Prims Algorithm Node Priority - c++

So I was given this psuedocode for Prims-Algorithm,
OUTPUT: Minimum spanning tree of G
Select arbitrary vertex s that exists within V
Construct an empty tree mst
Construct an empty priority queue Q that contain nodes ordered by their “distance” from mst
Insert s into Q with priority 0
while there exists a vertex v such that v exists in V and v does not exist in mst do
let v = Q.findMin()
for vertex u that exists in neighbors(v) do
if v does not exist in mst then
if weight(u, v) < Q.getPriority(u) then
//TODO: What goes here?
end if
end if
end for
end while
return mst
What goes in the //TODO

Q.setPriority(u) = weight(u, v);
besides, your queue don't work well. The priority of a node except s should be initialize as ∞.
as psuedocode, I rewrited it below:
for each u in G.V
u.priority = ∞
u.p = NULL //u's parent in MST
s.key = 0
Q = G.V // Q is a priority queue
for each v in u's adjacent vertex
if v∈Q and w(u,v) < v.priority
v.p = u
v.priority = w(u,v)
You can find its prototype in chapter23.2 of Introduce to Algorithm.


optimization in brute force vertex cover algorithm

I'm writing a brute-force algorithm to solve vertex cover like this:
BruteForceVertexCover( Graph G = (V,E) ){
for size= 1 ... |V|
vector<int> v = {0...size-1}
if(test(G, v)) return v; //test if v covers G
while(v has next combinations of lenght size);
return empty vector<int>;
//this stops when find a answer, and it will find,
//since it tries all combinations of all sizes
bool test( Graph G = (V,E), vector<int> v ){
for each u in v:
for each w in G[u]
remove u from G[w] //this is linear in size of vector G[w]
clear G[v] //removed all (bidirectional) edges that have u
for i = 0 ... |V|
if(G[i] is not empty) return false;
return true;
im trying this to lots of graphs (but their maximum size is 20 vertices) and this is taking a decade... is there any optimization I can do on this brute force so it run faster?

Using Dijkstra's algorithm with an unordered_map graph

So this my current code, I will post the header declarations below...
// Using Dijkstra's
int Graph::closeness(string v1, string v2){
int edgesTaken = 0;
unordered_map<string, bool> visited;
unordered_map<string, int> distances;
string source = v1; // Starting node
while(source != v2 && !visited[source]){
// The node has been visited
visited[source] = 1;
// Set all initial distances to infinity
for(auto i = vertices.begin(); i != vertices.end(); i++){
distances[i->first] = INT_MAX;
// Consider all neighbors and calculate distances from the current node
// & store them in the distances map
for(int i = 0; i < vertices[source].edges.size(); i++){
string neighbor = vertices[source].edges[i].name;
distances[neighbor] = vertices[source].edges[i].weight;
// Find the neighbor with the least distance
int minDistance = INT_MAX;
string nodeWithMin;
for(auto i = distances.begin(); i != distances.end(); i++){
int currDistance = i->second;
if(currDistance < minDistance){
minDistance = currDistance;
nodeWithMin = i->first;
// There are no neighbors and the node hasn't been found yet
// then terminate the function and return -1. The nodes aren't connected
if(minDistance == INT_MAX)
return -1;
// Set source to the neighbor that has the shortest distance
source = nodeWithMin;
// Increment edgesTaken
// clear the distances map to prepare for the next iteration
return edgesTaken;
Declarations (This is an undirected graph) :
class Graph{
// This holds the connected name and the corresponding we
struct EdgeInfo{
std::string name;
int weight;
EdgeInfo() { }
EdgeInfo(std::string n, int w) : name(n), weight(
// This will hold the data members of the vertices, inclu
struct VertexInfo{
float value;
std::vector<EdgeInfo> edges;
VertexInfo() { }
VertexInfo(float v) : value(v) { }
// A map is used so that the name is used as the index
std::unordered_map<std::string, VertexInfo> vertices;
NOTE: Please do not suggest that I change the header declarations, I am contributing to a project that has already had 8 other functions written and it's definitely too late to go back and change anything since every other function would then have to be rewritten
I'm currently getting incorrect output. The function is handling a 0 distance situation correctly however (If two vertices aren't connected then the function should return a -1). If the two nodes are the same vertex ex closeness("Boston", "Boston") then the function should return a 0.
Example graph
the closeness of the following two vertices on the left will be on the right:
Trenton -> Philadelphia: 2
Binghamton -> San Francisco: -1
Boston -> Boston: 0
Palo Alto -> Boston: -1
Output of my function:
Trenton -> Philadelphia: 3
Binghamton -> San Francisco: -1
Boston -> Boston: 0
Palo Alto -> Boston: 3
I've tried to copy dijkstra's exactly how it is described, but I'm getting incorrect readings, I've been trying to figure this out for a while now -> Can anyone point me in the right direction?
This is most certainly not a real answer to the question (since I'm not pointing you in a direction regarding your implementation), but did you think about just using the Boost Graph library?
It boils down to writing a short Traits class for your graph structure (and thus it is not necessary to alter your graph definition/header) and is - at least for these fundamental algorithms - proven to be working stable and correctly.
I'd always suggest not to reinvent the wheel especially when it comes to graphs and numerics...
Your implementation is wrong, and it is only by chance you get "correct" results.
Lets do one example by hand. From Trenton to Philadelphia. I use the first letter of the cities as labels.
First iteration
visited = [(T, 1), (N, 0), (W, 0), (P, 0), (B, 0)]
minDistance = 3;
nodeWithMin = N;
edgesTaken = 1
second iteration
visited = [(T, 1), (N, 1), (W, 0), (P, 0), (B, 0)]
minDistance = 2;
nodeWithMin = W;
edgesTaken = 2
third iteration
visited = [(T, 1), (N, 1), (W, 1), (P, 0), (B, 0)]
minDistance = 2;
nodeWithMin = N;
edgesTaken = 3;
fourth iteration
N is already 1 so we stop. Can you see the errors?
Traditionally Dijkstras shortest path algorithm is implemented with a priority queue
dijkstra(graph, source)
weights is a map indexed by nodes with all weights = infinity
predecessor is a map indexed by nodes with all predecessors set to itself
unvisited is a priority queue containing all nodes
weights[source] = 0
while unvisited is not empty
current = unvisited.pop();
for each neighbour to current
if weights[current] + edge_weight(current, neighbour) < weights[neighbour]
weights[neighbour] = weights[current] + + edge_weight(current, neighbour)
predecessors[neighbour] = current
return (weights, predecessors)
And you can get the path length by following the predecessors.
The problem with Palo Alto -> Boston seems to be that the algorithm takes the route Palo Alto -> San Fransisco -> Los Angeles -> San Fransisco (edgesTaken = 3) and then fails the while condition because San Fransisco's been visited already.

Cluster terrain map disjoint by river through map/matrix?

I have simple matrix (matrix, which represents terrain map in 2d game, contains ASCII characters for example 'm' for mountain, 'v' for valley, 'r' for river) and on map there maybe one or none river. River can flow from any position from matrix to any ( and always separate map on two distinct parts => no source of river on map possible, always enter at one end and exists on another). How to separate matrix/terrain map on two clusters if there is river present ?
example terrain
v v v v v v v v r v v v v v
v v v v v m m m r m m m m m
v v v v v m m r r m m m m m
m m v m m m m r r m m m v v
v v v v v v r r v v v v v v
here I should get left cluster and right cluster of coordinates which are not river.
You should try looking up the Fill algorithm.
Basically you want to pick a point that it's not in a river, start the flood fill algorithm which will give you a set of points connected to the starting point. This way now you have one part and finding the one is pretty easy from now on.
Your map induces a graph:
there's one vertex for each map cell
two vertices are connected if they are adjacent and none of them is an 'r'
Once the graph is constructed, you can run a graph traversal algorithm like breadth-first search (BFS) or depth-first search (DFS) to find the connected components of the graph.
I'd recommend using BFS, because if the map is large then DFS might get you into a stack overflow (if its recursive implementation is used).
You'll want to run the BFS only on non-'r' nodes, so that in the end you'll end up with two connected components.

how to transform dfs

I have Depth first searching algorithm whose pseudo code is given below:
DFS(Vertex v)
mark v visited
make an empty Stack S
push all vertices adjacent to v onto S
while S is not empty do
Vertex w is pop off S
for all Vertex u adjacent to w do
if u is not visited then
mark u visited
push u onto S
Now, I wish to convert the above dfs algorithm to breadth first search. I am implementing the program in C++. I am clueless how to go about the same.
EDIT: I know the pseudo code of bfs. What i am searching for is how to convert the above pseudo code of dfs to bfs.
BFS(Vertex v)
mark v visited
make an empty Queue Q
Enqueue all vertices adjacent to v onto Q
while Q is not empty do
Vertex w is dequeued from Q
for all Vertex u adjacent to w do
if u is not visited then
mark u visited
enqueue u into Q
I hope this helps

Connected Component Counting

In the standard algorithm for connected component counting, a disjoint-set data structure called union-find is used.
Why is this data structure used? I've written code to just search the image linearly, maintaining two linear buffers to store the current and next component counts for each connected pixels by just examining four neighbors (E, SE, S, SW), and in case of a connection, update the connection map to join the higher component with the lower component.
Once done, search for all non joined components and report the count.
I just can't see why this approach is less efficient than using union-find.
Here's my code. The input file has been reduced to 0s and 1s. The program outputs the number of connected components formed from 0s.
def CompCount(fname):
fin = open(fname)
b,l = fin.readline().split()
b,l = int(b),int(l)+1
inbuf = '1'*l +
prev = curr = [sys.maxint]*l
nextComp = 0
tree = dict()
for i in xrange(1, b+1):
curr = [sys.maxint]*l
for j in xrange(0, l-1):
curr[j] = sys.maxint
if inbuf[i*l+j] == '0':
p = [prev[j+n] for m,n in [(-l+1,1),(-l,0),(-l-1,-1)] if inbuf[i*l + j+m] == '0']
curr[j] = min([curr[j]] + p + [curr[j-1]])
if curr[j] == sys.maxint:
nextComp += 1
curr[j] = nextComp
tree[curr[j]] = 0
if curr[j] < prev[j+1]: tree[prev[j+1]] = curr[j]
if curr[j] < prev[j]: tree[prev[j]] = curr[j]
if curr[j] < prev[j-1]: tree[prev[j-1]] = curr[j]
if curr[j] < curr[j-1]: tree[curr[j-1]] = curr[j]
prev = curr
return len([x for x in tree if tree[x]==0])
I didn't completely understand your question, you'd really gain for yourself in writing this up clearly and structuring your question.
What I understand is that you want to do a connected component labeling in a 0-1 image by using the 8 neighborhood. If this is so your assumption that the resulting neighborhood graph would be planar is wrong. You have crossings at the "diagonals". It should be easy to construct a K_{3,3} or K_{5} in such an image.
Your algorithm is flawed. Consider this example:
Your algorithm says 2 components whereas it has only 1.
To test, I used this slightly-modified version of your code.
import sys
def CompCount(image):
l = len(image[0])
b = len(image)
prev = curr = [sys.maxint]*(l+1)
nextComp = 0
tree = dict()
for i in xrange(b):
curr = [sys.maxint]*(l+1)
for j in xrange(l):
curr[j] = sys.maxint
if image[i][j] == '0':
p = [prev[j+n] for m,n in [(1,1),(-1,0),(-1,-1)] if 0<=i+m<b and 0<=j+n<l and image[i+m][j+n] == '0']
curr[j] = min([curr[j]] + p + [curr[j-1]])
if curr[j] == sys.maxint:
nextComp += 1
curr[j] = nextComp
tree[curr[j]] = 0
if curr[j] < prev[j+1]: tree[prev[j+1]] = curr[j]
if curr[j] < prev[j]: tree[prev[j]] = curr[j]
if curr[j] < prev[j-1]: tree[prev[j-1]] = curr[j]
if curr[j] < curr[j-1]: tree[curr[j-1]] = curr[j]
prev = curr
return len([x for x in tree if tree[x]==0])
print CompCount(['11110', '01010', '10010', '11101'])
Let me try to explain your algorithm in words (in terms of a graph rather than a grid).
Set 'roots' be an empty set.
Iterate over the nodes in the graph.
For a node, n, look at all its neighbours already processed. Call this set A.
If A is empty, pick a new value k, set v[node] to be k, and add k to roots.
Otherwise, let k be the min of v[node] for node in A. Remove v[x] from roots for each x in A with v[x] != k.
The number of components is the number of elements of roots.
(Your tree is the same as my roots: note that you never use the value of tree[] elements, only whether they are 0 or not... this is just implementing a set)
It's like union-find, except that it assumes that when you merge two components, the one with the higher v[] value has never been previously merged with another component. In the counterexample this is exploited because the two 0s in the center column have been merged with the 0s to their left.
My variant:
Split your entire graph into edges. Add each edge to a set.
On next iteration, draw edges between the 2 outer nodes of the edge you made in step 2. This means adding new nodes (with their corresponding sets) to the set the original edge was from. (basically set merging)
Repeat 2 until the 2 nodes you're looking for are in the same set. You will also need to do a check after step 1 (just in case the 2 nodes are adjacent).
At first your nodes will be each in its set,
o-o o-o o1-o3 o2 o3-o4
\ / |
o-o-o-o o2 o1-o3-o4
As the algorithm progresses and merges the sets, it relatively halves the input.
In the example I am checking for components in some graph. After merging all edges to their maximum possible set, I am left with 3 sets giving 3 disconnected components.
(The number of components is the number of sets you are able to get when the algorithm finishes.)
A possible graph (for the tree above):
o-o-o o4 o2
| |
o o3