How to URL encode all my data - django

My gateway say I need to URL encode all my data, in Django how is this possible?, data=raw_data,
stream=True, verify=True)
I have tried
import urllib, data=urllib.urlencode(raw_data),
stream=True, verify=True)

Your data needs to be passed to urlencode() as a dict or in a sequence of paired tuples:
import urllib
formatted_raw_data = {raw_data[0]: raw_data[1], raw_data[2]: raw_data[3]} // or however it needs to be formatted, data=urllib.urlencode(formatted_raw_data),
stream=True, verify=True)


Django POST multipart/form-data unexpectedly parsing field as array

I am testing an endpoint in the following manner:
from rest_framework.test import APIClient
from django.urls import reverse
import json
client = APIClient()
response =, {'name': 'Zagyg Co'})
I find that the model object is being created with a name of [Zagyg Co] instead of Zagyg Co.
Inspecting the request object reveals the following:
#=> 'multipart/form-data; boundary=BoUnDaRyStRiNg; charset=utf-8'
#=> b'--BoUnDaRyStRiNg\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="name"\r\n\r\nZagyg Co\r\n--BoUnDaRyStRiNg--\r\n'
#=> <QueryDict: {'name': ['Zagyg Co']}>
Using JSON like so:
response =
json.dumps({'name': 'Zagyg Co'}),
sets the name correctly. Why is this so? is a Django QueryDict. When the data is sent as a multipart form it handles potential multiple values of the same field by putting it in a list.
Using its dict method or using dictionary access syntax returns the last value stored in the relevant key(s):['name']
#=> 'Zagyg Co'
#=> {'name': 'Zagyg Co'}
Which is great if it's guaranteed that each key has a single value. For list values there's getlist:'name')
#=> ['Zagyg Co']
For mixes of keys with single and multiple values it seems like manual parsing is required.

how to access values in python from json

I'm new to Python but required to write a script for API so trying to read the response from API and put it in a file, version is python2.7
Following is the code
import requests
import json
#URL = "someurl"
# sending get request and saving the response as response object
#response = requests.get(url = URL)
items = json.loads('{"batch_id":"5d83a2d317cb4","names":
for item in items['names']:
Current output is
But I would like to pick text1,text2 and write to a file, can anyone help how to get those values
items is a dictionary. items['names'] is also a dictionary. for item in items['names']: will iterate over keys not values. The item will hold key in the dictionary.
To access the value in that key-value pair, you have to use print items['names'][item] instead of print item. Your code should look something like below.
import requests
import json
#URL = "someurl"
# sending get request and saving the response as response object
#response = requests.get(url = URL)
items = json.loads('{"batch_id":"5d83a2d317cb4","names":
for item in items['names']:
>>> print(list(items['names'].values()))
['text1', 'text2']
So you can do like this:
for item in items['names'].values():

Import data to dataframe using SODA API

I'm trying to import data from the link below using a SODA API, and load it in to a dataframe. I've never worked with a SODA API before, can anyone suggest a good module or how to do this?
The code below did the trick:
import pandas as pd
from sodapy import Socrata
# Unauthenticated client only works with public data sets. Note 'None'
# in place of application token, and no username or password:
client = Socrata("", None)
# First 2000 results, returned as JSON from API / converted to Python list of
# dictionaries by sodapy.
Results = client.get("cr7a-34ka", limit=2000)
# Convert to pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(Results)
For Python, the unofficial sodapy library is a great place to start!

How can I feed a server side Django string array into a client side JavaScript array?

On my server the array appears as follows:
data = [u'Data1', u'Data2', u'Data3']
In Django, I send the data through to the client using:
render(..., {'data': data})
On the client side I try to render in JavaScript using:
and get:
[u'Data1B', u'Data2', u'Data3']
How can I fix this encoding issue?
You need to safe escape the string inorder to work fine
You can also pass your data as a json object. In your
from django.utils import simplejson
and then in your javascript function
var data = JSON.parse({{data}})
But as #karthikr already said, |safe is your case absolutely sufficient.

Urllib html not showing

When I use the Urllib module, I can call/print/search the html of a website the first time, but when I try again it is gone. How can I keep the html throughout the program.
For example, when I try:
html = urllib.request.urlopen('')
search = re.findall(r'Mike',str(
I get:
But then when I try to do this a second time like so:
results = re.findall(r'Mike',str(
I get:
when calling 'result'.
Why is this and how can I stop it from happening/fix it?
Without being very well versed in python, I'm guessing reads the http stream, so when you call it the second time there is nothing to read.
html = urllib.request.urlopen('')
data = str(
search = re.findall(r'Mike',data)
And then use
results = re.findall(r'Mike',data)
In addition to the correct guess of #rvalik that you can only read a stream once, data = str( is incorrect. urlopen returns a bytes object and str returns the display representation of that object. An example:
>>> data = b'Mike'
>>> str(data)
What you should do is either decode the bytes object using the encoding of the HTML page (UTF-8 in this case):
from urllib.request import urlopen
import re
with urlopen('') as html:
data ='utf8')
or search with a bytes object:
from urllib.request import urlopen
import re
with urlopen('') as html:
data =