I'm using Django.
Here is my .json file :
title: "foo",
id: 4,
taskhistories: [
url: "http://localhost:8000/tasks/4/"
I have tasks that have one-to-many taskhistories. The thing is, I use related-name in the definition of my TaskHistory model to display it in the tasks directory of my API :
class TaskHistory(models.Model):
task = models.ForeignKey(Task, related_name='taskhistories')
But, in the API, it doesn't display the taskhistory itself but the url to the API page of the taskhistory. How can I directly display a list of my task histories in my task API page instead of just urls ?
Edit : Adding the serializer :
class TaskSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
projectname = serializers.Field(source='project.name')
projectid = serializers.Field(source='project.id')
class Meta:
model = Task
fields = ('title', 'description', 'status', 'created_on', 'duration',
'id', 'projectid', 'projectname', 'taskhistories')
Add TaskSerializer:
taskhistories = serializers.RelatedField(many=True)
that will use your unicode method of TaskHistory Model for display. For further references see here
I think I answered your question.
"product_name": "CRVRVgfhghg",
"product_price": "0.01",
"product_location": "KIKUYU,KENYA",
"product_description": "VFVFVFVFVFVF",
"product_category_name": "livestock",
"product_farmer_name": "james",
"product_category_data": {
"product_category_name": "livestock",
"product_category_description": "livestock one"
"product_product_file_data": {
"product_file_name": "ok"
i have three tables: product_category,product and product_product_files...what i want is to populate all the three tables at once using one view and url pattern... is there a way i can do this using serializers??
I think what you are looking for is the following documentation DRF writable nested serializers.
Looking at this you'll see that they state the following:
'By default nested serializers are read-only. If you want to support write-operations to a nested serializer field you'll need to create create() and/or update() methods in order to explicitly specify how the child relationships should be saved:'
This is the example they use:
class TrackSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Track
fields = ['order', 'title', 'duration']
class AlbumSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
tracks = TrackSerializer(many=True)
class Meta:
model = Album
fields = ['album_name', 'artist', 'tracks']
def create(self, validated_data):
tracks_data = validated_data.pop('tracks')
album = Album.objects.create(**validated_data)
for track_data in tracks_data:
Track.objects.create(album=album, **track_data)
return album
The data they put in then should look like this:
data = {
'album_name': 'The Grey Album',
'artist': 'Danger Mouse',
'tracks': [
{'order': 1, 'title': 'Public Service Announcement', 'duration': 245},
{'order': 2, 'title': 'What More Can I Say', 'duration': 264},
{'order': 3, 'title': 'Encore', 'duration': 159},
Looking at your code-snippet I would guess these models are related in a One-to-one relationship. In this case many=False which is also the default. You could do that for both models.
I think you would be able to get to the right code with this information, if not please let me know.
I have a model like this
class Status(models.Model):
is_working = models.BooleanField(
is_at_home = models.BooleanField(
with the corresponding serializer
class StatusSerializer(ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Status
fields = [
using the default ModelViewSet
class StatusViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer_class = StatusSerializer
queryset = Status.objects.all()
Whenever I partially update a Status, by e.g calling the put method on the API, all other fields are reset to False instead of keeping their old value.
Say, I have a Status that looks like this:
"id": 1,
"is_working": null,
"is_at_home": null,
If I call put using the following JSON:
"is_working": true
my data now looks like this
"id": 1,
"is_working": true,
"is_at_home": false <-- GOT UPDATED
I however, just want to update the is_working field, so that my desired result would be:
"id": 1,
"is_working": true,
"is_at_home": null
This probably has to do with the fact that HTML forms don't supply a value for unchecked fields. I, however, don't use any HTML forms as I'm purely consuming the API through JSON requests.
Using the serializer as is, I'd need to perform an extra get request prior to updating the model, just to get the state of the fields I don't want to update.
Is there a way around that?
First off, for partially updating you need to have a PATCH request and not PUT.
Since you are using ModelViewSet drf should automatically recognize that and set partial=True and update only the fields which were sent in the api payload.
ModelViewSet doc- DRF
You can make your is_at_home field read only in serializer as PUT method is updating it. Try this in your serializer.Hope this will work for you.
class StatusSerializer(ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Status
fields = [
extra_kwargs = {
'id': {'read_only': True},
'is_at_home': {'read_only': True},
I already have a general idea of how it should be done. The only issue that I face now is how to actually send the data. I don't want to create new Projects I just want to add them to the notifications. How do I pass the data, the actual JSON?
class NotificationsScheduleSerializer(ModelSerializer):
projects = ProjectSerializer(many=True) # Thats the Many2Many Field
user = HiddenField(default=CurrentUserDefault())
class Meta:
model = NotificationsSchedule
fields = [
def create(self, validated_data):
breakpoint() # I don't ever get "projects" in validated_data just Empty OrderedDict
projects_data = validated_data.pop("projects", [])
notification = NotificationsSchedule.objects.create(**validated_data)
return notification
class ProjectSerializer(ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Project
fields = ["pk", "name"]
I want to be able to pass something like this.
"projects": [290, 289],
"period": "daily",
"week_day": 2,
"time": "16:02:00",
"report_type": "word_report"
But it expects dict instead.
"non_field_errors": [
"Invalid data. Expected a dictionary, but got int."
You have to set read_only,
projects = ProjectSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
And when creating Notifications ,
notification = NotificationsSchedule.objects.create(**validated_data)
I have an api in django-rest framework that now returns this json data:
"id": 1,
"foreignobject": {
"id": 3
"otherfields": "somevalue"
But I want it to return something like this (flatten the foreigneky to its ID only):
"id": 1,
"otherfields": "somevalue"
Doing this in the model Resource, now I Have (simplified):
class ForeignKeyInDataResource(ModelResource):
model = TheOtherModel
fields = ('id',)
class SomeModelResource(ModelResource):
model = SomeModel
fields = ( 'id',('foreignobject','ForeignKeyInDataResource'),'otherfields',)
I tried already something like:
class SomeModelResource(ModelResource):
model = SomeModel
fields = ( 'id','foreignobject__id','otherfields',)
but that did not work
for the complete story, this how the view returns the data, list is a result of a query over the SomeModel:
data = Serializer(depth=2 ).serialize(list)
return Response(status.HTTP_200_OK, data)
I'm not really in a position to support REST framework 0.x anymore, but if you decide to upgrade to 2.0 this is trivial - simply declare the field on the serializer like so: foreignobject = PrimaryKeyRelatedField()
I found another option: (by reading the ModelResource documentation...)
In the Modelresource you can define a function(self,instance), which can return the id.
in the fields you can add this function!
so, this works:
class SomeModelResource(ModelResource):
model = SomeModel
fields = ( 'id','foreignobject_id','otherfields',)
def foreignobject_id(self, instance):
return instance['foreignobject']['id']
What is the best way to display information from related objects on my Backbone.js wired front-end when on the backend these attributes are stored on separate Django models in a PostgreSQL database?
I am currently using Django, Tastypie, Django-Tastypie, Backbone.js, Backbone-Relational and Handlebars.js templates. I am open to doing things differently and I am willing to learn new technologies such as Riak if it's necessary or more efficient.
On the front-end what I'm trying to do would be very simple with standard Django templates: display a list of tags on a post and the author of that post.
On the back-end I have a Post model and Tag, User and UserProfile (author) models. Users and UserProfiles are 1-to-1, Post has a relation to UserProfile but what I want to display is stored on the User model under the attribute username. At the moment this involves two painstaking lookups to get the author's username for every post. The Post model:
class Post(models.Model):
author = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile)
topic = models.ForeignKey(Topic)
tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
content = models.TextField()
title = models.CharField(max_length=250)
slug = models.SlugField()
description = models.TextField()
In Coffeescript I have my Backbone models. At present I am trying to fetch the relevant author and tag objects when a Post model is initialized. My current code is very sloppy and I apologize, my javascript foo is still under development!
class User extends Backbone.RelationalModel
class UserProfile extends Backbone.RelationalModel
urlRoot : '/api/v1/profile/?format=json'
class PostTag extends Backbone.RelationalModel
initialize: ->
this.get('tag').on 'change', ( model ) =>
this.get( 'post' ).trigger( 'change:tag', model )
class Tag extends Backbone.RelationalModel
urlRoot: '/api/v1/tag/?format=json'
idAttribute: 'id',
relations: [{
type: Backbone.HasMany,
key: 'post_tags',
relatedModel: PostTag,
reverseRelation: {
key: 'tag',
includeInJSON: 'id',
class Post extends Backbone.RelationalModel
idAttribute: 'id',
relations: [{
type: Backbone.HasMany,
key: 'post_tags',
relatedModel: PostTag,
reverseRelation: {
key: 'post',
includeInJSON: 'id',
initialize: ->
#.get('tags').forEach(#addTag, #)
#.on 'change:tag', (model) ->
console.log('related tag=%o updated', model)
addAuthor: () ->
profile_id = #.get('author')
if app.UserProfiles.get(profile_id)?
profile = app.UserProfiles.get(profile_id)
user = app.Users.get(profile.user)
profile = new app.UserProfile(profile_id)
profile.fetch(success: (model,response) =>
user_id = profile.get('user')
if app.Users.get(user_id)?
user = app.Users.get(user_id)
user.fetch(success: (model,response) =>
console.log("Existing user"+user_id)
user = new app.User('resource_uri':user_id)
console.log("New user"+user_id)
user.fetch(success: (model,response) =>
addTag: (tag_id) ->
if app.Tags.get(tag_id)?
tag = app.Tags.get(tag_id)
console.log("TAG" + tag)
console.log("NON EXISTENT")
tag = new app.Tag({'id':tag_id})
post_tag = new app.postTag({
'tag': tag_id,
'post': #.get('resource_uri')
This code actually works fine for fetching and storing the related objects but it's incredibly messy and I'm sure there must be a better way. Further, I can't figure out a way to access the stored tag names to display in my Handlebars.js templates.
When writing this I found the related question How do I load sub-models with a foreign key relationship in Backbone.js?
Since I'd already written the question I figured I may as well post it in case it's useful for anyone.
The answer was as simple as adding full=True to my tastypie resources. I could then get rid of the addTags and addAuthor functions and since I don't need to save or update the related objects the rest of the answer in the above thread wasn't necessary for me.