soci: return primary key after "insert into" - c++

Im using soci with C++ to access my database. Is it possible to modify the following expression in a way to get the new primary key that was given to the row which is added by that expression?
*dbSession << "insert into myTable(myRow) values (:myVal)", soci::use(myVal);
long newID = *dbSession << "insert into myTable(myRow) values (:myVal)", soci::use(myVal);
So that I can continue my work by using newID? id is in this case the primary key (bigserial)

In SQL you can use RETURNING to get the generated ID.
Like: INSERT INTO tbloCustomer (Name) VALUES ('Goofy') RETURNING ID;
(If your Primary Key is called ID ;)


Firebird/IBPP: How to retrieve ID generated by a database autoincrement?

I configured my firebird database to autoincrement the primary key of the table.
Now, in my C++ program using IBPP I have the following problem:
When inserting a dataset into an new row of this table I know all values in my C++ program exept the new primary key because the database creates it. How can I retrieve this key form the database?
Maybe someone else inserted an entry too - just a moment after I inserted one. So retrieve the PK with the highest value could create an error. How can I handle this?
Adopting Amir Rahimi Farahani's answer I found the following solution for my problem:
I use a generator:
and the following C++/IBPP/SQL code:
// SQL statement
"SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR gen_channel_parameter_set_id FROM rdb$database"
// Retrieve Data
IBPP::Row ibppRow;
int64_t channelParameterSetId;
ibppRow->Get (1, channelParameterSetId);
// SQL statement
"INSERT INTO channel_parameter_sets "
"(channel_parameter_set_id, ...) "
"VALUES (?, ...) "
// Set variables
m_DbStatement->Set (1, channelParameterSetId);
// Execute
m_DbStatement->Execute ();
m_DbTransaction->CommitRetain ();
It is possible to generate and use the new id before inserting the new record:
You now know the value for new primary key.
IBPP supports RETURNING too:
// SQL statement
"INSERT INTO channel_parameter_sets "
"(...) VALUES (...) RETURNING channel_parameter_set_id"
// Execute
m_DbStatement->Execute ();
m_DbTransaction->CommitRetain ();
// Get the generated id
m_DbStatement->Get (1, channelParameterSetId);
To retrieve the value of the generated key (or any other column) you can use INSERT ... RETURNING ....
For example:
INSERT INTO myTable (x, y, z) VALUES (1, 2, 3) RETURNING ID
Also a lot of drivers provide extra features to support RETURNING, but I don't know IBPP.
Note that from the perspective of a driver the use of RETURNING will make the insert act like an executable stored procedure; some drivers might require you to execute it in a specific way.

How to format the id column with SHA1 digests in Rails application?

Without saving SHA1 digest string in table directly. Is it possible to format the column in select statement ?
For example (Hope you know what i mean):
#item = Item.where(Digest::SHA1.hexdigest id.to_s:'356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab')
No, not the way you want it. The hexdigest method you're using won't be available at the database level. You could use database-specific functions though.
For example:
Item.where("LOWER(name) = ?", entered_name.downcase)
The LOWER() function will be available to the database so it can pass the name column to it.
For your case, I can suggest two solutions:
Obviously, store the encrypted field in the table. And then match.
key = '356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab'
Item.where(encrypted_id: key)
Iterate over all column values (ID, in your case) and find the one that matches:
all_item_ids = Item.pluck("CAST(id AS TEXT)")
item_id = all_item_ids.find{ |val| Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(val) == key }
Then you could use Item.find(item_id) to get the item or Item.where(id: item_id) to get an ActiveRecord::Relation object.

How to get after executing INSERT into database fetch id of inserted row?

I am using c++11 and pqxx to access postgresql database and I need id of inserted row and flag if it was successful or not.
How to get after executing INSERT into database fetch id of inserted row ?
I have tried to find example on net but without success.
work txn(*conn);
txn.prepared("insert ")(person_name).exec();
work txn(*conn);
pqxx::result r = txn.prepared("insert into t (a,b,c) values (1,2,$1) returning id")(person_name).exec();
int id = r[0][0].as<int>();

sql Column with multiple values (query implementation in a cpp file )

I am using this link.
I have connected my cpp file with Eclipse to my Database with 3 tables (two simple tables
Person and Item
and a third one PersonItem that connects them). In the third table I use one simple primary and then two foreign keys like that:
CREATE TABLE PersonsItems(PersonsItemsId int not null auto_increment primary key,
Person_Id int not null,
Item_id int not null,
constraint fk_Person_id foreign key (Person_Id) references Person(PersonId),
constraint fk_Item_id foreign key (Item_id) references Items(ItemId));
So, then with embedded sql in c I want a Person to have multiple items.
My code:
mysql_query(connection, \
"INSERT INTO PersonsItems(PersonsItemsId, Person_Id, Item_id) VALUES (1,1,5), (1,1,8);");
printf("%ld PersonsItems Row(s) Updated!\n", (long) mysql_affected_rows(connection));
//SELECT newly inserted record.
mysql_query(connection, \
"SELECT Order_id FROM PersonsItems");
//Resource struct with rows of returned data.
resource = mysql_use_result(connection);
// Fetch multiple results
while((result = mysql_fetch_row(resource))) {
printf("%s %s\n",result[0], result[1]);
My result is
-1 PersonsItems Row(s) Updated!
but with VALUES (1,1,5), (1,1,8);
I would like that to be
-1 PersonsItems Row(s) Updated!
5 8
Can somone tell me why is this not happening?
Kind regards.
I suspect this is because your first insert is failing with the following error:
Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
Because you are trying to insert 1 twice into the PersonsItemsId which is the primary key so has to be unique (it is also auto_increment so there is no need to specify a value at all);
This is why rows affected is -1, and why in this line:
printf("%s %s\n",result[0], result[1]);
you are only seeing 5 because the first statement failed after the values (1,1,5) had already been inserted, so there is still one row of data in the table.
I think to get the behaviour you are expecting you need to use the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE syntax:
INSERT INTO PersonsItems(PersonsItemsId, Person_Id, order_id)
VALUES (1,1,5), (1,1,8)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Person_id = VALUES(person_Id), Order_ID = VALUES(Order_ID);
Example on SQL Fiddle
Or do not specify the value for personsItemsID and let auto_increment do its thing:
INSERT INTO PersonsItems( Person_Id, order_id)
VALUES (1,5), (1,8);
Example on SQL Fiddle
I think you have a typo or mistake in your two queries.
You are inserting "PersonsItemsId, Person_Id, Item_id"
INSERT INTO PersonsItems(PersonsItemsId, Person_Id, Item_id) VALUES (1,1,5), (1,1,8)
and then your select statement selects "Order_id".
SELECT Order_id FROM PersonsItems
In order to achieve 5, 8 as you request, your second query needs to be:
SELECT Item_id FROM PersonsItems
Edit to add:
Your primary key is autoincrement so you don't need to pass it to your insert statement (in fact it will error as you pass 1 twice).
You only need to insert your other columns:
INSERT INTO PersonsItems(Person_Id, Item_id) VALUES (1,5), (1,8)

how to add fieldname as a variable in OCCI

In the below C++ code, i am updating a field of emp table based on the search value. But this code is not working properly. I am getting output as aborted.
void UpdateData(string field_name,string updated_value,string search_value)
stmt->createStatement("UPDATE emp SET :1=:2 where search=:3");
In my program user will select which field they have to update and the selected field name is passed into function as field_name parameter. updated_value is the new value entered by the user and search_value is the search key to find the appropriate record.
If i do like
stmt->createStatement("UPDATE emp SET field_name=:2 where search=:3");
its working..
But the problem is, the field name will change according to user selection. How i can overcome this problem. Is there any other way ?
You can't set the name of the field with the statement->setString() method; only the values of the variables can be bound like that.
I know of only two solutions to achieve this (both aren't particularly nice):
Dynamically create the statement string
string statement ="UPDATE emp SET " + fieldname + "=:1 where search=:2";
Prepare individual statements, each affecting one field and choose at runtime
const string STATEMENT_FIELD_CITY = "UPDATE emp SET CITY=:1 where search=:2";
const string STATEMENT_FIELD_LAND = "UPDATE emp SET LAND=:1 where search=:2";