Find member variable using Locator in Qt Creator - c++

Qt Creator has the Locator box, which allows you to easily find classes, methods, etc. Is there a way to use it to find class member variables, as well?
Using . <expr> will show member variables too, but that is only for searching inside the current file, not globally.
This the Locator:

By default, there is not such feature, but as said in the doc you can create a filter (I can't test it now, but I'll try this soon):
To create a locator filter:
In the locator, select Options > Configure to open the Locator options.
In the Filter Configuration dialog:
Name your filter.
Select at least one directory. The locator searches directories recursively.
Define the file pattern as a comma separated list. For example, to search all .h and .cpp files, enter *.h, *.cpp
Specify the prefix string.
To show only results matching this filter, select Limit to prefix.
Click OK.

QtCreator have no such feature - member variables are not good candidates for pivot points in search. If you want find usages of particular member, use "find symbol usages" (Ctrl+Shift+U when cursor is under symbol). If you want to find members of particular type, use usual search in regular expressions mode, something like:
And limit scope to headers only (i.e use "*.h" file mask).

Have you tried using the 'Advanced...' option in the locator? You can change the scope of the search to the Current Project, All Projects, Files on the System, etc. I use this to even search for strings I use for debug output in my code.


How to tell Cppdepend a directory has multiple local copies

For certain project I want to make statistics like list of public methods and functions. Great option might be using CppDepend and it's build-in query language.
Our (legacy) project base has applications. Each application is in it's own directory, has project file and some subdirectories with sources. Certain subdirectories are shared in multiple applications (using svn:externals). My goal is count methods and functions in such shared directories only once.
For example if file my_file.h contains three functions and is checked out to three different local directories I still want to add only 3 to my statistic and not 9.
Is there a way to tell cpp what directories/files are checked out to multiple local directories to count them only once?
To avoid counting the same methods you can add the distinct filter to the cqlinq query like this:
from m in JustMyCode.Methods.Distinct(m=>m.FullName)
select m
So each method will be counted once, or you can improve the query to avoid filtering methods with the same signature but are not the same by adding a filter of the source file name
from m in JustMyCode.Methods.Distinct(m=>new {m.FullName,m.SourceDecl.SourceFile.FileName})
select m

Reading dates from filenames

I want to extract dates from the suffixes of files in a particular folder. The contents of such a folder look something like:
... (so on and so forth, always in the same path just different suffixes)
There is no pattern to the dates. I need to make a VS form (2013) to read the name of the files and store the date differences.
Notice how the filenames always follow a pattern? It's always Packed_Folder_1_####.##.##, where the last part is a date.
So what you want to do is list the file names in the folder, and try to find a file that matches the pattern. You could use a regular expression to match the filename (it would be something like R"(Packed_Folder_1_\d{4}\.\d{2}\.\d{2})").
You are talking about Forms, so I am assuming you are able to use Visual C++. If that is the case, you can check FileSystemWatcher Class.
You instantiated it with a given path ( file or directory ), and it will trigger events based on some changes on the target (simple change, creation, rename - you can select which one). You could then update your reference, in case its change suits your needs.

How to exclude webstorm files from search results

I have set up a custom scope in webstorm, and am trying to use it to limit search results by excluding third party libraries and such when doing 'Find in Path'. However, even though my custom scope is based on my project, I still get results in my search from outside my project. In particular, I get results from webstorm libraries and plugins:
I am using Webstorm 10.0.4
How do I filter those results out of my search results?
Known issue, IDEA-139723, please follow this ticket for updates.
To get rid of the issue, I'd suggest using 'include' filters in scope instead of 'exclude' filters - i.e. instead of excluding certain folders, just include everything you'd like being included

Doxygen globally defined reference links

In Doxygen you use reference links: define them separately and then refer to them from within the text.
* This is a documentation. Here I link [std::string] to an external web page.
* The next line is the link definition:
* [std::string]: "std::string documentation"
However it seems that the link definition is seen only within the documentation block. It is not seen even on other documentation blocks on the same page.
I want to define some links once, and then use them everywhere (on different pages).
Is that possible?
Edit (follow-up question)
In order to achieve your aim I think your best bet is to make use of the ALIAS facility.
I have managed to set it up with alias like this:
ALIASES += std_string="std::string "
ALIASES += std_vector="std::vector "
And using it:
Basically I have one alias for each link.
Can it be achieved with one alias with parameters? The use would be:
#std_ref std::string
#std_ref std::vector
The problem is that some sort of map is needed between the name (the parameter) and the link:
std::string ->
std::vector ->
I know it can be done if one parameter would be the different part of the link, like :
#std_ref std::string string/basic_string
#std_ref std::vector container/vector
But this is ugly, error prone and would require to check each time what the link should be.
It's worth noting that what you are currently using is the notation that comes only with Doxygen's support for Markdown - it's not the doxygen method for external links. The original Doxygen method is to insert an HTML link inline...
link text
... but that makes no difference to your original problem.
In order to achieve your aim I think your best bet is to make use of the ALIAS facility. The relevant manual page is here. Using them, you should be able to define an alias like std-string and have it insert the HTML link everywhere you use the alias.
ALIASES are set up in the doxyfile config file (in this section of the manual)
You could set up aliases manually for every C++ keyword, that you want to link to, but the better way to do this is to use the doxygen TAGFILES feature.
A tag file is basically a compact representation of the entities found in the external sources. Doxygen can both generate and read tag files.
To generate a tag file for your project, simply put the name of the tag file after the GENERATE_TAGFILE option in the configuration file.
To combine the output of one or more external projects with your own project you should specify the name of the tag files after the TAGFILES option in the configuration file.
Doxygen has a whole page dedicated to explaining how to link to external documentation
And has already setup a tag file for you with some basic instructions.
For the impatient:
Download File:cppreference-doxygen-web.tag.xml for linking directly to website.
Add this line to your Doxyfile:
TAGFILES += "location/of/cppreference-doxygen-web.tag.xml="

Customizing include-guard for Eclipse CDT

I want an automatically generated include-guard by creating a new C++-class with Eclipse/CDT, but I don't find any way to change the ${include_guard_symbol} attribute.
My wish is an include-guard with a namespace prefix like following:
But if I use #ifndef ${namespace_name}_${include_guard_symbol} for this, it will produce:
How can I do this?
I had a dig around in the source for CDT, and found an undocumented preference setting you can use to change what is generated by ${include_guard_symbol}. There's no GUI for it either, but if you add the codetemplates.includeGuardGenerationScheme setting to <projectpath>/.settings/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.prefs, you can choose between file name (the default), file path or UUID.
Given the file <projectpath>/src/include/Class.h, the following values give these results:
0 gives an upper-case filename, i.e. CLASS_H_
1 gives a UUID, for example. HC9ABE718_D04E_411C_B5A2_F9FE1D9F9409
2 gives an upper-case file path, that is, SRC_INCLUDE_CLASS_H_
To avoid any doubt, here's the contents of our .settings/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.prefs:
It's obviously not exactly what you're after, but we use 2 to give us an approximation of our namespaces since, generally speaking, our namespaces follow our folder structure.
The relevant code is in these files in the CDT source:
core/org.eclipse.cdt.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/ui/ for the constants for each option
core/org.eclipse.cdt.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/corext/codemanipulation/ for the generateIncludeGuardSymbol() method that does the work.
It would be really nice to see an extra option added for using the namespace, and a GUI too.
I'm using Eclipse Oxygen (CDT 9.3) and as Eelke described in their comment, there has been a UI setting for this for a while now.
However it only lets you choose from the preset schemes, no namespace or richer customisation options available yet.
Search for 'guard' in the preferences dialog, or navigate to C/C++ > Code Style > Name Style and select Code > Include Guard and then choose from the available guard schemes.