I have written a program like ms paint with glut/opengl and i want to save current screen and reload after some drawing.
How to save current display screen into a variable and reload when needed?
You'll likely want to store it in a Framebuffer Object, and swap those out at will.
This depends strongly on your use-case scenario, though.
Say, my application has a 3D window rendering a tin model of millions of triangles using OpenGL.
Goal: For some operations of users, there is no need to update the 3D window. The 3D view can just stay idle with previously rendered content, without repeatly calulate the rotation/translation/scaling/texture things. I assume this will save lots of CPU and GPU time.
Current design: I have a rendering while loop running all the time. If I stop the while loop, then the content is rendered once and disappear.
Question: is there a way to achieve the goal? Can anyone give a direction?
Instead of having a continuous rendering loop, you can use OpenGL only to render your window when the system sends you an event to repaint the window. Additionally you invalidate your own window if you know that the contents of it changed (e.g. due to a reaction to a mouse click). In fact this is the proper way to draw in your window for anything other than latency sensitive applications.
The exact specifics highly depend on the API you use to create your window. For example,
With WinAPI you render on WM_PAINT and invalidate with InvalidateRect.
With Xlib you render on Expose and invalidate with IDK.
With Qt you render in QOpenGLWindow::paintGL and invalidate with update().
With GLUT you render in glutDisplayFunc and invalidate with glutPostRedisplay.
... and so on. This is not OpenGL specific in any way.
My OpenGL screen consists of 2 triangles and 1 texture, nothing else. I'd like to update the screen as little as possible, to save power and limit CPU/GPU usage. Unfortunately, when my draw_scene routine returns early without drawing anything, the OpenGL screen goes black-- even if I never call glutSwapBuffers. My background color is not black by the way. It seems that if I do not draw, the OpenGL window loses its contents. How can I minimize the amount of drawing that is done?
Modern graphics systems assume, that when a redraw is initiated, that the whole contents are redrawn. Furthermore, if you get a redraw event from the graphics system, then that's usually because the contents of the window have become undefined and need to be recreated, so you must redraw in that situation.
To save power you have to disable the idle loop (or just pass over everything that does and immediately yield back to the OS scheduler) and don't have timers create events.
Has anyone figured out how to display smooth video (i.e. a series of bitmaps) in a FireMonkey application, HD or 3D? In VCL you could write to a canvas from a thread and this would work perfectly, but this does not work in FMX. To make things worse, the apparently only reliable way is to use TImage, and that seems to be updated from the main thread (open a menu and video freezes temporarily). All EMB examples I could find all either write to TImage from the main thread, or use Synchronize(). These limitations make FMX unusable for decent video display so I am looking for a hack or possibly bypass of FMX. I use XE5/C++ but welcome any suggestions. Target OS is both Windows 7+ & OS X. Thanks!
How about putting a TPaintbox on your form to hold the video. In the OnPaint method you simply draw the next frame to the paintbox canvas. Now put a TTimer on the form, set the interval to the frame rate required. In the OnTimer event for the timer just write paintbox1.repaint
This should give you regular frames no matter what else the program is doing.
For extra safety, you could increment a frame number in the OnTimer event. Now in the paintbox paint method you know which frame to paint. This means you won't jump frames if something else calls the paint method as well as the timer - you will just end up repainting the same frame for the extra call to OnPaint.
I use this for marching ants selections although I go one step further and use an overlaid canvas so I can draw independently to the selection and the underlying paintbox canvas to remove the need to repaint the main canvas when the selection changes. That requires calls to API but I guess you won't need it unless you are doing videos with a transparent colour.
Further research, including some talks with the Itinerant developer, has unfortunately made it clear that, due to concurrency restrictions, FM has been designed so that all GPU access goes through the main thread and therefore painting will always be limited. As a result I have decided FM is not suitable for my needs and I am re-evaluating my options.
In my application I take snapshots of a QGLWidget's contents for two purposes:
Not redraw the scene all the time when only an overlay changes, using a cached pixmap instead
Lat the user take screenshots of the particular plots (3D scene)
The first thing I tried is grabFrameBuffer(). It is natural to use this function as for the first application, what is currently visible in the widget is exactly what I want to cache.
PROBLEM: On some hardware (e.g. Intel integrade graphics, Mac OS X with GeForce graphics), the image obtained does not contain the current screen content, but the content before that. So if the scene would be drawn two times, on the screen you see the second drawing, in the image you see the first drawing (which should be the content of the backbuffer?).
The second thing I tried is renderToPixmap(). This renders using paintGL(), but not using paint(). I have all my stuff in paint(), as I use Qt's painting functionality and only a small piece of the code uses native GL (beginNativePainting(), endNativePainting()).
I also tried the regular QWidget's snapshot capability (QPixmap::fromWidget(), or what it is called), but there the GL framebuffer is black.
Any ideas on how to resolve the issue and get a reliable depiction of the currently drawn scene?
How to take reliable QGLWidget snapshot
Render current scene to framebuffer, save data from framebuffer to file. Or grab current backbuffer after glFlush. Anything else might include artifacts or incomplete scene.
It seems that QGLWidget::grabFrameBuffer() internally calls glReadPixels() from OpenGL. On double-bufferd configurations the initial mode reads the back buffer (GL_BACK), switch with the OpenGL call glReadBuffer(GL_FRONT) to the front buffer before using QGLWidget::grabFrameBuffer() displaying an image on the screen.
The result of QGLWidget::grabFrameBuffer(), like every other OpenGL calls, depends on the video driver. Qt merely forwards your call to the driver and grabs the image it returns, but the content of the image is not under Qt's control. Other than making sure you have installed the latest driver for your video card, there is not much you can do except report a bug to your video card manufacturer and pray.
I use paintGL(); and glFlush(); before using grabFrameBuffer(). The paintGL helps to draw current frame again before grab the frame buffer, which makes an exact copy of what is currently showing.
im using SetPixel to make stuff on my window which is the easyest because i only want to set one pixel at a time. SetPixel is great but i need to remove the color every time i update it, i could overwrite the color by black but.. it's a really big waste of time is there some way i can over write all of the colors to black? (i would like something that is faster then reseting them all to black). i make a window and then color with setpixel (there is other ways (to draw on the window) but i only want to set one pixel/color at a time)
You should typically create a bitmap, lock it, set and unset its pixels directly - possibly by direct access rather than using API calls, if there are a lot of updates - unlock and then invalidate the window so that your paint handler can blit the bitmap later.
If you want to restore pixels, you can keep two bitmaps and store the values to restore in one bitmap.