We are using Jetty 8.1 as an embedded HTTP server. Under overload conditions the server sometimes starts flooding the log file with these messages:
warn: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException
warn: Dispatched Failed! SCEP#76107610{l(...)<->r(...),d=false,open=true,ishut=false,oshut=false,rb=false,wb=false,w=true,i=1r}...
The same message is repeated thousands of times, and the amount of logging appears to slow down the whole system. The messages itself are fine, our request handler ist just to slow to process the requests in time. But the huge number of repeated messages makes things actually worse and makes it more difficult for the system to recover from the overload.
So, my question is: is this a normal behaviour, or are we doing something wrong?
Here is how we set up the server:
Server server = new Server();
SelectChannelConnector connector = new SelectChannelConnector();
connector.setAcceptQueueSize( 10 );
server.setConnectors( new Connector[]{ connector } );
server.setThreadPool( new ExecutorThreadPool( 32, 32, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>( 10 )));
The SelectChannelEndPoint is the origin of this log message.
To not see it, just set your named logger of org.eclipse.jetty.io.nio.SelectChannelEndPoint to LEVEL=OFF.
Now as for why you see it, that is more interesting to the developers of Jetty. Can you detail what specific version of Jetty you are using and also what specific JVM you are using?
my project using QTcpSocket and the function setSocketDescriptor(). The code is very normal
QTcpSocket *socket = new QTcpSocket();
This coding worked fine most of the time until I ran a performance testing on Windows Server 2016, the crash occurred. I debugging with the crash dump, here is the log
0000004f`ad1ff4e0 : ucrtbase!abort+0x4e
00000000`6ed19790 : Qt5Core!qt_logging_to_console+0x15a
000001b7`79015508 : Qt5Core!QMessageLogger::fatal+0x6d
0000004f`ad1ff0f0 : Qt5Core!QEventDispatcherWin32::installMessageHook+0xc0
00000000`00000000 : Qt5Core!QEventDispatcherWin32::createInternalHwnd+0xf3
000001b7`785b0000 : Qt5Core!QEventDispatcherWin32::registerSocketNotifier+0x13e
000001b7`7ad57580 : Qt5Core!QSocketNotifier::QSocketNotifier+0xf9
00000000`00000001 : Qt5Network!QLocalSocket::socketDescriptor+0x4cf7
00000000`00000000 : Qt5Network!QAbstractSocket::setSocketDescriptor+0x256
In the stderr log, I see those logs
CreateWindow() for QEventDispatcherWin32 internal window failed (Not enough storage is available to process this command.)
Qt: INTERNAL ERROR: failed to install GetMessage hook: 8, Not enough storage is available to process this command.
Here is the function, where the code was stopped on the Qt codebase
void QEventDispatcherWin32::installMessageHook()
if (d->getMessageHook)
// setup GetMessage hook needed to drive our posted events
d->getMessageHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, (HOOKPROC) qt_GetMessageHook, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId());
if (Q_UNLIKELY(!d->getMessageHook)) {
int errorCode = GetLastError();
qFatal("Qt: INTERNAL ERROR: failed to install GetMessage hook: %d, %s",
errorCode, qPrintable(qt_error_string(errorCode)));
I did research and the error Not enough storage is available to process this command. maybe the OS (Windows) does not have enough resources to process this function (SetWindowsHookEx) and failed to create a hook, and then Qt fire a fatal signal, finally my app is killed.
I tested this on Windows Server 2019, the app is working fine, no crashes appear.
I just want to know more about the meaning of the error message (stderr) cause I don't really know what is "Not enough storage"? I think it is maybe the limit or bug of the Windows Server 2016? If yes, is there any way to overcome this issue on Windows Server 2016?
The error ‘Not enough storage is available to process this command’ usually occurs in Windows servers when the registry value is set incorrectly or after a recent reset or reinstallations, the configurations are not set correctly.
Below is verified procedure for this issue:
Click on Start > Run > regedit & press Enter
Find this key name HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters
Locate IRPStackSize
If this value does not exist Right Click on Parameters key and Click on New > Dword Value and type in IRPStackSize under the name.
The name of the value must be exactly (combination of uppercase and lowercase letters) the same as what I have above.
Right Click on the IRPStackSize and click on Modify
Select Decimal enter a value higher than 15(Maximum Value is 50 decimal) and Click Ok
You can close the registry editor and restart your computer.
After researching for a few days I finally can configure the Windows Server 2016 setting (registry) to prevent the crash.
So basically it is a limitation of the OS itself, it is called desktop heap limitation.
(The funny thing is the error message is Not enough storage is available to process this command but the real problem came to desktop heap limitation. )
So for the solution, flowing the steps in this link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/system-center/orchestrator/increase-maximum-number-concurrent-policy-instances
I increased the 3rd parameter of SharedSection to 2048 and it fix the issue.
Summary steps:
Desktop Heap for the non-interactive desktops is identified by the third parameter of the SharedSection= segment of the following registry value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems\Windows
The default data for this registry value will look something like the following:
%SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,3072,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16
The value to be entered into the Third Parameter of the SharedSection= segment should be based on the calculation of:
(number of desired concurrent policies) * 10 = (third parameter value)
Example: If it's desired to have 200 concurrent policy instances, then 200 * 10 = 2000, rounding up to a nice memory number gives you 2048as the third parameter resulting in the following update to be made to the registry value:
Good day. I apologize for asking for obvious things because I'm writing in PHP and I know Python at the level "I started learning this yesterday". I've already spent a few days on this - but to no avail.
I downloaded twisted example of the SSH server for version 20.3 from here https://docs.twistedmatrix.com/en/twisted-20.3.0/conch/examples/. Line 162 has an execCommand method that I need to implement to make it work. Then I noticed a comment in this method "We don't support command execution sessions". Therefore, the question: Is this comment apply only to the example, or twisted library entirely. Ie, is it possible to implement this method to make the example server will work as I need?
More information. I don't think that this info is required to answer my questions above.
Why do I need it? I'm trying to compile an environment for writing functional (!) tests (there would be no such problems with the unit tests, I guess). Our API uses the SSH client (phpseclib / SSH2) by 30%+ of endpoints. Whatever I do, I had only 3 options of the results depending on how did I implement this method: (result: success, response: "" - empty; result: success, response: "1"; result: failed, response: "Unable to fulfill channel request at… SSH2.php:3853"). Those were for an SSH2 Client. If the error occurs (3rd case), the server shows logs in the terminal:
[SSHServerTransport, 0,] Got remote error, code 11 reason: ""
[SSHServerTransport, 0,] connection lost
I just found this works:
def execCommand(self, protocol, cmd):
protocol.write('Some text to return')
If I don't send EOF the client throws a timeout error.
How can I change the timeout duration for different operations that can fail due to server inaccessibility? (start_session, insert, find, delete, update, ...)
auto pool = mongocxx::pool(mongocxx::uri("bad_uri"), pool_options);
auto connection = pool.try_acquire();
auto db = (*(connection.value()))["test_db"];
auto collection = db["test_collection"];
// This does not help
mongocxx::write_concern wc;
mongocxx::options::insert insert_options;
// takes about 30 seconds to fail
collection.insert_one(from_json(R"({"name": "john doe", "occupation": "_redacted_", "skills" : "a certain set"})"), insert_options);
Here is the exception message:
C++ exception with description "No suitable servers found:
serverSelectionTimeoutMS expired: [connection timeout calling
ismaster on '']
It would be helpful to see the actual error message from the insert_one() operation, but "takes about 30 seconds to fail" suggests that this may be due to the default server selection timeout. You can configure that via the serverSelectionTimeoutMS connection string option.
If you are connecting to a replica set, I would suggest keeping that timeout a bit above the expected time for a failover to complete. Replica Set Elections states:
The median time before a cluster elects a new primary should not typically exceed 12 seconds
You may find that is shorter in practice. By keeping the server selection timeout above the expected failover time, you'll allow the driver to insulate your application from an error (at the expense of wait time).
If you are not connecting to a replica set, feel free to lower serverSelectionTimeoutMS to a lower value, albeit still greater than the expected latency to your mongod (standalone) or mongos (sharded cluster) node.
Do note that since server selection occurs within a loop, the connectTimeoutMS connection string option won't affect the delay you're seeing. Lower the connection timeout will allow the driver to internally give up when attempting to connect to an inaccessible server, but the server selection will still block for up to serverSelectionTimeoutMS (and likely retry connections to the server during that loop).
I am using phpseclib to conect with cisco switch.
$ssh = new SSH2('',22);
$ssh->login('lemi', 'a');
Sometimes it connects very fast few times in a row (when i reload a page), but sometimes i get error message "Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded" also few times in a row. I am doing that in laravel. I do not want to prolong execution time. I can't figure out where is the problem. I think that it has some problems with sockets... I am getting error on this line (3031) of code in SSH2.php :
$raw = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $this->decrypt_block_size);
Any sugestions?
I'm running a django-celery application on Ubuntu-12.04.
When I run a celery task from my web interface, I get the following error, taken form postgresql-9.3 logfile (maximum level of log):
2013-11-12 13:57:01 GMT tss_usr 8113 LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
tss_usr is the postgresql user of the django application database and (in this example) 8113 is the pid of the process who killed the connection, I guess.
Have you got any idea on why this happens or at least how to debug this issue?
To make things work again I need to restart postgresql which is extremely uncomfortable.
I know this is an older post, but I just found it because I had the same error today in my postgres logs. I narrowed it down to a PDO select statement. I'm using Zend Framework 1.10.3 on Ubuntu Precise.
The following pdo statement generated an error if $opinion is a long text string. The column opinion is type Text in my postgres table. The query succeeds if $opinion is under a certain number of characters. 1000 characters works fine. 2000 characters fails with "could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer".
$select = $this->db->select()
->from( 'datauserstopics' )
->where("opinion = ?",trim($opinion))
->where("datatopicsid = ?",trim($tid))
->where("datausersid= ?",$datausersid);
$stmt = $this->db->query($select);
I circumvented the problem by using:
->where("substr(opinion,1,100) = ?",trim(substr($opinion,1,100)))
This is not a perfect solution, but for my purposes, the select statement using substr() suffices.
Note that I have no problem inserting long strings into the same table/column. The disconnect problem only appears for me on the PDO select with relatively long text strings.
I'm getting it in 2017 with 9.4, I have no text fields, don't know what a PDO is. My select statement is about 50 bytes long, I'm trying to fetch an int4 and a double precision. I suspect the error message can mean multiple things.
I've since found https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/142350/postgres-could-not-receive-data-from-client-connection-reset-by-peer which indicates it could be a problem with the client configuration. My client is libpg and PQconnectdb() is giving me a CONNECTION_OK return. It works at least partly.
For me, restarting the hypervisor where both the Postgres and the application using it helped. I've seen stack traces in dmesg before, though.