Can I make a dropbox folder public by using python client? - python-2.7

I am using dropbox for one of my application where a user can connect their dropbox folders.
Usage is such that a user can create links among the files of a folder and many more. But the problem is the moment when I stored the file information in my application, the file media information is stored with a key expires. So obviously I wont be able to use the link next time once the expiry time is met.
One way is to generate the media information every time the user is selecting a thumbnail from my application, as I already have metadata of the file.
But is there any other way (i.e by using python client or API) that I can make a folder public when a user selects it to connect with my application.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your precious time.

I think the right thing to do is to generate a media link each time you need it.
Is there a reason you don't like that solution?


Embedding a functional website inside a Squarespace webpage

First of all, thank you for everything that you do. Without this community, I would hate web design and be reliant on my teacher's outdated, static methods. Much love <3
So, this is a tricky one (maybe).
I want to have, essentially, an iframe on a webpage that contains a website I coded previously. It was a project for school that never went live, but I'd like to include it as part of my portfolio. Problem is, an iframe needs a URL for a source, but I just have the folder with more folders full of code, fonts, and images. How can I tell the browser to populate this box with everything from "name" folder? And then how will it know to run the code instead of just showing a file tree or something?
In the end, I want a page describing a previous web project and let the client experience that project within the one page. And I don't want to get a domain for every project I do.
Maybe there's an easier way I'm not thinking of?
To make it interesting, my new portfolio site is being made in Squarespace...maybe. I bought a domain from them because I had a promo code and wanted to try the platform, but I kind of hate it. I can't change any of the code and it won't maintain a connection to Typekit. So all I can do is change the basic appearance of preexisting elements. It's like WordPress all over again....LAME! Sadly, I already bought the domain.
Can Squarespace just be a host? Is there a way to download the raw code of these templates, edit it, and upload it again?
Thanks for all your help!
I want to have, essentially, an iframe on a webpage that contains a
website I coded previously.
Squarespace's file upload mechanism is very limited. Without using the Developers Platform, there is no effective way to upload many files at once. Furthermore, there is no way to create folders. Therefore, even if you were willing to upload each .html file and each asset one-by-one, there'd be no way to organize the files into folders (assuming that the "tree" you mentioned includes additional sub-folders).
Initially, in order to get the files to be accessible by Squarespace, you'd have to do one of the following:
Use Squarespace Developers Platform (A.K.A. "Developer Mode") and upload your to-be-iframed
(TBI) website files to the "assets" folder using SFTP or Git.
Host your TBI website files somewhere else (a different host
environment, for example) which will maintain your file/folder
How can I tell the browser to populate this box with everything from
"name" folder? And then how will it know to run the code instead of
just showing a file tree or something?
Assuming that the TBI website has an index.html file or home.html file or similar, and assuming you were to use the Squarespace Developer Platform, you'd insert the iframe either in a Code Block or within a template/.region file directly using something like
<iframe src="/assets/tbiwebsitefolder/index.html"></iframe>
while setting your other iframe attributes (such as height and width) as needed.
Is there a way to download the raw code of these templates, edit it,
and upload it again?
Yes. You select a template and then enable Developer Mode on that template. From there, you use SFTP or Git to download the template files, edit, and reupload.
You may benefit by reviewing some considerations of enabling Developer Mode on a Squarespace Template.
One other idea, to avoid the iframe and Developer Mode entirely, would be to capture images of the TBI website rendered in a browser, and then simply add those images to a gallery block or gallery page. This could allow you to convey the general idea of the project but would of course not capture the full "experience" of it.

python upload image from a url to google drive api

For my Python app,I had completed the basic settings to interact with google drive api and found it working by a test upload of a CSV file. Now I need to upload an image from a url to a newly created folder named 'myappname' in Google Drive.
Thanks in advance
For now, there is no way you can directly upload file from url. There are two workaround I can think of
Download file and upload it back using Files.insert()
Use Save to Drive button
Using save to Drive button requires user interaction to click the button which might not be the one you want. In that case, downloading and uploading is the only way I can think of.

audio streaming server

I'm a php developer, trying to develop a website to stream on-demand music to the users.
After a lot of googling I'm confused about which kind of server or tools should I use? I've seen some like WOWZA or SHOUTCAST, but I don't know which one is the best for my needs.
I want to provide high quality audio files. So maybe I should use 320kbps mp3 format or something else but with the same quality.
I don't need live streaming. I just need on-demand streaming of the music files and the ability for the user to create his/her own playlists.
The user shouldn't be able to download the music files.
Icecast/SHOUTcast are not appropriate for your use. They take a single stream and send it to multiple connections simultaneously. They are not "on-demand" servers where each user can listen to separate content.
For your use case, you can implement something in PHP. All you are really doing is sending media files to the client. You mentioned that you wanted to keep the client from downloading those files... this is impossible. If the client can play it, the client can save it, and there is no way around this. However, there are some things you can do that prevent it from being as easy as linking to a file.
Don't store your audio in the web server's document root. All media files should be served only from your PHP scripts. This gives you control over the requests coming in. Look into readfile(). This also allows you an easy path to get off of simply loading files from disk (which you will want when you start to grow beyond 100k media files).
A URL for a media file should only work once, and for a specific user session ID. Generate these URLs on the fly, with a time limit on them. If the URL for the media file is requested by someone who doesn't have a valid session on your site, don't serve it. If the link is expired, don't serve it. This is what prevents someone from getting the URL and posting it on some message board. Only valid users of your site with current valid sessions should be able to get at your media files.
Rate-limit requests. Don't allow a user to be able to download more files at a time than is needed. If they request 100 files in 1 second, don't serve them.
Implementing all of these concepts is something I leave to you. How you do so depends your needs, and is not something that is typically done in a 5-line snippet of code.

Tracking number of downloads in Django

I have a website where I allow people to download files, such as Powerpoint templates that they can reuse.
I added a column to the model that stores information and location of these files called 'Downloads' and in that column I'd like to use it as a counter to track how many times the file has been downloaded.
How would I go about this? Would it be a GET request on the page? Basically I just provide a link to the file and the download starts automatically, so not sure how to relay the fact that the link was clicked back to the model.
Many thanks :-)
If you create a view that handles the GET request you could put the updating code in that view. If your Django-app is not handling the uploading itself, you can create a view that simply redirects to the download link, after updating the counter in the database.
You have several ways to do this:
create a custom view, that "proxies" all files, while keeping track of downloads
create a middleware that does pretty much the same as above, filtering which requests to record
..but none of the above will be applicable if you want to count downloads of collected static files, that will be served directly by your http server, without passing through django. In this case, I'd retrieve the downloads count from the webserver logs; have a look if your webserver allows storing logs to database, otherwise I'd create a cron-running scripts that parses the logfiles and stores the count to a db, accessible from your django application.
Like redShadow said you can create a proxie view. This view could serve the files via mod_xsendfile (if you are using apache as webserver) and set a counter for the downloads.

Django Music API

I'm currently learning django and working on my project. My project involves sharing my composed music and allowing free downloads to people. Is there an API for django that can enable me to upload my music and enable users to download at will?
Any advice is appreciated.
In general I agree with Rajat, what you are trying to achieve (at least the way you described it), can be done with standard Django forms and file handling. However, this app should have already built in a lot of the stuff you require.
You don't need an API to upload files to your servers.You only need a form to do that.And for enabling your users to download content,you only need links to the files.You can use some api to let only authenticated users download the content from your site.
You can add the file user submitted file in media folder
We then later you can locate it's path to make available for your users