find a matrix in a big matrix - c++

I have a very large n*m matrix S. I want to efficiently determine whether there exists a submatrix F inside of S. The large matrix S can have a size as big as 500*500.
To clarify, consider the following:
S = 1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
F1 = 2 3
5 6
F2 = 1 2
4 6
In such a case:
F1 is inside S
F2 is not inside S
Each element in the matrix is a 32-bit integer. I can only think of using a brute-force approach to find whether F is a submatrix of S. I googled to find an effective algorithm, but I can't find anything.
Is there some algorithm or principle to do it faster? (Or possibly some method to optimize the brute force approach?)
PS the statistics data
A total of 8 S
On average, each S will be matched against about 44 F.
The probability of success match (i.e. F appears in a S) is

It involves preprocessing the matrix. This will be heavy on memory, but it should be better in terms of computation time.
Check if the size of the sub-matrix is less than that of the matrix before you do the check.
While constructing the matrix, build a construct that maps a value in the matrix to an array of (x,y) positions in the matrix. This will allow you to check for the existence of a sub-matrix where candidates could exist. You would use the value at (0,0) in the sub-matrix and get the possible positions of this value in the larger matrix. If the list of positions is empty, you have no candidates, and so, the sub-matrix does not exist. There's a start (More experienced people might consider this a naive approach however).

Modified Code of deepu-benson
int Ma[][5]= {
{0, 0, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
{1, 1, 1, 1, 0}
int Su[][3]= {
{1, 0, 0},
{1, 0, 0},
int S = 5;// Size of main matrix row
int T = 5;//Size of main matrix column
int M = 2; // size of desire matrix row
int N = 3; // Size of desire matrix column
int flag, i,j,p,q;
for(i=0; i<=(S-M); i++)
for(j=0; j<=(T-N); j++)
for(p=0; p<M; p++)
for(int q=0; q<N; q++)
if(Ma[i+p][j+q] != Su[p][q])
printf("Match Found in the Main Matrix at starting location %d, %d",(i+1) ,(j+1));
printf("Match Found in the Main Matrix at starting location %d, %d",(i+1) ,(j+1));

If you want to query multiple times for a same big matrix and same size submatrices. There are many solutions to preprocess the big matrix.
A similar ( or even same ) problem is here.
Fastest way to Find a m x n submatrix in M X N matrix

Since you only want to know whether a given matrix is inside another big matrix. If you know how to use Matlab code from C++, you may directly use ismember from Matlab. Another way may be try to figure out how ismember works in Matlab, then implement the same thing in C++.
See Find location of submatrix

Since you have tagged the question as C++ also, I am providing this code. This is a brute force technique and definitely not the ideal solution for this problem. For an S X T Main Matrix and a M X N Sub Matrix, the time complexity of the algorithm is O(STMN).
cout<<"\nEnter the order of the Main Matrix";
cout<<"\nEnter the order of the Sub Matrix";
// Read the Main Matrix into MAT[S][T]
// Read the Sub Matrix into SUB[M][N]
for(i=0; i<(S-M); i++)
for(j=0; j<(T-N); j++)
for(p=0; p<M; p++)
for(q=0; q<N; q++)
if(MAT[i+p][j+q] != SUB[p][q])
cout<<"Match Found in the Main Matrix at starting location "<<(i+1) <<"X"<<(j+1);

Much of the answer depends on what you're doing repetitively. Are you testing a bunch of huge matrices for the same submatrix? Are you testing one huge matrix looking for a bunch of different submatrices?
Do any of the matrices have repetitive patterns, or are they nice and random, or can you make no assumptions about the data?
Also, does the submatrix have to be contiguous? Does S contain
F3 = 1 3
7 9

If the data in matrix isn't randomly distributed, it would be helpful to run some statistical analysis on it. Then you could find the sub matrix by comparing its element ranged by their inverse probability. It could be faster, then a plain bruteforce.
Say, you have the matrix of some normally distributed integers with the Gaussian center in 0. And you want to find submatrix say:
1 3 -12
-3 43 -1
198 2 2
You have to start searching for 198, then checking upper right element to be 43 then its upper right for -12, then any 3 or -3 will do; and so on. This would greatly reduce the number of comparisons comparing to the most brutal solution.

My original answer is below the break, thinking about it there are several optimisations, these optimisations refer to the steps of the original answer.
For Step B) do not search the entirety of S: you can discount all columns and rows which would not allow F to fit. (in the below example, only search the upper left 2x2 matrix). In cases where F is a significant proportion of S this would save considerable time.
If the range of values within S is quite low then creating a lookup table would greatly reduce the time required for step B).
Working with these 2 matrices
find inside
A) Select one value from the smaller matrix:
B) locate it within the larger
C) Check the adjacent cells to see if they match

It's possible to do in O(N*M*(logN+logM)).
Equality can be expressed as sum of squared differences is 0:
First part can be calculated for all (n,m) in O(N*M) similarly to running average.
Second part is calculated as usual in O(sizeof(F)) which is less than O(N*M).
Third part is the most interesting. It's convolution which can be calculated in O(N*M*(logN+logM)) using Fast Fourier Transform:


Does this problem have overlapping subproblems?

I am trying to solve this question on
You are given an m x n integer matrix mat and an integer target. Choose one integer from each row in the matrix such that the absolute difference between target and the sum of the chosen elements is minimized. Return the minimum absolute difference. (The absolute difference between two numbers a and b is the absolute value of a - b.)
So for input mat = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]], target = 13, the output should be 0 (since 1+5+7=13).
The solution I am referring is as below:
int dp[71][70 * 70 + 1] = {[0 ... 70][0 ... 70 * 70] = INT_MAX};
int dfs(vector<set<int>>& m, int i, int sum, int target) {
if (i >= m.size())
return abs(sum - target);
if (dp[i][sum] == INT_MAX) {
for (auto it = begin(m[i]); it != end(m[i]); ++it) {
dp[i][sum] = min(dp[i][sum], dfs(m, i + 1, sum + *it, target));
if (dp[i][sum] == 0 || sum + *it > target)
} else {
// cout<<"Encountered a previous value!\n";
return dp[i][sum];
int minimizeTheDifference(vector<vector<int>>& mat, int target) {
vector<set<int>> m;
for (auto &row : mat)
m.push_back(set<int>(begin(row), end(row)));
return dfs(m, 0, 0, target);
I don't follow how this problem is solvable by dynamic programming. The states apparently are the row i and the sum (from row 0 to row i-1). Given that the problem constraints are:
m == mat.length
n == mat[i].length
1 <= m, n <= 70
1 <= mat[i][j] <= 70
1 <= target <= 800
My understanding is that we would never encounter a sum that we have previously encountered (all values are positive). Even the debug cout statement that I added does not print anything on the sample inputs given in the problem.
How could dynamic programming be applicable here?
This problem is NP-hard, since the 0-1 knapsack problem reduces to it pretty easily.
This problem also has a dynamic programming solution that is similar to the one for 0-1 knapsack:
Find all the sums you can make with a number from the first row (that's just the numbers in the first row):
For each subsequent row, add all the numbers from the ith row to all the previously accessible sums to find the sums you can get after i rows.
If you need to be able to recreate a path through the matrix, then for each sum at each level, remember the preceding one from the previous level.
There are indeed overlapping subproblems, because there will usually be multiple ways to get a lot of the sums, and you only have to remember and continue from one of them.
Here is your example:
sums from row 1: 1, 2, 3
sums from rows 1-2: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
sums from rows 1-3: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
As you see, we can make the target sum. There are a few ways:
7+4+2, 7+5+1, 8+4+1
Some targets like 15 have a lot more ways. As the size of the matrix increases, the amount of overlap tends to increase, and so this solutions is reasonably efficient in many cases. The total complexity is in O(M * N * max_weight).
But, this is an NP-hard problem, so this is not always tractable -- max_weight can grow exponentially with the size of the problem.

Vectorize a Symmetric Matrix

I would like to write a function with the following signature
VectorXd vectorize (const MatrixXd&);
which returns the contents of a symmetric matrix in VectorXd form, without repeated elements. For example,
int n = 3; // n may be much larger in practice.
MatrixXd sym(n, n);
sym << 9, 2, 3,
2, 8, 4,
3, 4, 7;
std::cout << vectorize(sym) << std::endl;
should return:
The order of elements within vec is not important, provided it is systematic. What is important for my purposes is to return the data of sym without the repeated elements, because sym is always assumed to be symmetric. That is, I want to return the elements of the upper or lower triangular "view" of sym in VectorXd form.
I have naively implemented vectorize with nested for loops, but this function may be called very often within my program (over 1 million times). My question is thus: what is the most computationally efficient way to write vectorize? I was hoping to use Eigen's triangularView, but I do not see how.
Thank you in advance.
Regarding efficiency, you could write a single for loop with column-wise (and thus vectorized) copies:
VectorXd res(mat.rows()*(mat.cols()+1)/2);
Index size = mat.rows();
Index offset = 0;
for(Index j=0; j<mat.cols(); ++j) {
res.segment(offset,size) = mat.col(j).tail(size);
offset += size;
In practice, I expect that the compiler already fully vectorized your nested loop, and thus speed should be roughly the same.

Determine all square sub matrices of a given NxN matrix in C++

GIven an NxN square matrix, I would like to determine all possible square sub matrices by removing equal number of rows and columns.
In order to determine all possible 2x2 matrices I need to loop 4 times. Similarly for 3x3 matrices I need to loop 6 times and so on. Is there a way to generate code in C++ so that the code for the loops is generated dynamically? I have checked some answers related to code generation in C++, but most of them use python in it. I have no idea regarding python. So, is it possible to write code to generate code in C++?
If I get what you are saying, you mean you require M loops to choose M rows, and M loops for M columns for an M x M sub matrix, 1 <= M <= N
You don't need 2*M loops to do this. No need to dynamically generate code with an ever-increasing number of loops!
Essentially, you need to "combine" all possible combinations of i_{1}, i_{2}, ..., i_{M} and j_{1}, j_{2}, ..., j_{M} such that 1 <= i_{1} < i_{2} < ... < i_{M} <= N (and similarly for j)
If you have all possible combinations of all such i_{1}, ..., i_{M} you are essentially done.
Say for example you are working with a 10 x 10 matrix and you require 4 x 4 sub matrices.
Suppose you selected rows {1, 2, 3, 4} and columns {1, 2, 3, 4} initially. Next select column {1, 2, 3, 5}. Next {1, 2, 3, 6} and so on till {1, 2, 3, 10}. Next select {1, 2, 4, 5}, next {1, 2, 4, 6} and so on till you reach {7, 8, 9, 10}. This is one way you could generate all ("10 choose 4") combinations in a sequence.
Go ahead, write a function that generates this sequence and you are done. It can take as input M, N, current combination (as an array of M values) and return the next combination.
You need to call this sequence to select the next row and the next column.
I have put this a little loosely. If something is not clear I can edit to update my answer.
I will be assuming loop index starts from 0 (the C++ way!). To elaborate the algorithm further, given one combination as input the next combination can be generated by treating the combination as a "counter" of sorts (except that no digit repeats).
Disclaimer : I have not run or tested the below snippet of code. But the idea is there for you to see. Also, I don't use C++ anymore. Bear with me for any mistakes.
// Requires M <= N as input, (N as in N x N matrix)
void nextCombination( int *currentCombination, int M, int N ) {
int *arr = currentCombination;
for( int i = M - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if( arr[i] < N - M + i ) {
for( i = i + 1, i < M; i++ ) {
arr[i] = arr[i - 1] + 1;
// Write code for Initialization: arr = [0, 1, 2, 3]
nextCombination( arr, 4, 10 );
// arr = [0, 1, 2, 4]
// You can check if the last combination has been reached by checking if arr[0] == N - M + 1. Please incorporate that into the function if you wish.
Actually I want to check singularity of all possible sub matrices. My approach is to compute all submatrices and then find their determinants. How ever after computing the determinant of 2x2 matrices , I'll store them and use while computing determinants of 3x3 matrices. And so on. Can you suggest me a better approach. I have no space and time constraints. – vineel
A straight-forward approach using what you suggest is to index the determinants based on the the rows-columns combination that makes a sub matrix. At first store determinants for 1 x 1 sub matrices in a hash map (basically the entries themselves).
So the hash map would look like this for the 10 x 10 case
"0-0" : arr_{0, 0},
"0-1" : arr_{0, 1},
"1-0" : arr_{1, 0},
"1-1" : arr_{1, 1},
"9-9" : arr_{9, 9}
When M = 2, you can calculate determinant using the usual formula (the determinants for 1 x 1 sub matrices having been initialized) and then add to the hash map. The hash string for a 2 x 2 sub matrix would look something like 1:3-2:8 where the row indices in the original 10 x 10 matrix are 1,3 and the column indices are 2, 8. In general, for m x m sub matrix, the determinant can be determined by looking up all necessary (already) computed (m - 1) x (m - 1) determinants - this is a simple hash map lookup. Again, add the determinant to hash map once calculated.
Of course, you may need to slightly modify the nextCombination() function - it currently assumes row and column indices run from 0 to N - 1.
On another note, since all sub matrices are to be processed starting from 1 x 1, you don't need something like a nextCombination() function. Given a 2 x 2 matrix, you just need to select one more row and column to form a 3 x 3 matrix. So you need to select one row-index (that's not part of the row indices that make the 2 x 2 sub matrix) and similarly one column-index. But doing this for every 2 x 2 matrix will generate duplicate 3 x 3 matrices - you need to think of some way to eliminate duplicates. One way to avoid duplicates is by choosing only such row/column whose index is greater than the highest row/column index in the sub matrix.
Again I have loosely defined the idea. You can build upon it.

Efficient layout and reduction of virtual 2d data (abstract)

I use C++ and CUDA/C and want to write code for a specific problem and I ran into a quite tricky reduction problem.
My experience in parallel programming isn't negligible but quite limited and I cannot totally forsee the specificity of this problem.
I doubt there is a convenient or even "easy" way to handle the problems I am facing but perhaps I am wrong.
If there are any resources (i.e. articles, books, web-links, ...) or key-words covering this or similar problems, please let me know.
I tried to generalize the whole case as good as possible and keep it abstract instead of posting too much code.
The Layout ...
I have a system of N inital elements and N result elements. (I'll use N=8 for example but N can be any integral value greater than three.)
static size_t const N = 8;
double init_values[N], result[N];
I need to calculate almost every (not all i'm afraid) unique permutation of the init-values without self-interference.
This means calculation f(init_values[0],init_values[1]), f(init_values[0],init_values[2]), ..., f(init_values[0],init_values[N-1]), f(init_values[1],init_values[2]), ..., f(init_values[1],init_values[N-1]), ... and so on.
This is in fact a virtual triangular matrix which has the shape seen in the following illustration.
P 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0| x
1| 0 x
2| 1 2 x
3| 3 4 5 x
4| 6 7 8 9 x
5| 10 11 12 13 14 x
6| 15 16 17 18 19 20 x
7| 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 x
Each element is a function of the respective column and row elements in init_values.
P[i] (= P[row(i)][col(i]) = f(init_values[col(i)], init_values[row(i)])
P[11] (= P[5][1]) = f(init_values[1], init_values[5])
There are (N*N-N)/2 = 28 possible, unique combinations (Note: P[1][5]==P[5][1], so we only have a lower (or upper) triangular matrix) using the example N = 8.
The basic problem
The result array is computed from P as a sum of the row elements minus the sum of the respective column elements.
For example the result at position 3 will be calculated as a sum of row 3 minus the sum of column three.
result[3] = (P[3]+P[4]+P[5]) - (P[9]+P[13]+P[18]+P[24])
result[3] = sum_elements_row(3) - sum_elements_column(3)
I tried to illustrate it in a picture with N = 4.
As a consequence the following is true:
N-1 operations (potential concurrent writes) will be performed on each result[i]
result[i] will have N-(i+1) writes from subtractions and i additions
Outgoing from each P[i][j] there will be a subtraction to r[j] and a addition to r[i]
This is where the main problems come into place:
Using one thread to compute each P and updating the result directly will result in multiple kernels trying to write to the same result location (N-1 threads each).
Storing the whole matrix P for a subsequent reduction step on the other hand is very expensive in terms of memory consumption and therefore impossible for very large systems.
The idea of having a unqiue, shared result vector for each thread-block is impossible, too.
(N of 50k makes 2.5 billion P elements and therefore [assuming a maximum number of 1024 threads per block] a minimal number of 2.4 million blocks consuming over 900GiB of memory if each block has its own result array with 50k double elements.)
I think I could handle reduction for a more static behaviour but this problem is rather dynamic in terms of potential concurrent memory write-access.
(Or is it possible to handle it by some "basic" type of reduction?)
Adding some complications ...
Unfortunatelly, depending on (arbitrary user) input, which is independant of the initial values, some elements of P need to be skipped.
Let's assume we need to skip permutations P[6], P[14] and P[18]. Therefore we have 24 combinations left, which need to be calculated.
How to tell the kernel which values need to be skipped?
I came up with three approaches, each having notable downsides if N is very large (like several ten thousands of elements).
1. Store all combinations ...
... with their respective row and column index struct combo { size_t row,col; };, that need to be calculated in a vector<combo> and operate on this vector. (used by the current implementation)
std::vector<combo> elements;
// somehow fill
size_t const M = elements.size();
for (size_t i=0; i<M; ++i)
// do the necessary computations using elements[i].row and elements[i].col
This solution consumes is consuming lots of memory since only "several" (may even be ten thousands of elements but that's not much in contrast to several billion in total) but it avoids
indexation computations
finding of removed elements
for each element of P which is the downside of the second approach.
2. Operate on all elements of P and find removed elements
If I want to operate on each element of P and avoid nested loops (which i couldn't reproduce very well in cuda) I need to do something like this:
size_t M = (N*N-N)/2;
for (size_t i=0; i<M; ++i)
// calculate row indices from `i`
double tmp = sqrt(8.0*double(i+1))/2.0 + 0.5;
double row_d = floor(tmp);
size_t current_row = size_t(row_d);
size_t current_col = size_t(floor(row_d*(ict-row_d)-0.5));
// check whether the current combo of row and col is not to be removed
if (!removes[current_row].exists(current_col))
// do the necessary computations using current_row and current_col
The vector removes is very small in contrast to the elements vector in the first example but the additional computations to obtain current_row, current_col and the if-branch are very inefficient.
(Remember we're still talking about billions of evaluations.)
3. Operate on all elements of P and remove elements afterwards
Another idea I had was to calculate all valid and invalid combinations independently.
But unfortunately, due to summation errors the following statement is true:
calc_non_skipped() != calc_all() - calc_skipped()
Is there a convenient, known, high performance way to get the desired results from the initial values?
I know that this question is rather complicated and perhaps limited in relevance. Nevertheless, I hope some illuminative answers will help me to solve my problems.
The current implementation
Currently this is implemented as CPU Code with OpenMP.
I first set up a vector of the above mentioned combos storing every P that needs to be computed and pass it to a parallel for loop.
Each thread is provided with a private result vector and a critical section at the end of the parallel region is used for a proper summation.
First, I was puzzled for a moment why (N**2 - N)/2 yielded 27 for N=7 ... but for indices 0-7, N=8, and there are 28 elements in P. Shouldn't try to answer questions like this so late in the day. :-)
But on to a potential solution: Do you need to keep the array P for any other purpose? If not, I think you can get the result you want with just two intermediate arrays, each of length N: one for the sum of the rows and one for the sum of the columns.
Here's a quick-and-dirty example of what I think you're trying to do (subroutine direct_approach()) and how to achieve the same result using the intermediate arrays (subroutine refined_approach()):
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
const int N = 7;
const float input_values[N] = { 3.0F, 5.0F, 7.0F, 11.0F, 13.0F, 17.0F, 23.0F };
float P[N][N]; // Yes, I'm wasting half the array. This way I don't have to fuss with mapping the indices.
float result1[N] = { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F };
float result2[N] = { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F };
float f(float arg1, float arg2)
// Arbitrary computation
return (arg1 * arg2);
float compute_result(int index)
float row_sum = 0.0F;
float col_sum = 0.0F;
int row;
int col;
// Compute the row sum
for (col = (index + 1); col < N; col++)
row_sum += P[index][col];
// Compute the column sum
for (row = 0; row < index; row++)
col_sum += P[row][index];
return (row_sum - col_sum);
void direct_approach()
int row;
int col;
for (row = 0; row < N; row++)
for (col = (row + 1); col < N; col++)
P[row][col] = f(input_values[row], input_values[col]);
int index;
for (index = 0; index < N; index++)
result1[index] = compute_result(index);
void refined_approach()
float row_sums[N];
float col_sums[N];
int index;
// Initialize intermediate arrays
for (index = 0; index < N; index++)
row_sums[index] = 0.0F;
col_sums[index] = 0.0F;
// Compute the row and column sums
// This can be parallelized by computing row and column sums
// independently, instead of in nested loops.
int row;
int col;
for (row = 0; row < N; row++)
for (col = (row + 1); col < N; col++)
float computed = f(input_values[row], input_values[col]);
row_sums[row] += computed;
col_sums[col] += computed;
// Compute the result
for (index = 0; index < N; index++)
result2[index] = row_sums[index] - col_sums[index];
void print_result(int n, float * result)
int index;
for (index = 0; index < n; index++)
printf(" [%d]=%f\n", index, result[index]);
int main(int argc, char * * argv)
printf("Data reduction test\n");
printf("Result 1:\n");
print_result(N, result1);
printf("Result 2:\n");
print_result(N, result2);
return (0);
Parallelizing the computation is not so easy, since each intermediate value is a function of most of the inputs. You can compute the sums individually, but that would mean performing f(...) multiple times. The best suggestion I can think of for very large values of N is to use more intermediate arrays, computing subsets of the results, then summing the partial arrays to yield the final sums. I'd have to think about that one when I'm not so tired.
To cope with the skip issue: If it's a simple matter of "don't use input values x, y, and z", you can store x, y, and z in a do_not_use array and check for those values when looping to compute the sums. If the values to be skipped are some function of row and column, you can store those as pairs and check for the pairs.
Hope this gives you ideas for your solution!
Update, now that I'm awake: Dealing with "skip" depends a lot on what data needs to be skipped. Another possibility for the first case - "don't use input values x, y, and z" - a much faster solution for large data sets would be to add a level of indirection: create yet another array, this one of integer indices, and store only the indices of the good inputs. F'r instance, if invalid data is in inputs 2 and 5, the valid array would be:
int valid_indices[] = { 0, 1, 3, 4, 6 };
Interate over the array valid_indices, and use those indices to retrieve the data from your input array to compute the result. On the other paw, if the values to skip depend on both indices of the P array, I don't see how you can avoid some kind of lookup.
Back to parallelizing - No matter what, you'll be dealing with (N**2 - N)/2 computations
of f(). One possibility is to just accept that there will be contention for the sum
arrays, which would not be a big issue if computing f() takes substantially longer than
the two additions. When you get to very large numbers of parallel paths, contention will
again be an issue, but there should be a "sweet spot" balancing the number of parallel
paths against the time required to compute f().
If contention is still an issue, you can partition the problem several ways. One way is
to compute a row or column at a time: for a row at a time, each column sum can be
computed independently and a running total can be kept for each row sum.
Another approach would be to divide the data space and, thus, the computation into
subsets, where each subset has its own row and column sum arrays. After each block
is computed, the independent arrays can then be summed to produce the values you need
to compute the result.
This probably will be one of those naive and useless answers, but it also might help. Feel free to tell me that I'm utterly and completely wrong and I have misunderstood the whole affair.
So... here we go!
The Basic Problem
It seems to me that you can define you result function a little differently and it will lift at least some contention off your intermediate values. Let's suppose that your P matrix is lower-triangular. If you (virtually) fill the upper triangle with the negative of the lower values (and the main diagonal with all zeros,) then you can redefine each element of your result as the sum of a single row: (shown here for N=4, and where -i means the negative of the value in the cell marked as i)
P 0 1 2 3
0| x -0 -1 -3
1| 0 x -2 -4
2| 1 2 x -5
3| 3 4 5 x
If you launch independent threads (executing the same kernel) to calculate the sum of each row of this matrix, each thread will write a single result element. It seems that your problem size is large enough to saturate your hardware threads and keep them busy.
The caveat, of course, is that you'll be calculating each f(x, y) twice. I don't know how expensive that is, or how much the memory contention was costing you before, so I cannot judge whether this is a worthwhile trade-off to do or not. But unless f was really really expensive, I think it might be.
Skipping Values
You mention that you might have tens of thousands elements of the P matrix that you need to ignore in your calculations (effectively skip them.)
To work with the scheme I've proposed above, I believe you should store the skipped elements as (row, col) pairs, and you have to add the transposed of each coordinate pair too (so you'll have twice the number of skipped values.) So your example skip list of P[6], P[14] and P[18] becomes P(4,0), P(5,4), P(6,3) which then becomes P(4,0), P(5,4), P(6,3), P(0,4), P(4,5), P(3,6).
Then you sort this list, first based on row and then column. This makes our list to be P(0,4), P(3,6), P(4,0), P(4,5), P(5,4), P(6,3).
If each row of your virtual P matrix is processed by one thread (or a single instance of your kernel or whatever,) you can pass it the values it needs to skip. Personally, I would store all these in a big 1D array and just pass in the first and last index that each thread would need to look at (I would also not store the row indices in the final array that I passed in, since it can be implicitly inferred, but I think that's obvious.) In the example above, for N = 8, the begin and end pairs passed to each thread will be: (note that the end is one past the final value needed to be processed, just like STL, so an empty list is denoted by begin == end)
Thread 0: 0..1
Thread 1: 1..1 (or 0..0 or whatever)
Thread 2: 1..1
Thread 3: 1..2
Thread 4: 2..4
Thread 5: 4..5
Thread 6: 5..6
Thread 7: 6..6
Now, each thread goes on to calculate and sum all the intermediate values in a row. While it is stepping through the indices of columns, it is also stepping through this list of skipped values and skipping any column number that comes up in the list. This is obviously an efficient and simple operation (since the list is sorted by column too. It's like merging.)
I don't know CUDA, but I have some experience working with OpenCL, and I imagine the interfaces are similar (since the hardware they are targeting are the same.) Here's an implementation of the kernel that does the processing for a row (i.e. calculates one entry of result) in pseudo-C++:
double calc_one_result (
unsigned my_id, unsigned N, double const init_values [],
unsigned skip_indices [], unsigned skip_begin, unsigned skip_end
double res = 0;
for (unsigned col = 0; col < my_id; ++col)
// "f" seems to take init_values[column] as its first arg
res += f (init_values[col], init_values[my_id]);
for (unsigned row = my_id + 1; row < N; ++row)
res -= f (init_values[my_id], init_values[row]);
// At this point, "res" is holding "result[my_id]",
// including the values that should have been skipped
unsigned i = skip_begin;
// The second condition is to check whether we have reached the
// middle of the virtual matrix or not
for (; i < skip_end && skip_indices[i] < my_id; ++i)
unsigned col = skip_indices[i];
res -= f (init_values[col], init_values[my_id]);
for (; i < skip_end; ++i)
unsigned row = skip_indices[i];
res += f (init_values[my_id], init_values[row]);
return res;
Note the following:
The semantics of init_values and function f are as described by the question.
This function calculates one entry in the result array; specifically, it calculates result[my_id], so you should launch N instances of this.
The only shared variable it writes to is result[my_id]. Well, the above function doesn't write to anything, but if you translate it to CUDA, I imagine you'd have to write to that at the end. However, no one else writes to that particular element of result, so this write will not cause any contention of data race.
The two input arrays, init_values and skipped_indices are shared among all the running instances of this function.
All accesses to data are linear and sequential, except for the skipped values, which I believe is unavoidable.
skipped_indices contain a list of indices that should be skipped in each row. It's contents and structure are as described above, with one small optimization. Since there was no need, I have removed the row numbers and left only the columns. The row number will be passed into the function as my_id anyways and the slice of the skipped_indices array that should be used by each invocation is determined using skip_begin and skip_end.
For the example above, the array that is passed into all invocations of calc_one_result will look like this:[4, 6, 0, 5, 4, 3].
As you can see, apart from the loops, the only conditional branch in this code is skip_indices[i] < my_id in the third for-loop. Although I believe this is innocuous and totally predictable, even this branch can be easily avoided in the code. We just need to pass in another parameter called skip_middle that tells us where the skipped items cross the main diagonal (i.e. for row #my_id, the index at skipped_indices[skip_middle] is the first that is larger than my_id.)
In Conclusion
I'm by no means an expert in CUDA and HPC. But if I have understood your problem correctly, I think this method might eliminate any and all contentions for memory. Also, I don't think this will cause any (more) numerical stability issues.
The cost of implementing this is:
Calling f twice as many times in total (and keeping track of when it is called for row < col so you can multiply the result by -1.)
Storing twice as many items in the list of skipped values. Since the size of this list is in the thousands (and not billions!) it shouldn't be much of a problem.
Sorting the list of skipped values; which again due to its size, should be no problem.
(UPDATE: Added the Pseudo-Implementation section.)

How to create permutations with replacement in C++?

Note:After reading templatetypedef's post, it seems like I'm trying to compute the cartesian product of a set with itself a certain amount of times.
I am not completely sure what the problem I'm trying to solve is called, but it seems pretty close to permutation with replacement to me.
So basically, my problem is this.
Given an array, for example:
{1, 2, 3}
and a size, say 2.
I need to output:
If size was 3, then it would be
How would I do this?
For the purposes of my problem, I have an input size of 15 numbers, so I guess I could create 15 for loops, but that seems like a hack to me.
Edit: I edited my problem after becoming not sure what I was asking and what I actually needed were essentially the same problem.
After reading templatetypedef's post, it seems like i'm trying to compute the cartesian product of a set with itself size amount of times.
You are trying to compute the Cartesian product of the set {1, 2, 3} with itself fifteen times. You can do this very elegantly with a simple recursive algorithm:
To compute the Cartesian product of a set with itself just once, return a set containing singleton lists of each of the elements of the original set.
To compute the Cartesian product of a set with itself n > 1 times:
Recursively compute the Cartesian product of the set with itself n - 1 times.
For each element x of the input list:
For each sequence S produced so far:
Add the sequence S + x to the output set.
Return the output set.
In (somewhat inefficient) C++ code:
vector<vector<int>> CartesianPower(const vector<int>& input, unsigned k) {
if (k == 1) {
vector<vector<int>> result;
for (int value: input) {
result.push_back( {value} );
return result;
} else {
vector<vector<int>> result;
vector<vector<int>> smallerPower = CartesianProduct(input, k - 1);
for (int elem: input) {
for (vector<int> sublist: smallerPower) {
return result;
Hope this helps!