win32 main loop interval issue C++ - c++

I'm making a keylogger that logs key strokes (duh..). Now when I've implemented the basic keylogger in C++, I wanted to add a new feature to the application: I want it to mail the logs to my email. So far so good, I found this open source email client that fits perfect for my needs. The only problem I have is to make the application send the logs in intervals of x minutes.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, MyLowLevelKeyBoardProc, NULL, 0);
if(hHook == NULL)
cout << "Hook failed" << endl;
MSG message;
while(GetMessage(&message, NULL, 0, 0))
return 0;
Somehow I need to implement somekind of counter which will at some point use a function send();.
Anyone got any idea how to modify the MSG loop to execute the funktion send(); each and every 5 minutes?

Take a look at the SetTimer function, I think it does exactly what you need.
Before event loop you should call this function with desired interval and you have to pass to it a callback function. Alternatively you can use another function CreateTimerQueueTimer
VOID CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, UINT nIDEvent, DWORD dwTime) {
UINT timer = SetTimer(NULL, 0, 500, &TimerProc);
MSG message;
while(GetMessage(&message, NULL, 0, 0))
KillTimer(NULL, timerId);

Make a new thread to sleep x milis and then send in a while(!interrupted) loop.
As you may know, accessing the same data for read and write from 2 separate threads simultaneously will cause an error.
To avoid that you can use critical section
Or just make your thread to sleep and turn a boolean value to true meaning 'yes we waited enough' and your main function always send data when that boolean is true then set it back to false.
I believe this is the simplier way to archieve this
while(!interrupted) { // Your thread will do this.
maysend = true;
if(maysend) { // Your main function will contain this
maysend = false;


Timer ID in timer call back is different from defined timer ID

I implemented two timers with SetTimer function :
UINT TimerId1 = SetTimer(NULL, IDT_TIMER1, 2000, TimerProc);
UINT TimerId2 = SetTimer(NULL, IDT_TIMER2, 2000, TimerProc);
And pump windows messages with GetMessage loop to get timer messages too :
#define IDT_TIMER1 1
#define IDT_TIMER2 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
MSG Msg;
UINT TimerId1 = SetTimer(NULL, IDT_TIMER1, 2000, TimerProc);
UINT TimerId2 = SetTimer(NULL, IDT_TIMER2, 2000, TimerProc);
while (GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0))
return 0;
Due to handle timer messages, i implemented my custom function callback for my timer :
VOID CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, UINT nIDEvent, DWORD dwTime)
if (nMsg == WM_TIMER)
switch (nIDEvent)
case IDT_TIMER1:
cout << "Timer 1" << endl;
case IDT_TIMER2:
cout << "Timer 2" << endl;
The problem is in my callback, i cannot get the correct timer id because none of the cases are true. My timer id(s) defined as 1 and 2, but timer id(s) in callback are absolutely different, its something like 31270.
Any Suggestion?
Thread timers (when hWnd is null), as opposed to window timers, do not use the ID you give them - instead they assign their own, which is returned to you by the SetTimer function.
This is described in the docs for SetTimer:
If the hWnd parameter is NULL, and the nIDEvent does not match an
existing timer then it is ignored and a new timer ID is generated.
Note that once a thread timer is created, you can use that ID in future calls to SetTimer to modify it.
This is the solution :
At first notice that in the second parameter of SetTimer function according microsoft page (as #Jonathan Potter guidance) :
A nonzero timer identifier. If the hWnd parameter is NULL, and the nIDEvent does not match an existing timer then it is ignored and a new timer ID is generated.
So, my hWnd for timers are both NULL and there's no matching timer id with 1 and 2. consequently timer id returned by SetTimer (which desired id according application decision) and i have to use that to handle in my callback.
// Defined as public to use in callback
UINT TimerId1;
UINT TimerId2;
And my callback defined as the following :
VOID CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, UINT nIDEvent, DWORD dwTime)
if (nMsg == WM_TIMER)
if (nIDEvent == TimerId1)
cout << "Timer 1" << endl;
if (nIDEvent == TimerId2)
cout << "Timer 2" << endl;
The output is :
Timer 2
Timer 1
Timer 2
Timer 1
Timer 2
Timer 1

Cannot exit message loop from thread using Windows API and C++

I'm trying to implement the following scenario:
Write a C++ program to capture all the keyboard inputs on Windows OS. The program should start capturing keystrokes and after about 3 seconds (the specific amount time is not very relevant, it could be 4/5/etc.), the program should stop capturing keystrokes and continue its execution.
Before I proceed with the actual implementation details, I want to clarify that I preferred tο write the requirements in a form of exercise, rather than providing a long description. I'm not trying to gather solutions for homework. (I'm actually very supportive to such questions when its done properly, but this is not the case here).
My solution
After working on different implementations the past few days, the following is the most complete one yet:
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <windows.h>
#include <thread>
// Event, used to signal our thread to stop executing.
HANDLE ghStopEvent;
HHOOK keyboardHook;
DWORD StaticThreadStart(void *)
// Install low-level keyboard hook
keyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(
// monitor for keyboard input events about to be posted in a thread input queue.
// Callback function.
[](int nCode, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) -> LRESULT {
if (wparam == WM_KEYDOWN || wparam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN)
// -- PRINT 2 --
// print a message every time a key is pressed.
std::cout << "key was pressed " << std::endl;
else if (wparam == WM_DESTROY)
// return from message queue???
// Passes the keystrokes
// hook information to the next hook procedure in the current hook chain.
// That way we do not consume the input and prevent other threads from accessing it.
return CallNextHookEx(keyboardHook, nCode, wparam, lparam);
// install as global hook
GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0);
MSG msg;
// While thread was not signaled to temirnate...
while (WaitForSingleObject(ghStopEvent, 1) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// Retrieve the current messaged from message queue.
GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0);
// Before exit the thread, remove the installed hook.
// -- PRINT 3 --
std::cout << "thread is about to exit" << std::endl;
return 0;
int main(void)
// Create a signal event, used to terminate the thread responsible
// for captuting keyboard inputs.
ghStopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
HANDLE hThreadArray[1];
// -- PRINT 1 --
std::cout << "start capturing keystrokes" << std::endl;
// Create a thread to capture keystrokes.
hThreadArray[0] = CreateThread(
NULL, // default security attributes
0, // use default stack size
StaticThreadStart, // thread function name
NULL, // argument to thread function
0, // use default creation flags
&ThreadID); // returns the thread identifier
// Stop main thread for 3 seconds.
// -- PRINT 4 --
std::cout << "signal thread to terminate gracefully" << std::endl;
// Stop gathering keystrokes after 3 seconds.
// -- PRINT 5 --
std::cout << "from this point onwards, we should not capture any keystrokes" << std::endl;
// Waits until one or all of the specified objects are
// in the signaled state or the time-out interval elapses.
WaitForMultipleObjects(1, hThreadArray, TRUE, INFINITE);
// Closes the open objects handle.
// ---
// ---
// -- PRINT 6 --
std::cout << "exit main thread" << std::endl;
return 0;
Implementation details
The main requirement is the capturing of keystrokes for a certain amount of time. After that time, we should NOT exit the main program. What I thought would be suitable in this case, is to create a separate thread that will be responsible for the capturing procedure and using a event to signal the thread. I've used windows threads, rather than c++0x threads, to be more close to the target platform.
The main function starts by creating the event, followed by the creation of the thread responsible for capturing keystrokes. To fulfill the requirement of time, the laziest implementation I could think of was to stop the main thread for a certain amount of time and then signaling the secondary one to exit. After that we clean up the handlers and continue with any desired calculations.
In the secondary thread, we start by creating a low-level global keyboard hook. The callback is a lambda function, which is responsible for capturing the actual keystrokes. We also want to call CallNextHookEx so that we can promote the message to the next hook on the chain and do not disrupt any other program from running correctly. After the initialization of the hook, we consume any global message using the GetMessage function provided by the Windows API. This repeats until our signal is emitted to stop the thread. Before exiting the thread, we unhook the callback.
We also output certain debug messages throughout the execution of the program.
Expected behavior
Running the above code, should output similar messages like the ones bellow:
start capturing keystrokes
key was pressed
key was pressed
key was pressed
key was pressed
signal thread to terminate gracefully
thread is about to exit
from this point onwards, we should not capture any keystrokes
exit main thread
Your output might differ depending on the number of keystrokes that were captured.
Actual behavior
This is the output I'm getting:
start capturing keystrokes
key was pressed
key was pressed
key was pressed
key was pressed
signal thread to terminate gracefully
from this point onwards, we should not capture any keystrokes
key was pressed
key was pressed
key was pressed
A first glance into the output reveals that:
The unhook function was not called
The program keeps capturing keystrokes, which might indicate that something is wrong with the way I process the message queue
There is something wrong regarding the way I'm reading the messages from the message queue, but after hours of different approaches, I could not find any solution for the specific implementation. It might also be something wrong with the way I'm handling the terminate signal.
The closer I could get on finding an answer, here in SO, was this question. However the solution did not helped me as much as I wanted.
The provided implementation is a minimum reproducible example and can be compiled without the need to import any external libraries.
A proposed solution will be to implement the capturing-keystrokes functionality as a separate child process, where will be able to start and stop whenever we like. However, I'm more interested in finding a solution using threads. I'm not sure if this is even possible (it might be).
The above code does not contain any error handling. This was on purpose to prevent possible over bloated of the code.
For any questions you might have, feel free to comment! Thank you in advance for your time to read this question and possibly post an answer (it will be amazing!).
I think this is your problem:
while (WaitForSingleObject(ghStopEvent, 1) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// Retrieve the current messaged from message queue.
GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0);
The reason is that currently your loop can get stuck on the GetMessage() step forever and never again look at the manual-reset event.
The fix is simply to replace the combination of WaitForSingleObject + GetMessage with MsgWaitForMultipleObjects + PeekMessage.
The reason you've made this mistake is that you didn't know GetMessage only returns posted messages to the message loop. If it finds a sent message, it calls the handler from inside GetMessage, and continues looking for posted message. Since you haven't created any windows that can receive messages, and you aren't calling PostThreadMessage1, GetMessage never returns.
while (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &ghStopEvent, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT) > WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
// check if there's a posted message
// sent messages will be processed internally by PeekMessage and return false
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
1 You've got logic to post WM_QUIT but it is conditioned on receiving WM_DESTROY in a low-level keyboard hook, and WM_DESTROY is not a keyboard message. Some hook types could see a WM_DESTROY but WH_KEYBOARD_LL can't.
What I thought would be suitable in this case, is to create a separate
thread that will be responsible for the capturing procedure
it's not necessary to do this if another thread will just wait for this thread and nothing to do all this time
you can use code like this.
LRESULT CALLBACK LowLevelKeyboardProc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (HC_ACTION == code)
DbgPrint("%x %x %x %x\n", wParam, p->scanCode, p->vkCode, p->flags);
return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wParam, lParam);
void DoCapture(DWORD dwMilliseconds)
if (HHOOK hhk = SetWindowsHookExW(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, LowLevelKeyboardProc, 0, 0))
ULONG time, endTime = GetTickCount() + dwMilliseconds;
while ((time = GetTickCount()) < endTime)
MSG msg;
switch (MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(0, 0, endTime - time, QS_ALLINPUT, MWMO_INPUTAVAILABLE))
while (PeekMessageW(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
goto __0;
goto __0;
also in real code - usual not need write separate DoCapture with separate message loop. if your program before and after this anyway run message loop - posiible all this do in common message loop,

C Windows API determine if user inactive for certain period

So I've created a basic program with a blocking message event loop (to use little to no CPU while waiting) and waits for a user to change the foreground window, then executes some code:
#include <Windows.h>
VOID ExitFunction()
// Do Something
BOOL WINAPI HandlerRoutine(DWORD dwCtrlType)
switch (dwCtrlType)
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
//We don't care about this event
//Default handler is used
return FALSE;
VOID CALLBACK WinEventProcCallback(HWINEVENTHOOK hWinEventHook, DWORD dwEvent, HWND hwnd, LONG idObject, LONG idChild, DWORD dwEventThread, DWORD dwmsEventTime)
// Do Stuff
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
MSG msg;
HWINEVENTHOOK WindowChangeEvent;
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(HandlerRoutine, TRUE);
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) > 0)
return 0;
I also want to incorporate checking if the user has been inactive for a certain amount of time (no mouse/keyboard input) but keep resource usage low. There are a couple of ways to approach this that I can think of:
Have the blocking event loop check if there has been mouse or keyboard input which resets some kind of timer back to zero and also checks within the same loop if the mouse input resulted in a foreground window change (which may cause issues if there is a delay between the mouse click event and the foreground window change (meaning the foreground window change won't be captured). Have an event triggered when the user input timer has completed the specified time.
Run the mouse & keyboard activity event timer on a separate thread or asynchronously to the foreground window change event. When the timer has completed fire off an event (run on separate thread or asynchronously to make sure a foreground window change event isn't missed).
On a separate thread or asynchronously, check every couple seconds the GetLastInputInfo() function to see if the inactivity threshold time has elapsed.
It can be called like so:
li.cbSize = sizeof(LASTINPUTINFO);
Keeping in mind lowest resource usage, what way is best to implement the mouse/keyboard inactivity checking while also checking for foreground window changes.
You can set up a timer (see SetTimer) to have a user-defined callback called when an arbitrary timeout expires. This allows you to break out of the blocking GetMessage loop.
The callback can check the timestamp of the last input, and compare it to the current timestamp. If that time interval exceeds the desired inactivity timeout, it can perform the necessary steps. Otherwise it restarts the timer with the remainder of the timeout.
The following code illustrates this:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
static const DWORD timeout_in_ms { 5 * 1000 };
void TimeoutExpired() { std::wcout << L"Timeout elapsed" << std::endl; }
void CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR id, DWORD current_time)
// Timers are periodic, but we want it to fire only once.
KillTimer(nullptr, id);
LASTINPUTINFO lii { sizeof(lii) };
auto const time_since_input { current_time - lii.dwTime };
if (time_since_input < timeout_in_ms)
// User input was recorded inside the timeout interval -> restart timer.
auto const remaining_time { timeout_in_ms - time_since_input };
SetTimer(nullptr, 0, remaining_time, &TimerProc);
void StartInactivityTimer()
// Start a timer that expires immediately;
// the TimerProc will do the required adjustments and
// restart the timer if necessary.
SetTimer(nullptr, 0, 0, &TimerProc);
int wmain()
MSG msg {};
while (GetMessageW(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0) > 0)
The entire logic is contained within TimerProc. To trigger the inactivity timer, StartInactivityTimer starts a timer that expires immediately. When TimerProc takes control it does the required calculations, and either restarts the timer, or calls the timeout procedure, TimeoutExpired.
This implementation has two advantages: For one, the entire timer restart logic is in a single place. More importantly, the inactivity condition is evaluated on first call. If StartInactivityTimer is called without any user input in the inactivity interval, it instantly executes TimeoutExpired.
Also note that the interval calculations use unsigned integer arithmetic, specifically subtraction. With unsigned integer 'underflow' being well defined in both C and C++, this solution is immune to GetTickCount's return value wrapping around to 0 after approximately 49.7 days.

GetKeyboardState one key delay

I'm working on ToUnicodeEx function and it requires keyboard state as the input parameter. So, I used the GetKeyboardState function to do that. But I noticed when I'm typing key combinations with modifier keys like SHIFT+A there is one character delay. Here is the example.
aaa (holding SHIFT now) aAAAAAAA (release SHIFT) Aaaa
While I was debugging this I noticed GetKeyboardState is causing this delay. How can I handle or prevent this delay?
Here is my whole keyboard hook proc.
void proc(KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT kbdStruct) {
fdebug = fopen("debug.txt", "a");
foutput= fopen("output.txt", "a");
WCHAR pwszBuff[9];
WCHAR key[9];
char str[8];
BOOL isDead = FALSE;
BYTE lpKeyState[256];
HWND currentHwnd = GetForegroundWindow();
LPDWORD currentProcessID = 0;
DWORD currentWindowThreadID = GetWindowThreadProcessId(currentHwnd, currentProcessID);
DWORD thisProgramThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
hkl = GetKeyboardLayout(thisProgramThreadId);
if (AttachThreadInput(thisProgramThreadId, currentWindowThreadID, TRUE))
AttachThreadInput(thisProgramThreadId, currentWindowThreadID, FALSE);
int ret = ToUnicodeEx(kbdStruct.vkCode, kbdStruct.scanCode, lpKeyState, pwszBuff, 8, 0, hkl);
fprintf(fdebug, "vkCode: %d\n", (int)kbdStruct.vkCode);
fprintf(fdebug, "ret: %d\n", (int)ret);
fprintf(fdebug, "lastIsDead: %d\n", (int)lastIsDead);
fprintf(fdebug, "lastIsMod: %d\n", (int)lastIsMod);
fprintf(fdebug, "lastVKCode: %d\n", (int)lastVKCode);
if (ret == -1) {
isDead = TRUE;
ClearKeyboardBuffer(kbdStruct.vkCode, kbdStruct.scanCode, hkl);
else if (ret == 0) {
else {
memcpy(&key, &pwszBuff, sizeof(pwszBuff));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, key, -1, str, sizeof(str), NULL, NULL);
fprintf(fdebug, "str: %s\n", str);
if (lastVKCode != 0 && lastIsDead == TRUE) {
ToUnicodeEx(lastVKCode, lastScanCode, lastKeyState, pwszBuff, 4, 0, hkl);
memcpy(&key, &pwszBuff, sizeof(pwszBuff));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, key, -1, str, sizeof(str), NULL, NULL);
fprintf(fdebug, "str: %s\n", str);
lastVKCode = 0;
fprintf(fdebug, "%s", "---------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(foutput, "LSHIFT: %d\n", (int)lpKeyState[160]);
fprintf(foutput, "RSHIFT: %d\n", (int)lpKeyState[161]);
fprintf(foutput, "%s", "---------------------------------------------------\n\n");
lastVKCode = kbdStruct.vkCode;
lastScanCode = kbdStruct.scanCode;
lastIsDead = isDead;
Here is updated version of hookcallback thanks for Ton Plooij. But still, I have the same problem.
LRESULT __stdcall HookCallback(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
LRESULT ret = CallNextHookEx(_hook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
if (nCode >= 0)
if (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN || wParam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN)
hookStruct = *((KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam);
return ret;
AttachThreadInput(thisProgramThreadId, currentWindowThreadID, FALSE);
This does not do what you hope it does. Sometimes. It is a valiant and necessary effort to get the proper values when you call GetKeyboardState(). Took me a while to find the failure mode, it wasn't obvious at all and I could not get the code to fail the same way. It works just fine when a GUI process is in the foreground, try it with Notepad or VS for example.
But not when it is a console mode process.
Explaining that is a bit convoluted, it is actually GetWindowThreadProcessId() that returns misleading information. It tries too hard to keep up the illusion that it is the console process that owns the console window. It doesn't, it is actually the associated conhost.exe process that owns it. It was csrss.exe on old Windows versions, conhost.exe was added in Windows 7 to solve the drag+drop issues caused by UIPI (aka UAC).
But without any decent way to discover the specific conhost.exe process that owns the window, let alone the thread id. The subject of this Q+A. Pretty doubtful it is going to help you.
Only decent advice is the well-known unpleasant one: if you need to reliably translate keystrokes then you need to use a WH_KEYBOARD hook instead of WH_KEYBOARD_LL. So GetKeyboardState() is always accurate, the hook callback runs in-process.
A LowLevelKeyboardProc receives WM_KEYUP and WM_KEYDOWN messages in its wParam. You could simply keep track of pressed modifier keys yourself, in this case to detect shift down and up. Store the key state information in a static variable and use this to test if shift is pressed while processing other keys instead of using GetKeyState.
You can try GetAsyncKeyState().
This function in my keyboard hook module work perfectly.
It seems that this function can catch hardware interrupt when you press keys.
And your GetKeyboardState has something to do with the Windows Registry.
It seems to have something to do with belows:
“HKEY_USERS\DEFAULT\ControlPanel\Keyboard”,Modify “KeyboardDelay” value to 0(default 1)
And change “KeyboardSpeed” value to 48(dafault 31).
According to Hans Passant's answer I searched for how can I get correct value from GetWindowThreadProcessId() and succeeded with instead of getting hWnd and windowThreadID every time in hook callback, I get these values to global variable just after program start and used variables in hook callback.

C++ Microsoft SAPI: Speak with event and Pump Message asynchronously

To better understand this question, refer to my earlier question:
C++ MSAPI 5: SetNotifyCallbackFunction not working
In Microsoft SAPI, in order to deliver the text-to-speech events when you are using the SetNotifyCallbackFunction you need to create a message pump, below is the code.
Now my problem is that I need the message pump to be done asynchronously. I have tried the std::thread, pthread and the boost library. But whenever I put the message pump in another thread. The pump failed. It is also the case whenever I tried calling the Speak in another thread. How can I solve this? Again my goal is to make the MSAPI speak asynchronously with events.
to call the message pump:
HANDLE hWait = pV->SpeakCompleteEvent();
WaitAndPumpMessagesWithTimeout(hWait, INFINITE);
the actual message pump code:
HRESULT WaitAndPumpMessagesWithTimeout(HANDLE hWaitHandle, DWORD dwMilliseconds)
BOOL fContinue = TRUE;
while (fContinue)
DWORD dwWaitId = ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(1, &hWaitHandle, dwMilliseconds, QS_ALLINPUT, MWMO_INPUTAVAILABLE);
switch (dwWaitId)
fContinue = FALSE;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:
MSG Msg;
while (::PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
hr = S_FALSE;
fContinue = FALSE;
default:// Unexpected error
fContinue = FALSE;
hr = E_FAIL;
return hr;
I suspect you need to create the message queue before calling WaitAndPumpMessagesWithTimeout.
There are a couple of ways of doing this:
call ::PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)
Create a window (message-only windows are useful here)
When you call Speak() on a separate thread, you should create the SAPI objects on that thread, as well.
I forgot to answer my own question yesterday. But I'll give credit to Eric Brow
First off, my purpose in doing the asynch event is it will be used as a library for other language.
What I have researched yesterday was like what Eric said, all SAPI interaction must occur on the same thread. Therefore, I solve this by creating a class that is derive from CWinThread which also has the SAPI functionalities. Then I let the wrapper functions interact with the derived CWinThread class.