cocos2d equivalent of uiview - cocos2d-iphone

If adding UIView A as a child of another UIView B, B won't receive touches within A's bounds.
How can I achieve the same effect in cocos2d?
I use a CCMenu added to the CCLayer, but sometimes want to add a semitransparent overlay (this time covering all of the CCLayer). In the overlay I use other buttons (CCMenu etc). In this scenario I don't want to allow touches to go through to the background layer. How do I stop this?
Using cocos2d iphone v2.1.


confine rendering to cclayer frame

Is there any way of confining the rendering of CCSprites and such onto a CCLayer in a way that anything beyond the frame of the CCLayer gets clipped (ie. doesn't display past the frame of the CCLayer)?
Why do I need this? I'm working on a roguelike and want a modal box to appear to select spells, wands, potions or scrolls. I place a CCSCcrollView on top a CCLayer to scroll through the lists but I need to confine the display to just the region I want.

How to add global CCLayer which is not affected by scene transitions in Cocos2d?

Is it possible to add global layer in Cocos2d, which is not affected by scene transitions?
As I can see, it should be above all scenes hierarchy.
There's an old and short discussion on Cocos2d forum, but there's no answer:
UPD. 'by scene transitions' I mean 'by animated scene transitions'.
You can use the notificationNode property of CCDirector to place a CCNode (ie.CCLayer, CCLabel, etc.) that will remain above scenes, even during transitions. Something like this:
CCLayer *layer = [CCLayer node];
CCLabelTTF *label = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"Test" fontName:#"Marker Felt" fontSize:32];
[layer addChild:label];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] setNotificationNode:layer]; // Layer should be placed here
[layer onEnter]; // Schedule for updates (ie. so that CCActions will work)
It's meant for notification purposes (ads, etc.) so I wouldn't suggest trying to do anything too fancy from this node.
My gut says no, my brain says maybe.
The documentation says "It is a good practice to use and CCScene as the parent of all your nodes."
I can't test this right now, but looking at the inheritence diagram of CCNode, it looks like the logic of CCNode and CCScene differs only by anchor point. So, you might be able to create a CCLayer to use as your root layer, and add two children to it - A root CCScene, and a CCLayer for your GUI (with a higher Z order).
However, scene transitions may still be tricky, as you generally call CCDirector replaceScene, which works on the root scene you give it. If you give it the CCScene child of your root CCLayer, it may not draw the CCLayer and its GUI child. If you give it the root CCLayer, you are in the same situation as before.
I would still give it a try.
You can create a CCLayer subclass and turn it into a singleton. You add it to the scene like any other child node.
Whenever you transition from one scene to another, you can then remove the layer from the old scene and add it to the new scene as a child. This will only work if you don't use scene transition animations.
The alternative is to not use the CCDirector replaceScene method, and instead design your app to run as a single scene that never changes. To "fake" the changing of a scene you will use two layers, one global layer and another layer that contains your current scene nodes. If you want to transition you can animate the layer with CCActions to, for example, slide out of the screen while sliding in a new layer with a different node hierarchy. All you really lose is the convenience of the CCSceneTransition classes for animating scene changes.

Stringray Grid transparent background

In Stringray grid, there is the ability to use a transparent background which allows the background of the dialog to be shown through the grid.
In the documentation it states:
But be careful; you should disable scrolling or you have to redraw the grid each time it is scrolled (by overriding DoScroll).
I have a scrollable gird and override the DoScroll and make sure I call Redraw and also tried Invalidate, however the grid is still not completely erasing and redrawing.
I also tried using the old drawing method by setting m_bForceOldDrawing to TRUE.
How can I create a grid that has a transparent background that paint correctly after a scroll without leaving artifacts?
Yes you have to redraw the grid by overriding DoScroll because it is no longer using ScrollWindow to scroll contents because the background is transparent.
However you now have artifacts of the grid over your background.
This is because the background behind the grid is not getting redrawn.
Do you have clipchildren set for the parent?
Another potential problem is that the background is not being drawn because it doesn't realize it has been exposed.
Try calling the parent with the following.
before calling...

How do I create a rotating cube effect in Qt?

I have a QGraphicsView and a slide show of QGraphicsScenes, at the moment when the user switches to the next slide I just change the Scene that the View is looking at and it changes instantly to reflect that.
What I would like to do it create some transition effects, such as the rotating cube or the slide in/out.
However looking at the QPropertyAnimation class it seems to be about moving an object not transitioning from one to another.
As in I would need a view for each scene and then transition between each view.
What other strategy could I employ?
Instead of changing the scene that the view sees, you could use property animations to slide graphic items in and out of the view from a single scene. That would give you the slide in/out transition without too much effort. The rotating cube effect would be trickier but I think a reasonable facsimile could be produced with property animations.
You could also simulate other effects by subclassing the view widget and adding some custom properties that you could animate and use to direct background or foreground painting.

Displaying a popup widget in QT over application border

Let's say that I have an application frame, and I want to show a popup QCalendarWidget over on the right side of the frame. Normally, QT will clip the edges of the QCalendarWidget, cutting it in half and not displaying the rest, as it would be over the right side border.
Is there a way to work around this limitation without resorting to implementing a QDialog?
I want the widget to be visible outside the bounds of it's container.
If you'd show your Calendar, let's say, after a button click, as QDateTimeEditor does, it's contents will not be clipped, cause it do not belong to frame. It will be just a widget, that shows in a dialog manner. And maybe you should even place it in QDialog, that is modal and provides some convenience methods, rather then simple QWidget.
Btw, why don't you want to use QDatetimeEditor?