to keep related code bundled together. It sounds like a good place for this particular class is in the file that declares the Model it returns.
On the other hand it might be logical to throw it into the application's __init__.py file.
You could also make a utils, etc, admin, scripts . . . folder/package to put utility classes and scripts if it's meant to be used for administration and site maintenance.
In the end it's more about how you want to organize your project, but technically it can live just about anywhere.