I am having trouble with the initialization of this struct (simplified for example)
struct S{ const float * const * const data;};
Basically I have a buffer of buffers of floats, and I use const to ensure someone using S cannot change anything to this member (read only).
My problem is that this is complicated and hard to read to initialize, I would like to use a lambda that return an const S, and so I could initialize members in my lambda by writing the member name : s.data = ptr;
Now this code is complex and I wonder what could be a better solution.
AFAIK, having struct S{float ** data;} a const S would not protect as efficiently the content of the member, I could not modify S::data, but I could modify *S::data.
How should I do ?
Thank you
Why not just remove the last const?
struct S{ const float * const * data;};
That way you can initialize data however you like, and it still can't be used to modify anything it points to.
data itself can be modified, but should that be prevented, it should simply be private.
The recommended way is to add a constructor to S. This allows you to set the value of data in the ctor initializer list.
struct S
explicit S(const float *const *const d) : data(d) {}
const float * const * const data;
S GetS()
float **data = GetData();
return S(data);
If you want to restrict who can change S::data after it has been initialized you can box the member variable and use friendship to allow access. This requires encapsulating the data member in an additional struct that provides conversion and assignment operators.
struct Outer
struct S
struct ConstBox
friend Outer;
ConstBox(const ConstBox& other) : data_(other.data_) {}
explicit ConstBox(const float *const *const data) : data_(data) {}
operator const float* const* () const { return data_; }
ConstBox& operator=(const float * const * data)
data_ = data;
return *this;
const float * const * data_;
S() : data(nullptr) {}
explicit S(const float *const *const d) : data(d) {}
ConstBox data;
S DoSomething() const
S s(nullptr);
auto f = []() -> S
S s;
s.data = new float*[10];
return s;
return f();
typedef Outer::S S;
void FailTest()
S s;
s.data = nullptr; // <-- fails
float** v1 = s.data; // <-- fails
const float** v1 = s.data; // <-- fails
// These are ok
const float* const* v2 = s.data;
#CaptainObvious's answer is the correct one. Write a constructor for S, taking whatever arguments it needs, and use a member initialiser rather than an assignment statement to set 'data'.
With your simplified example I would simply do:
struct S{ float const * const * const data;};
auto create_buffer() -> float const * const * {
float **buf;
/* ... compute buffer contents */
return buf;
S s {create_buffer()};
However, in a comment you mention that you have many members and that initializing members based on order is not sufficiently clear.
struct S { const A a; const B b; const C c; };
S s {x,y,z}; // order based, not readable enough.
const members must be initialized as part of the object's construction. You must either specify them somehow in the initializer, or you must set their value in the class, so that they are set at construction time.
Solution 1
One way to pass them during construction, but in a readable fashion is to use a second object to help initialization:
struct S_initializer { A a; B b; C c; }
struct S {
const A a; const B b; const C c;
S(S_initializer &s) : a(s.a), b(s.b), c(s.c) {}
S make_S() {
S_initializer s;
s.a = x;
s.b = y;
s.c = z;
return S{s};
The above involves some repitition, which you can avoid by just making the initialization helper object a const member of S:
struct S {
const S_initializer m;
S(S_initializer &s) : m{s} {}
S make_S() {
S_initializer s;
s.a = x;
s.b = y;
s.c = z;
return S{s};
The tradeoff is that now to access the members of S you have to have an extra .m in there:
A a = s.m.a; // versus just s.a;
Solution 2
A second method relies on a compiler extension; Although not standard C++, gcc and clang implement C99 designated initializers in C++. VC++ does not implement this.
S s { .a = x, .b = y, .c = z };
Following example shows the crux of the problem. I need to initialize const members of a class. This can only be done in the initializer-list and not in constructor body. I want to assert or throw an error if input to the constructor is invalid, that is, if the vector size is less than 3.
class A {
// In following constructor, how do we make sure if params.size()
// is at least 3.
A(const std::vector<int>& params):
x(params[0]), y(params[1]), z(params[2]) {}
const int x;
const int y;
const int z;
Please advise how to achieve this in Modern C++ (11 and later)
Just add a layer of abstraction. You can write a function that makes sure the vector is of the correct size and you can even make sure the values are in an expected range, if you have one. That would look like
class A {
A(const std::vector<int>& params):
x(verify(params, 0)), y(verify(params, 1)), z(verify(params, 3)) {}
static int verify(const std::vector<int>& params, int index)
if (params.size() < 4) // or use if (params.size() <= index) if you only care if the index will work
throw something;
return params[index];
const int x;
const int y;
const int z;
const members can only be initialized in the constructors's member initialization list. To validate the caller's input, you would have to call a helper function to validate each input value before passing it to the corresponding member, eg:
int check(const std::vector<int> ¶ms, int index) {
if (params.size() <= index) throw std::length_error("");
return params[index];
class A {
A(const std::vector<int>& params):
x(check(params, 0)), y(check(params, 1)), z(check(params, 3)) {}
const int x;
const int y;
const int z;
Or, simply utilize the vector's own built-in bounds checking instead:
class A {
A(const std::vector<int>& params):
x(params.at(0)), y(params.at(1)), z(params.at(3)) {}
const int x;
const int y;
const int z;
Not as elegant as other solutions but... you can simply add a throw in a ternary operator inside the initialization of the first constant
class A
const int x;
const int y;
const int z;
A (const std::vector<int>& params)
: x{ params.size() < 4u ? throw std::runtime_error{"!"}
: params[0] },
y{params[1]}, z{params[3]}
{ }
Off Topic suggestion: if A is a class, maybe it's better that the constructor is public.
Other option extra layer through conversion:
class A_params{
friend class A;
int x;
int y;
int z;
void validate();
A_params(const std::vector<int>&);
class A {
// In following constructor, how do we make sure if params.size()
// is at least 3.
A(A_params params):
x(params.x), y(params.y), z(params.z) {}
const int x;
const int y;
const int z;
I have the following code:
struct S
S(): a(42) {}
int a;
class P
P(S const *s): m_s(s ? *s : /*init m_s by default ctor - how to achieve it?*/)
S m_s;
I want m_s to be initialized either by copy-constructor or by default constructor, depending on pointer s:
P p1(nullptr); // expect default ctor: p1.m_s.a = 42
S s;
s.a = 84;
P p2(&s); // expect copy ctor: p2.m_s.a = 84
How can I do it in a most elegant way?
You could just write:
class P {
P(S const *s): m_s(s ? *s : S()){}
S m_s;
You might find it more elegant to extract the conditional to a separate helper function:
S createS(S const *s) {
return s ? *s : S();
This may look like it will perform an unnecessary copy in the case of a nullptr argument but in practice the compiler will perform RVO and optimize out the copy.
Live demo.
A partial solution that works only with null pointer constants would be to add an overload:
P(std::nullptr_t) : m_s() {}
P(const S * s) : m_s(AssertNotNull(s)) {}
Here I used:
template <typename T> T * AssertNotNull(T * p) {
if (!p) std::abort();
return p;
If you need a dynamic switch, you could use a helper function:
struct P {
static const S & maybe(const S * s) {
static S x;
return s ? *s : x;
P(const S * s) : m_s(maybe(s)) {}
S m_s;
This doesn't actually switch between copy and default constructor (since you cannot do that dynamically), but it fakes the effect by copying from a default-constructed instance if the pointer is null.
In a copy constructor of a struct/class, how can I avoid copying all the basic (int, double, etc.) members one by one if the intention is to copy a pointer successfully? Is it possible to extend the default copy constructor in this sense?
struct Type
int a;
double b;
bool c;
// ... a lot of basic members
int* p;
p = new int;
*p = 0;
Type (const Type& t)
// how to avoid copying these members one by one
this.a = t.a;
this.b = t.b;
this.c = t.c;
// but only add this portion
this.p = new int;
*this.p = *t.p;
Create an RAII wrapper for the int * data member that allows copying/moving.
struct DynInt
std::unique_ptr<int> p;
DynInt() : DynInt(0) {}
explicit DynInt(int i) : p(new int(i)) {}
DynInt(DynInt const &other) : p(new int(*other.p)) {}
DynInt& operator=(DynInt const& other)
*p = *other.p;
return *this;
DynInt(DynInt&&) = default;
DynInt& operator=(DynInt&&) = default;
// maybe define operator* to allow direct access to *p
Then declare your class as
struct Type
int a;
double b;
bool c;
// ... a lot of basic members
DynInt p;
Now, the implicitly generated copy constructor will do the right thing.
Is there a way in C++03 (or earlier) to write a class that can either store a const or non-const pointer, and handles access appropriately? Take the usage of the non-functional "SometimesConst" class as an example:
class SometimesConst
SometimesConst(int * buffer) : buffer(buffer) {} // Needs const qualifier?
int* get() { return buffer; } // Needs const qualifier?
void increment() { counter++; }
int * buffer; // Needs const qualifier?
int counter;
void function(int * n, const int * c)
// These are both okay
SometimesConst wn(n);
SometimesConst wc(c);
// Reading the value is always allowed
printf("%d %d", wn.get()[0], wc.get()[0]);
// Can increment either object's counter
// Can set non-const pointer
wn.get()[0] = 5;
// Should generate a compiler error
wc.get()[0] = 5;
Creating a const SometimesConst would not allow modification of the counter property of the object. Can a class be designed that has compile-time const safety for input objects, only if they are passed in as const?
No, not the way you are wanting to use it. The only way to have different behavior at compile time is to have different types. However, you can make that fairly easy to use:
#include <stdio.h>
template <typename T>
class SometimesConst
SometimesConst(T* buffer) : buffer(buffer) { }
T* get() { return buffer; }
void increment() { ++counter; }
T *buffer;
int counter;
typedef SometimesConst<const int> IsConst;
typedef SometimesConst<int> IsNotConst;
void function(int * n, const int * c)
IsNotConst wn(n);
IsConst wc(c);
// Reading the value is always allowed
printf("%d %d", wn.get()[0], wc.get()[0]);
// Can increment either object's counter
// Can set non-const pointer
wn.get()[0] = 5;
// Should generate a compiler error
wc.get()[0] = 5;
The language already mostly lets you do this with a simple class; with the way const cascades to access to members (combined with mutable for the counter member, which you've indicated should always be mutable), you can provide both read-only and read-write access to a buffer quite easily:
class C
C(int* buffer) : buffer(buffer) {}
const int* get() const { return buffer; }
int* get() { return buffer; }
void increment() const { counter++; }
int* buffer;
mutable int counter;
void function(int* n)
// These are both okay
C wn(n);
const C wc(n);
// Reading the value is always allowed
printf("%d %d", wn.get()[0], wc.get()[0]);
// Can increment either object's counter
// Can set non-const pointer
wn.get()[0] = 5;
// Generates a compiler error
wc.get()[0] = 5;
What you can't do with this is neatly arrange for the class to be instantiated with either a int* or a const int*; the two lead to totally different semantics for your class, so you should split it into two if you really need that.
Fortunately, templates make this easy:
template <typename T>
class C
C(T* buffer) : buffer(buffer) {}
const T* get() const { return buffer; }
T* get() { return buffer; }
void increment() const { counter++; }
T* buffer;
mutable int counter;
Now a C<int> is as above, but a C<const int> only provides read-only access to the buffer, even when the C<const int> object itself is not marked as const:
void function(int* n1, const int* n2)
C<int> a(n1);
C<const int> b(n2);
const C<int> c(n1);
const C<const int> d(n2);
// Reading the value is always allowed
printf("%d %d %d %d",
a.get()[0], b.get()[0],
c.get()[0], d.get()[0]
// Incrementing the counter is always allowed
// Can set non-const pointer
a.get()[0] = 5;
// Cannot set const pointer, or const/non-const pointer behind const object
//b.get()[0] = 5;
//c.get()[0] = 5;
//d.get()[0] = 5;
Live demo
I think that there is a design problem if you want to store two different things which must be handled in different ways in one class. But yes, you can do it:
struct X{};
class A
A(const X*) { cout << "const" << endl; }
A(X*) { cout << "non const" << endl; }
int main()
const X x1;
X x2;
A a1(&x1);
A a2(&x2);
the output is expected:
non const
I'm coming to C++ from C# and const-correctness is still new to me. In C# I could declare a property like this:
class Type
public readonly int x;
public Type(int y)
x = y;
This would ensure that x was only set during initialization. I would like to do something similar in C++. The best I can come up with though is:
class Type
int _x;
Type(int y) { _x = y; }
int get_x() { return _x; }
Is there a better way to do this? Even better: Can I do this with a struct? The type I have in mind is really just a collection of data, with no logic, so a struct would be better if I could guarantee that its values are set only during initialization.
There is a const modifier:
class Type
const int _x;
int j;
Type(int y):_x(y) { j = 5; }
int get_x() { return _x; }
// disable changing the object through assignment
Type& operator=(const Type&) = delete;
Note that you need to initialize constant in the constructor initialization list. Other variables you can also initialize in the constructor body.
About your second question, yes, you can do something like this:
struct Type
const int x;
const int y;
Type(int vx, int vy): x(vx), y(vy){}
// disable changing the object through assignment
Type& operator=(const Type&) = delete;
Rather than a collection of constants, you could have a constant collection. The property of being constant seems to pertain to your use case, not the data model itself. Like so:
struct extent { int width; int height; };
const extent e { 20, 30 };
It's possible to have specifically constant data members of a class, but then you need to write a constructor to initialize it:
struct Foo
const int x;
int & y;
int z;
Foo(int a, int & b) : x(a + b), y(b), z(b - a) { }
(The example also shows another type of data member that needs to be initialized: references.)
Of course, structs and classes are the same thing.
You can initialize class const members with constructor. If you need add some other logic in constructor, but in .cpp file not in .h, you can create a private method and call it in constructor.
class Example
const int constantMember1;
const int constantMember2;
const int constantMember3;
void Init();
Example(int a, int b) :constantMember1(a), constantMember2(b), constantMember3(a + b) {
void Init()
//Some Logic intialization
This is not exactly answering the question asked, but if you wanted to have the simplicity of directly accessing member variables in a struct without getters, but wanted to ensure that nobody could modify the values, you could do something like this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class TypeFriend;
struct Type
const int &x;
const int y;
Type (int vx, int vy):x (_x), y (vy), _x (vx)
friend class TypeFriend;
int _x;
struct TypeFriend
TypeFriend (Type & t):_t (t)
void setX (int newX)
_t._x = newX;
Type & _t;
int main ()
Type t (1, 2);
TypeFriend tf (t);
cout << t.x << "," << t.y << endl;
// t.x = 6; // error: assignment of read-only location ‘t.Type::x’
// cout<<t.x << ","<<t.y<<endl;
tf.setX (5);
cout << t.x << "," << t.y << endl;
return 0;
The result of running this is:
Type::x cannot be modified externally, so it is read-only, but via TypeFriend it can be changed. This can be useful if you wanted to expose a simple interface of direct member access for reading, but wanted to restrict how those members could be changed.