C++ compiler independent DLLs using abstract interface - c++

I followed the guide at CodeProject and built a DLL with an abstract interface and exported the factory functions using the extern "C" command along with __declspec(dllexport) and __cdecl and by doing this the article claims that the DLL becomes compiler independent with a clean interface. However when using the DLL on two different versions of g++ the non-standard ABI created the standard c++ problems with DLL calling. In addition to the CodeProject article I also used an article from MinGW in order to be able to create multiple instances of the class.
How is it then possible to make the DLL compiler independent? and if this is not possible, is it then possible to instantiate a class within a DLL and make the functions pure C but calling the C++ functions related to the instantiated class?

Have you tried to reproduce exactly the example that was given there? And what was the failure? You have to consider that not only your class, but any other class like std::string can't be used directly. That said, I wouldn't try to reinvent the wheel but use some kind of component framework like COM.
To answer your second part, consider this:
// internal class
struct X
void jump();
// compiler-independent C interface
struct X;
struct X* x_alloc(void);
void x_jump(struct X* x, float height);
void x_free(struct X* x);
This works. I have no idea what exactly you tried and what didn't work for you, there's just not enough info to tell.


UML notation for C++ Link Seam (shared header with different implementation)

In a C++ cross-platform library,
we use shared headers which are compiled with different module versions for each OS.
A.k.a Link-Seam
class MyClass {
void foo();
#include "CommonHeader.h"
void MyClass::foo() {
printf("This implements the Windows version\n");
#include "CommonHeader.h"
void MyClass::foo() {
printf("This implements the Linux version\n");
Of course, in each build you only select one module, respective to the environment you are using.
This is meant to suppress the indirect call to the functions
My Question is: How to note this relationship in UML ?
"Inheritance"? "Dependency"? "Note"?
class MyClass {
void foo();
This is nothing more than a class contract, so basically an interface which you realize in different modules. To visualize that, you can use interface realization notation (like a generalization, but with dashed lines).
The reality is I think that you’ve got only one class in a UML class diagram, being MyClass, with a public operation foo(); it’s just that you have two code implementations of this class, one for Linux and one for Windows. UML Class models are not really setup to answer the question of how you implement this, in your case using c++ with header files: Imagine if instead you in-lined your functions and ended up writing two inline implementations of MyClass, one for Linux and one for Windows. Logically you still have one class in your class diagram (but with two implementations) and the header file (or lack thereof) wouldn’t come into it. What you need therefore is a way to show a how the C++ is structured, not a way to show the logical class constructs. I’m not aware of a specific way in UML to represent code structure, however you could build a code structure model using Artefacts maybe (?) which could denote the c++ file structures.
It could be seen as some kind of "inheritance". There is however no relation between classes as there is just one class - so there is no relation between two. The actual construct of using platform dependent implementation however imitate relation "is a".

Correctly defining DLL-interfaces with C++11/14

I've read several times that passing STL objects like vector and string outside of a DLL boundary is bad practice because different compiler versions can generate different code for STL objects. Therefore, you should design a C-style interface and not pass STL objects at all. However, there are still some things unclear to me:
1. What is the 'boundary' of a DLL?
Is it right to say, that the boundary is where code is beeing compiled on DLL side? What if I define a .h file inside a DLL (f.e. to write a factory class) and use that header file in a different project? Is that .h file inside or outside the boundary of the DLL and why?
2. What is contained in a DLL?
Let' say I have a class Foo:
class Foo
__declspec(dllexport) void f1(); //instantiates v1 inside function
unique_ptr<vector<int>> v1 = nullptr;
If I only mark the function f1() with __declspec(dllexport), only this function should be contained in the DLL. How does the code inside f1() know what v1 is if v1 isn't contained in the DLL?
3. Passing objects out of a DLL-boundary using unique_ptr
I'm using unique_ptr almost everytime in my project. From what I understand, returning a unique_ptr from a DLL would be bad practice because unique_ptr is an STL object. How can I instantiate an object inside the DLL and return a unique_ptr to it?
4. Why does defining interfaces or using PIMPL help to define an DLL interface?
I still have to convert my STL classes to C-style objects. And in the project using the DLL, I would have to somehow wrap the C-style objects inside STL classes again. I don't see any advantage of using interfaces or PIMPL in this case.
Also, if I define an interface (class with pure virtual functions), wouldn't this have the same effect as just declaring the functions in my class with __declspec(dllexport)?
class IFoo
virtual ~IFoo() = 0 {};
virtual void f1() = 0;
class Foo : public IFoo
void f1();
//__declspec(dllexport) void f1(); //why use an interface if I can just declare the functions like this?
How is the DLL-STL problematic solved in modern C++ 11/14 libraries? Are there any modern open-source libraries that I can have a look at?
Unfortunately STL types aren't consistent across compilers. Even different versions of Visual Studio have differences.
The boundary is where the code is compiled. If you have an implementation in a header file in your library, then the compiler used to compile the EXE will compile the code. This is potentially very bad because what the code in the EXE thinks is the data is different to what the code in the DLL thinks is the data. (You need to look out for differences like this especially if you have #ifs in a struct definition and you need to be explicit about packing).
The only way to be sure is to define all your own types (being careful of packing) and not use STL. This is what DLL libraries usually do.
Interfaces can enable the user to dynamically link to the library. Using __declspec(dllexport) requires a static linking; that is the EXE has to link to the .lib generated when you compiled the DLL to be able to access all the functions. This means amongst other things you can't update the DLL without the EXE having to be recompiled (probably - you can get away with this in some circumstances, but it's not a good idea).
By dynamically linking you can update the DLL or add functionality to the DLL without relinking the EXE as long as you don't change your interfaces. The EXE might call LoadLibrary() on the DLL and GetProcAddress() to access one function that returns an interface. Everything else including data types passed as parameters are interfaces (i.e. contain only pure virtual functions) or simple structs. This is how the basic level of COM works.
To answer question 2, when you declare something as __declspec(dllexport) you are stating that this is part of the interface to the DLL - something that is accessible to the component that loads the DLL. Anything declared without __declspec(dllexport) should be present within the DLL but will not be available to be called/used by an external component.

How to share classes between DLLs

I have an unmanaged Win32 C++ application that uses multiple C++ DLLs. The DLLs each need to use class Foo - definition and implementation.
Where do Foo.h and Foo.cpp live so that the DLLs link and don't end up duplicating code in memory?
Is this a reasonable thing to do?
There is a lot of good info in all the answers and comments below - not just the one I've marked as the answer. Thanks for everyone's input.
Providing functionality in the form of classes via a DLL is itself fine. You need to be careful that you seperate the interrface from the implementation, however. How careful depends on how your DLL will be used. For toy projects or utilities that remain internal, you may not need to even think about it. For DLLs that will be used by multiple clients under who-knows-which compiler, you need to be very careful.
class MyGizmo
std::string get_name() const;
std::string name_;
If MyGizmo is going to be used by 3rd parties, this class will cause you no end of headaches. Obviously, the private member variables are a problem, but the return type for get_name() is just as much of a problem. The reason is because std::string's implementation details are part of it's definition. The Standard dictates a minimum functionality set for std::string, but compiler writers are free to implement that however they choose. One might have a function named realloc() to handle the internal reallocation, while another may have a function named buy_node() or something. Same is true with data members. One implementation may use 3 size_t's and a char*, while another might use std::vector. The point is your compiler might think std::string is n bytes and has such-and-so members, while another compiler (or even another patch level of the same compiler) might think it looks totally different.
One solution to this is to use interfaces. In your DLL's public header, you declare an abstract class representing the useful facilities your DLL provides, and a means to create the class, such as:
class MyGizmo
static MyGizmo* Create();
virtual void get_name(char* buffer_alloc_by_caller, size_t size_of_buffer) const = 0;
virtual ~MyGizmo();
MyGizmo(); // nobody can create this except myself
...and then in your DLL's internals, you define a class that actually implements MyGizmo:
mygizmo.cpp :
class MyConcreteGizmo : public MyGizmo
void get_name(char* buf, size_t sz) const { /*...*/ }
~MyGizmo() { /*...*/ }
std::string name_;
MyGizmo* MyGizmo::Create()
return new MyConcreteGizmo;
This might seem like a pain and, well, it is. If your DLL is going to be only used internally by only one compiler, there may be no reason to go to the trouble. But if your DLL is going to be used my multiple compilers internally, or by external clients, doing this saves major headaches down the road.
Use __declspec dllexport to export the class to the DLL's export table, then include the header file in your other projects and link against the main DLL's export library file. That way the implementation is common.
Where does Foo live? in another dll.
Is it reasonable? not really.
If you declare a class like this:
class __declspec(dllexport) Foo { ...
then msvc will export every member function of the class. However the resulting dll is very fragile as any small change to the class definition without a corresponding rebuild of every consuming dll means that the consuming code will allocate the incorrect number of bytes for any stack and heap allocations not performed by factory functions. Likewise, inline methods will compile into consuming dlls and reference the old layout of the class.
If all the dlls are always rebuilt together, then go ahead. If not - don't :P

C++: Dynamically loading classes from dlls

For my current project I want to be able to load some classes from a dll (which is not always the same, and may not even exist when my app is compiled). There may also be several alternative dll's for a given class (eg an implementation for Direct3D9 and one for OpenGL), but only one of the dlls will be loaded/used at any one time.
I have a set of base classes that define the interface plus some basic methods/members (ie the ones for refrence counting) of the classes I want to load, which the dll projects then derive from when creating there classes.
//in namespace base
class Sprite : public RefCounted//void AddRef(), void Release() and unsigned refCnt
virtual base::Texture *GetTexture()=0;
virtual unsigned GetWidth()=0;
virtual unsigned GetHeight()=0;
virtual float GetCentreX()=0;
virtual float GetCentreY()=0;
virtual void SetCentre(float x, float y)=0;
virtual void Draw(float x, float y)=0;
virtual void Draw(float x, float y, float angle)=0;
virtual void Draw(float x, float y, float scaleX, flota scaleY)=0;
virtual void Draw(float x, float y, float scaleX, flota scaleY, float angle)=0;
The thing is I'm not sure how to do it all so that the executable and other dlls can load and use these classes since ive only ever used dlls where there was only one dll and I could have the Visual Studio linker sort it all out using the .lib file I get when compileing dll's.
I dont mind using factory methods for instancing the classes, many of them do already by design (Ie a sprite class is created by the main Graphics class, eg Graphics->CreateSpriteFromTexture(base::Texture*)
When I needed to write some c++ dlls for use in python I used a library called pyCxx. The resulting dll basicly only exported one method, which created an instance of the "Module" class, which could then contain factory methods to create other classes etc.
The resulting dll could be imported in python just with "import [dllname]".
//dll compiled as cpputill.pyd
extern "C" void initcpputill()//only exported method
static CppUtill* cpputill = new CppUtill;
class CppUtill : public Py::ExtensionModule<CppUtill>
: Py::ExtensionModule<CppUtill>("cpputill")
add_varargs_method("ExampleClass",&CppUtill::ExampleClassFactory, "ExampleClass(), create instance of ExampleClass");
add_varargs_method("HelloWorld", &CppUtill::HelloWorld, "HelloWorld(), print Hello World to console");
initialize("C Plus Plus module");
class ExampleClass
static void init_type()
behaviors().doc ("example class");
add_varargs_method("Random", &ExampleClass::Random, "Random(), get float in range 0<=x<1");
How exactly does that work, and could I use it in a purely c++ enviroment to solve my problem here?
Easiest way to do this, IMHO, is to have a simple C function that returns a pointer to an interface described elsewhere. Then your app, can call all of the functions of that interface, without actually knowing what class it is using.
Edit: Here's a simple example.
In your main app code, you create a header for the interface:
class IModule
virtual ~IModule(); // <= important!
virtual void doStuff() = 0;
Main app is coded to use the interface above, without any details on the actual implementation of the interface.
class ActualModule: public IModule
/* implementation */
Now, the modules - the DLL's have the actual implementations of that interface, and those classes don't even have to be exported - __declspec (dllexport) isn't needed. The only requirement for the modules is to export a single function, that would create and return an implementation of the interface:
__declspec (dllexport) IModule* CreateModule()
// call the constructor of the actual implementation
IModule * module = new ActualModule();
// return the created function
return module;
note: error checking left out - you'd usually want to check, if new returned the correct pointer and you should protect yourself from the exceptions that might be thrown in the constructor of the ActualModule class.
Then, in your main app, all you need is to simply load the module (LoadLibrary function) and find the function CreateModule (GetProcAddr function). Then, you use the class through the interface.
Edit 2: your RefCount (base class of the interface), can be implemented in (and exported from) the main app. Then all your module would need to link to the lib file of the main app (yes! EXE files can have LIB files just like DLL files!) And that should be enough.
You are re-inventing COM. Your RefCounted class is IUnknown. Your abstract class is an interface. A COM server in a DLL has an entrypoint named DllGetClassObject(), it is a class factory. There is lots of documentation available from Microsoft on COM, poke around a bit to see how they did it.
[Edit: whilst I was composing all this, Paulius Maruška edited his comment to say basically the same. So apologies for any duplication. Though I suppose you've now got one for spare :)]
Off the top of my head, and assuming Visual C++...
You need to use LoadLibrary to load a DLL in dynamically, then use GetProcAddress to retrieve from it the address of a function that will create the actual derived class that the DLL code implements. How you decide to do this precisely is up to you (the DLLs need finding, the way the expose their functionality needs specifying, etc.) so for now let's assume that plugins only provides new Sprite implementations.
To do this, decide on the signature of the function in the DLL that the main program will call to create one of these new sprites. This one looks suitable:
typedef Sprite *(*CreateSpriteFn)();
Then, from the main program, you'll have to load a DLL (again, how you find this DLL is up to you) and get the sprite creation function from it. I've decided that the sprite creation function will be called "CreateSprite":
HMODULE hDLL=LoadLibrary(pDLLName);
CreateSpriteFn pfnCreateSprite=CreateSpriteFn(GetProcAddress(hDLL,"CreateSprite"));
Then to actually create one of these, just call the function:
Sprite *pSprite=(*pfnCreateSprite)();
Once you are done with the DLL and there are no objects left that were created by it, you then use FreeLibrary to get rid of it:
To create a DLL that sports this interface, write the code for the derived class and so on then somewhere in the DLL code provide the CreateSprite function that the calling program needs, using the appropriate signature:
extern "C"
Sprite *CreateSprite()
return new MyNewSprite;
The dllexport thing means that you can use GetProcAddress to pick this function up by name, and the extern "C" ensures that the name is unmangled and doesn't end up as "CreateSprite#4" or something like.
Two other notes:
GetProcAddress returns 0 if it couldn't find the function, so you can use this to scan through a list of DLLs (e.g., returned from FindFirstFile and friends) looking for DLLs that support the interface, and/or try to find multiple entry points and support multiple types per plugin.
if the main program is going to delete the sprite using the delete operator, this requires that both DLL and main program are built using the same runtime library, so that the main program's delete and the DLL's new are both using the same heap. You can work around this to some extent by having the DLL provide a DeleteSprite function, that deletes the sprite using the DLL's runtime library rather than the main program's, but you still have to take care about the rest of your program, so you may just want to force DLL writers to use the same runtime library as your program. (I wouldn't say you'd be in good company by doing this, but it's not uncommon. 3D Studio MAX requires this, for example.)
Perhaps you want to look into DLL Delay-Loading (http://www.codeproject.com/KB/DLL/Delay_Loading_Dll.aspx) - this will give you what you want without having to work too hard for it

Using C++ DLLs with different compiler versions

This question is related to "How to make consistent dll binaries across VS versions ?"
We have applications and DLLs built
with VC6 and a new application built
with VC9. The VC9-app has to use
DLLs compiled with VC6, most of
which are written in C and one in
The C++ lib is problematic due to
name decoration/mangling issues.
Compiling everything with VC9 is
currently not an option as there
appear to be some side effects.
Resolving these would be quite time
I can modify the C++ library, however it must be compiled with VC6.
The C++ lib is essentially an OO-wrapper for another C library. The VC9-app uses some static functions as well as some non-static.
While the static functions can be handled with something like
// Header file
class DLL_API Foo
int init();
extern "C"
int DLL_API Foo_init();
// Implementation file
int Foo_init()
return Foo::init();
it's not that easy with the non-static methods.
As I understand it, Chris Becke's suggestion of using a COM-like interface won't help me because the interface member names will still be decorated and thus inaccessible from a binary created with a different compiler. Am I right there?
Would the only solution be to write a C-style DLL interface using handlers to the objects or am I missing something?
In that case, I guess, I would probably have less effort with directly using the wrapped C-library.
The biggest problem to consider when using a DLL compiled with a different C++ compiler than the calling EXE is memory allocation and object lifetime.
I'm assuming that you can get past the name mangling (and calling convention), which isn't difficult if you use a compiler with compatible mangling (I think VC6 is broadly compatible with VS2008), or if you use extern "C".
Where you'll run into problems is when you allocate something using new (or malloc) from the DLL, and then you return this to the caller. The caller's delete (or free) will attempt to free the object from a different heap. This will go horribly wrong.
You can either do a COM-style IFoo::Release thing, or a MyDllFree() thing. Both of these, because they call back into the DLL, will use the correct implementation of delete (or free()), so they'll delete the correct object.
Or, you can make sure that you use LocalAlloc (for example), so that the EXE and the DLL are using the same heap.
Interface member names will not be decorated -- they're just offsets in a vtable. You can define an interface (using a C struct, rather than a COM "interface") in a header file, thusly:
struct IFoo {
int Init() = 0;
Then, you can export a function from the DLL, with no mangling:
class CFoo : public IFoo { /* ... */ };
extern "C" IFoo * __stdcall GetFoo() { return new CFoo(); }
This will work fine, provided that you're using a compiler that generates compatible vtables. Microsoft C++ has generated the same format vtable since (at least, I think) MSVC6.1 for DOS, where the vtable is a simple list of pointers to functions (with thunking in the multiple-inheritance case). GNU C++ (if I recall correctly) generates vtables with function pointers and relative offsets. These are not compatible with each other.
Well, I think Chris Becke's suggestion is just fine. I would not use Roger's first solution, which uses an interface in name only and, as he mentions, can run into problems of incompatible compiler-handling of abstract classes and virtual methods. Roger points to the attractive COM-consistent case in his follow-on.
The pain point: You need to learn to make COM interface requests and deal properly with IUnknown, relying on at least IUnknown:AddRef and IUnknown:Release. If the implementations of interfaces can support more than one interface or if methods can also return interfaces, you may also need to become comfortable with IUnknown:QueryInterface.
Here's the key idea. All of the programs that use the implementation of the interface (but don't implement it) use a common #include "*.h" file that defines the interface as a struct (C) or a C/C++ class (VC++) or struct (non VC++ but C++). The *.h file automatically adapts appropriately depending on whether you are compiling a C Language program or a C++ language program. You don't have to know about that part simply to use the *.h file. What the *.h file does is define the Interface struct or type, lets say, IFoo, with its virtual member functions (and only functions, no direct visibility to data members in this approach).
The header file is constructed to honor the COM binary standard in a way that works for C and that works for C++ regardless of the C++ compiler that is used. (The Java JNI folk figured this one out.) This means that it works between separately-compiled modules of any origin so long as a struct consisting entirely of function-entry pointers (a vtable) is mapped to memory the same by all of them (so they have to be all x86 32-bit, or all x64, for example).
In the DLL that implements the the COM interface via a wrapper class of some sort, you only need a factory entry point. Something like an
extern "C" HRESULT MkIFooImplementation(void **ppv);
which returns an HRESULT (you'll need to learn about those too) and will also return a *pv in a location you provide for receiving the IFoo interface pointer. (I am skimming and there are more careful details that you'll need here. Don't trust my syntax) The actual function stereotype that you use for this is also declared in the *.h file.
The point is that the factory entry, which is always an undecorated extern "C" does all of the necessary wrapper class creation and then delivers an Ifoo interface pointer to the location that you specify. This means that all memory management for creation of the class, and all memory management for finalizing it, etc., will happen in the DLL where you build the wrapper. This is the only place where you have to deal with those details.
When you get an OK result from the factory function, you have been issued an interface pointer and it has already been reserved for you (there is an implicit IFoo:Addref operation already performed on behalf of the interface pointer you were delivered).
When you are done with the interface, you release it with a call on the IFoo:Release method of the interface. It is the final release implementation (in case you made more AddRef'd copies) that will tear down the class and its interface support in the factory DLL. This is what gets you correct reliance on a consistent dynamic stoorage allocation and release behind the interface, whether or not the DLL containing the factory function uses the same libraries as the calling code.
You should probably implement IUnknown:QueryInterface (as method IFoo:QueryInterface) too, even if it always fails. If you want to be more sophisticated with using the COM binary interface model as you have more experience, you can learn to provide full QueryInterface implementations.
This is probably too much information, but I wanted to point out that a lot of the problems you are facing about heterogeneous implementations of DLLs are resolved in the definition of the COM binary interface and even if you don't need all of it, the fact that it provides worked solutions is valuable. In my experience, once you get the hang of this, you will never forget how powerful this can be in C++ and C++ interop situations.
I haven't sketched the resources you might need to consult for examples and what you have to learn in order to make *.h files and to actually implement factory-function wrappers of the libraries you want to share. If you want to dig deeper, holler.
There are other things you need to consider too, such as which run-times are being used by the various libraries. If no objects are being shared that's fine, but that seems quite unlikely at first glance.
Chris Becker's suggestions are pretty accurate - using an actual COM interface may help you get the binary compatibility you need. Your mileage may vary :)
not fun, man. you are in for a lot of frustration, you should probably give this:
Would the only solution be to write a
C-style DLL interface using handlers
to the objects or am I missing
something? In that case, I guess, I
would probably have less effort with
directly using the wrapped C-library.
a really close look. good luck.