In Sitecore how to open a custom Sitecore app by right clicking on a content item? - sitecore

I want to be able to right click on a content item in Sitecore and then select something like "Run My App" in the context menu. Then in the app that runs I need to be able to reference the content item that was right clicked. Is this possible?

Yes you can do this, its not as hard as it sounds.
You want to drop into the Core database and open up the content editor. The right click menu is defined within the sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Context Menus/Default
The items within that folder are what you see when you right-click an item in the tree. So you can add a new item there with a template of Menu Item.
If you look at the existing ones, most of them send a message to the Sitecore Desktop. These messages are the commands defined in /App_Config/Commands.config. I can't see anything in there that would just launch another Sitecore application, so you would need to create a new command to do that. To create one, just inherit from the Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Command class. That passes in a CommandContext which will holds a collection of Items.
public class DemoCommand: Command
#region Overrides of Command
/// <summary>
/// Executes the command in the specified context.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The context.</param>
public override void Execute(CommandContext context)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context");
var parameters = new NameValueCollection();
if (context.Items != null && context.Items.Length == 1)
var item = context.Items[0];
parameters["id"] = item.ID.ToString();
Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "Run", parameters);
public CommandState QueryStat(CommandContext context)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context");
return CommandState.Enabled;
protected static void Run(ClientPipelineArgs args)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
"[Path to your application here]"
To get the item passed over, in your message call - just pass the variable $Target.
So the field Message in the Menu Item would be something like:
Hope that makes sense :)


How to create WizardFormPage dynamically in Sitecore?

We are using the WizardForm xml control for implementing some sort of backend sitecore wizard. We want to add the controls to the pages (or even create new custom pages) on the fly, dynamically depending on the selection done in the previous page.
What I've already done: we called a parent control of the page control on the page (in ActivePageChanging event) and tried to add a new object of type "WizardDialogBaseXmlControl" there. But no new pages are displayed in the frontend. I still see the same number of pages in the browser's dev. tools that I added at design time in xml. I tried "SheerResponse.Redraw()", but that didn't help either.
My next attempt was to create some pages in the xml file at design time and just populate them with controls, but that doesn't work after the wizard has already loaded. Something like "ControlName.Controls.Add(new ControlName())" only works if it is called in the overridden method "OnLoad()".
This code doesn't work:
protected override bool ActivePageChanging(string page, ref string newpage)
if (newpage.Equals(Consts.PrototypeDetailsPageId))
if (IsFormItemSelected(out var formItem))
PrototypeDetailsPanel0.Controls.Add(new Literal("some text"));
SheerResponse.Alert("You must select a form item");
return false;
return base.ActivePageChanging(page, ref newpage);
How can I create a working wizard that adds pages and controls at runtime when they depend on changes on previous pages of the same wizard?
Sitecore WizardForm relies on the newpage parameter to process navigation between steps. So you can prepare alternative versions of wizard steps in advance and set one of them as newpage depending on values entered in the previous step. For example, this is how your code can look like:
protected override bool ActivePageChanging(string page, ref string newpage)
if (newpage.Equals(Consts.PrototypeDetailsPageId))
if (IsFormItemSelected(out var formItem))
newpage = "WizardPageWithAdditionalFields";
SheerResponse.Alert("You must select a form item");
return false;
return base.ActivePageChanging(page, ref newpage);
I also found it useful that wizard forms can be easily created with Interactive Dialogs from PowerShell Extensions.
Just as an alternative solution, here is an example of how you can display multiple dialogs to navigate users through a number of steps:
--Prepare step 1
$options = #{
$props = #{
Parameters = #(
#{Name="selectedOption"; Title="Choose an option"; Options=$options}
Title = "Step 1"
--Display step 1
$result = Read-Variable #props
if($result -ne "ok") { exit }
--Step 2
if($selectedOption -eq "Expected value") {
--Perform additional logic, for example modify #props to include additional steps
$props = #{
--Display step 2
$result = Read-Variable #props

Sitecore custom ribbon button not working

I have created a custom ribbon button following the steps mentioned in
I can see the button appearing in sitecore:
Custom button
Command does not get triggered when clicked on the button.
Below is my code:
using System;
using Sitecore.Shell.Applications.Dialogs.ProgressBoxes;
using Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands;
namespace SitecoreVsPoc.Commands
public class TranslateContent : Command
private static readonly object Monitor = new object();
public override void Execute(CommandContext context)
if (context == null)
ProgressBox.Execute("Arjun", "Title", "Applications/32x32/refresh.png", Refresh);
catch (Exception ex)
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error("Error!", ex, this);
public void Refresh(params object[] parameters)
// Do Stuff
Below is the command I have registered in commands.config:
<command name="contenteditor:translatecontent" type="SitecoreVsPoc.Commands.TranslateContent,SitecoreVsPoc" />
Note: I am using Sitecore 8.2 initial release.
Can someone suggest a solution for this?
In Sitecore 8 it was changed the way you add Ribbon button. As far I see your link is from Sitecore 7 or 6.
To create the new button item for the Experience Editor ribbon:
In the Core database, open the Content Editor and navigate to /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Ribbons/WebEdit/Page Editor/Edit.
Create a new item based on the relevant ribbon control template, for example, the Small Button template. The templates are located at /sitecore/templates/System/Ribbon/.
For the new item, add the following information:
In the Header field, enter the display name of the button.
In the ID field, enter a unique identifier for the item. For example, you can include the ribbon group name in the ID.
In the Icon field, enter the path to the relevant icon. Depending on the button you create, adjust the icon size accordingly.
Open Sitecore Rocks and add the relevant control rendering, for example SmallButton, to the layout of the button item you created.
Enter a unique ID for the rendering.
For other SPEAK controls, you can point to another item in the Data Source field and specify the configuration in this other item.
More informations you can find here:
Before it was very simple, you didn't need to add new code:

Delete confirmation when deleting from floating menu in a page editor in sitecore

I am very new sitecore, working with sitecore 7.
The question is when I am in a page editor, when I delete an item using the floating menu 'delete' function, It just deletes the item.
Customer requirement is to add a confirmation box here. Something like 'are you sure to delete'. and two typical buttons(yes/cancel).
is that even possible? any help would be appreciated.
In the picture below, The red cross, is a delete/remove button. If I click it just deletes. I want to show confirmation upon clicking the button.
Ok, I am writing a custom command.
I have added a new button. The target is this new button will ask if the user wants to remove the component or not. And if user says 'yes' it will do the same as the default built in remove button does.
public class RemoveWithNoti:Sitecore.Shell.Applications.WebEdit.Commands.WebEditCommand
public override void Execute(CommandContext context)
Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "Run", context.Parameters);
protected static void Run(ClientPipelineArgs args)
if (args.IsPostBack)
if (args.HasResult)
//Here I need to call "chrome:rendering:delete" this . I just dont know how to!!
SheerResponse.Confirm("Are you certain that you want to remove this component");
How do I call chrome:rendering:delete from code??
The "chrome:rendering:delete" event is handled on the client side by javascript. Here is the exact places:
/sitecore/shell/Applications/Page Modes/ChromeTypes/RenderingChromeType.js file:
handleMessage: function(message, params, sender) {
switch (message) {
case "chrome:rendering:delete":
You can do something like this in the same file:
deleteControl: function() {
if(confirm('Are you sure to remove this component?')){
var placeholder = this.getPlaceholder();
if (placeholder) {

Issue trying to use Datasource Template in Sitecore sublayout; getting empty Sublayout.Datasource

We've been trying to "componentize" our Sitecore solution as we move forward, in prep for transitioning to Page Editor usage (Woot! Finally!), but we're still practically working primarily with Page templates that may be inheritance-based composites of page specific fields, plus 1:many of these componentized templates. An example of how this looks in our solution is below -- Banner Feature Carousel and Featured Cartoon are some of these new components we're creating:
In the interest of trying to move away from using Sitecore.Context.Item (as I was recently reminded by this post) I've started filling in the Datasource template field on the sublayouts for the new components, and it seems like I've got the appropriate connections made between presentation details, the Sitecore sublayout and the .NET code file (as far as I can tell; again, we're newer to working this way).
I've also tried setting up a base class for these components as per this post by Nick Allen, but here's where I'm running into a problem: When I execute my code, this base class is finding the component Sublayout appropriately (the whole "this.Parent as Sublayout" thing) but, when I go to interrogate the Sublayout.Datasource property, it's an empty string. Here's my code (so far) for this base class:
public class ComponentBase : System.Web.UI.UserControl
private Sublayout Sublayout { get { return Parent as Sublayout; } }
public Item DataSourceItem
return Sublayout != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Sublayout.DataSource) ?
Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(Sublayout.DataSource) : Sitecore.Context.Item;
I'm apparently missing some interplay between the Datasource Template field in the Sitecore sublayout, and how that actually translates to a datasource. Is it because these component templates are being used to compose Page templates? I was thinking that the datasource would just ultimately resolve to the Page template on which the component in question was currently being used, but perhaps that's my misunderstanding.
If anyone could give me any hints of things to check or point me to any resources I might use to get further, I'd appreciate it. I've done quite a bit of asking the Googs, myself, but am just not getting anything that's helping.
Thank you in advance, Sitecore friends!
It looks like you have configured the allowed templates for your sublayout in the steps you describe above. This basically tells Sitecore; 'allow user to select items based on these templates for this sublayout'. This alone does not set up the data source on items using the sublayout. You still need to go into the presentation details for any items using this sublayout, select the sublayout and then set its datasource property (within the content editor go to Presentation > Details > [Sublayout] > Data Source).
My answer to this question gives the source code needed to retrieve the datasource item and to iterate through the sitecore controls on your sublayout setting all of their Item propertys.
Here is the code:
public class SublayoutBase : UserControl
private Item _dataSource;
public Item DataSource
if (_dataSource == null)
if (Parent is Sublayout)
_dataSource =
if (_dataSource == null)
_dataSource = Sitecore.Context.Item;
return _dataSource;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
foreach (Control c in Controls)
SetFieldRenderers(DataSource, c);
private void SetFieldRenderers(Item item, Control control)
if (item != null)
var ctrl = control as Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl;
if (ctrl != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctrl.DataSource))
//don't set the source item if the DataSource has already been set.
if (control is FieldRenderer)
var fr = (FieldRenderer)control;
fr.Item = item;
else if (control is Image)
var img = (Image)control;
img.Item = item;
else if (control is Link)
var link = (Link)control;
link.Item = item;
else if (control is Text)
var text = (Text)control;
text.Item = item;
foreach (Control childControl in control.Controls)
SetFieldRenderers(item, childControl);
When you start using sublayouts on which you will set your datasource try to use the marketplace "Sublayout Parameter Helper". When you use the class they provide as base class and have set everything up right in your Sitecore Environment you will find yourself having a "this.DatasourceItem" -> which will contain your datasource Item, or the context Item if none is given.
To find out more on how datasource works, try searching on There is alot of documentation available that should get you in the right direction. Generally it will be enough to just add a datasource in the sublayout that you can access in your sublayout.
When you read a datasource from a sublayout all it will do is check if the datasource field on that sublayout is filled and will return you information regarding this datasource. So when you add a new component to a page using the page editor (for example a sublayout for a news article) and you have a datasource template defined and filled in during adding this components, you will see that when you check the presentation details on that page a sublyaout with a datasource has been added. The datasource will point to a folder in which you will find an item based on the datasource template you specified on your sublayout. You should also double check this, cause if no datasource is present on the added sublayout it will be obvious you can't access it from your code.
If you are using Sitecore 7 update 1 you can actually now use the attributes. From the Release Notes:
To make it easier to get the data source for a sublayout from
code-behind, the data source is now transferred to the sublayout
control in a "sc_datasource" attribute. (320768)
To get the data source from code, simply refer to

Pass values to content page from programmatically added masterpage menuitem?

I'm working on a project that uses a master page and content pages. My masterpage a navigation bar:
<asp:Menu ID="NavigationMenu" runat="server" CssClass="menu" EnableViewState="false" IncludeStyleBlock="false" Orientation="Horizontal">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/ProjectPage.aspx" Text="Home" />
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/ProductBacklog.aspx" Text="Product Backlog"/>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/SprintBacklog.aspx" Text="Sprint Backlog" />
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/MeetingPage.aspx" Text="Meetings" />
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Burndown.aspx" Text="Burndown"/>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/About.aspx" Text="About Us"/>
On one of my content pages, I dynamically add sub-menu menuitems to my 'Sprint Backlog' menuitem. There is a button, and everytime the user clicks that button, a sub-menuitem is added, so that when the user hovers over 'Sprint Backlog' in the navigation menu, the submenu comes up. I do this by creating a list of menuitems, creating a new menuitem with (shown text, value, navigationURL), adding the menuitem to the list of menuitems, then saving the list to Session:
protected void btSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
menuItemList = (List<MenuItem>)Session["menuItemList"];
if (menuItemList == null)
menuItemList = new List<MenuItem>();
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem("Sprint " + sprintNumber, sprintNumber.ToString(), "SprintBacklog.aspx");
Session["menuItemList"] = menuItemList;
In the code-behind for my masterpage, I create a list of menuitems, set the value of the instance of the menuitem from Session, and add childitems to the navigationmenu at the appropriate index. The childitem I am adding are the menuitems from the list of menuitems.
List<MenuItem> menuItemList;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
menuItemList = (List<MenuItem>)Session["menuItemList"];
if (menuItemList != null)
foreach (MenuItem menuitem in menuItemList)
I know that I gave these childitems a value when I created them, but my problem is accessing those values when I am loading the SprintBacklog.aspx content page. Whenever a user clicks on one of the childitems, it will always navigate to SprintBacklog.aspx, but the contents of that page should differ according to which child item they clicked. I need a way to know which childitem they clicked, and access that value to populate my content page.
If someone has a better way for me to carry this whole thing out, I am open for suggestions and change. Otherwise, if my setup can work, and there is a way for me to extract the value of the clicked childitem, I'd really like to know that.
I know if I hard-code the childitems in my masterpage, I can easily get the value, but my problem is that I'm creating the submenu childitems dynamically, and I'm not sure how to access it.
Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks!
It's been a long time since I asked this question, and I'm not familiar with how masterpages work anymore, but if anyone is experiencing anything similar, I may have a suggestion.
Each menu item I was creating was linking to SprintBacklog.aspx like so:
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem("Sprint " + sprintNumber, sprintNumber.ToString(), "SprintBacklog.aspx");
What I should have done was link to SprintBacklog.aspx, but also add a parameter to the request with the sprint ID.
Then the controller which handles the rendering of SprintBacklog.aspx would read the parameter and fetch the appropriate data to render.