Redirecting stdout to LCD: pointer of member class - c++

FILE *LCD_stdout = new FILE();
int (*ptr)(char, FILE *) = ROBOT::__LCD_putchar;
fdev_setup_stream(LCD_stdout, ptr, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE );
stdout = LCD_stdout;
gives me error:
In member function 'SUBSYS_OPENSTAT ROBOT::LCD_open()':
LCD.cpp:108: error: argument of type 'int (ROBOT::)(char, __file*)' does not match 'int (*)(char, __file*)'
I've looked at a number of solutions through Stack Overflow and whatnot. .* doesn't resolve it, tried assigning a pointer of a pointer, and I feel I'm likely not going to be resolve it without resolving misconceptions.

The compiler error tells you exactly what's wrong:
argument of type 'int (ROBOT::)(char, __file*)' does not match 'int (*)(char, __file*)
...because pointers to member functions aren't compatible with pointers to non-member functions, for a couple of reasons.

One option is to create a separate free function but this depends on where the ROBOT object resides. For example if you have a global ROBOT object you could do the following
ROBOT globalRobot;
int callback(char c, FILE* f)
return globalRobot.__LCD_putchar(c, f);
FILE *LCD_stdout = new FILE();
fdev_setup_stream(LCD_stdout, callback, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE );
stdout = LCD_stdout;
If there is only going to be one robot object and it is a member variable of another class change globalRobot to be a pointer and set it after the ROBOT object has been created (ROBOT's constructor maybe)
This is untested as I don't know the innards of ROBOT but everything looks ok.


how to deal with a function pointer problem?

i'm implementing a normal function pointer.
so this is the function that i want to call:
WndDyn* Punkt2d::pEditPunkt(WndInfo& wi, Int32 AnzSichtChar, Bool WithUnit,
const DecimalsConf& DecConf)
WynDyn_callback Dyncallback;
Dyncallback.AnzSichtChar = AnzSichtChar;
Dyncallback.WithUnit = WithUnit;
Dyncallback.DecConf = DecConf;
return &(DlgZeile(wi)
+ pEditAll(Dyncallback, &pEditFeldX)//pEditFeldX(AnzSichtChar, WithUnit,
+ FntXUnit(2)
+ pEditFeldY(AnzSichtChar, WithUnit, DecConf)
After defining the function that needs to be called i defined my callee as follow:
WndDyn* pEditAll(WynDyn_callback& Dyncallback, WndDyn* (func_Call)
(WynDyn_callback)) {
return func_Call(Dyncallback);
And last of all this is the function that needs to be called using the callee function:
WndDyn* Punkt2d::pEditFeldX(WynDyn_callback Dyncallback) {
return &Edit(pNewStrDataLink(m_x, DLUC_Length, Dyncallback.DecConf),
My actuall problem is that my compiler is underlining the function pEditFeldX
in this line pEditAll(Dyncallback, pEditFeldX) in the function pEditpunkt and showing me this Error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C3867 'Punkt2d::pEditFeldX': non-standard syntax; use '&' to
create a pointer to member
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error
(active) E0167 argument of type "WndDyn (Punkt2d::)(WynDyn_callback
Dyncallback)" is incompatible with parameter of type "WndDyn
Because pEditFeldX is a member function you can't just call pEditFeldX(Dyncallback). You must call the function on some Punkt2d object, using e.g. meinPunkt2d.pEditFeldX(Dyncallback).
If you write pEditFeldX(Dyncallback) inside the Punkt2d class then it means (*this).pEditFeldX(Dyncallback). The compiler adds (*this). to save some typing.
A function pointer only points to a function. It doesn't point to a function and an object. It points to pEditFeldX, not meinPunkt2d.pEditFeldX. You must specify the Punkt2d object when you call it.
To remember that a Punkt2d must be specified, a function pointer which points to a member function is declared as this: WndDyn* (Punkt2d::*func_Call)(WynDyn_callback) and called as this: meinPunkt2d.*func_Call(Dyncallback);
If the function pointer is &pEditFeldX then meinPunkt2d.*func_Call(Dyncallback) is the same as meinPunkt2d.pEditFeldX(Dyncallback)
This doesn't apply to static member functions. Static member functions can be used with normal function pointers since no object is required.
It is not quite clear what you are trying to do, but if I understand it right, I think that std::function would be able to solve your problem std::function is able to store anything which can be called, including "half of a function call" like you seem to want. std::bind can make these "half function calls".
You could use them like this:
// in pEditPunkt
pEditAll(Dyncallback, std::bind(&CPunkt2d::pEditFeldX, this, std::placeholders::_1))
// in pEditAll
WndDyn* pEditAll(WynDyn_callback& Dyncallback, std::function<WndDyn* (WynDyn_callback)> (func_Call)
(WynDyn_callback)) {
return func_Call(Dyncallback);
First of all i would like to thanks #user253751 for his patient and great support. i would like to share with you how my code look like now:
#include <functional>
// pointer function
WndDyn* pEditAll(WynDyn_callback& Dyncallback, std::function<WndDyn*
(K_WynDyn_callback)>func_Call) {
return func_Call(Dyncallback);
//the calle
WndDyn* K_Punkt2d::pEditPunkt( WndInfo& wi, Int32 AnzSichtChar,
Bool WithUnit, const DecimalsConf& DecConf)
WynDyn_callback Dyncallback;
Dyncallback.AnzSichtChar = AnzSichtChar;
Dyncallback.WithUnit = WithUnit;
Dyncallback.DecConf = DecConf;
return &(DlgZeile(wi)
+ pEditAll(Dyncallback,
std::bind(&Punkt2d::pEditFeldX, this,
std::placeholders::_1))//pEditFeldX(AnzSichtChar, WithUnit,
+ FntXUnit(2)
+ pEditFeldY(AnzSichtChar, WithUnit, DecConf)

Calling a vector of function pointer

I am trying to use vector of function pointer in C++ which belongs to one class and being called in another class. For example: In class BoundaryCondition (file BoundaryCondition.h), I initialize the function pointer as:
class BoundaryConditions{
// Constructor function
BoundaryConditions(int id = 0);
vector <void (BoundaryConditions::*) (Face &, int, int)> func2bcond;
void fixedValue(Face &face, int id, int rkStep);
// and other functions with similar definition as fixedValue
In another class (DG.h), I initialize an array of BoundaryCondition instance, something like
BoundaryCondition *bcond;
and assign memory to bcond variable using new (in file DG.cpp). For each bcond[i] instance, I need to assign memory to function pointer as:
I am using resize instead of pushback as file reading may not be in the required order. Next, I am assigning function to this function pointer (again in DG.cpp) as per my boundary condition file:
bcond[i].func2bcond[j] = (&BoundaryConditions::fixedValue);
The code compiles alright till this point. I am getting error when I try to call these functions. I call this in DG.cpp. The code is as follows:
I keep getting the following error:
error: 'func2bcond' was not declared in this scope
I am quite sure it is only matter of position of * or the brackets, but I am stuck here and I did not get any specific solved post on stackoverflow.
Thanks in advance
Pointer on method requires instance when called, so your code might look like:
(bcond[i].*(bcond[i].func2bond[j]))(f, 1, 2);
or, splitting expression:
auto methodPtr = bcond[i].func2bond[j]; // auto is `void (BoundaryConditions::*) (Face &, int, int)`
(bcond[i].*methodPtr)(f, 1, 2);

How to get a member function pointer in MSVC?

I'm not going to get into too much of the details on the Excel side of things, I essentially took code from this example:
C++ app automates Excel (CppAutomateExcel)
So I've tried this code in MSVC and it compiles:
class foo { public: virtual void bar(){} };
int main()
void (foo::*p)() = &foo::bar;
But similar code to capture the address of the move function in Excel does not work:
int main()
Excel::_ApplicationPtr spXlApp;
HRESULT hr = spXlApp.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Excel::Application));
Excel::WorkbooksPtr spXlBooks = spXlApp->Workbooks;
Excel::_WorkbookPtr spXlBook = spXlBooks->Add();
Excel::_WorksheetPtr spXlSheet = spXlBook->ActiveSheet;
HRESULT(Excel::_Worksheet::*pMove)(...) = &spXlSheet->Excel::_Worksheet::Move;
<... irrelevant code ...>
return 0;
This has the following compiler error:
error C2276: '&': illegal operation on bound member function expression
If I remove the &, it says I should add it back:
error C3867: 'Excel::_Worksheet::Move': non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member
Any help on what to do here would be greatly appreciated.
You say in your question "but similar code..." and then you show code in which you do not do the same thing. Try using the same syntax for setting pMove as you used for setting p in your smaller example. Try something like &Excel::_Worksheet::Move; (without the "spXlSheet->").
If you can specify the specific instance of the object for which to call the function pointer at the time that you set the function pointer as you have there, I'm not aware of such a capability. After dropping spXlSheet-> from where you set the variable, use it instead where you want to call the function pointer.
You need to declare the method pointer like this instead:
// or whatever parameter type Move() actually uses...
void (Excel::_Worksheet::*pMove)(tagVARIANT, tagVARIANT) = &Excel::_Worksheet::Move;
Then, to actually call pMove(), you would have to do something like this:
Excel::_WorksheetPtr spXlSheet = ...;

type casting when return from function with shared_ptr

std::shared_ptr<AbstractPrinter> parse_input_fiz(char const *input) {
std::shared_ptr<FizPrinter> printer(FizPrinter);
return printer;
FizPrinter inherited from AbstractPrinter. And i got next error:
Description Resource Path Location Type could not convert ‘printer’
from ‘std::shared_ptr (*)(FizPrinter)’ to
‘std::shared_ptr’ /pdf-i/src line 63 C/C++
this function one of used in Factory
Did you mean
std::shared_ptr<FizPrinter> printer(new FizPrinter());
Your current code declares a function and the constructor for a shared_ptr takes a pointer.
std::shared_ptr<FizPrinter> printer(FizPrinter);
means "printer is a function with argument FizPrinter".
See question 10.21:

C++ - Smart Pointers - Passing derived class shared pointer to base through template

I have the following and having difficulty resolving the error please help.
i have the following class as template definition somewhere.
template<class ConcreteHandlerType>
class SomeAcceptor: public ACE_Acceptor<ConcreteHandlerType, ACE_SOCK_Acceptor>
In some other file, i initialize this class in the constructor
class initialize {
typedef SomeAcceptor<BaseClassSomeHandler> baseAcceptor_t;
typedef SomeAcceptor<DerivedClassSomeHandler> derivedAcceptor_t;
boost::shared_ptr<baseAcceptor_t;> mAcceptor;
boost::shared_ptr<derivedAcceptor_t;> mDerivedAcceptor;
bool HandleAcceptNotification(BaseClassSomeHandler& someHandler);
initialize() : mAcceptor(0), mDerivedAcceptor(new DerivedAcceptor_t) {
mAcceptor->SetAcceptNotificationDelegate(fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &initialize::HandleAcceptNotification));
Error i get is
error: no matching function for call to `boost::shared_ptr<SomeAcceptor<BaseClassSomeHandler> >::shared_ptr(int)'common/lib/boost_1_39_0/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:160: note: candidates are: boost::shared_ptr<SomeAcceptor<BaseClassSomeHandler> >::shared_ptr(const boost::shared_ptr<SomeAcceptor<BaseClassSomeHandler> >&)
common/lib/boost_1_39_0/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:173: notboost::shared_ptr<T>::shared_ptr() [with T = SomeAcceptor<BaseClassSomeHandler>]
I also tried overloading the function with
bool HandleAcceptNotification(DerivedClassSomeHandler& someHandler);
but because mAcceptor is of type SomeAcceptor BaseClassSomeHandler, i get this error, but to fix this.
I guess i need to cast it somehow, but how to do it?
i tried doing like below inside the constructor and it didn't work
initialize() : mAcceptor(0), mDerivedAcceptor(new DerivedAcceptor_t) {
mAcceptor = mDerivedAcceptor; // Error here
mAcceptor->SetAcceptNotificationDelegate(fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &initialize::HandleAcceptNotification));
From your code, it looks like you want mAcceptor to be assigned NULL (0), if that is the case you don't need to initialize it at all, as the default constructor will take care of that. But, since you call a function on that (NULL) pointer immediately, its not immediately clear exactly what you want to do.
If you want mAcceptor and mDerivedAcceptor to point to the same (shared) object and assuming DerivedClassSomeHandler is derived from BaseClassSomeHandler, this is a situation where you should use boost::shared_static_cast, as described here.
There's also some good information in this apparently related question.
The error is due to the mAcceptor(0) in
initialize() : mAcceptor(0), mDerivedAcceptor(new DerivedAcceptor_t) {
mAcceptor->SetAcceptNotificationDelegate(fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &initialize::HandleAcceptNotification));
The smart_ptr default constructor assigns the wrapped ptr to NULL, so leave out mAcceptor(0) from the initialization list.
boost::shared_ptr<SomeAcceptor<BaseClassSomeHandler> >::shared_ptr(int)
It's yelling at you that there's no constructor that accepts an int.
Just use: mAcceptor()