Visual studio 2010 c++ won't compile changes, must always clean - c++

It been happening for a while now, that every time I make changes to my code and compile, the behavior of program won't reflect the changes I made. What i have to do to get a change is to clean my project and compile all the files again. Visual studio shouldn't be doing this and its starting get in the way of actually debugging my code to begin with as the program is large and it takes a while to compile.
How can I fix this so I don't have to go through this ritual of cleaning then compiling just to see changes.

Aren't your sources on some network/mounted drive? That may confuse the build.
My experience is that it can miss a dependency with some 1% chance on random files, but no more than that.
If they are not, in options/build&run you can set diag level of build to higher and see what steps are considered for build. Also you can look the discovered depencencies in the intermediate files folder, the .tlog files. You may also try to look at debug output as described here though most of the latter belongs to discovering excess compilations...


smart, selective C++ build process (compiling/linking) in Visual Studio

I am working with a large C++ project (100K lines), and every time I change a line(s) I need to re-build it. Due to its size, it takes quite a while and that's hitting my performance. So, my question is: if there is any way to speed up the build time in Visual Studio in order to selectively re-compile only those files which actually changed. And thus re-using all the other unchanged compiled files (object files). And then, obviously linking.
I know I should be able to do so directly from the command line as Visual Studio is actually doing it "behind the scenes". Though the "Property Pages" display the Command Lines for compile and link, I think it would get quite troublesome as these commands is so long that I will probably make edit mistakes. Thanks in advance for sharing your experience on how to deal with this kind of situation.

How to deal with precompiled headers randomly becoming corrupted on a cancelled build?

I use Visual C++ 2012 with a project that makes a heavy use of precompiled headers. So heavy that the infamous /Zm switch is in use.
When I cancel a build in progress, I sometimes get this error on the next build:
error C1852: 'foo.pch' is not a valid precompiled header file
Nine times out of ten, things will go smoothly, but when this happens I have to find the .pch and delete it manually before restarting the build.
That annoys me a bit. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? A patch from Microsoft? Or a way to force Visual to delete the .pch and restart the build automatically when the issue occurs? Or some other solution I didn't think about?
EDIT: Here's the version of Visual I'm running:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
Version 11.0.61030.00 Update 4
This is a pure conjecture, as I did not run into this issue.
Try to find out how Visual detect a .pch file is corrupted (i.e. empty file, file not correctly ended, ...). If it follow a clear pattern, write a pre-build script that parse all .pch and delete corrupted ones.
I would create a script that would attempt to recompile the stdafx.cpp file, but this time using the PCH instead of generating it. I.e. the expected outcome is the successful compilation of an empty file. If this fails, delete the PCH. Now run this script as a pre-build step.
It sounds fairly expensive, but it's very reliable. Any problem loading the PCH causes its regeneration, even compiler upgrades. Also, your PCH is now in file cache, which means the actual use is slightly cheaper.
This might be implemented as an NMAKE build script with somewhat unusual rules.
I followed rockeye's suggestion of trying to find a pattern in these corrupted files. Turns out it's very simple: valid files start with a VCPCH0 header, corrupted files don't.
A simple C# program run as a Pre-Build Event of the failing project(s) and deleting the corrupted files solves the issue. If anyone's interested, the source is right here.

Why doesn't my visual studio build properly?

Okey, I am REALLY having problems with the Visual Studio 2012, and looked all over for a solution, with no result.
So the problem is this... Usually the play button, starts building and debugging in the end running the program. And each time a source file is updated, it should do that again. Well, for me it does not. Every time I write something new in a file, I need to REBUILD the program and then hit play, when before, just hitting the F5 button would do the trick.
The thing is, I have checked, all probable causes that were diagnosed over the internet, so no it's not related to the settings in visual studio, and no, it's not a timestamp issue.
The oddest thing though, is that sometimes, some of the files inside the project look excluded( they have a tiny red circle on them and I have to select and reinclude them). I do not understand why that happens, they were not implemented by me, they are just some "dependency" files on which other classes that I am ussing are built.
Furthermore, the problem of not updating the program. At the moment I have 2 classes. If I write code inside one of them, F5 will work properly and run with the expected modified result. On the other class though, nothing will happen. F5 will find no errors, but it will run without any modification, altough there was code added in one of the classes.
This is really driving me crazy, and I really need a conclusive answer. Why are the dependencies file being involuntarely excluded? Why does visual Build correctly changes from one file but not from another?
You made your visual studio to do it (i.e to launch code with errors).
By default when there is an error you get this popup:
Now if you tick the checkbox - VS will not bother asking you again;
even when errors occur - it will just execute last executable that it has.
To revert this change - go to: Tools > Options > Project & Solutions > Build & Run:
Change this setting to *Prompt to Launch and you are done.

What does Visual Studio 2010 do before invoking msbuild?

I'm having a problem with Visual Studio not invoking msbuild to actually build my solution. Invoking msbuild from the commandline results in a proper build, but in Visual Studio starting build results in an "everything is up to date" message. Manually compiling a .cpp file seems to partially or fully fix the problem.
Restarting VS2010 does not correct the problem, so I feel like VS2010 must be writing its own dependency information somewhere. By dependency information I mean what files actually require building, AKA which files have been altered since the last successful build.
Does VS2010 perform it's own dependency checking before invoking msbuild? Where does it store this information?
To force a build to occur from the Visual Studio GUI you can select "Rebuild All". That will trigger compilation of all your source files.
The problem with regular builds not working could be related to incorrect clock settings in your PC. Make sure your system clock is correct, including the time zone. Then do a project 'clean' and try to build again.
My Dad says to check your "obj folder" and clean it out. VS2010 is seeing that there are things on there so it assumes there's nothing new to build.
I've seen this kind of behavior occasionally, though I can't explain how it gets corrupted.
Try deleting all the intermediate files: everything in the Debug and Release directories, plus the project name files of types .suo, .ncb, and .aps. Then rebuild all.
If you are experiencing the same behavior as I do, this tends to make VS work properly for awhile—a few weeks or 50-100 builds (whichever comes first).

VC++2008 project always "out of date"

In one Solution, I have two VC++ projects. Project A has linker inputs that are .obj files compiled by project B.
Visual Studio (2008) always tells me that project A is "out of date," and prompts me to ask if I want to rebuild it, every time I want to run/debug/build/etc. Even immediately after building the entire Solution: I do a successful full build, and then click Build again, and it wants to re-link Project A.
How can I prevent this from happening? Anyone understand what's going on here?
I think that the solution is to stop using .obj files from the other project. Instead, factor the code that is common to both A and B projects into own static library C and link both A and B to it.
I just had this problem with Visual Studio 2010 (both with and without SP1) and thanks to Ted Nugent I was able to fix it. The trick is to check whether all C++ header files listed in the project still exist, and remove the non-existing ones. Apparently this is a bug in the compiler.
Had something similar occur. I was working with code that used the system time and during the debug I was twiddling with it quite a lot. Somehow the files got some bad timestamps. In the build, it shows which files are getting recompiled, so I just opened each, forced a change (add space, delete a space) and then re-saved.
Similar to the old unix "touch".
In one project I had to do the same to its include files. But after 'touching' the files like that, the problem went away.