Refreshing with repaint() stops working - c++

Today I encountered a problem with repaint() function from QT libraries. Long story short, I got a slot where I train my neural network using BP algorithm. I had tested the whole algorithm in console and then wanted to move it into GUI Application. Everything works fine except refreshing. Training of neural networks is a process containing a lot of computations, which are made in bp_alg function (training) and licz_mse function (counting a current error). Variable ilosc_epok can be set up to 1e10. Therefore the whole process may last even several hours. Thats why I wanted to display a current progress after each 100000 epochs (the last if contition). wyniki is an object of QTextEdit class used for displaying the progress. Unfortunately, repaint() doesnt work as intended. At the beginning it refreshes wyniki in GUI, but after some random time it stops working. When the external loop is finished, it refreshes once again showing all changes.
I tried to change frequency of refreshing, but sooner or later it always stops (unless the whole training process stops early enough because of satisfying the break condition). It looks like at some moment of time the application decides to stop refreshing because of too many computations. Imo it shouldnt happen. I was looking for a solution among older questions and managed to solve the problem when I used qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents); instead of wyniki->repaint();. However, Im still curious why repaint() stops working just like that.
Below I paste a part of the code with the problematic part. Im using QT Creator 2.4.1 and QT Libraries 4.8.1 if it helps.
unsigned long int ile_epok;
double mse_w_epoce;
for (ile_epok=0; ile_epok<ilosc_epok; ile_epok++) { //external loop of training
mse_w_epoce = 0;
for (int i=0; i<zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[0]; i++) { //internal loop of training
alg_bp(zbior_uczacy[i], &zbior_uczacy[i][zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[1]]);
mse_w_epoce += licz_mse(&zbior_uczacy[i][zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[1]]);
//checking break condition
if (mse_w_epoce < warunek_stopu) {
wyniki->append("Zakończono uczenie po " + QString::number(ile_epok) + " epokach, osiągając MSE: " + QString::number(mse_w_epoce));
//problematic part
if ((ile_epok+1)%(100000) == 0) {
wyniki->append("Uczenie w toku, po " + QString::number(ile_epok+1) + " epokach MSE wynosi: " + QString::number(mse_w_epoce));

You're blocking your GUI thread, so repaints will not work, it's just plainly bad design. You're never supposed to block the GUI thread.
If you insist on doing the work in the GUI thread, you must forcibly chop the work into small chunks and return to the main event loop after each chunk. Nested event loops are evil, so don't even think you'd want one. All this has a bad code smell, so stay away.
Alternatively, simply move your computation QObject to a worker thread and do the work there.
The code below demonstrates both techniques. It's easy to notice that the chopping-up-of-work requires to maintain loop state inside of the worker object, not merely locally in the loop. It's messier, the code smells bad, again - avoid it.
The code works under both Qt 4.8 and 5.1.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QThread>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QBasicTimer>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QPlainTextEdit>
#include <QPushButton>
class Helper : private QThread {
using QThread::usleep;
class Trainer : public QObject {
float m_stopMSE;
int m_epochCounter;
QBasicTimer m_timer;
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent * ev);
Trainer(QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent), m_stopMSE(1.0) {}
Q_SLOT void startTraining() {
m_epochCounter = 0;
m_timer.start(0, this);
Q_SLOT void moveToGUIThread() { moveToThread(qApp->thread()); }
Q_SIGNAL void hasNews(const QString &);
float stopMSE() const { return m_stopMSE; }
void setStopMSE(float m) { m_stopMSE = m; }
void Trainer::timerEvent(QTimerEvent * ev)
const int updateTime = 50; //ms
const int maxEpochs = 5000000;
if (ev->timerId() != m_timer.timerId()) return;
QElapsedTimer t;
while (1) {
// do the work here
float currentMSE;
#if 0
for (int i=0; i<zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[0]; i++) { //internal loop of training
alg_bp(zbior_uczacy[i], &zbior_uczacy[i][zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[1]]);
currentMSE += licz_mse(&zbior_uczacy[i][zbior_uczacy_rozmiary[1]]);
Helper::usleep(100); // pretend we're busy doing some work
currentMSE = 2E4/m_epochCounter;
// bail out if we're done
if (currentMSE <= m_stopMSE || m_epochCounter >= maxEpochs) {
QString s = QString::fromUtf8("Zakończono uczenie po %1 epokach, osiągając MSE: %2")
emit hasNews(s);
// send out periodic updates
// Note: QElapsedTimer::elapsed() may be expensive, so we don't call it all the time
if ((m_epochCounter % 128) == 1 && t.elapsed() > updateTime) {
QString s = QString::fromUtf8("Uczenie w toku, po %1 epokach MSE wynosi: %2")
emit hasNews(s);
// return to the event loop if we're in the GUI thread
if (QThread::currentThread() == qApp->thread()) break; else t.restart();
class Window : public QWidget {
QPlainTextEdit *m_log;
QThread *m_worker;
Trainer *m_trainer;
Q_SIGNAL void startTraining();
Q_SLOT void showNews(const QString & s) { m_log->appendPlainText(s); }
Q_SLOT void on_startGUI_clicked() {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_trainer, "moveToGUIThread");
emit startTraining();
Q_SLOT void on_startWorker_clicked() {
emit startTraining();
Window(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0) :
QWidget(parent, f), m_log(new QPlainTextEdit), m_worker(new QThread(this)), m_trainer(new Trainer)
QGridLayout * l = new QGridLayout(this);
QPushButton * btn;
btn = new QPushButton("Start in GUI Thread");
l->addWidget(btn, 0, 0, 1, 1);
btn = new QPushButton("Start in Worker Thread");
l->addWidget(btn, 0, 1, 1, 1);
l->addWidget(m_log, 1, 0, 1, 2);
connect(m_trainer, SIGNAL(hasNews(QString)), SLOT(showNews(QString)));
m_trainer->connect(this, SIGNAL(startTraining()), SLOT(startTraining()));
~Window() {
delete m_trainer;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Window w;;
return a.exec();
#include "main.moc"


Style Sheet ignored on class inherited from QWidget [duplicate]

I have several custom widget in my current project. I wish to apply stylesheets to them and when I do so inside Qt Creator, it appears to work. However, when executing the program, no stylesheet is used. The stylesheets for the Qt widgets are working normally.
Does anyone have any advice?
#include <QList>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QPainter>
#include <Widgets/JECButton.h>
#include <Unit.h>
#include <Time.h>
namespace Ui
class WidgetUnits;
class WidgetUnits : public QWidget
explicit WidgetUnits(QWidget *parent = 0);
void setNumTimes(const int& numTimes);
public slots:
void updatePictures(const Time* time);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
void checkNewQueue(const QList<QList<Unit*>*>* units);
Ui::WidgetUnits *ui;
const int pictureWidth; // The width of the Unit pictures.
const int pictureHeight; // The height of the Unit pictures.
QList<QList<JECButton*>*> buttonPictures; // The Units' pictures. The outer QList stores the QList of pictures for a given tick.
// The inner QList stores the JECButtons for the specific tick.
#include "WidgetUnits.h"
#include "ui_WidgetUnits.h"
WidgetUnits::WidgetUnits(QWidget *parent):
ui(new Ui::WidgetUnits),
delete ui;
void WidgetUnits::updatePictures(const Time *time)
// Only showing units that started to get built this turn.
// Updating the position of the remaining pictures (after some were removed).
// Checking the maximum number of Units made in one tick.
int maxNewQueue = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < buttonPictures.length(); ++a)
if (>length() > maxNewQueue)
maxNewQueue =>length();
if (buttonPictures.length() > 0)
this->setGeometry(0, 0, buttonPictures.length() * 130,
maxNewQueue * (pictureWidth + 10) + 20);
QList<JECButton*>* tickButtons = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < buttonPictures.length(); ++a)
tickButtons =;
for (int b = 0; b < tickButtons->length(); ++b)
tickButtons->at(b)->move(a * 130, b * (pictureHeight + 10));
void WidgetUnits::checkNewQueue(const QList<QList<Unit *> *> *units)
if (units != 0)
const Unit* currentUnit = 0;
JECButton* currentButton = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < units->length(); ++a)
buttonPictures.append(new QList<JECButton*>());
for (int b = 0; b < units->at(a)->length(); ++b)
currentUnit = units->at(a)->at(b);
// Verifying that there is an item in the queue and the queue action was started this turn.
if (currentUnit->getQueue() != 0 && currentUnit->getAction()->getTimeStart() == currentUnit->getAction()->getTimeCurrent()
&& (currentUnit->getAction()->getType() == Action::BUILD || currentUnit->getAction()->getType() == Action::TRAIN ||
currentUnit->getAction()->getType() == Action::UPGRADE))
buttonPictures.last()->append(new JECButton(this));
currentButton = buttonPictures.last()->last();
QImage* image = new QImage(currentUnit->getQueue()->getUnitBase()->getImage().scaled(pictureWidth, pictureHeight));
currentButton->setGeometry(0, 0, currentButton->getImage().width(),
currentButton->setColorHover(QColor(0, 0, 225));
currentButton->setColorPressed(QColor(120, 120, 120));
void WidgetUnits::setNumTimes(const int &numTimes)
// Appending new button lists for added ticks.
for (int a = buttonPictures.length(); a < numTimes; ++a)
buttonPictures.append(new QList<JECButton*>());
void WidgetUnits::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
The widget is visible- I set a tooltip which it showed me (It's just the same color of the QScrollArea it's sitting in).
I had a similar problem and it was solved using jecjackal's comment. As sjwarner said, it would be much more noticeable in the form of an answer. So I'll provide it. For the benefit of any future viewers. Again, it isn't my answer! Appreciate jecjackal for it!
As it is said in the Qt's stylesheets reference, applying CSS styles to custom widgets inherited from QWidget requires reimplementing paintEvent() in that way:
void CustomWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QStyleOption opt;
QPainter p(this);
style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);
Without doing it your custom widgets will support only the background, background-clip and background-origin properties.
You can read about it here: Qt Stylesheets reference in the section "List of Stylable Widgets" -> QWidget.
There is an answer much easier than writing your own paintEvent: subclass QFrame instead of QWidget and it will work right away:
class WidgetUnits : public QFrame
For completeness, the same problem is present in PyQt. You can apply a stylesheet to a subclassed QWidget by adding similar code:
def paintEvent(self, pe):
opt = QtGui.QStyleOption()
p = QtGui.QPainter(self)
s =
s.drawPrimitive(QtGui.QStyle.PE_Widget, opt, p, self)
I had same problem with pyside. I post my solution just for completeness.
It is almost like in PyQt as Pieter-Jan Busschaert proposed.
only difference is you need to call initFrom instead of init
def paintEvent(self, evt):
opt = QtGui.QStyleOption()
p = QtGui.QPainter(self)
s =
s.drawPrimitive(QtGui.QStyle.PE_Widget, opt, p, self)
One other thing you need to make sure is that you define your custom widget in your css file the following way:
and not like often recommended
Calling setAttribute(Qt::WA_StyledBackground, true) for the custom widget worked for me.
Setting Qt::WA_StyledBackground to true only works if you remember to add Q_OBJECT to your class. With these two changes you don't need to reimplement paintEvent.

QT doesn't properly processes events in loop

I want to repeat the action performed in a SLOT until a qpushbutton is down.So I've done the following connections:
and I've implemented the SLOTS in the following way
void My_class::button_hold(){
//CLASS ATTRIBUTE key_is_released , i
int wait_lock = 500;
if(wait_lock > 50) wait_lock -= 50;
key_is_released = false;
void My_class::button_released(){
key_is_released = true;
The goal is to repeat the action in the button_hod() Slot (In the example it's to increase i) even more quickly decreasing wait_lock and keeping the button down.The issue is that if i click button two times or more in a quick way the loop never ends,like if processEvents() would not work.The firts msleep is used in order to do not enter the loop (i is increased just once)if the button is just clicked and it is not keep down too long.If i do not click quickly but I keep down the button the method works well.
What am I doing wrong?
Reentering the event loop is a bad idea, and leads to spaghetti code.
Qt provides a wonderful state machine system with UML semantics. It's often best to model the system you're designing as a state machine. Here, there are two states: an idle state, and an active state: the value is incremented periodically while active.
The state machine decouples the Ui particulars (a button) from the core functionality: that of a periodically incrementing value.
Ideally, you would also factor out the state machine and the value to a controller class, and only connect the controller and the Ui from main() or a similar function.
#include <QtWidgets>
#include <type_traits>
class Ui : public QWidget {
int m_value = -1;
QStateMachine m_machine{this};
QState m_idle{&m_machine}, m_active{&m_machine};
QVBoxLayout m_layout{this};
QPushButton m_button{"Hold Me"};
QLabel m_indicator;
QTimer m_timer;
void setValue(int val) {
if (m_value == val) return;
m_value = val;
void step() {
if (m_value < std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_value)>::max())
setValue(m_value + 1);
Ui(QWidget * parent = {}) : QWidget(parent) {
m_idle.addTransition(&m_button, &QPushButton::pressed, &m_active);
m_active.addTransition(&m_button, &QPushButton::released, &m_idle);
connect(&m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Ui::step);
connect(&m_active, &QState::entered, [this]{
connect(&m_active, &QState::exited, &m_timer, &QTimer::stop);
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QApplication app{argc, argv};
Ui ui;;
return app.exec();
#include "main.moc"
The problem was that clicking fast let say 10 times ,the release slot was called yet 10 times before entering in the loop, so key_is_released would be never updated again to true.Instead the button_hold slot was not yet been called for ten times.So adding a counter, increasing it in the button_hold slot and decreasing it in the release slot and adding a second condition counter>0 besides !key_is_released in the while loop fixes all.(It enters the loop only if not all the release slot have been run)

Implementing QTimer to execute a function for a given time

I have a function that should send data to a raspberry pi for a given period of time depending on the parameter.
namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
QUdpSocket udpSocket;
// movement Timer
QTimer* movementTimer;
private slots:
void sendDatagram(); // Sends to the RaspberryPi
void processFrameAndUpdateGUI();
void turnLeft(double time);
void turnRight(double time);
void goStraight(double time);
void MovRobot();
// MainWindow.cpp
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
movementTimer = new QTimer(this);
//send datagram sends data to tehe PI.
connect(movementTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(sendDatagram()));
MovRobot(); // MovRobot() function
// controls robot to turn left for specified time
void TurnLeft(double time)
s = 1; // sets the value to be sent to the PI.
//sendDatagram() slot
void MainWindow::sendDatagram() {
QString datagramOutput = "start," +
QString::number(w) + ',' + QString::number(a) + ',' +
QString::number(s) + ',' + QString::number(d) + ',' +
QString::number(ui->motorSpeedSlider->value()) + ',' +
datagramOutput += ",end";
QByteArray datagram;
QDataStream out(&datagram,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << datagramOutput;
//MovRobot Function;
void MainWindow :: MovRobot() {
if (ui->pushButton_3->isChecked()) {
MapArea(); // This function maps the area....
// final_plan is a vector<Point2i> that stores positions on the map for
// the robot to move to
for (int i = 0; i < final_plan.size(); i++) {
for (int j = final_plan.size() - 1; j>=0; j--) {
do {
Mat src;
bool bsuccess =;
if (!bsuccess) {
ui->label_34->setText("Status: Can't read frame.");
// AngleToGoal calculates the angle of the robot relative
// to the final goal.
double tempAngle = AngletoGoal(final_plan[i][j]);
if (tempAngle>=0) {
else {
double tempDistance = DistancetoGoal(final_plan[i][j]);
} while (DistancetoGoal(final_plan[i][j])<20);
The timer should only send the data over to the PI for the duration it in time sendDatagram is the function that sends the data over to the Pi. Is there anything I'm missing here. The timer doesn't start inside the TurnLeft() function and doesn't run at all. Am I going about this wrong?
EDIT: 13/03/2016:
My apologies for the late reply. I've been quite sick the past few days. I've added the relevant parts of the code. MovRobot() is the main function responsible for the movement and this is called in the constructor for MainWindow. I have debugged and stepped through the program and yes, TurnLeft() is called. However, the sendDatagram() slot doesn't actually send anything in the function. To confirm sendDatagram() was actually working, I used another timer to continuously send information to the PI on the robot to control the arm.
// Header File
QTimer* tmrTimer;
private slot:
void processFrameAndUpdateGUI();
// MainWindow Constructor:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
connect(tmrTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(processFrameAndUpdateGUI()));
void MainWindow::processFrameAndUpdateGUI() {
The sendDatagram() slot is pretty much the same with the exception of me changing what values are being sent to the PI and this seems to work perfectly.
However, my original problem is, I would like to send the data to the robot with for a specified amount of time as that makes the robot turn x degrees. This is why I've made movementTimer() single shot.
Stepping through my program, I know this line is called within my TurnLeft function.
but the sendDatagram() slot itself doesn't actually send anything to the PI.
Based on your code. The program never called TurnLeft(). So the timer never started. It will be better to start the timer in constrator instead.
timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(MySlot()));
I would try setting the timer to start in the constructor.

Spawning waves of enemies C++

I'm creating a simple game with qt 5.0.1. It's something like Warblade.
I have problem with creating waves of enemies.
int k;
int pos = 100;
for (k = 0; k < 5; k++)
pos = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
pos += 100;
When i use sleep() function, my game just can't run. It's waiting for loop finish and then it shows.
I'm also dealing with second option:
QTimer * timer = new QTimer();
QObject::connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), player, SLOT(spawn_in_pos(pos)) );
But it looks like SLOT can't get the position.
I just did what #ddriver said, and that helped me a lot.
Now I'm getting some 'laggy' style enemies movement.
I'm moving my enemies down like this:
with that timer:
// connect
QTimer * timer = new QTimer(this);
// start the timer
It looks like very smooth movement but probably +1 pixel down and a 10 timer is to less:((
I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve, but in your second option, you cannot get the position, because the timeout doesn't send it.
The signal is timeout(void) and your slot expects an parameter. I guess you lack some basic understanding of the signal/slot mechanism.
The QT Documentation is pretty neat:
And if you just want to create a game out of nothing, here you can find a little tutorial, how to write games in QT:
Calling sleep is going to stop the thread from processing anything, which is not what you want to do.
Using C++ 11, you can use the QTimer with a lambda function like this: -
int pos = 100;
int nextWaveTime = 2000; // 2 seconds per wave
for (k = 0; k < 5; k++) // 5 waves of enemies
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) // 9 enemies per wave
QTimer * timer = new QTimer();
pos = pos + (100*i); // set the pos, which is captured by value, in the lambda function
QObject::connect( timer, QTimer::timeout, [=](){
timer->deleteLater(); // must cleanup the timer
timer->start(450 + (k*nextWaveTime));
In order to pass parameters with signals and slots in Qt, the signal parameters must match the parameters of the slot (or function since Qt 5).
One way to solve the issue is to use a lambda as in TheDarkKnight's answer.
What I would suggest is to use encapsulation - you could create a Spawner object, dedicated to spawning enemies and keep the position internal to it. This way the spawner will manage the position, and you can have something like Spawner::createWave() slot with no parameters, since the position is internal. Then setup the timer and connect it to createWave() and you are set.
Also it is a very bad idea to hardcode stuff like that, you really need more flexibility, the option to change enemy and wave count, the wave time as well as the screen width, so that your game can change those things as it gets harder.
class Spawner : public QObject {
Spawner(int wCount = 5, int eCount = 9, int time = 2000, int sWidth = 1000)
: waveCount(wCount), enemyCount(eCount), currentWave(0), screenWidth(sWidth) {
connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(createWave()));
void set(int wCount, int eCount, int time) {
waveCount = wCount;
enemyCount = eCount;
void changeWidth(int w) { screenWidth = w; }
public slots:
void start() { timer.start(); }
void stop() {
currentWave = 0;
private slots:
void createWave() {
int pos = screenWidth / (enemyCount + 1);
int step = pos;
for (int i = 0; i < enemyCount; ++i) {
pos += step;
if (++currentWave >= waveCount) stop();
QTimer timer;
int waveCount, enemyCount, currentWave, screenWidth;
Create a Spawner object and connect the game new level to start() - it will span the given number waves of enemies evenly across the game screen, when you finish the waves off, you adjust the spawner settings and start a new level.
That encapsulation will come in handy later on as your game becomes less of a test and more like a real game - with increasing difficulty, changing spawning and attack patterns and so on. So it is a good idea to implement it right from the start and build upon a good and flexible design rather than going back and changing stuff around, which may break other code. You really don't want to start without a good design and make design changes later. Thus the need to encapsulate functionality and responsibility and just connect the pieces rather than building on a pile of spaghetti code. In this line of thought, I noticed you are using player->spawn_in_pos(pos); - which is an example of bad design, as spawning should be a responsibility of the Game class, not the Player class. A good design is not only flexible, but also clean. The Spawner object is only responsible for spawning waves of enemies, and its visible interface is limited to start(), stop() and set().
class Game : public QObject {
Game() {
if (!scene) scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
connect(this, SIGNAL(newLevel()), &spawner, SLOT(start()));
static void spawnEnemyAt(int x = 0) {
scene->addItem(new Enemy(x, 0));
qDebug() << "enemy created";
public slots:
void newGame() {
// initialize game
emit newLevel(); // begin spawning
void onLevelEnd() {
// spawner.set(new level settings);
emit newLevel();
void onGameEnded() {
// ...
void newLevel();
Spawner spawner;
static QGraphicsScene * scene;
// in game.cpp
QGraphicsScene * Game::scene = nullptr;
If you don't want to use static members, you can make spawnEnemyAt() and scene instance members, but then you will have to pass the Game instance to the Spawner in the constructor so that you have a reference to the game the spawner operates on and use game->spawnEnemyAt() instead. This way you can create multiple games with their own dedicated scenes. Or parent the spawner to the game and cast the spawner's parent() to a Game * to access the game instance which is a little hacky, but saves on the extra member by reusing the parent.

An issue when creating a pop-up menu w.r.t to a parametr via loop

I am trying to create pop-up menu depending on a variable as follows:
QMenu menu(widget);
for(int i = 1; i <= kmean.getK(); i++)
stringstream ss;
ss << i;
string str = ss.str();
string i_str = "Merge with " + str;
QString i_Qstr = QString::fromStdString(i_str);
menu.addAction(i_Qstr, this, SLOT(mergeWith1()));
kmean.get(K) returns an int value,
mergeWith1() is some `SLOT()` which works fine
The loop creates an action on menu only for i=1 case, and ignores other values of i.
Additional information
When doing the same loop with casual int values (without convert) everything works fine. e.g. if I do in loop only menu.addAction(i, this, SLOT(...))) and my K=4, a menu will be created with four actions in it, named 1, 2, 3, 4 correspondingly.
What can be the problem caused by
I think the issue is in convert part, when I convert i to string using stringstream and after to QString. May be the value is somehow lost. I am not sure.
How to make the loop accept the convert part?
What do I do wrong in convert part?
In Qt code, you shouldn't be using std::stringstream or std::string. It's pointless.
You have a crashing bug by having the menu on the stack and giving it a parent. It'll be double-destructed.
Don't use the synchronous blocking methods like exec(). Show the menu asynchronously using popup().
In order to react to the actions, connect a slot to the menu's triggered(QAction*) signal. That way you can deal with arbitrary number of automatically generated actions.
You can use the Qt property system to mark actions with custom attributes. QAction is a QObject after all, with all the benefits. For example, you can store your index in an "index" property. It's a dynamic property, created on the fly.
Here's a complete example of how to do it.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QAction>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QPushButton>
struct KMean {
int getK() const { return 3; }
class Widget : public QPushButton
KMean kmean;
Q_SLOT void triggered(QAction* an) {
const QVariant index(an->property("index"));
if (!index.isValid()) return;
const int i = index.toInt();
setText(QString("Clicked %1").arg(i));
Q_SLOT void on_clicked() {
QMenu * menu = new QMenu();
int last = kmean.getK();
for(int i = 1; i <= last; i++)
QAction * action = new QAction(QString("Merge with %1").arg(i), menu);
action->setProperty("index", i);
connect(menu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(triggered(QAction*)));
Widget(QWidget *parent = 0) : QPushButton("Show Menu ...", parent) {
connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(on_clicked()));
int main (int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
Widget w;;
return app.exec();
#include "main.moc"