Updating FBX SDK Model loading from 2012.2 to 2014.1 SDK - c++

I've just ported over and updated a bunch of FBX model loading code I had that worked with Direct X 10 to try and make it work with Direct X 11. Since that time, the FBX SDK I was using has been updated.
In my old program I linked to the following lib:
Now, clearly I can't link to this as I don't have 2012.2 on my system. So, my thinking would be simply changing 2012.2 to 2014.1, but this didn't work and lead to the following error:
error LNK1104: cannot open file 'fbxsdk-2014.1-mdd.lib'
So I tried to some googleing to see what the updated version of fbxsdk-2012.2-mdd.lib is. But I can't find anything. I tried taking out linking ot the 2014.1 lib but I get the following errors:
Error 36 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl fbxsdk_2014_1::FbxAssert(char const *,char const *,unsigned int,char const *)" (?FbxAssert#fbxsdk_2014_1##YAXPBD0I0#Z) referenced in function "public: int & __thiscall fbxsdk_2014_1::FbxArray::operatorconst " (??A?$FbxArray#H#fbxsdk_2014_1##QBEAAHH#Z)
So, looking in the FBX sample directory I opened up the ViewScene sample to see what it lib it linked to and I see that it wanted the following:
So I did the same. But, my program claims it cannot open the file. And I'm at a loss as to what to do next.
Has anyone successfully managed to load FBX models into a Directx 11 application using 2014.1? If so, what do I need to do to get the correct lib linked?

had a similar problem this is what i did ...i read it around here in stackoverflow somewhere
"first change parameters, tools->option->debugging->symbol->server,yes thenCtrl+F5,then you will see amazing things "

libfbxsdk-md.lib is in both debug/release lib folders, so Visual Studio is confused. The full debug/release lib folder path in the Visual Studio property pages must be included separately for debug/release settings.


Google Protocol buffer c++ link error when trying to use it in project

I am trying to get protocol buffer to work but linking problems occurs.
All the errors looks something along like this
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __cdecl google::protobuf::MessageLite::ParseFromArray(void const *,int)" (?ParseFromArray#MessageLite#protobuf#google##QEAA_NPEBXH#Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl ReceiveRequest(bool *)" (?ReceiveRequest##YAXPEA_N#Z)
I am using visual studio pro 2013 and this is what I have done:
I compiled the protocol buffer and added the libprotobuf.lib to the project(Add->Existing Item->libprotobuf.lib)
I've added the header files in C/C++ -> General -> "Additional Include Directories"
I have tried to add the library all the different ways I know but I still get these linking errors...
Any idea what I might have done wrong?
// Eric
You need to include the generated protocol buffer .cc (and maybe the .h) file (ie the file with the specific getters and setters for your specific proto) in your VS project (ie there has to be a little icon for them in the solution explorer) or else visual studio won't generate the code for it and thus there's nothing to link to.
Make sure you have the correct libraries for your architecture (e.g. x86 / x64).
That has caught me out a few times.

SFML and VS2013 - WinMain/main linker error

I am trying to use SFML with Visual Studio 2013 using the tutorial on the SFML website and using their sample code (replacing main() with WinMain()) but I'm getting the linker error:
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function _WinMain#16
I am referencing the libs:
and I am pointing correctly to the 'include' and 'lib' folders in my Project Properties.
I have tried using 'main()' with sfml-main-d.lib referenced and 'WinMain()' without it referenced and I still get the linker error.
Any suggestions?
Thank you for your time
Okay I seem to have solved it but don't know how. I'll do my best to explain to anyone else who is stuck:
I started a new project again with a fresh download of SFML 32-bit for VS2013.
I added sfml-main-d.lib and sfml-main.lib to my referenced libs (for debug and release respectively) and then use "int main()..." instead of "int __stdcall WinMain()" and it linked and compiled correctly.
I thought I had already tried this combination but I guess maybe not.
Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this question and to Elried for commenting.

Qt Link Issue with MyClass::metaobject VS2005

Just quickly before I start, I have searched SO and Google for a length of time trying to solve this and have been unsuccessful.
I am trying to compile my project, which used to use a certain library for providing GUI functionality based on Windows Forms. Now my company has started to move to Qt, and I decided I would start to convert my small application to support Qt also.
At first it would not compile at all, due to missing headers. Now that is sorted, I am stuck with my final .exe not being able to link due to the following errors.
Creating library Bin\VS_V8\Win32\Debug\Disp.lib and object Bin\VS_V8\Win32\Debug\Disp.exp
QtMainMenu.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual struct QMetaObject const * __thiscall QtMainMenu::metaObject(void)const " (?metaObject#QtMainMenu##UBEPBUQMetaObject##XZ)
QtMainMenu.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void * __thiscall QtMainMenu::qt_metacast(char const *)" (?qt_metacast#QtMainMenu##UAEPAXPBD#Z)
QtMainMenu.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual int __thiscall QtMainMenu::qt_metacall(enum QMetaObject::Call,int,void * *)" (?qt_metacall#QtMainMenu##UAEHW4Call#QMetaObject##HPAPAX#Z)
Bin\VS_V8\Win32\Debug\Disp.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals
Our company has a small "Qt Test App" that was written to play around with, which is where I have based my import from. I can compile and link that fine. From what I have gathered, the following properties must be met with Qt files:
Make sure QTDir is included
Add to the UI Files the UIC Compiler
Add to the Resoruce Files the Resource Compiler
Add to the created Header Files the MOC compiler.
I noticed I was missing the MOC Build Tool commands, so I have added them to my UI File's header. However this didnt change the linking problem. I read that I should delete all built files and do a clean to solve it. This didnt work either.
I have checked, and Q_OBJECT is defined in the class.
I am using VS2005 with the Qt Addin. I did not start a new project for Qt however, I am just using the old Visual Studio Solution / VCProj.
Any ideas where to go next?
#Cameron Stubber you need moc object .. You need to modify Custom Build Step.
You can find Custom Build Step in header file (which has Q_OBJECT) Properties by right click. Then type this commands ;
Command Line = $(QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe -I"$(QTDIR)\include\QtCore" -I"$(QTDIR)\include\QtGui" -I"$(QTDIR)\include" -I"$(QTDIR)\mkspecs\$(QMAKESPEC)" finddialog.h -o debug\moc_finddialog.cpp
Description = MOC finddialog.h
Outputs = debug\moc_finddialog.cpp
Additional Dependencies = $(QTDIR)\bin\moc.exe;finddialog.h
But carefull by writing this types you need to change somethings here like $(QTDIR) it is my enviroment variables you need to write full form of where your QT located like D:\qt_5\
and also you need to be carefull finddialog you should write your .h and .cpp files name
And then you need to create a folder by right clicking solution explorer Add\New Filter .. Make folder name as Generated Files
And last step right click Generated Files add\existing item and you will see Debug folder in your solution Project and add moc_"projectName".cpp
Then re-build your solution. Problem will be solved.
Also you should add C/C++ /General/Additional Library Directories
And Link/General/Additional Library Directories
Link/Input/Additional Dependencies
But dont forget to change $(QTDIR) to your enviroment variables or location of your qt folder. Like D:\qt_4.7.4

CCTMXTiledMap (Cocos2d-x) Error on Windows Phone 8

I tried putting this into the code but no success
CCTMXTiledMap* map = CCTMXTiledMap::tiledMapWithTMXFile("TileMaps/orthogonal-test2.tmx");
I have the following error:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static class cocos2d::CCTMXTiledMap * __cdecl cocos2d::CCTMXTiledMap::tiledMapWithTMXFile(char const *)"
Can someone offer me a solution? Thank you.
I also got this problem when I test the tile map with Hello World project. The author maybe forgot including all source code into that project. And the error happens because missing CPP files for tile map. To solve this, add all files under the folder "cocos2dx/tileMap_parallax_nodes" into current project.
Screen shot:
I met the same error, because my project miss the source (implementation) file for CCTMXT...
Guys its not working in cocos2d-x version 3.3 its working in v3.2
Check out, It will run in windows phone. I got the output
add tmx file in assets folder in visual studio
TMXTiledMap* platform = TMXTiledMap::create("Tile.tmx");

How to add cpp files to Visual Studio 2008?

I'm trying to add Beecrypt library to my project. First i have added header files but after attempting to create an object i'm receiving the following errors:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: virtual __thiscall beecrypt::security::SecureRandom::~SecureRandom(void)" (__imp_??1SecureRandom#security#beecrypt##UAE#XZ) referenced in function _wmain
As far as i understand it is due to the absence of cpp files. Ok. Then i'm trying to add cpp files but whatever folder i put them i still receive the same error. For example SecureRandom.h is situated:
Where should i put SecureRandom.cpp to get rid of that error? I've already tried all levels of folders. Or maybe that error is caused by something else? Thanks a lot in advance
Simplest way is to Just drag and drop them to your project in the solutions explorer.
Follow the steps given in the link below on MSDN website:
Adding a Source File.