Saving functions in a class C++ - c++

I am a total noob.
I have created functions for int to string and string to int conversion.
I want to save them so I can use them in any program, so I can call them like #include <iostream>
Do I do this by creating a class ( which then has no private member variables?)
and if I do it as a class how do I use functions without creating objects?
Basically I want to create my own cmath or string sort of thing but I don't even know what to call it to find out how to make it.

If you have just simple functions you can put them in a namespace, which also acts like a container, then put them in a seperate cpp file together and create a .h file which contains the prototypes.
i.E for mymath.h:
#ifndef MYMATH_H
#define MYMATH_H
namespace mymath
int dosomething(int y);
and in the mymath.cpp:
#include "mymath.h"
int mymath::dosomething(int y)
Then, when you want to use it, you include your #include "mymath.h" file and link the cpp to your project.

#include <string>
namespace n_mystring
std::string & IntToString( int Int );
int StringToInt( std::string & String );
#include "mystring.hpp"
std::string & n_mystring::IntToString( int Int ) {
//.... implementation
int n_mystring::StringToInt( std::string & String ) {
//.... implementation

#include <iostream>
class Tools {
public :
void static sneeze ();
void Tools::sneeze ()
std::cout << "atchoum";
int main () {
Tools::sneeze(); // atchoum


In function int main(): class name was not declared in this scope

Im using vscode and im new to c++. I learned how to create a header file link to its cpp and use it to main.cpp. The only problem bugs me out is why it causes an error this is my simple code.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class myname
void setname(std::string name);
void prname();
std::string Name;
#include "Name.h"
void myname::setname(std::string name)
Name = name;
void myname::prname()
std::cout<<"Hello :"<<Name<<std::endl;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Name.h"
using std::cout;
using std::string;
using std::endl;
int main()
myname Epoy; // IN FUNCTION INT MAIN: ERROR myname was not declared in this scope
return 0;
also i tried so many method i even compiled this by using g++ Maiin.cpp Name.cpp - o Maiin
Still didnt work
Edit: Community want me to add more details.
What I asked was, have you write header guards in your header file: #ifndef Name_H, #define Name_H, #endif ? Since you use vscode you have to done it manually.
Like this:
#ifndef Name_H
#define Name_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class myname
void setname(std::string name);
void prname();
std::string Name;
you missing a C++ constructor:
class Foo {
Foo() { /* your init code */ } // <-- this is a std. C++ constructor
~Foo() { /* your clean-up code */ } // <-- this is a std. C++ de-structor
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Foo bar; // here, you don't need the: ( ) object on heap !

Data "member not declared in this scope"

I'm trying to create a vector which will store objects. I have added to the header file of the class as a private data member.
I am trying to initialize this vector as being empty (so that I can add objects to it later on in the program) but when I compile this program to test, this error is returned:
...error: '_bookingVector' was not declared in this scope|
I think the problem is with my initialization list on my default constructor(_bookingVector is obviously the vector):
Schedule::Schedule() : _bookingVector()
{ }
Is my syntax wrong? Or are vectors initialized differently?
Here is my code:
#ifndef SCHEDULE_H
#define SCHEDULE_H
#include "Booking.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Schedule
void AddBooking(int bday, int btime, int btrainer, int bid);
void RemoveBooking(int bday, int btime);
void DisplaySchedule();
void DisplayAvailableTimeSlots();
//For Testing
void DisplayDebug();
vector<Booking> _bookingVector;
#endif // SCHEDULE_H
#include "Schedule.h"
#include "Booking.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
Schedule::Schedule() : _bookingVector()
{ }
void AddBooking(int bday, int btime, int btrainer, int bid){
Booking bookingObject(bday, btime, btrainer, bid);
void DisplayDebug(){
for(int i = 0; i < _bookingVector.size(); ++i){
cout << _bookingVecotr[i] << endl;
I'm very eager to learn what I'm doing wrong and fix it.
The issue is not with the constructor, which looks fine if unnecessary1. The issue is that you have defined AddBooking and DisplayDebug as non-member functions, but these should be members in order to access other members of the class.
Modify the definitions to be in the scope of the Schedule class thus:
void Schedule::AddBooking(int bday, int btime, int btrainer, int bid) { ...
void Schedule::DisplayDebug(){ ...
Also, don't say using namespace std in a header file (I'd go further and say don't say it anywhere but there isn't universal agreement on that.)
1 Your default constructor does not do anything that the compiler-generated one wouldn't do. You can safely remove it.

C++ error Undefined reference to Class::Function()

I am farily new to C++ and I have been stuck with this problem for a few hours now. I am trying to setup the foundations for a video game related experience calculator, but I can't get past this problem.
#include <iostream>
#include "Log.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Log Logs;
enter code here
struct ChoppableLog Yew;
Logs.initialiseLog(Yew, 60, 175);
return 0;
#ifndef LOG_H
#define LOG_H
struct ChoppableLog
int level;
int xp;
class Log
void initialiseLog(struct ChoppableLog &par1_log, int par2_int, int par3_int);
#endif // LOG_H
#include "Log.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void initialiseLog(struct ChoppableLog &par1_log, int par2_int, int par3_int)
The error I get is
C:\Users\Murmanox\Documents\C++\C++ Projects\CodeBlocks\Class Files Test\main.cpp|11|undefined reference to `Log::initialiseLog(ChoppableLog&, int, int)'|
I can post more details if necessary.
You have to define Log::initialiseLog with its full name, like so:
void Log::initialiseLog(struct ChoppableLog &par1_log, int par2_int, int par3_int)
{ }
What you are doing is defining a new, free function of the name initialiseLog instead of defining the member function of Log.
This leaves the member function undefined, and, when calling it, your compiler (well, technically linker) will be unable to find it.
The definitions of functions in a header file should specify the scope. In your case, you should define initialiseLog() function in your cpp file as follows:
void Log::initialiseLog(struct ChoppableLog &par1_log, int par2_int, int par3_int)

Redefinition of class

I got three .cpp files and two header files.
But when i compile them, meaning the Point.cpp, Data.cpp and main.cpp, it will say
Data.h:6:7 redefinition of Data at 'Data.h'
Data.h:6:7 previously definition of 'class Data'
Below is my Data.h(previously known as 2.h at above)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Data
string sType;
void setSType(string);
string getSType();
Below is my data.cpp
#include "Data.h"
sType = "";
Data::Data(string s)
sType = s;
void Data::setSType(string ss)
sType = ss;
string Data::getSType()
return sType;
Below is my PointD.h (previously known as 3.h)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Data.h"
using namespace std;
class PointD
int x
Data data1;
void setX(int);
void setData(Data);
int getX();
Data getData();
Below is my PointD.cpp
#include "PointD.h"
x = 0;
PointD::PointD(int xOrdinate,Data dd)
x = xOrdinate;
data1 = dd;
void PointD::setXordinate(int Xordinate)
x = Xordinate;
void PointD::setData(Data dd)
data1 = dd;
int PointD::getXordinate()
return x;
Data PointD::getData()
return data1;
This is my main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Data.h"
#include "PointD.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
const int MAX_NUM = 20;
Data ldata[MAX_NUM];
PointD pointd[MAX_NUM];
//more codes..
But when i compile them, meaning the Point.cpp, Data.cpp and main.cpp, it will say
Data.h:6:7 redefinition of Data at 'Data.h'
Data.h:6:7 previously definition of 'class Data'
Can anybody let me know whats actually went wrong here..
You need to use include guards, or the easiest:
#pragma once
in your header files
See Purpose of Header guards for more background
Idea: 1.hpp
// proceed to declare ClassOne
#endif // HEADER_GUARD_H1_HPP__
In each of your header files write:
code goes here....
Its better like this:
#ifndef DATA_H /* Added */
#define DATA_H /* Added */
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// using namespace std; /* Removed */
class Data
std::string sType;
Data( std::string const& ); // Prevent copy of string object.
void setSType( std::string& ); // Prevent copy of string object.
std::string const& getSType() const; // prevent copy on return
std::string& getSType(); // prevent copy on return
#endif /* DATA_H */
The big fix is adding ifndef,define,endif. The #include directive works as if copying and pasting the .h to that line. In your case the include from main.cpp are:
-> Data.h (1)
-> Point.h
-> Data.h (2)
At (2), Data.h has already been `pasted' into main.cpp at (1). The class declaration of Data, i.e. "class Data{ .... };" , appears twice. This is an error.
Adding include guards to the top and bottom of every .h are standard practice to avoid this problem. Don't think about it. Just do it.
Another change I'd suggest is to remove any "using namespace ..." lines from any .h . This breaks the purpose of namespaces, which is to place names into separate groups so that they are not ambiguous in cases where someone else wants an object or function with the same name. This is not an error in your program, but is an error waiting to happen.
For example, if we have:
namespace xnames
class string
#include <xstring>
using namespace xnames;
#include "Foo.h"
#include "Data.h" // Breaks at: Data( string ); -- std::string or xnames::string?
void test()
string x; // Breaks. // std::string or xnames::string?
Here the compiler no longer knows whether you mean xnames::string or std::string. This fails in test.cxx, which is fixable by being more specific:
void test()
std::string x;
However, this compilation still now breaks in Data.h. Therefore, if you provide that header file to someone, there will be cases when it is incompatible with their code and only fixable by changing your header files and removing the "using namespace ...;" lines.
Again, this is just good coding style. Don't think about it. Just do it.
Also, in my version of Data.h, I've changed the method parameters and return types to be references (with the &). This prevents the object and all of its state from being copied. Some clever-clogs will point our that the string class's is implementation prevents this by being copy-on-write. Maybe so, but in general, use references when passing or returning objects. It just better coding style. Get in the habit of doing it.

'Undefined reference to Class::method()'

Recently I've been learning how to create methods within classes so that I only have to write a method once and for each of that class I instantiate I can call the one method and it will work only on the variables of the object that called it, I know how to do this when only using main.cpp and no headers however I am confused on how I should be writing this when I use a class header and cpp.
I have a sample of code similar to what I want to achieve:
#include <iostream>
using namespace::std;
class Object
int stuff;
void manageStuff();
void Object::manageStuff()
Object::Object() : stuff(0) {}
Object object1, object2;
int main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << object1.stuff << "\n";
cout << object2.stuff << "\n";
This works fine and allows me to have two instances of Object and a method that works independently for each instance, this is my current project:
#include <iostream>
#include "Test.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Test test;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
test.count(); // Here's my error "undefined reference to Test::count"
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include "Test.h"
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H
class Test
virtual ~Test();
void count();
int counter();
#endif // TEST_H
and finally TestFunctions.h
#include <iostream>
#include "Test.h"
void Test::count()
std::cout << Test::counter;
I'm sure that there will be something that's very obviously wrong to a more seasoned programmer and I'm about to look a bit thick but any help would be greatly appreciated
I would suggest getting rid of TestFunctions.h, and adding the implementation of Test::count() to Test.cpp. Currently, the TestFunctions.h header is not included anywhere, so you have no access to the definition from main.
You defined (i.e. implemented) Test::count() in a header file (TestFunctions.h), but you never included it anywhere so the code there is not compiled.
You should change it to be in a .cpp file, compile it and link it with the other source files. There's no reason why not to place it in Test.cpp.
Rename TestFunctions.h into TestFunctions.cpp, make it compiled same way as main.cpp and linked.
Alternatively, include TestFunctions.h somewhere, e.g. main.cpp