How to display line chart like a "steps" - google-visualization

For example the just below is the standard line chart
Though I want to see on the reports the chart like this:
Though I want to see on the reports the chart like this, so the series looks like a steps.
Is it possible to do it with google charts? I spent whole day to figure out if it is possible or not, though I didn't find any good solution.

Google charts currently doesn't support strings on the Y-Axis. We're looking at adding this feature in a later release of the charting API, so please stay tuned.


Can I create a custom Chart in Apache Superset?

I have been trying to customize Superset as much as possible and have succeeded to some extent. What I want to do now is create a custom chart based on my requirements, I have combined two big numbers to look like this using CSS properties but it's interfering with a lot of other properties of the charts in a given dashboard.
This is nothing but a set of two "big number" chart combined together with custom CSS. What I want to achieve is a customized widget having some special design or formatting. In simpler words to achieve the same below but with some word in between like:
30% Budget is providing me 70% output. Has anyone tried any hack to do that?
as an update, recently Preset has released a tutorial of just how to do that. Basically with the new viz plugin architecture you can use any js library and do any customization you want, and integrate it to Superset. They also talked about the new architecture and did a live demo, the video is here.
Yes, you can create a custom chart in Superset.
You can follow some existing chart additions for example:
to see how a new chart is developed and integrated in superset.

How to Create an Interactive Selection Based Visualization

I am totally new to Power BI, so your help would be much appreciated.
I have gone through a couple of beginners tutorials and am now trying to practice by creating my own dashboards.
If I have a table that looks like this:
I want to have the dashboard let me select (by clicking) the person I want to view, and once clicked, it should highlight (change color) of the names of the sports that they play.
How would I go about accomplishing that?
Thank you for your time!
I've looked into several visualization options, but I believe I am missing something still in terms of knowing functionality.
For those reading this in the future, here's the solution that I found.
There is a visualization that's available for free in the Power BI marketplace called ChickletSlicer that lets you do exactly that.

Advanced Segments returning unexpected results in Google Mobile App Analytics

I'm having a problem with Advanced segments in Google Mobile App Analytics.
A condition has been setup to include all screens that match regex "/01-12-2013/" - but it's also showing me screens which does not contain this string. For example I'm getting a screen name containing "/11-11-2013/" which I would have expected to be filtered out.
The segment seems to return different results based on which tab I'm in in Google Mobile App Analytics. If that helps at all.
In "Audience Overview" I's returning 48.02% of all Screen Views. In "Behavior Overview" it's returning 71.51% of all screen views.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the problem.
This is going to sound a bit ridiculous but, when creating advanced segments, after you've created them, I'd give them an hour or two before relying on the data they provide. I still have yet to find a solid answer as to why this is, but across a wide range of sites over the past year or two I've found similar issues. I've noticed that when I create an advanced segment to filter specific pages, invariably the initial results still show irrelevant pages I specifically filtered out. The only thing I've been able to attribute this to is some sort of "lag", on Google's side, in updating the Analytics data/property/view/segment. In almost every case, I've simply waited an hour or two after creating an advanced segment, and the data that was filtered usually displays correctly by then.
An interesting thing I've also seen was that a third party reporting platform I use, that has a Google Analytics integration, actually displayed the correct advanced segmented data BEFORE it showed up properly in Analytics. Strange.

tools to visualize an abstract tree

I wonder there are any tools or online tools which one can construct tree just giving datas. ex ; after giving datas, I want get a picture like ; google picture
Look into Graphviz, and its descriptive language DOT.
If you want an online/web style tool, you can try using the organizational chart graph from google charts which is very simple to use, though the 'square-ness' of the chart might annoy some, or you can try a more fancy flash API like Flare (the Demo contains various types of 'trees' under "layouts").

Google bar chart: what to do with too close values

Does anybody please have an advise on what to do with the too close values in different series, which overlap - like in the right bar below?
My chart URL - please click to see the parameters
I can't find a good chm parameter for all of the data I have.
Shouldn't overlapping be handled by the Google charts automatically in this case? Is this a bug?
Yes, this is a bug in Google's API. But unfortunately, it is a deprecated API...