How to Determine What Classes are Loaded in Glassfish - classloader

Is there a way to get a listing of which classes (and how many of each) are currently loaded in Glassfish v3.1.2.2 either from within Glassfish itself or another tool?

I'd recommend that you look at Visual VM, with all the plugins installed. It'll show you objects created, all generations of heap, CPU, threads, and lots of good stuff.
I consider it indispensible for Java EE development.


can you use webMethods to interface with a powerbuilder 11.5 server?

I am looking at a powerbuilder 11.5 application modernization. I think I would want to Web Service enable the powerbuilder server and rebuild the client in HTML verusus re-write the entire stack (its over 1.8M lines of code). Does anyone know if WebMethods or a similar ESB can interface and abstract a powerbuilder server?
I did some research on modernizing Powerbuilder and discovered with this particular version (and I suspect others) it is not trivial.
PowerBuilder modernization is difficult because:
it is based on a client/server architecture, so the UI is compiled and deployed to a users machine
all of the business logic is locked up in a language that is not portable to other platforms: PowerScript
PowerScript runs in its own proprietary virtual machine: PBVM.
Sybase provides strategies and methods to move to a distributed, web-based J2EE platform (their EAServer), or .NET. Both approaches come with lots of caveats, considerations, pros, and cons. A good example is that in PowerBuilder, developers can put code in visual object (like attached to an onEvent of a button), but when moving to an n-tiered environment this logic needs to reside on the server in a non-visual object (NVO). This would allow relatively simple event interaction that could be captured and modernized even though it will really require a good deep look at all of the interfaces and some code insertion which needs to be carefully monitored.
A paper that explores some of the steps and considerations for moving to their EAServer:

Integrating TideSDK with C *.dll

I've already written some backend *.dll files that I intend to use in a project. I need to visualize a simulation of the code, for which I intend to use charts and graphs from Chart.JS, by using it along with TideSDK for a desktop application.
I have no clue on how to call the C libraries via JS though. And I want to avoid creating wrapper classes in Python and going through that circuitous route. Any other options? Or are there any alternatives when trying to create an HTML/CSS/JS desktop application connected to a backend C/C++ library? Will AppJS make things easier?
TideSDK is capable of extension with modules that can be compiled and included in its runtime. It was written to be extended but I would recommend waiting for TideKit. TideSDK is a bit old and setting up a toolchain could be problematic at this point.
We've been investing in a broader vision with TideKit that is getting ready for release. You will be able to extend it with native modules and you won't need to wait too much longer to see what we've been up to.
If you have started anything with TideSDK, you will be able to migrate your code easily to TideKit. The ability to work with with native or JavaScript modularity, and to develop for all screens from a single project code base is where all our efforts have been going.
Note that AppJS was discontinued earlier this year. An alternative is writing C extensions in node through node-webkit. Note that if you are going cross platform on this and you needed OSX as well, you cannot achieve Apple AppStore compliance with node-webkit due to private APIs as a result of its port of webkit.

What's the difference between javax.servlet.jsp:jsp-api:2.1 and org.mortbay.jetty:jsp-api-2.1:6.1.5?

I am cleaning up a build system for a product that uses Jetty. Currently the project has
as a dependency. Given that I am using Jetty for my project I suspect using
would be the better option. Am I right/wrong? Can they be used interchangeably? Does jsp-api-2.1 leverage a different implementation? Or is it simply a repackage if jsp-api to assert compatibility with Jetty?
I've been trying to find information about this on the web, so far nothing has come up.
Update: Seems like org.mortbay.jetty:servlet-api-2.5:6.1.5 and javax.servlet.jsp:servlet-api:2.1 have the same relationship.
Jetty has a long and colorful history with jsp, having no jsp implementation of our own we have leveraged other implementations often, judging by the version numbers your looking at those are very old versions where we were maintaining patches on top of the glassfish jsp implementation. I think it was a patch for supporting logging in jetty and then a bug fix or three.
Now a days we have been using the jsp artifacts from the project which was spun out from glassfish a while back. However that doesn't seem to be tracking bug fixes very regularly either so we are kicking around trying the jasper implementation in tomcat.
Back on your question, the jsp-api artifacts are typically just repackaged artifacts since the api doesn't change frequently. We historically rebundled them to keep them paired with the patched implementation.
Now, you are obviously using a jetty-6 setup since your still using org.mortbay packaging but jetty6 and jetty7 are both servlet-api 2.5 so you might be able to get away with using the jetty7 jsp setup, we have a handy pom that declares these artifacts here:
These are glassfish bundles as well, repackaged and made into osgi bundles in the process so they can be used with jetty in osgi environments....they ought to work normally though, we package them in our jetty7 distributions.

Reliable way to wrap into OSX executable? (or C/C++/Objective-C libraries to use as alternatives)

I'm working on a project that needs a simple, lightweight event server (i.e. a server that passes events between different client applications implemented in Javascript). At first Node.js and seemed like the perfect solution but the amount of dependencies and config involved took some of the shine off (see below for details on the project and why configuration is an issue). Is there some tested and reliable way to package all those dependencies into a single executable that can be run with no additional configuration? If not are there any good C/C++ Websockets libraries that could be combined with something like Mongoose to create a standalone executable?
Project Details
Basic use case:
A moderator turns on the server on their OSX machine.
A group of 10-20 users point their mobile devices to a site hosted on the moderator's machine
Communication ensues for the duration of the session (about an hour)
Basic requirements:
Simple setup: The moderator will not be a developer and may have little to no technical expertise. Anything that requires the terminal or fiddling with configuration files or package managers is a non-starter.
Unreliable Configuration: The moderator's machine will be used in a lot of different contexts and by a lot of different users. Therefore the system shouldn't rely on very specific or pristine settings (i.e. would like to avoid something with lots of dependencies that requires special environment variables to be set)
Performance and security are not a concern: The server will run locally with small number of trusted users for a short time so security and high performance aren't important.
Interesting question.
I know there are some C and/or C++ WebSocket libraries under development in the WebSocket community (mentioned on the IETF discussion list) if you want to go in that direction.
It might interest you to know that some parts of Node.js are actually written in javascript and compiled during the build process as built-in modules, but I don't know of any way to accomplish that for your own code short of hacking up the build.
Since this is OSX you could package Node alongside your own code and any modules, built against a static v8 library, in your .app. This would be a fairly tight coupling though not quite what you are asking for.
It's also possible to build your extension (or part of it) as a C++ module loaded by Node and v8.

Portable C++ Component Design

I've been using COM and .NET assemblies in the past to develop component-based-systems. Now I'm going to work on a cross-plattform-C++-project and want to structure the code in components aswell…
Obviously COM and .NET are not an option, as COM is not available anywhere but Windows and Assemblies would add dependencies to the .NET framwork which may be not available at the target system.
I'm aware that due to ABI-differences I won't be able to move components between different operating systems without recompilation, but I would like to write the code in a manner, that it's compatible at source-code-level.
Is there any system/framework that enables such a architecture in C++?
I have worked with such a system in the past - we basically re-invented COM. If you are interested in that approach, check out this great article:
The Mozilla suite uses a framework called XPCOM. Never used it myself, but the implication it's supposed to be like Microsoft's COM but portable. That's the only in-process component system I know of that's native code based; if you're working in Java, there's OSGi.
These days most Unix software appears to use distributed component models, where components live in different processes. The current fashionable system appears to be DBus; KDE3 used an alternative called DCOP; and of course if you want to go this route there's good old CORBA.
If you can live with a Qt dependency (only core libraries, no GUI libs), you could have a look at the CTK Plugin Framework
It is licensed under Apache 2.0 and is a dynamic C++ component system with an API which is nearly identical to OSGi.
Maybe this: