How to make a simple embeddable scripting language for C++? [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm building a game engine and can't quite find a scripting language that does what I want, and is embeddable into C++. Therefor, the natural solution is to build my own.
I know the basics about Flex, Bison, peg/leg, and a little about VMs. Can I use this knowledge to build a small scripting language for a game engine? How would I implement an embedded language? I'm not really sure where to start off building such a small language.

A common scripting language for use with C++ is Lua. You can implement it with Luabind or another binding, there are plenty (and there are even tutorials to write your own).
Another option is to use Python with Boost.


Lisp with reader macros that targets the browser? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Clojure/ClojureScript does not have reader macros. I personaly think it is a huge loss as I'm specifially interested in hacking with the syntax. Is there way to develop websites using a lisp with reader macros?
Common Lisp has Parenscript, that allows you to generate JavaScript from Lisp syntax, and be able to use reader macros.
You can also hook it with slime-proxy and swank-js to have a fully interactive experience.
You might be interested in sweet.js. It's essentially JavaScript with a powerful macro system that does much, if not all, of what reader macros can do. Now, it's not actually a Lisp, but JavaScript was partially inspired by Scheme, and sweet.js's macro system is intended to be the natural extension of the Scheme macro system to a language with non-S-expression-based syntax.
The big caveat is that sweet.js is super-new. It doesn't even have version numbers yet. So it's more something to keep an eye on than something to use for production code just yet.

Is it possible to use applets in C++ [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am trying to create a game in traveling salesman problem using iterative algorithm.
I need the output in an applet environment, in a new window.
Is it possible to use applets in C++ like we normally use it in Java platform?
Can anyone clear my doubt?
No. Java applets compile to Java bytecode and are delivered to a JVM running in a webbrowser. C++ programs (currently) cannot be compiled to Java bytecode, so they cannot be shipped to webbrowsers. Google is doing some work in this area (Native Client, NaCl) but that's far from finished.

convert c++ libraries to objective-c [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Now I am porting c++ game to objective-c.
The source code uses some dlls such as "malloc.h" and this is the standard dll of C++ so it
cannot be included in objective-c.
What is the best way to overcome this problem.
I hope your help.
To convert code from one language to another, you need to have at basic working knowledge of both languages and platforms involved. It sounds as if both your C/C++ and Objective-C knowledge is too rudimentary for you to undertake this task. I'd recommend you take a short course and work on small projects in both languages to gain some experience so that you'll be qualified to perform this translation.

How to encrypt a text [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I need to implement a simple text encryption in C++ without using any existing framworks. This is purely for educational purpose to learn the in-and-outs and to learn the way to implement such a system. I am not planning to implement this in production code. I can use Windows APIs but it won't be cross platform. I am trying to learn something can work across multiple platforms. the best way to implement this is implement using C/C++. Please share good resources or links in this regard.
Depending on what you actually want, you could look at the CipherSaber project: instructions to implement your own RC4 encryption code for a simple IV+text format.
However this is an academic exercise only: you should never use your own crypto code in production unless you really know what you're doing. You could also read Schneier's Applied Cryptography for a good introduction to all of this stuff.

c++ like languages [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
I think C++ is one of the best known programming languages of all time, especially for low level programming stuff, but what other languages are a bit like C++ in means of capabilities?
edit: I want compiled, low level programming languages. Not languages like java.
edit: What I meant with c++ like language is this: A compiled, low level language, suitable for high performance applications, it doesn't have to be oop, but it should have similar capabilities as C++ (e.g. OS programming). I hope this makes my question more clear.