Django-blog-zinnia not displaying admin CSS/Javascript properly - django

I am having the following problem with Django-blog-zinnia, please see the picture below. My static files are being served on Amazon S3, this includes the CSS and Javascript in the screen shot below. I can properly trace all of the static files to a source (meaning all of them can be found). I get no error messages, so I am having a hard time tracing the root of this problem.
As you can see, the entry content field is not displaying, if you are unfamiliar of what this should look, look at this link. What could be causing this problem? Or better yet, is there a good way to debug these kind of problems?

I'm having the same issue. Just found this thread and it gives what looks like the answer:
do you serve the static files from another domain ?
If so, it's normal that wymeditor doesn't work, it's a known limitation.!topicsearchin/django-blog-zinnia/wymeditor/django-blog-zinnia/kfgj19-3lGc
This would explain why it works fine for me on local and not fine on staging/production. Have you figured out a workaround?


Wagtail Images Suddenly Not Rendering on Front End

I have just encountered an odd problem I'm trying to debug but cannot figure out what is wrong.
I have a wagtail site with images that were all working. At one point I refreshed the browser, and the images suddenly all disappeared from every page.
wagtailimages_tags is there
static is all loaded
the images are all in the correct media directory as specified and have been uploaded through the CMS
if i inspect element, the image is in fact coming through in the code perfectly.
But the site itself just does not show the image. I have checked the CSS and nothing has changed there and it is not hiding the image somehow.
My last resort - I actually started the project over completely in a new environment and added each application one by one to see if I could solve the issue ... nope. No images on the new install from scratch either!
No idea why all the images would suddenly just fail to appear in browser. Just seems super strange to me.
Any ideas on debugging appreciated.
Solved. The path to one of the js files had an extra /js in it and was not loading the file the page needed. The console showed and error and said it could not find /img.url - weird but the file in question where the error was found was the js file with the incorrect path.
This mistake caused every path to load perfectly but strategically blocked a few things globally that a little extra reading of the console would have helped me figure out sooner.
Fixed the .js file path and now all is good.

Is there a way to write to a file in online CMS from a local C++ program?

I created a very customized leaflet map on a Bitrix website (they forced me to, not my choice). Now other coworkers who are basically "afraid" of code need to be able to add markers to that. I already created a C++ program where they can simply enter all the details they want (what category, whats the popupcontent etc.) and it spits out the geoJSON code for the marker for them to copy and paste into the website.
To make it even more easy for them I am wondering if there is a way to basically have my program connect to the internet, go to the backend of my website and, after asking for login, adds the code to the respective .js file that contains only the marker code.
I have been googling the problem but unfortunately couldnt find any other related posts.
Okay I finally found the I guess easiest way, I will force my colleagues to install python and write a little thingy to concatenate the code and upload it using Selenium. Thanks for your help guys!

images show up locally but not on github pages

I have a website on github pages. Two of the images work, but one just doesn't show up. I don't think it's a problem with my code, because if I open it up the local file, it shows perfectly. Has this happened to anyone else, or am I going crazy? I'm sure the website is up-to-date.
Your last commit refers to imgs/coding-large.jpg and imgs/game-large.jpg which do exist and do appear correctly.
But my screen is "min-width: 500px", so that is expected.
The last one is 404, because your imgs folder include game.JPG.
Case (lowercase vs. uppercase) might not matter locally, at the (potentially case-insensitive) level, but it does when accessed through the web.

Are there known issues with QFtp for use with pure-ftpd?

This is related to the question I posted here, but I hadn't gotten much visibility for that question so I wanted to ask in a more general way. I have a Qt 4.7 project that utilizes QFtp functionality. Until very recently we were using this with an FTP server that was vsftpd. Everything worked fine with it then. However, several days ago we moved the server to a new computer. All the contents are identical, but now it uses pure-ftpd instead of vsftpd. Since the move, none of my QFtp code works properly. Is there any known problems that arise when trying to use QFtp with this type of FTP server? I can't find anything helpful online, and it's rather frustrating not being able to find anything wrong with the code and yet having it not work. If anyone knows anything about this and could please share, I'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks!
So I think I just figured something out... I had it run QFtp::list to go through the ftp and retrieve directories, then use list() again on those to retrieve the files in those subdirectories. Our subdirectories to get files out of had spaces in the name, eg "My Directory". Apparently, the vsftpd we were using before could handle this with no problem, but the pure-ftpd can't handle spaces in the directory names. When I switch it to something like "MyDirectory" or "My_Directory", the pure-ftpd works fine. I couldn't find anything online about this difference, but apparently it's there, because that fixed the issue I was having.

Cloning Open Cart admin language issue

I'm trying to clone one fully functioning opencart website to another. The front-end of the website is in Dutch and the back-end I have left English default.
Here are the steps I have taken:
Copy database to new environment
Copy files and edit both the config files(config.php and admin/config.php) to match the server paths.
when i go to test the site, all seems to be working fine, until i go to the admin section where i find this blasted error which seems to be very common:
Notice: Error: Could not load language dutch! in /opt/www/prezent/ on line 39
I'm not sure if this is a path issue or something wrong with the db?
I have googled this issue but none are specific to my perticular case. Has anyone had this issue and resolved it?
If it's unable to load the language and you've copied them over as you say, then this is going to be a config issue. Ensure your path is exactly as it should be. A good way to do this is to create a file such as error.php in your root website folder. Then put some erroneous code in it like
dfs sdf sd;
Then call the file at, and it will show you the path in the error which you can copy exactly. One other unlikely but possible problem could be permissions, but the former is far more likely