Regex for min 9 numbers - regex

I'm trying to make a javascript regex to match:
required: 9 or more numbers.
optional: dash, forward slash, plus and space characters.
forbidden: any other character
So far I have
The only problem with this (I think) is that it counts the non numeric permitted characters along to reach the minimum 9.
How can I amend it so that it only counts the numbers to reach the minimum 9?

If you want to solve this in a single RE (not necessarily recommended, but sometimes useful):
Or, if you want the first and last characters to be digits:
That's: a digit, followed by eight or more runs of the optional characters, each ending with a digit.

You can use lookahead to check if there are 9 or more digits anywhere
^(?=(\D*\d){9,})[\d/+ -]+$
|->match further only if there are 9 or more digits anywhere
^([/+ -]*\d){9,}[/+ -]*$

^([0-9][-+\/\s]*){9,}$ should do.

its simple with look-ahead
Try this pattern:


Regular Expression that needs to match three exact digits in a four digit number

The regular expression that I am trying to create should match all numbers that contain three '8's in any 4 digit number. The regular expression that I have only matches the first 10 numbers out of the list of 15 numbers. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Test data:
8088 8188 8288 8388 8488 8808 8818 8828 8838 8848 8880 8881 8882 8883 8884
The last five numbers should also match, but don't.
You can use
See the regex demo.
\b - a word boundary
(?=\d{4}\b) - there must be 4 digits immediately on the right and they should be followed with a word boundary
(?:[0-79]*8){3} - three occurrences of any 0 or more digits but 8 and then 8
[0-79]* - any 0 or more digits but 8
\b - word boundary.
If it's guaranteed that the number is a four-digit number, then you can try the following:
To analyze what each part matches, you can check using,
This should do it. This will match any of the 4 patterns.
You may want to add a check for the delimiter (in your example the space) as this pattern will match across the spaces giving you many more results
this makes the first and last digit in the word bound optional, use
either ? or {0,1}
add quantifier to your eight to have exactly
number of eights you need {3}
replace [0-9] with \d as
Digit for brewity
supposed you have only numbers of length 4. Otherwise use an alternative without optional digits: \b(\d8{3}|8{3}\d)\b

Regex fixed number of characters but any quantity of spaces

I'm validating some input fields. Here's the regex for a simple example:
In the example, it requires 6 numbers to be input. However, I want to relax the validation a little and allow spaces where necessary, and remove them later - an example might be a bank sort code.
In the UK, a sort code could be written as 123456, or perhaps 12 34 56.
I know I can amend the expression to include a space within the brackets and relax the numbers in the curly brackets, but what I'd like to do is continue to limit the digits so that 6 must always be input, and allow none or more spaces - of course the spaces could be anywhere.
I'm not sure how to approach this - any ideas, help appreciated.
Try this:
It allows 0 or more whitespace characters after every digit.
If you want to limit whitespace to be inside the digits (without leading or trailing spaces):
If you allow spaces at any position alongside 6 digits, then you need
See regex demo
The \s* matches any whitespace, 0 or more repetitions.
Note that a limiting quantifier {6,6} (minimum 6 and maximum 6 repetitions) is equal to {6}.
Also, note that you need to double escape the \s as \\s if you pass the regex pattern as a regular string literal.
And if you plan to only allow regular spaces, not all whitespace, just use
^([ ]*[0-9]){6}[ ]*$
I think you want to look at a lookahead expression
This site explains them in more detail
For your example, ^(?=(\s*[0-9]\s*){6})(\d*\s*)$
This looks for any amount of space, followed by a digit followed by any amount of space 6 times.
Other answers I've seen so far only allow a total of 6 characters, this expression will allow any number of spaces but only 6 digits, no more, no less.
Note: ^(\s*[0-9]\s*){6}$ this will also work, without the lookahead expression
JavaScript Example

Regex - matching while ignoring some characters

I am trying to write a regex to max a sequence of numbers that is 5 digits long or over, but I ignore any spaces, dashes, parens, or hashes when doing that analysis. Here's what I have so far.
The problem with this is that this will match any sequence of 5 characters including those characters I want to ignore, so something like "#123 " would match. While I do want to ignore the # and space character, I still need the number itself to be 5 digits or more in order to qualify at a match.
To be clear, these would match:
123 45
2(134) 5
Bonus points if the matching begins and ends with a number rather than with one of those "special characters" I am excluding.
Any tips for doing this kind of matching?
If I understood requirements right you can use:
RegEx Demo
It always matches a digit at start. Then it is followed by 4 or more of a non-capturing group i.e. (?:[()\s#-]*\d) which means 0 or more of any listed special character followed by a digit.
So just repeat a digit, followed by any other sequence of allowed characters 5 or more times:
You can ensure it ends on a digit if you subtract one of the repetitions and add an explicit digit at the end:
You can suggest non-digits with \D so et would be something like:
Here is a guide.

How can I recognize a valid barcode using regex?

I have a barcode of the format 123456########. That is, the first 6 digits are always the same followed by 8 digits.
How would I check that a variable matches that format?
You haven't specified a language, but regexp. syntax is relatively uniform across implementations, so something like the following should work: 123456\d{8}
\d Indicates numeric characters and is typically equivalent to the set [0-9].
{8} indicates repetition of the preceding character set precisely eight times.
Depending on how the input is coming in, you may want to anchor the regexp. thusly:
Where ^ matches the beginning of the line or string and $ matches the end. Alternatively, you may wish to use word boundaries, to ensure that your bar-code strings are properly separated:
Where \b matches the empty string but only at the edges of a word (normally defined as a sequence consisting exclusively of alphanumeric characters plus the underscore, but this can be locale-dependent).
123456 # Literals
\d # Match a digit
{8} # 8 times
You can change the {8} to any number of digits depending on how many are after your static ones.
Regexr will let you try out the regex.
should do it. This breaks down to:
123456 - the fixed bit, obviously substitute this for what you're fixed bit is, remember to escape and regex special characters in here, although with just numbers you should be fine
\d - a digit
{8} - the number of times the previous element must be repeated, 8 in this case.
the {8} can take 2 digits if you have a minimum or maximum number in the range so you could do {6,8} if the previous element had to be repeated between 6 and 8 times.
The way you describe it, it's just
...where you'd replace 123456 with your 6 known digits. I'm using [0-9] instead of \d because I don't know what flavor of regex you're using, and \d allows non-Arabic numerals in some flavors (if that concerns you).

Regular Expression - Start with 3538 and then contain 8 digits

E.g. match 353812345678 So far I have ^3538{1}[\d]{8} which works but does not restrict the length. How do I make sure the length is only a maximum of 12 digits?
If you want the number to be the only thing in the string: ^3538\d{8}$
If you just want the number in a string: \b3538\d{8}\b
^ is the start-of-string anchor, while $ is the end-of-string anchor, so the first one restricts the number to be the only thing on the line.
In the other one, \b means a word boundary, so it just means no other letters or digits may come directly before or after the number.
Also, note, in your original regex, the {1} is redundant, and [\d] means the same as \d.
^3538{1}[\d]{8}[^\d] will ensure you have 3538 followed by 8 digits and something that is NOT a digit -- thus limiting the length.
Add a dollar sign ($) at the end of the regex: