Artificial intelligence libraries [closed] - c++

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for C and C++ implementations of artificial intelligence algorithms useful in games. Some of the ones I am most interested in are reinforcement learning algorithms, genetic algorithms and neural networks. Any others are interesting too, however.
I have found which has some very fascinating machine learning algorithms, but these don't seem particularly geared towards games.
The licenses I can use are the Boost Software License, the Zlib/Libpng license, and public domain. Any recommendations of libraries that fall under any of these licenses would be highly appreciated.

AI is a huge field, so just saying "useful in games" doesn't mean too much. This probably isn't exactly what you're looking for, but you may be able to get some use out of Alchemy:
"Alchemy is a software package providing a series of algorithms for statistical relational learning and probabilistic logic inference, based on the Markov logic representation. Alchemy allows you to easily develop a wide range of AI applications, including:
Collective classification
Link prediction
Entity resolution
Social network modeling
Information extraction"

Even if you wanted a library, I would highly recommend to program artificial intelligence by yourself. It may not be that easy, but programming does (in my view) not mean using other peoples work.
A short introduction to the study of AI can be found here.. (needs some seconds to load..)
If you can not assimilate to the thought of programming on your own, I heard about "Kynapse" being a very nice AI SDK for middleware programs.
I hope this helps somehow


GPU programming on Clojure? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm wondering what if any GPU integration libraries exist for Clojure?
I've seen examples of this that involve hand-rolling OpenCL code, but I'm specifically I'm looking for something similar to Anacoda accelerate, which translates Numpy Python expressions to CUDA code relatively seamlessly.
I'm open to either OpenCL or Cuda approaches.
here is a project that recently started on github Its seems more like an experiment and its quite impressive!
There is a Google Summer of Code project proposal to add a GPU matrix implementation to core.matrix:
Once completed, this project would allow large vector/matrix expressions to be optimised and executed on GPUs.
Disclaimer: I'm a possible mentor for this project.
clojureCL was released a few months after this question was posted. It looks like it offers a more idiomatic interpretation of the standard interface, but it is not a tool that would transform Clojure math / vector operations into OpenCL operations (I think that that is what the OP is looking for?)
[ClojureCL] brings a lot of power, but do not expect it to be an easy ride if you’ve never programmed anything on the GPU or embedded devices. With ClojureCL, it is not [as] difficult as in C (OpenCL Hello World in C is a hundred lines of source code, in ClojureCL it’s only a few), ...
The good news is that you can use any OpenCL book to learn ClojureCL, and we even provide ClojureCL code for the examples used in the OpenCL in Action book.
An old topic but now we have clojurecuda, which is a wrapper on JCuda!
It won't give you automagic speedup on things but at least Neanderthal is a higher level library for linear algebra.

Secure Network Programming using C++/C [closed]

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Closed 24 days ago.
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I am trying to implement a secure network/client communication using sockets. I am having hard time finding information on how to do so. The only thing that seems to be out there is OpenSSL, but the library seems to be very complicated to use.
Is there an easier library to use that is secure ? If not then what is good documentation to get started on secure programming.
For encryption there are multiple libraries are present.If you have not been saying that OpenSSL is complex then I highly suggest you OpenSSL.But now in your case , I suggest you to try
its API style and programming paradigms take a little getting used to but you would like it in the end. It provides a wide range of symmetric and asymmetric algorithms with much flexibility. You can find a high level overview and sample codes. It is an easy library to integrate into projects.It is portable across several platforms.
TomCrypt is lightweight and simple. As for quality, TomCrypt is widely accepted as top-quality encryption. Also, it's license is public domain which avoids the attribution hassle for your documentation that BSD licenses give you when writing commercial software.
Crypto++is also a very well reputed libraryTake a look at these libraries as well
google's KeyCZar , botan and Capicom.I hope this anwer will help you :)
Boost.Asio abstracts some of the OpenSSL lower level functions: examples
Keep in mind you have to be careful and it is easy to think that you have a secure system when in fact you do not. Just using OpenSSL doesn't guarantee security. It needs to be used correctly.
The Most Dangerous Code in the World: Validating SSL Certificates in Non-Browser Software

Library for Trust-Region Reflective algorithms in C [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to rebuild some Matlab code in C that uses their fsolve function. From the documentation it's using a "trust region reflective" algorithm (I already built it using a Levenberg-marquardt algorithm and it's converging completely differently). Can anyone recommend a library for doing this type of optimization in C/C++ ?
Not sure what "reflective" adds to the "trust region" definition. However, Knitro is a powerful trust-region interior-point optimizer with a C/C++ interface. Unfortunately, Knitro is only available without cost in a limited edition for students; the full version requires a commercial license.
There is also Ipopt, which is not trust-region but nevertheless a powerful C/C++ based large-scale nonlinear constrained optimization engine with an open-source license.
Have you tried checking if your function is convex, if LM and some other convex optimization algorithm converge differently, there is a good chance that the base function is not convex. Also have you checked if the cost function is at least of order 2. If this is the case minimizing the square of the cost function can be better than minimizing the cost function alone.
There are two types of general-purpose algorithms for which there is a global convergence guarantee (under standard assumptions, don't ask :) ). These methods are the line search and the trust region methods. If you wish, you can read more on this topic in the book of Nocedal-Wright: Numerical Optimization.
I haven't tried Knitro recently.
Ipopt is the most robust solver among those I have tried, I highly recommend it. It implements the line search method and is written in C++.

Implementing licensing checking library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am working on a small cross platform product for Windows and Mac written in C++/Obj-C. I have been asked to implement a licensing module for the same. This task is part of a very ambitious project to introduce licensing for all our products. At the end of it, we will have a complete licensing scheme where we will be able to sell licenses to our customers which support yearly renewals, license levels, etc. My problem is that I do not know the first thing about implementing license checkers. Can any one point me to some how-to's for the same? Are there any open source licensing modules around that I can study?
I use a system of Partial Key Verification (PKV), and I've implemented this in C# with a PHP generator. Google will come up with various hits, explanations, and implementations; but Brandon Staggs wrote a good overview (albeit in Delphi!), here:
PKV works by encoding certain information (license type, serial number product, date, etc) in the key along with a hash of the user name, and hashes of the encoded information. Much of the key actually consists of multiple one char hashes. The idea is that you only check a subset of these hashes. The exact subset that issued can be changed over time for some security and to protect against certain kinds of reverse engineering.
I would also encrypt the key to help obfuscate what each char in the license means. Otherwise someone with multiple keys might determine certain char positions mean certain things ("oh, chars 3-4 are the serial number"). This might be a chink in your armour!
Any license system you develop is going to be imperfect. It will be crackable, and if your products are popular, will be cracked. However there's a strong argument that a license system exists to keep the honest people honest, and produce enough hurdles for the slightly dishonest people - but not so many hurdles that it becomes too much of an inconvenience (eg. I'm generally against hardware locking). Those who do hack your system probably weren't going to pay for it anyway.

Open Source & Cross Platform Multiplayer/Networking Libraries? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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While raknet seems fairly interesting and really appealing from a feature-point of view, its licensing terms seem to be possibly troublesome for GPL'ed projects that may be leveraged commercially, something which is explicitly forbidden by the terms of the creative commons license.
While there's also opentnl, it doesn't seem to be as actively maintained anymore nowadays, in fact downloading the latest stable tarball even fails during compilation because it doesn't seem to support gcc >= 3.0 (?)
Of course, there's still also enet, but this one cannot be really compared to the abstract features that are supported by raknet/opentnl.
So, apart from any non-trivial dependencies such as ACE, Boost or Poco, are there any viable alternatives for embedding a fairly compact, well-maintained UDP-networking library?
The wiki of Ogre3D provides a list of networking libraries and a short description for them.
Though this answer comes late to the party, I'm using OpenTNL for my game, Bitfighter, and I really like it. I use it on OS X, Windows, and Linux without a hitch. True, it's not maintained by its creator, but when I get the time, I'm going to create a new SourceForge project for it so people have a place to post their patches. It's stable and (fairly) well documented, so I would recommend giving it another look.
I have been looking for something very similar, but to no avail. So, I decided to create my own C++ Networking Library, at the time of this writing it isn't complete, but will be very soon. I will keep you up to date if your interested in trying it out. It's features so far are TCP/UDP, IPv4, IPv6 Async/Sync and multicasting. If there are any other features you have in mind that should be implemented, just let me know :)
Unfortunately network programming tends to be non-trivial.
Said that you would be advised to get aquainted with the network programming facilities from either Boost or ACE, as both are mature libraries that have been successfully employed in many applications.
I would also suggest to read C++ Network Programming: Mastering Complexity Using ACE and Patterns and C++ Network Programming: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks