truncate characters in a HTML element - Django Templates - django

In my django templates i have a list of objects which is rendered as follows:
<li class="keys">
{% for key in job.key_list|slice:":2" %}
{% if not forloop.last %}
{{ key }},
{% else %}
{{ key }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
This outputs the list as:
some_key, some_key_two
I want to truncate the number of characters to 20 but on the whole list. So that it renders something like:
some_key, some_key_t...
I am aware about the truncatechars and truncatewords filters available in django but they work on a string variable within the template.
How do i go about implementing this functionality ?

Wow, that's a strange requirement. You would have to implement this as a template tag or custom filter that takes a list and transforms it.
def truncatinator(value, arg):
strings = ",".join(value)
if len(strings) >= arg:
part = strings[0:19] + "..."
return part.split(',')
and use it like this {% for object in job.key_list|truncatinator:"20" %}
What you will notice though is that you will loop over a string list here instead of your objects which will give you this disadvantage: You won't have access to your .id.
This could be modified though as well.
I would do this with Javascript instead but I don't think that Django should be responsible for this overall.


Accessing nested list by variable in Django templates [duplicate]

I have some loop on the page and need list item depending from loop number.
When I call:
{{ mylist.1 }}
{{ mylist.2 }}
{{ mylist.3 }}
all works fine but what I really need is something like:
{% for x in somenumber|MyCustomRangeTag %}
{{ mylist.x }}
{% endfor %}
MyCustomRangeTag gives me Python range() it works and I already have x as number. So x is 1, 2, 3 etc. depending from loop number.
Is this possible and how?
This is not possible directly because Django thinks that "x" is the key to lookup in mylist - instead of the value of x. So, when x = 5, Django tries to look up mylist["x"] instead of mylist[5].
Use the following filter as workaround:
def lookup(d, key):
return d[key]
and use it like
{{ mylist|lookup:x }}
The slice tag in Django templates may use python's slicing code, but the syntax is unmistakably different. For instance, if you wanted to get an element of a sequence with a variable, in python you'd write something similar to the following:
>>>mylist = ["0th Element", "1th Element"]
>>>zero, one = 0, 1
"0th Element"
"1th Element"
Using this syntax with the Django slice template tag will return a sliced list in every case, of dubious utility for getting an item of known index:
{% with "0" as zero %}
{% with "1" as one %}
{% with "2" as two %}
{{mylist|slice:zero}} {{mylist|slice:one}} {{mylist|slice:two}}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
Renders to the html:
[] ["0th Element"] ["0th Element", "1th Element"]
Note the differences: you are getting the result of mylist[:x] instead of mylist[x].
Django provides enough tools to work around this. The first trick is to use explicit slices like 0:1 for your indices, and then |join:"" the resultant list into a single element. Like so:
{% with "0:1" as zero %}
{% endwith %}
0th Element
This comes in particularly handy if you need to access a parent loop's index when dealing with an iterable inside a child loop:
{% for parent in parent_loop %}
{% cycle "0:1" "1:2" "2:3" as parent_loop_index silent %}
{% for child in child_loop %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Completed with nothing but stock parts, although I don't think Django has implemented achievements yet.
I notice that #e-satis mentioned it, but I think the built-in slice template tag deserves some love.
{{ item | slice:"2" }} #gets the third element of the list
Are you sure you can't just do:
{% for item in mylist %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}
With the slice filter, you can even do some customisation.
Following worked for me
{% for 1,2,3 in mylist %}
# do stuff
Just don't use brackets around 1,2,3

Django haystack search result possible to get list of actual objects directly?

Normally django haystack search result is a list of 'result' object, in order to get to the actual object I need to use result.object
Which makes reusing the normal list template impossible, eg.
{% for item in object_list %}
{{ item.title }} # in search result {{ item.object.title }}
{% endfor %}
Is there a built-in method I can use to work around this problem or I need to write a custom search view to do this?
I used {% with generic_item=item.object|default:item %} then {{ generic_item.whatever }} from then on

Get list item dynamically in django templates

I have some loop on the page and need list item depending from loop number.
When I call:
{{ mylist.1 }}
{{ mylist.2 }}
{{ mylist.3 }}
all works fine but what I really need is something like:
{% for x in somenumber|MyCustomRangeTag %}
{{ mylist.x }}
{% endfor %}
MyCustomRangeTag gives me Python range() it works and I already have x as number. So x is 1, 2, 3 etc. depending from loop number.
Is this possible and how?
This is not possible directly because Django thinks that "x" is the key to lookup in mylist - instead of the value of x. So, when x = 5, Django tries to look up mylist["x"] instead of mylist[5].
Use the following filter as workaround:
def lookup(d, key):
return d[key]
and use it like
{{ mylist|lookup:x }}
The slice tag in Django templates may use python's slicing code, but the syntax is unmistakably different. For instance, if you wanted to get an element of a sequence with a variable, in python you'd write something similar to the following:
>>>mylist = ["0th Element", "1th Element"]
>>>zero, one = 0, 1
"0th Element"
"1th Element"
Using this syntax with the Django slice template tag will return a sliced list in every case, of dubious utility for getting an item of known index:
{% with "0" as zero %}
{% with "1" as one %}
{% with "2" as two %}
{{mylist|slice:zero}} {{mylist|slice:one}} {{mylist|slice:two}}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
Renders to the html:
[] ["0th Element"] ["0th Element", "1th Element"]
Note the differences: you are getting the result of mylist[:x] instead of mylist[x].
Django provides enough tools to work around this. The first trick is to use explicit slices like 0:1 for your indices, and then |join:"" the resultant list into a single element. Like so:
{% with "0:1" as zero %}
{% endwith %}
0th Element
This comes in particularly handy if you need to access a parent loop's index when dealing with an iterable inside a child loop:
{% for parent in parent_loop %}
{% cycle "0:1" "1:2" "2:3" as parent_loop_index silent %}
{% for child in child_loop %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Completed with nothing but stock parts, although I don't think Django has implemented achievements yet.
I notice that #e-satis mentioned it, but I think the built-in slice template tag deserves some love.
{{ item | slice:"2" }} #gets the third element of the list
Are you sure you can't just do:
{% for item in mylist %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}
With the slice filter, you can even do some customisation.
Following worked for me
{% for 1,2,3 in mylist %}
# do stuff
Just don't use brackets around 1,2,3

Accessing initial value of django forms when iterating over the fields

I'm trying to do something pretty simple; I'd like to apply a "hidden" style to a form field inside a django template when I've passed in some initial value like this:
form = form_class(initial={'field':data})
Normally, it would be like this:
<li class="{{}} {% if form.somefield.initial %} hidden{% endif %}>
But I'm iterating over the forms, so what I want do do is something that looks like this:
{% for field in form %}
<li class="{{}} {% if field.initial %} hidden{% endif %}">
{% endfor %}
but this doesn't work, because field.initial only has the value defined as initial to the field in the form, not the data that's passed in at the form's creation. Is there a good solution for this besides just breaking out the iterating into individual forms?
Some (bad) solutions I've thought of:
overriding init to stuff values form self.initial into self.fields;
writing a template tags called {% hideifhasinitial %}
adding a method to the form that uses zip on self and self.initial (doesn't work, since self.initial only had one element and self had 4, it only iterated over 1 element, and the keys (field names) didn't match up).
how about this?
{% for field in form %}
{% if in field.form.initial.keys %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Initial data can be accessed on the value attribute, initial data represents the value of the field:
Turns out there's a way easier way to do this.
{% if in form.initial.keys %}
The solution with the initial keys has not worked for me, because the field contains as a value an empty string. I had to write my own custom tag:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def field_empty(field):
if not field.form.initial.get(
return ' hidden'
return ''
In your example, I would use the tag this way:
<li class="{{ }} {% field_empty field %}">

How to find that the content is truncated?

I'm trying to build a blog app and the problem is when I use tag 'truncatewords_html' in my template to truncate posts longer than specified number of words, I need to link to complete post by some title like 'read more...' after truncation. So I should know that the post was truncated or not.
P.S.: Is this a pythonic way to solve the problem?
{% ifequal post.body|length post.body|truncatewords_html:max_words|length %}
{{ post.body|safe }}
{% else %}
{{ post.body|truncatewords_html:max_words|safe }}read more
{% endifequal %}
This is pretty convoluted but django has some weird corners. Basically I figure if the string length is the same if you truncate at x and x+1 words then the string has not been truncated...
{% ifnotequal post.body|truncatewords_html:30|length post.body|truncatewords_html:31|length %}
{% endifnotequal %}
You could write a custom template tag (see django docs), or manually check in the template, whether the content you want to display exceeds the given length via length builtin filter.
It comes down to personal preference, but for my taste you're doing way too much work in the template. I would create a method on the Post model, read_more_needed() perhaps, which returns True or False depending on the length of the text. eg:
def read_more_needed(self):
from django.utils.text import truncate_html_words
return not truncate_html_words(self.body,30)==truncate_html_words(self.body,31)
Then your template would read:
{% if post.read_more_needed %}
{{ post.body|truncatewords_html:30|safe }}read more
{% else %}
{{ post.body|safe }}
{% endif %}
Check out
This patch provides a method to replace the default elipses for truncated text.