Where to set 'overflow' value in FB Like Button...? - facebook-like

Its specified in Facebook Developer Docs that when user presses FB Like Button, the popup/flyout doesn't appear fully due to other HTML element, the 'overflow' property is hidden and it can be remedied by changing 'overflow' value to other than hidden.
But where I can find this 'overflow' value? There is no CSS code given...!

Try to add this in your css:
.fb_ltr fb_iframe_widget_lift {
If this is not working please post a link so we can see the problem.


Prevent scrollAssist & autoFocus on inputs that don't need keyboard to show

I built an Angular Reactive Form using Ionic 2.
When I was touching an input at the bottom of the page the page would scroll so the input get above the keyboard. Expected behavior, so ok. But the header was push too and that was wrong.
So I looked on the internet and find a workaround which was to write the following in the import statement of app.module.ts
// app.module
IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {
scrollAssist: true,
autoFocusAssist: true
That indeed works well as the page still scrolls and the header is not push away.
But I still have one problème. When I touch an input which doesn't need the keyboard to be shown (eg. datepicker) the page scroll on the first touch and I have to touch again so the datepicker opens...
Any idea on how I could may be prevent the page to auto-scroll when touching an input that doesn't need the keyboard?
This could be possibly achieved by using two properties of input component. Firstly you can set the readonly property to true and then add the click Eventlistner to open the DatePicker and then use the placeholder property of input to show the value of DatePicker.
I hope this would help you find the solution. Let me know if this works.
Good Luck & Cheers
Ashish Sebastian

Datepicker can't work with Sammy.js

i've been using datepicker in many of my projects, but this one project, i've got a problem with it.
the prev/next buttons don't act like it suppose to do. when i clicked it, it redirects to the default page. for example, here is the url where i implemented datepicker
then, when i click prev/next button, it redirects me to default page which is
i have no idea why this one acts like this. has anyone any idea on how to fix this?
i found out source of the problem but still can't figure out a way to solve it.
everytime i clicked next/prev button on datepicker, it always redirects to default router which is $.sammy.get(''). i found out that prev/next button on datepicker is actually an <a> tag without href attribute.
i managed to solve it eventhough (i still have no idea why it happens) by preventing the default event.
}).focus(function() {
$('.ui-datepicker-next, .ui-datepicker-prev').on('click', function(e) {

No results message using display templates

I have a sharepoint 2013 site with a page that uses the CSWP and a custom display template. When there are no results, I want to display a message that says "Share What's Going On". I tried setting the $noResults variable in the display template, but nothing displays. When I set a breakpoint on that same line, the browser doesn't break.
How do I display a "no results" message?
You'll need to set the EmptyMessage web part property value. The property is hidden so you'll have to set it programmatically or by exporting the web part and editing the .webpart file.
Think this link have your answer:
Link for changing $noResults

Social button's links issue

I have added on my web-sire some social buttons. Tweet share button works just fine but I have some issues with facebook and google+ button.
In fact I added this away the buttons : (the buttons are supposed to link to a web page through a parameter $URL
<div class="g-plusone" data-size="medium" href="{$URL}"></div>
and for facebook
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href={$URL}&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=90&action=like&font=verdana&colorscheme=light" allowtransparency="true" style="border: medium none; overflow: hidden; width: 90px; height: 21px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
In fact I used iframe because my buttons are wrapped by divs that displays them in grey and color them the expected way on hovering.
The problem I have is that when clicking on the g+ no box appears, and when I click again, the g+ button displays a red triangle instead and I have a "+1 button errors" message : but I am in none of the case that would explain this kind of message.
When clicking on the facebook-like, I have nothing displayed on my facebook's wall...
Does anybody has an idea how to fix it ?
For the +1 button, I have a few things you can try. Is the actual button itself rendering also or are you getting unexpected behavior when you click it?
If the button isn't rendering, you might be missing the JavaScript library for Google+. The following code should be added to your post before the actual button gets rendered:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script>
If you are getting unexpected behavior when the button is clicked, you probably are having an issue with the URL parameter. You might be able to get by without passing a URL because the +1 button defaults to the current page. The following example shows the simplest case of rendering the +1 button for the current page:
If that correctly renders, you are putting something bad into the URL parameter or have something wrong with the strings in your parameters. For example, check that the strings you're using don't have backticks in the starting or closing quotes as opposed to single quotes.
The +1 documentation will have any additional details that you will need for configuring and customizing the button and its parameters. You can find it here:

Like Button Error "This page is either disabled or not visible to the current user."

A week ago, the "Like Button" in a page I'm developping stopped working, whether I use XFBML or social plugins, I get the same result.
When some one tries to click the Like Button, the get an error message, and the link says "This page is either disabled or not visible to the current user."
What couldit be?
Had the same issue recently. If you used the like button generator, this is what solved it for me: you have to have the exact same settings in your iframe and open graph data as you did when you first generated the like button. Not sure why, but this was the only way to get mine to work. I had changed to a different layout and size. Of course, the facebook linter is definitely helpful as well:
Put the url into the URL Linter and that should clear the cache. If it is still an issue, perhaps your link got blocked for spam. What is the url?